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Amigurumi Fun

EmotionsListener July 15th, 2022

To start off, I guess I'll define what amigurumi is for those who aren't familiar with the term. Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small, stuffed yarn creatures or dolls. Amigurumi vary in size, and appearance.

I am an avid crafter, I enjoy all sorts of different mediums and outlets, one that I've spent a lot of my time on recently has been crocheting various amigurumi. I often take requests for different forms people want to see, currently on my hook and not quite ready for it's photographic debut is a little red dragon. Some days I will make 2 or 3 of these projects in a day, other times it will take me a few days to finish all the pieces for one.

What I love about this form of crochet is that it's nearly all worked in spiral rounds, so there is less struggle working into a foundation chain. Not to mention somehow no matter what you make, they almost always end up cute which boosts my mood. Further, they can work up quickly so it's easier to stay motivated and have the satisfaction that comes from completing something.

I regularly find cute patterns for free online, or even just use my own knowledge of basic shapes and forms after all those patterns to create my own. For example I recently made up my own pattern for a tiny little "Noni" and used the basics design from another pattern to create my own pattern for a sloth.


When I first started making amigurumi, I used the recommended hook sizes from patterns, often a 3.25mm or D hook but found that I wanted a denser fabric where you couldn't see any of the stuffing inside and now use a 1.3mm(US10) hook regardless of the weight of the yarn I'm using. I also finally invested in safety eyes instead of sewing on beads or buttons which may have been my best decision yet! Overall what I've learned is that the patterns are a good guide especially when you are starting out, but it's okay to find what works best for you as you pick up new tips and tricks along the way.

Complicated as they may look, amigurumi can actually be a great crochet project for beginners!

Questions to ponder:

  1. Do you knit/crochet? What project(s) are you currently working on?
  2. Have you ever made an amigurumi?
    • If you have, what did you find most challenging/rewarding? (I'd also love to see pictures!)
    • If not, is there anything you feel would stop you from trying?
  3. If you were going to pick your own amigurumi pattern to try, what would you want to make?
RoshanaShabanii September 11th, 2022



yes, I do knit and crochet and I mostly knit stuff (clothing items) for myself and my hubbs.

EmotionsListener OP September 12th, 2022


Thank you! There is something about amigurumi that are just too cute.

Knitting clothing takes a lot of work and dedication. I used to knit little sweaters or hats for my nieces and nephews and things like that, but most of my knitting is blankets. Perhaps it's the 'having a giant blanket in my lap as I work, but I tend to knit more seasonally than crochet.

Do you find there is a time of year you tend to do more knitting or crochet?

EmotionsListener OP September 12th, 2022



NikkiNetik September 12th, 2022

Cuuuute! i loved this story

EmotionsListener OP September 14th, 2022


Thank you! I do find amigurumi too cute to resist. It's almost disappointing when I want to make something else these days. πŸ˜„

WhenTheTimeComes September 12th, 2022


I so wish I could Crochet or Knit, alas the art of it never was taught to me and I don't seem to find the time and energy to learn by myself, even though I probably should! I always thought I would one day, when I will have exhausted my creative ideas in music, painting and writing!

Amigurumis are beautiful little inspirations, I never did any myself but bought a couple of them!

EmotionsListener OP September 14th, 2022


I was never taught to knit or crochet, but I picked it up one day when I was playing with some yarn and wanted to see if I could. I do notice now that I teach others, many find it easier to learn to crochet if they've learned to knit first, while others find knitting challenging if they learned to crochet first. I'm not sure why, except perhaps that crochet is more forgiving and easier to correct mistakes.

I do hope you will find the motivation and add it to your list of skills, I find it can be a nice hobby to do while watching tv or movies because it doesn't require as much visual focus.

Amigurumi are hard to resist, the trouble is when you make them yourself you can end up with more and more of them every day. πŸ˜„

Thank you for joining in and sharing your thoughts!

intellectualFan2851 September 12th, 2022


Hey Emo! first thing I got onto 7cups today and saw your posting...hope you wont mind my adding a musing, a word or two..

