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Group Support Member Oath

Heather July 27th, 2015

Hey everyone!

As our Group Support rooms continue to grow, it is becoming increasingly important that we work together to ensure these remain a safe and supportive place.

With this in mind, I have created a special oath especially for members who participate in the Group Support rooms.

Today, I would like all of our 7 Cups to chat room users to show their support and commitment to keeping these rooms a wonderful, caring and compassionate space.

Below this post, type out your member oath. You could copy and paste it, but I feel like this takes away from it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign it with your username like this:

Signed: //Heather//
Date: 7/27/2015

NOTE: Eventually, we will be able to give a badge to all those who take this oath. As a special honour, it will show beside your name in the chat rooms to show your commitment to ensuring these rooms are a safe environment. All you need to do is post the oath to ensure you earn it!

Busymummy July 29th, 2015

I pledge to help and support others. I pledge to turn my negative thoughts into optimisim.

thehoodlum July 29th, 2015

I pledge,

To be kind, compassionate, considerate, patient, open-minded and non-judgmental with everyone I encounter in the Group Support rooms.

To always show respect to all moderators, listeners, members and guests.

To carefully read and abide by all chat room rules at all times.

To understand that the 7 Cups chatrooms are special, unique places on the internet to grow and learn.

To help and steer conversations away from negativity, inappropriate subject matter and potential triggers.

To use the refer button any time I see a Guest and Members who is in danger of harming themselves.

To engage in thoughtful, empathic conversations which are representative of the 7 Cups mission.

To take ownership of my own behavior, as an individual, knowing that no matter what, I can only control myself.

To show my support and respect to those leading or participating in any discussions or support sessions.

To never engage in harmful behaviour, such as trolling or spamming the rooms.

To mute others who I do not wish to engage with and to avoid conflict at all times for the sake of the room as a whole.

LostInSolitude July 29th, 2015

I pledge to help others to the best of my ability, and to be understanding and respectful in other's times of hardship. As such, i pledge to not snap or be rude to anyone listening to me, to help them understand my plight as best as I can.

Shine16 July 29th, 2015

I, Shine, pledge,

To be kind, compassionate, considerate, patient, open-minded and non-judgmental with everyone I encounter in the Group Support rooms.

To always show respect to all moderators, listeners, members and guests.

To carefully read and abide by all chat room rules at all times.

To understand that the 7 Cups chatrooms are special, unique places on the internet to grow and learn.

To help and steer conversations away from negativity, inappropriate subject matter and potential triggers.

To use the refer button any time I see a Guest and Members who is in danger of harming themselves.

To engage in thoughtful, empathic conversations which are representative of the 7 Cups mission.

To take ownership of my own behavior, as an individual, knowing that no matter what, I can only control myself.

To show my support and respect to those leading or participating in any discussions or support sessions.

To never engage in harmful behaviour, such as trolling or spamming the rooms.

To mute others who I do not wish to engage with and to avoid conflict at all times for the sake of the room as a whole.

Signed Shine


Thanks. You are great

Hasunohana July 29th, 2015

I too pledge to this and to add that I pledge to continue to keep 7COT to be as it is suppose to be; a site for online support, online help; and build better circle of friends online; and to continue to encourage those in need of support to find one on 7COT.

rationalWater8671 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

Happyadventurer July 29th, 2015

I pledge ❤

CharlieLir July 29th, 2015

I pledge

NZKiwi July 29th, 2015

I pledge :)

imaginativeLion8832 July 29th, 2015

I pledge:)

BengalLover1803 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

helloPal8468 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

zoestar July 29th, 2015

I pledge

honestPlum1078 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

BitterColdNovember July 29th, 2015

I pledge.

joeblouis July 29th, 2015

I pledge 👍

secretStrings1202 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

Blankets333 July 29th, 2015

I pledge (:

ChasingSerenity July 29th, 2015

I pledge

courageousFire16 July 29th, 2015

I pledge to be unbiased, non-judgmental, and supportive as I try my best to help anyone going through any predicament. I pledge to be as compassionate, patient, and loving as I would want someone to be back to me.

Looby July 29th, 2015

I pledge

JNicki6 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

proactivePlum212 July 29th, 2015

I, Plum, pledge,

To be kind, compassionate, considerate, patient, open-minded and non-judgmental with everyone I encounter in the Group Support rooms.

To always show respect to all moderators, listeners, members and guests.

To carefully read and abide by all chat room rules at all times.

To understand that the 7 Cups chatrooms are special, unique places on the internet to grow and learn.

To help and steer conversations away from negativity, inappropriate subject matter and potential triggers.

To use the refer button any time I see a Guest and Members who is in danger of harming themselves.

To engage in thoughtful, empathic conversations which are representative of the 7 Cups mission.

To take ownership of my own behavior, as an individual, knowing that no matter what, I can only control myself.

To show my support and respect to those leading or participating in any discussions or support sessions.

To never engage in harmful behaviour, such as trolling or spamming the rooms.

To mute others who I do not wish to engage with and to avoid conflict at all times for the sake of the room as a whole.

Signed Plum


lilyofthevalley3 July 29th, 2015

I pledge my support to others in a friendly and unbiased way.

sad13 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

sincereWatermelon7786 July 29th, 2015

I pledge x

Motionlessinbrittney July 29th, 2015

I pledge

Gracefor8 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

Superwoman724 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

KamiSama July 29th, 2015

I pledge?

diplomaticLion3838 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

LeoLondon2015 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

Krasnypraha July 29th, 2015

I Pledge

warmheartedHuman2014 July 29th, 2015

I pledge. :)

cheetahgamer514 July 29th, 2015

I pledge

adventurousMaple8169 July 29th, 2015

I Pledge

yzzil July 30th, 2015

I pledge

InvisibleStar1990 July 30th, 2015

I pledge

Talor July 30th, 2015

I, Talor, pledge,

To be kind, compassionate, considerate, patient, open-minded and non-judgmental with everyone I encounter in the Group Support rooms.

To always show respect to all moderators, listeners, members and guests.

To carefully read and abide by all chat room rules at all times.

To understand that the 7 Cups chatrooms are special, unique places on the internet to grow and learn.

To help and steer conversations away from negativity, inappropriate subject matter and potential triggers.

To use the refer button any time I see a Guest and Members who is in danger of harming themselves.

To engage in thoughtful, empathic conversations which are representative of the 7 Cups mission.

To take ownership of my own behavior, as an individual, knowing that no matter what, I can only control myself.

To show my support and respect to those leading or participating in any discussions or support sessions.

To never engage in harmful behaviour, such as trolling or spamming the rooms.

To mute others who I do not wish to engage with and to avoid conflict at all times for the sake of the room as a whole.

Signed Talor