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Anyone else dabbles in the supernatural?

Koes July 10th, 2023

Apologies if this is the wrong community to post this.

I am hoping to connect with people who might also have supernatural occurences/experiences.

I have been having such experience since I was young and wanted to talk to others who might have similar experiences.

To share a little about myself:

I currently communicate with animals and crystals (not 100% accurate all the times but enough for people to keep coming to me to try with their pets and crystals). I also dabble in tarot, oracle, lenormand.

I also "connect" with entities not visible especially when I am travelling.

Please feel free to comment/share your experiences. Thanks!

Optimisticempath July 10th, 2023


you seem so cool! how did you first notice your interest here? or like your first experience connecting with what's beyond for people otherwise?šŸ˜ƒ

Koes OP July 10th, 2023


Hi! Thanks for thinking I am cool šŸ˜…

I don't remember my very first experience at all. But I remember being very young and my parents telling me that there is no one there or that what I am seeing is an earth deity (chinese religion). I tried to ignore all of it when I was older and realised that my classmates think I am weird so it was a little lonely.

The supernatural encounters never went away fully. Now that I am an adult, I encounter them most when I am travelling. One day, randomly, I started being able to communicate with my cats too! Prompted me to take a one day animal communications course and now I sometimes talk to random strays (helped a stray cat return to her neighbourhood that kind of thing). I also started to be able to communicate with crystals.

These are all my different firsts that I can remember :) Sorry it is a long post

Trigger Warning:

I was also communicating with my dad at his funeral. I listened to him say his goodbyes to me and watched him transcend to another realm. It gave me peace.

gbrenna July 11th, 2023

@Koes I had two events that I can't decide whether they were just vivid dreams or something else. The first was when I was ill and believed I was about to die. My father appeared to me in a dream and told me it wasn't my time. I rapidly recovered. The second instance was when my beloved cat, who had died a few months previously, jumped on my bed, climbed on my chest and rubbed her head against my face, purring. I took some measure of comfort from this and felt like she was telling me she was okay and loved me. My dreams fade away after a few days but these two remain crystal clear in my mind.

I'm on the fence about this. It really doesn't seem likely that there is existence beyond this, but then again our very existence seems highly unlikely, yet here we are! Sorry for the long-winded reply!

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


Thank you very much for your sharing! It seems to me that your father and your cat both came to you to make sure you are ok :)

If you don't mind, I would like to share my similar experiences too.

I, too, didn't know if mine were vivid dreams or not too because I was already in bed and trying to fall asleep but it was unlike any other dreams that I had (including lucid dreaming).

When my maternal grandfather passed, I was really young and was still sleeping in my parents' room. I distinctly felt that he came to my house (escorted by a higher power) and looked at my mother before leaving. My mother was oblivious to his visit. They had a close relationship when her father was alive.

When my paternal grandfather passed, we prepared a meal and placed it in our kitchen for him to eat if his visited (superstitious belief). I could see in my mind's eye, like a dream, him coming home and eating in the kitchen then washing the spoon. In the morning, the spoon had shifted from how we placed it the night before. He also only gave me one dream just to answer my question about what happens after death as I kept asking him when I was little.

Jodybreeze July 11th, 2023

@Koes I was told people in my family have a special spiritual gift ā€œsoothe sayingā€ is what it was called. Strange things happen to me that I have been In denial about. Crazy as it sounds Animals like sheep goats dogs, and cats so far can sense my emotions. Dreams of the future / constant deja vu. I donā€™t mess with crystals but when I was gifted one strange lucky things occurred and when I lost it I was hit with random bad luck. I can manifest things pretty powerfully as well. What are some of your expieriences

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


Wow! It sounds to me like you may have something there.

I can totally relate to connecting with animals! But I haven't had any experience dreaming about the future or manifesting. I am quite curious about manifestation though.

I have had many experiences over the years. Especially when I am travelling.

TW (horror) : The scariest was when I had visions of a little boy in the AirBnB I was staying at with my girlfriend. Turns out we had the same visions but only I would hear the sounds of dripping water all night.

On a more lighthearted note, I am able to communicate with animals and I have the most interesting of arguements when I try to correct some inappropriate behaviours my cats have. They argue back!

Jodybreeze July 12th, 2023

@Koes my sister recently got a cat and he communicates with me. I havenā€™t spent much time with many cats so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s super natural but the cat definitely can sense my emotions and frustration when heā€™s misbehaving. He also argues and protests certain things

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


That's so cute! My cats are the same way. They can sense our emotions and definitely will protest to some things.