I must admit I do not know too much about knitting, but years back learn the term - kintsugi
..another japanese word ...and for crafting too..
it means filling cracks with a way the vessel, though once broken, is 'made better' from when it was just "just clay"

hope you wont think im crashing your party! much of mental health, so much of recovery and 'getting better'...feels like kintsugi to me
I love craft...and esp some (Japanese) words that are imparting/teaching me so glad you are benefitting from it too..your creations are cute!!
and sometimes through stitching, knitting ...even one step at a time, we can make things better..the finished product meaning so much more than the toil we took to get across the Finishing Line..
wishing you a blessed September...and thanks for posting, once again

ps- sorry I waffled!!

EmotionsListener OP September 14th, 2022


I love kintsugi! I often use it as an inspirational image for life, where instead of all the things that harmed us leaving scars, we are more like kintsugi, where all that healing is beautiful. I actually want to get or make myself a piece of kintsugi as a reminder of that. So I guess I can relate to your feelings there. 😊

Thank you for the compliment. I do find it amazing how a ball of yarn can transform into so many wonderful things. My uncle likes to joke about giving me "a new sweater - some assembly required" by giving me yarn.

No worries about waffling, I like waffles! πŸ§‡πŸ§‡πŸ€£

Thank you for joining in and sharing your thoughts!

MistyMagic September 15th, 2022

@serenekite52 @EmotionsListener Me too! In fact I can feel a new thread coming soon! Anyone up for writing one on Kintsugi?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

EmotionsListener OP September 15th, 2022


You read my mind and idea list! 🀣

BeautifulWinter9949 September 26th, 2022


I've just started with amigurumi not too long ago and I'm obsessed with the process of making all these adorable things.

Where do you get your patterns from? Currently, I'm just searching the internet for free ones I can find while I learn.

Any good patterns or sites that you recommend?

EmotionsListener OP September 27th, 2022


The adorable things are rather hard to resist making more and more of. Originally I just did random web searches for free patterns as you say, then as I had started doing enough of them, I started making up my own.

You may find with time there are sort of basic shaping techniques used in each pattern which you can start to alter for your own ideas.

As for good pattern sites, I've found a few free patterns from the same site over time but none that immediately pop into my head as "where to go". I usually just go search "such and such amigurumi crochet free pattern" and then I like to actually look through the image results instead of pages that way I can find one I think is cute and hope that it turns out to be a free pattern too.

BubbleDucky2022 October 5th, 2022

@EmotionsListener...hi i think that is the cutest thing ever! You are so talented! :) I'm so impressed...brilliant! :)

BubbleDucky2022 October 6th, 2022

@EmotionsListener...hi :) if you're ever willing to part with any of your creations and sell them, I'd definitely be a customer! I love what you've created, you have so much talent!! :)

EmotionsListener OP October 8th, 2022


Hello and thank you for your kind words. "Selling" my creations is probably the part I struggle with most, it's not that I don't give them away all the time, but I'm not good about charging people for them. Though I'm supposed to be making some for that very purpose over the next month, so we'll see how I do.

MistyMagic October 11th, 2022

@EmotionsListener Yes, I know what you mean, that is why you called this thread Amigurimi Fun? Once a project or hobby is used to create products to sell everything changes so be aware. Suddenly instead of stopping when you want and starting when you want there can be targets and deadlines and 'oops I dropped a stitch start again' rather than embracing a tiny flaw. Confidence can flag and disappear when feedback isn't so sweet or complaints start to happen if something comes unravelled.
I know that heading fast towards the festive season it is tempting to look for gifts for others so lets see how we get on together?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

EmotionsListener OP October 12th, 2022


Actually, it's more of a "self confidence" thing, and like setting prices... I usually let other people set those for me if I'm going to sell things because I just don't know why anyone would pay for my work....


Jemima679 October 12th, 2022

They are so cute!

I've tried it and have a few kits. I love crochet and amigurumi is adorable!

I keep miscounting my rounds and everything ends up a little off. I'll have to keep practicing 😊

EmotionsListener OP October 14th, 2022


Yes cuteness - the "danger" of amigurumi. πŸ˜‚

I've seen the kits, one thing I've found with many of the kits however is that they seem include yarn that isn't as good quality as I otherwise have which always leaves me a bit disappointed.

