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👓 Beyond the surface: Journey of “Being” and ‘self-awareness”

sky2Ocean20 March 11th

Being- simply living and existing. But is it in autopilot mode ? 

Socrates told us - "To be is to do." In my opinion, it is about how consciously we choose what and how we want to do things and there comes self-awareness in the picture.


I ask myself- "how do I know that I am self-aware??" Well, I thought about it only a couple of years ago. And certainly, we have some indications to measure our self-awareness. Here are some questions that I used to determine how I am becoming self-aware for the betterment of my life :

  • Reflection: I have a journal where I do reflect on my thoughts and emotions.
  • Awareness of Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Taking assessments and eventually we will be able to figure it out.
  • Accepting myself: accepting that whatever situation I am in right now and if that is not serving me, I have the ability to change that. And no matter how hard I try, there will be some discomfort in life because of my actual self and we can co-exist.
  • Open to feedback: we are not perfect. Sometimes we do have to adjust if our actions hurt someone unintentionally. Keeping a healthy boundary is possible without making genuine people around us unhappy.

So my question to you is :

🔖 Do you think you are self-aware? Tell me on a 1-10 scale ( 1 being No, 10 being I have a complete awareness of my surroundings)

🔖 What do you think you need to do to maintain your current self-awareness or improve if it’s below your expectations?

I would love to read your comments and suggestions and greatly appreciate your participation in the discussion. Have a lovely day/night ahead. 💛✨



Hope March 12th


That is a really cool quote that I had not heard of before! 

I liked that you shared some methods to increase self awareness! I find the the assesments available to be of great help. 

sky2Ocean20 OP March 13th



plop March 18th

Love your post 💜

I think my self awareness has grown a lot recently, going from probably a 2 to a 6.

I can improve my self awareness by being mindful and not being mindless, eh doing mindless activities like doomscrolling, instead opting for active activities

sky2Ocean20 OP March 26th


that's incredible growth. I find myself doom-scrolling too. I have minimized it now and only do it when I intend to. Putting a timer really helps. 💚

NicoletteF March 26th


On a scale of 1 to 10, I feel that my self-awareness lies at an 8. While I am not always aware of how what I do affects others, I try to be incredibly mindful of my words/actions and how others may perceive them. While I believe that self-awareness is good to an extent, I do think that I could work to create more of a balance between being self-aware and not being so worried about what others may think. I could try to do this by using self-awareness as a tool to help me treat people kindly, rather than a method to worry about what others may think of me. 

sky2Ocean20 OP March 26th


that's a wonderful insight. I appreciate you for sharing it with us. 



Do you think you are self-aware? Tell me on a 1-10 scale ( 1 being No, 10 being I have a complete awareness of my surroundings)

I think I'm at 10 now after decades of work.

🔖 What do you think you need to do to maintain your current self-awareness or improve if it’s below your expectations?

I think I need to keep using and developing my tools and skills, eat dessert first on more occasions and reach out for help when and if needed to maintain my current self-awareness.

sky2Ocean20 OP April 19th



Hope April 19th


For some reason I was shown this post again! What an insightful Socrates quote that I have not heard yet! For whatever reason, I did not see it the first time

Love it. I think of it as an observation of the human state, existing requires lots of doing of things!

If you are asking yourself the question of whether you are self aware, you are likely have made some progress on that front. It takes self awareness to even question yourself. 

I am fascinated by the topic of journals lately? How do you use journaling?

sky2Ocean20 OP April 19th


Thank you for your kind appreciation. 💖

I am a serial journal-er . Hihi. I was influenced by "Diary of Anne Frank" It was a chapter in my 6th grade book. Since then I have written on and off. It's been 16+ years. During my teenage it created a lot of problems because my mother read my secrets. I had to burn it. After that I stopped writing for a few years. Then again I started writing. This time virtually. Password protected and very conscious. Now, it has become smooth for me. Did a lot of work on my mental health and adapted many good habits because of journaling. 

I write journal now whenever I feel like it and not daily. And after writing, I can definitely see a clear picture of my thoughts. 

IagoParis May 3rd

@sky2Ocean20 Hello, very interesting contribution.

I would say I'm a 7 in self-awareness, but of course, that's an average, I can't fluctuate from 0 to 10 any day. Meditation has been for me the best way to come back to awareness. Also, there is this phrase one of my teacher says "the sensations are the door to the present". Caressing my own hands can also get me to the present moment easily.

For me, there is a feeling of "I'm here now" through which I know I'm self-aware. Sometimes, after a self-unaware period, I return to the present and it's a surprise to feel that way: "Hey, it's me. I'm here now"

sky2Ocean20 OP May 3rd


that's a wonderful insight. Being aware comes with the practice of reminding ourselves of the present moment and being mindful. I also believe that meditation is an incredible tool for self-awareness. 


9/10 i think im very self aware and sometimes that can cause a problem as well

looking at yourself objectively

Onyx000 August 17th


Paul07 August 19th

1- I think I rank on a scale of 8/10. I know that I am self-aware and aware that I am in control of the decisions I make and that there is no one but myself responsible for my actions as I am the maker of my own decisions

Robbin77 September 4th

I believe that I am self aware at times and other times not! I would rate myself an average of 6 on the 1-10 scale. To maintain or improve this self-awareness, I need to continue practicing mindfulness and using grounding techniques.

Anooshay September 11th

@sky2Ocean20 not more than 5 currently and it's increases as  you grow older