What are some things your sister's cat protest to? Mine complains every time my girlfriend has a loud sneeze.

Summershy July 11th, 2023


In terms of dabbling with the supernatural, yes. However, I don't use crystals or anything else. Rather, I believe in God, Jesus, the resurrection, and the whole bible. I also believe that Jesus forgave everyone for their sins and the love he has to offer. I also believe that He loves you very much.

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


That's beautiful! And thank you for your kind words.

I, too, believe that there could be resurrections.

I have been invited to church for events and service and my experience has always been so pleasant :)

Summershy July 12th, 2023


That is wonderful to hear, the only things I use are prayer, the bible, and praise and worship music.

CrispySimp July 11th, 2023

Omg I actually do a lot of spiritual stuff (Mostly witchcraft). I have a few crystals of my own.

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


Oh dang! My fellow crystal user šŸ’š

May I ask what are your experiences with crystals so far?

Usually when I do programming or just a general read of other peopl's crystals, I don't really get to control the conversation. They just say what they want to say and tell me if I am programming beyond their properties.

CrispySimp July 12th, 2023

@Koes oh well I use them in meditations and manifesting usually. I even use them when Iā€™m using my tarot cards. I use them for good sleep as well!

Koes OP July 13th, 2023


Oh! I also use crystals in meditations, tarot and sleep :)

HanJisungieIsASquirrel July 11th, 2023

@Koes omg yes

HanJisungieIsASquirrel July 11th, 2023

@HanJisungieIsASquirrel Iā€™m actually a practicing witch who specializes in spirit work and protection magic!

CrispySimp July 11th, 2023

@HanJisungieIsASquirrel :0 you do spirit work? What kind of spirits have you talked to?

HanJisungieIsASquirrel July 11th, 2023

@CrispySimp ummm I was working with Hades for a little while

HanJisungieIsASquirrel July 11th, 2023

@HanJisungieIsASquirrel sooooo basically I just work with like major deities, mostly male bc I relate most to masculine energy :D

CrispySimp July 11th, 2023

@HanJisungieIsASquirreloh thatā€™s really cool. Iā€™ve heard Hades is really nice to work with. So have you only worked with the Greek pantheon?

HanJisungieIsASquirrel July 11th, 2023

@HanJisungieIsASquirrel nope! I think Iā€™ve gotten Thor once on accident, I got Loki once, Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Aphrodite once

CrispySimp July 11th, 2023

@HanJisungieIsASquirrel oh wow very different energies. Iā€™ve had a dream about working with Thor recently. Have you been working with any other entities recently?

HanJisungieIsASquirrel July 11th, 2023

@HanJisungieIsASquirrel not really, Lucifer basically switched himself out with a trickster or the trickster usurped my relationship that I had with Lucifer. Either way, i got taught a lesson bc I kind of slacked off on my protection, and heā€™s told me to get it together or heā€™s not going to show up in the past, so Iā€™ve been taking a break to focus on my protection magic

CrispySimp July 11th, 2023

Oh I see. Do you use sigils in your protection magic?

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


Nice! I have been wanting to be more spiritual in my life but I have a fear of ghosts (not sure if ironic šŸ˜‚).

May I ask what kind of protectic magic you do?

My last travel was to Korea and the entities in the hotel I stayed in was so chatty at night. I didn't know how to guard/protect/block that. May I seek your advice/tips?

CharlieDont37 July 11th, 2023


I apologize if you find this reply off-subject - but first, I do not nor have I had such encounters as you and these other posters have had, but I am fascinated by your experiences...

Here may be the off-subject question for you...

Given that you see, encounter, and engage with that which I and many others cannot, I wondered if you had any feelings and or insights into the seeming blizzard?, and flood, of the UFO/UAP sightings and encounters? Are they 'Beings' that may be spoken to?

Jacques Valle has, I think, a more insightful, more nuanced view, or the phenomena. They most probably are not Interstellar travelers, instead, he thinks they are not Terrestrial nor Extraterrestrial, but perhaps, Interdimensional.

I am curious about your experience(s)...

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


Thank you for your interest!

No, sorry. I haven't had any experience predicting the weather or future. Actually I do not have experiences with prediction at all, now that I think about it. So far I only have experiences in the present moment. My tarot readings seem to always point to what we already presently know too.

