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202 M Embraced 2
PathStep 15 Compassion hearts13 Forum posts12 Forum upvotes11 Current upvotes11 Age GroupAdult Last activeOctober, 2022 Member sinceSeptember 5, 2021
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Bipolar Wife
Family & Caregivers / by Jemima679
Last post
July 16th, 2022
...See more Hi, My wife appears to be heading for a manic episode and I've lost my usual support network. Currently feeling very isolated and don't know where to turn.
Daily Grind
Journals & Diaries / by Jemima679
Last post
September 26th, 2021
...See more I'm having a difficult time managing my daily routine. My home is a disaster, my diet is totally whacked and my moods are wavier than the average perm. I'm feeling all the emotions around being useless etc. as well as the hatred of being in a house that's cluttered and messy. I even have the guilt for not taking care of it all. Nothing is pushing me to do anything about it. I just sit and sulk. Every day is like this, with the addition of work on the weekdays. Why are you never warned about the dull monotony of adult life? It's just not enough.
35 & Over Community / by Jemima679
Last post
September 29th, 2021
...See more My loneliness and jealousy over my wife having friends and being able to escape our home and daily grind is causing issues. I don't know what to do any more.
35 & Over Community / by Jemima679
Last post
September 12th, 2021
...See more Hello, I'm 36, struggling with lonliness. I've recently ended a long friendship as it had become toxic and they were my only friend. A lot of the friends I had don't bother with me. I stupidly experimented with seeing how long it would take people to reach out to me first as I got tired of being the one who chased. It didn't go well. Many many months. I understand that people's lives move in different directions but I didn't expect a lonely path. I have started to make new friends but im not at the point where I trust them not to abandon me yet. I'm married and have been with my wife for 12 years, we've been fighting a lot lately which is not like us at all. I just feel so alone. My life doesn't feel worth the stress. I'm not planning on ending it, but I am contemplating walking away from everything.
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