One thing as you say that is very important with amigurumi is using a stitch marker at the begging of each round and counting very carefully. I regularly count all the stitches in each row before starting the next just to be sure. Sure it can take a moment but when one extra stitch can throw off the entire pattern I find it's worth that extra moment each round.

I hope you keep practicing and end up with lots of cute creations! Is there on in particular you really want to make? Or, maybe if you finish one you can share a picture here?

Thank you for joining in and sharing your experiences!

gentleemperor November 11th, 2022


1. I knit and crochet but I would say that I've done a bit more crocheting. I have a couple of unfinished projects right now. One is a dinosaur and one is a small dragon. I was really into crocheting this spring/summer but I've taken a break.

2. I have made amigurumi! That is what I do most of the time when crocheting. One thing I do find challenging is reading instructions. If I find something that I don't understand I improvise instead of looking up how to actually do the stitch/thing. That means that I improve slowly since I improve by trial and error and not taking help from all the resources there are lol.

3. Hm... I don't know... something cute and something themed. Maybe zodiac signs, something from a show or movie I like. Not sure!

EmotionsListener OP November 12th, 2022


I will admit i have a few unfinished crochet creations waiting for me to stitch them together or make a few more pieces of them. But with any creative hobby I find it's very important to be in the mood when we are creating, otherwise what is the point?

I know, I tend to knit more as the weather gets warmer and crochet more in the summer, but lately both have been sitting a bit idle.

Amigurumi are definitely hard to resist once we start making them it seems. Reading instructions can sometimes be a bit complicated as you say, sometimes I also don't like the way that a certain pattern has done something so I will change it. I also improvise when I'm making up my own new patterns using the basic shaping I've learned from all the other amigurumi I've made. But I like improvisation, then you always get something that is even more your own!

Those sound like some fun ideas. I know I've been asked if I can make a baby Yoda.

Good luck on all your yarn adventures, and thank you for taking some time to share your experiences!

gentleemperor November 12th, 2022

@EmotionsListener ahhh somehow I can see the appeal in knitting in the winter and crocheting in the summer. I would like to be better at knitting one day. I really like knitted clothes, sweaters, socks, beanies etc.

Ohhh a baby Yoda sounds adorable 😍 My most recent amigurumi was of Nezuko, a character from the anime Demon Slayer.

Here is one I crocheted a while (years) ago:


EmotionsListener OP November 12th, 2022


Awww that is so cute!


gentleemperor November 12th, 2022

@EmotionsListener awww thaaanks πŸ₯°

ambitioushope1234 November 11th, 2022

@EmotionsListener i cant crochet, but i would love to learn how

EmotionsListener OP November 12th, 2022


It can be a great hobby to learn if you are interested, is there anything holding you back from trying?

karenw November 11th, 2022

That's pretty

EmotionsListener OP November 12th, 2022


Thank you. β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

DancingWithFlowers November 11th, 2022


That loks so cute! I love it!

EmotionsListener OP November 12th, 2022


Thank you, I think the cute is what makes them so hard to resist making! πŸ’–

BlueSkies1021 November 12th, 2022

@EmotionsListener YOUR ART IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE! Keep up this wonderful hobby and please know that you're so talented and amazing!

EmotionsListener OP November 18th, 2022



georgiagalaxy2 November 16th, 2022

@EmotionsListener aww, that looks so cute! πŸ΅β™‘~

EmotionsListener OP November 18th, 2022



georgiagalaxy2 November 18th, 2022

@EmotionsListener 😊😊~~~

SupremeMemeMachine November 28th, 2022

@EmotionsListener I LOVE AMIGURUMI!!! I'm so glad someone else on here is into it :-)

I like making animals the most, so far I've made mice and fish and I'm working on a little bird right now!

EmotionsListener OP December 2nd, 2022


I'm glad you enjoy it as well, perhaps you could share a picture of some of your amigurumi with us?

blitheSun94 February 11th, 2023


Oh my goooodness. These are to die for. ☺️

EmotionsListener OP February 21st, 2023


Now that you've picked up crochet you're well on your way to creating your own amigurumi bundles of cuteness! πŸ₯°
