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warmheartedHuman2014 profile picture
Always in My Head
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedHuman2014
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March 2nd, 2017
...See more My ex and I were friends for about a year before we became romantically involved. He was such a gentleman and full of adoration for me. Making plans for the future and introducing me to all the important people in his life. I had to leave for work for 8 weeks and returned to find a job at home. Something happened to him while I was gone and he broke up with me over email. I don't think he started see someone else, but who knows. Anyways, I'm normally able to forget about people I've dated or loved much longer. But, every morning, as soon as consciousness hits, he's in my mind. Every moment before I drift off to sleep, hep pops up. Everything I do during the day reminds me of him and I wish he was there to share it with me. Why cant I get him out of my head for a majority of the day at least? Was on a date last night thinking of him...
warmheartedHuman2014 profile picture
Weekends Always Have Me Feeling A Bit Lonely
Depression Support / by warmheartedHuman2014
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January 21st, 2017
...See more I always get an itch or desire to do something yet, I remember that I don't have anyone to do anything with. This sadness has gotten to be greater since my ex and I broke up. I was so looking forward to returning home to nights on the couch with him. I went into the City and even attended a Meetup, but I just felt alone among the many people walking by me with friends and lovers. I felt like an outsider in the group as people talked about things I had no interest in. I snuck out to the bathroom and then left...Taking the train home left me a bit nostalgic as I remembered the last time I took it with him. I hadn't realized I had gotten so used to/attached to him after only a few months.
warmheartedHuman2014 profile picture
Worried About Running into my Ex
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedHuman2014
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January 16th, 2017
...See more Hello, everyone. I am having a difficult time at the moment. My ex and I broke up right after Thanksgiving. I was away working for a few weeks and he was the catalyst for me to stay home. He came up with a new career that I'm really excited about. He showed me around places I had never seen in my home area. But, now, it's over and he won't talk to me. I'm not even sure why he is so angry or why he wants to cut me out his life. I didn't see the break-up coming. So, I assume something happened with him while I was gone. The problem is that I don't really know many people around here because I lost touch with or just had falling outs with high school friends over the years. I found a meet-up tomorrow at happy hour time. I didn't know where it was. So, I RSVPed. But this morning, I checked the map and realised that I would have to take the train four minutes from his house(because that's the only one I know and feel comfortable driving to at night by myself.), get off at the exact stop he takes to work, walk the exact route he walks to and from the train and past some of his happy hour favorite spots(he took me to one on my birthday), and possible walk past his work building to get to the bar. I'm worried I will run into him and he will think I am 'stalking' him. I'm worried I will be so consumed with anxiety that it will stress me out before I even get to this event(that I don't want to go to because I hate going new places alone, but how else am I supposed to meet new people?). I'm on the verge of tears as I write this... I had hoped that he and I could be friends again one day and maybe give it another try while I am actually in town, but I'm not nearly ready to run into him on his territory. He was really angry the last time I just texted to see if we could talk when I got back home a few weeks ago. He just got back in the country yesterday from a trip abroad. I'm afraid that I may run into him and he will think I'm trying to since it's literally within a 5 block radius of his job and favorite bars....
warmheartedHuman2014 profile picture
Adding Photos to the Feed?
Safety & Knowledge at 7 Cups / by warmheartedHuman2014
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February 25th, 2017
...See more Hello, everyone. :) I've been a member of 7cups for like 2 years. I'm still not sure how to post a picture to the feed. I did download imgr at one point, but I still couldn't figure it out. Would someone explain to me like I'm 5 how to do this? lol Thank you. xx
warmheartedHuman2014 profile picture
Why do I seem To Attract Insecure Men
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedHuman2014
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January 14th, 2017
...See more A lot of people say you attract how you feel inside. I consider myself to be rather confident and self-aware. I know that I am a very unique and sometimes unusual person, but I would rather be on the fringes of society than trying to pretend to fit in. The last three men I've had relationships with over the past 7 years have all been men who feel the same way about their place in society for the most part. Yet, there insecurities always sabotage the relationship or prevent them from truly opening up and being vulnerable with me when it counts most. I've done a lot of internal work after my second so-called break-up and even after my last. Yet, I still seem to attract these men who aren't ready for a serious relationship. I've been told by male and female friends that I may intimidate some people for what seems like the very same reasons I attract those who are most hurt. I am a very caring and compassionate person and may that attracts those who need a little more tenderness. But the relationships never last and one guy decided he was tired of 'being on the fringes'. How can I change the way I present myself to the world so that I can stop attracting unavailable men? I want so badly to love and be loved unconditionally...I'm working on my forgivness skills and communication skills between the sexes, yet, I have no one to love...
warmheartedHuman2014 profile picture
Why Can't I Get a Date
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedHuman2014
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February 3rd, 2017
...See more My ex broke up with me a few weeks ago. Everything I've read says that I should go on at least a coffee or lunch date with two other guys to help remind myself that other men are out there and that I am a catch. Funny thing is, I know I am a catch. I'm attractive, fun, smart, well traveled, compassionate, and understanding. I always tend to attract insecure guys...but now, i can't even get one guy to message me on the four dating sites I am on, two of which I paid for. I don't know what's going on. I've gotten messages before. That's how I met my ex...It's been three weeks on those sites and I've gotten a few non-commital messages that go no where or start with 'hi'.
warmheartedHuman2014 profile picture
Facing a New Chapter in Life All Alone. Need Someone to Talk To
General Support / by warmheartedHuman2014
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January 7th, 2017
...See more I am moving back to my hometown after over 9 years. It started when my ex suggested a new career that I actually loved. But, he broke up with me over email two weeks before came home. Three of my high school best friends abandoned me the year before. I live in a suburban area and don't know where to go to meet people. I tried I tried dating sites. I volunteer at the animal shelter and cross fit gym. But, I can't afford the gym right now and the shelter is all older ladies. I have one friend in the area that is about an hour away and I barely see her. I feel so alone and don't feel like I will ever find anywhere to fit in around there...but I can't keep searching the earth for friends and let the rest of my life go...and my mom lets me stay there for a small fee and I can get a better career started...but I don't wanna be alone anymore... I don't have anyone to talk to about it who understands. I'd like to find a long time listener who can help. I haven't had any luck finding consistent listeners here.
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