I am not sure about UFO/UAP encounters as well. Personally I have yet to come in contact with such beings. My understanding, so far, of what I have encountered are beings and existence in the earth realm/plane of existence. So for example animals, once humans and materials from the ground (crystals).

redLand7169 July 11th, 2023


I've had premonitions, both good and bad, from time to time. They come as feelings about someone or something to me.

And I may have a fairy in my house who helps keep some of it clean.

I am also interested in cryptids such as the Mothman.

Finally, I am interested in becoming a moon witch. I feel this is a natural extension of my interest in the moon. I pay attention to it and its phases, and I always love when I get to see it.

These are the supernatural experiences and interests I have.

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


Fairy in your house! That's so awesome!

I wonder if they are as depicted in TVs and Movies.

Moon witch sounds very beautiful šŸ’š Sending love and support your way in your journey.

I can totally relate to having that connection. I feel like I draw energy from earth when I practice.

redLand7169 July 23rd, 2023



I have never seen the fairy; it's invisible.

purplelady568 July 11th, 2023

@Koes This is not something I have ever tried, but it does sound interesting.

Can you explain a little more about how you use crystals? I feel like that's becoming a popular thing, but I don't know how it works.

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


Thank you for your interest!

Actually I am not too sure if I am using crystals the right way or if there is a right way.

I was taught to cleanse and programme my crystals with a mantra by a family member. Then one day when I was programming, the Ocean Jasper (not mine) corrected me. I was asking it to be used at the best of intention and highest of potential but they told me that they are calming stones and I should not ask for extremes with them. From there, I started to pay more attention and take more pauses when I do programming so that I can also hear from the crystals how they are like.

I kind of do what feels right in the moment with my crystals. I have an obsidian tumble that only comes out when it is time to travel. I usually cannot feel it in the bag I use daily unless I am transferring things to prep for travel. I have a phantom quarts that likes to be lightly tapped on surfaces. They seem to all have their own personalities.

purplelady568 July 12th, 2023

@Koes That is so interesting. Thanks for telling me more about it.

OnlyDarkness July 12th, 2023

@Koes Hi my whole life has been filled with Strange occurrences .My Mom always told me I was Special. I too talk to the animals by just Thinking at them I also see peoples Auras I very good at being able to know what kind of person youā€™re just by looking at you . The Funny thing is it even works with this chatting Format it just takes longer.Everyone I see gives off a different light that changes with their moods and personalities. I could go on forever about all the Weird and sometimes Scary things that have happened to me. People say that I just make stuff up for attention but it happens to often and my natural instinct says that itā€™s Real .

Koes OP July 12th, 2023


I also talk to animals by thinking at them! Most times I only need a photo of them and do not need to be physically in the same location.

It is so cool that you are see people's auras. I try it from time to time but I am terrible at it. But I am generally a terrible judge of people and have problems understanding how people feel.

I get that too. People saying that I am just making stuff up/straight up lying or that I should stop talking about my experiences because it freaks them out or they are worried that it would attract "other beings".

Yougotmyback July 12th, 2023

Trigger :

I could always sense whenever any animal was in danger or their general moods. I told my mom about a baby bird once in childhood and told her to keep it safe inside but she thought it would be safer outside and it was eaten by a crow in front of us the very same day.

I also warned her about our pet kitten and he disappeared the next day.

Once a stray dog came to me after months , looking very happy. She used to come everyday before. I told mom how I thought she was trying to tell me something. Next day she brought her pups to me. šŸ„°šŸ©·

Koes OP July 15th, 2023


*squeal* That's so cute that the dog introduced her puppies to you! That's so sweet :)

Yougotmyback July 15th, 2023

Yes, it was! :)

redApricot9929 July 13th, 2023

@Koes Unfortunately I am not someone to talk to about those things. I don't believe in talking to animals, or talking to crystals, or tarot. I don't believe in anything even remotely spiritual, religious, psychic, supernatural, paranormal, mystical, magical, miraculous, etc.

I don't know how to say this without sounding rude. Maybe I shouldn't say it all. But I'm going to say it anyway because I'm concerned about you: If you really think you are talking to animals or crystals, you might be experiencing hallucinations or a form of schizophrenia. I had a friend tell me that he used to have some really strange beliefs a few years back. And what you're describing reminds me a little of the things he told me about.

Hopefully things are going well for you otherwise?