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Anyone else dabbles in the supernatural?

Koes July 10th, 2023

Apologies if this is the wrong community to post this.

I am hoping to connect with people who might also have supernatural occurences/experiences.

I have been having such experience since I was young and wanted to talk to others who might have similar experiences.

To share a little about myself:

I currently communicate with animals and crystals (not 100% accurate all the times but enough for people to keep coming to me to try with their pets and crystals). I also dabble in tarot, oracle, lenormand.

I also "connect" with entities not visible especially when I am travelling.

Please feel free to comment/share your experiences. Thanks!

Koes OP July 13th, 2023


You are not the first to express concern. I was probably the first. Since my experiences are not that widely accepted, after many skeptical/not so great responds, I started thinking there might be something wrong with me.

I have been in therapy for decades on and off for depression. I am currently in therapy still. All my therapists are aware of this side of me and none have expressed concern or suggested that I look into it further. I believe myself to be well at this time.

In terms of working with crystals and animals and communicating with them, it is very intentional for me. I can choose to listen or not. It also comes as a form of thought or a sense of knowing so no actual visual or auditory aspect. I do get visions but it is usually through being in a meditative state and intentionally sought after. So far, my knowing and visions are almost all confirmed to be true as well. Things I shouldn't know. Like a not so close friend's credit card statement. Or being able to fully describe how someone masks their anxiety when they themselves couldn't even. To knowing what behaviours a dog I never met was exhibiting.

I don't think you are rude. I mean, I had the same worries myself before. While I have tried to dismiss myself in the past, I can't seem to deny that there is something there for me.

Side note: I hope your friend is doing ok and that things are going well.

bestNorth1313 July 13th, 2023

So as per the spiritual path I believe in, people who can communicate with animals and have supernatural instincts or communicate with spirits are on a higher spiritual level of sorts than others. They can control their powers, so to say, by meditating under the guidance of a spiritual Master.(hard to get the right one )

Koes OP July 13th, 2023


I am not too sure if I have supernatural instincts. My gut feel for things or people are rarely right šŸ˜…

Agree that finding the right master would be a very difficult task. I won't even know where to start! I was looking for some guidance but I didn't know where to meet people.

bestNorth1313 July 13th, 2023

Exactly @Koes . It is said that people with good instincts are closer to nature and are on the path.. And when you really crave for the master , the master will make himself/ herself known.

TwoFacedTim July 14th, 2023

What sort of entitiea?

Koes OP July 14th, 2023


I believe they were once humans but I cannot confirm šŸ¤·

zhumu5 July 14th, 2023

Hey, You know, stuff like astrology, tarot readings, divination, witchy stuff, psychic abilities, and checking out spooky paranormal stuff. It's totally cool if you're curious and want to explore that kind of stuff. Just remember to keep an open mind and approach it with a pinch of skepticism too, 'cause some things might be more about superstition than real deal magic. If you wanna learn more, there are tons of books, online communities, and local groups where you can dive into the supernatural world. You can check Dianabol online.

Koes OP July 15th, 2023



Yes! I hear you. Will continue to keep an open mind and a healthy level of skepticism.

Actually I am a person that thrives on logic and I need a reason for almost everything that I am doing. For example, I need to know why I am upset about something to decide if I should continue to be upset. Basically, I will question everything.

bestNorth1313 July 16th, 2023

Try reading the Path of the Masters. It had answers to most of my questions.

WhoIsZar July 14th, 2023

@Koes Hey there! Iā€™ve actually had a few instances where Iā€™ve experienced some mind bending things. Iā€™m very spiritual (I dabble in crystals, etc) and I suspect I have some underlying psychic abilities of my own.

Although, this may actually come across as ā€œunrealisticā€ and ā€œreachingā€ to some people, but Iā€™ve had rare occasions in the past where Iā€™ve made lights flicker on and off repeatedlyā€”even an projector explode at some point with my own anger that triggered at an exact coincidental timing. Iā€™ve also had moments of my own where I can sense certain people before they can even come forward to me through communication whether itā€™s in person, through phone calls, text messages, etc. at the exact same timing before it actually happens. Iā€™ve had premonition dreams before. Iā€™m also very intuitive as well.
Koes OP July 15th, 2023


Hey there!

I personally haven't had any experience with physical manifestation before. Being able to flicker lights sounds really cool! Is it like a brief moment kind of feel or a maintained connection?

I hope everyone walked managed to walk away ok when the projector exploded.

I have noticed when people were trying to get my attention from out of my sight before but not that consistent (I am thinking my experience is nothing more than coincidences). I tried to experiment if friends will notice me staring at them from out of their sight. Not very successful either šŸ˜… I think my connection with people is not as strong.

limegreenTalker2426 July 15th, 2023

Hiii there.

I practice witchcraft, very intune with nature and fully believe in the existence of supernatural happenings.

Blessed be.

PugNinja July 23rd, 2023

@Koes i can smell ,i use tarot .

WinterRose9 July 23rd, 2023

@Koes Yes I do i am spiritually intuned, I can see, hear do things that not many can. Inherited gift from the women in my family, I also dream events that are significant. I do tarot/oracle cards that are very accurate