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Spread The Love – Community Shout-Outs

samc95xc July 1st, 2014

My dear brotherand sister members in 7 cups ,many of you have positive experiences with 7 Cups of Tea, and you want to praise individuals(listeners) in our community. So, without further ado, I would like to create a place for all of youto share the love . This will be a place for you to show your appreciation I encourage you to post when someone impresses you, helps you out or gives you support! In other words, just show the love!

heart Sam

jr50 February 16th, 2017

@Avaray. Me too crying

Avaray February 16th, 2017


Compassionatelistener108 February 16th, 2017


Thank you! This absolutely made my day.

Rain45 February 17th, 2017

@Compassionatelistener108 I have a use :) lol joking. Im glad it brought a ray of sunshine to your day. :)

InvaderStitch February 16th, 2017


Thank you for all of the hard work you're putting into the project as well! You are doing an incredible job!

Rain45 February 17th, 2017

@InvaderStitch Thank you stitch <3

PuppyLove13 February 16th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45 Aww sweetie I love you and I'm so glad I know you! <3 Thank you for being my friend :)

Rain45 February 17th, 2017

@PuppyLove13 Thank you too Puppy <3

awanderingsoul February 16th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45 wow thank you!!! I'm so glad to be a part and I try to help however I can

wontwakewontsleep February 17th, 2017


*hugs* thank you, I appreciate all that you (and too many listeners to realistically list) have been doing for us as well <3

raychascotch February 17th, 2017


thank you, because of your involvement and the other participants with the traumatic community... I am growing internally, I was scared for 23 years not to do things far from my home. I actually went out of state last weekend. I was afraid the people that abused me where going to find me. It was not even logical fear because most of the people that abused me are dead. I was frighten internally. I actually did something nice for myself I paid to have my nails done. I never wanted to draw attention to myself. I was afraid if I did then something bad would happen. I couldn't do these things without the support of the traumatic community. The questions have been helpful even when I trigger myself it has helped me rethink things in my head. Thank you traumatic community support and dancingrainbow45 getting me involved.

Rain45 February 17th, 2017

@raychascotch You are doing so well Rayca and its good to hear your starting to do some nice things for yourself. :) Im so glad you feel your growing internally and getting a little stronger day by day :)

raychascotch February 17th, 2017


i do very little for myself. I like the nails they are cool. Thank you 😊

RayneStorm February 17th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45 Thank you! You're the amazing one. ;)

Babu February 19th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45 Thank you so much

Avaray July 20th, 2017



safeandsoundta February 17th, 2017

I'd like to give a shoutout to @bunnypants, who is working with me in the 7 Cups Sponsor Program. She's a great friend, makes me laugh often, and is very supportive. I'm lucky to have her as my listener.

bunnypants February 17th, 2017

@safeandsoundta awwwwh *rubs a bunny in your face* ^-^

safeandsoundta February 17th, 2017

@bunnypants Aww, thanks!

BlissfulSummer February 19th, 2017

Shoutouts to :

@PurpleSunshine My crazy twinnie who never fails to make me laugh , nothing would've been this amazing without you. Thank you for supporting me and always believing in me even though I didn't. I am so glad I found you❀

@holly29 My mentorβ™‘ Thanks a lot for helping me through out and spending so much time to do so. It makes me happy to know that 7cups has such amazing mentors like you ❀

PurpleSunshine February 19th, 2017

@BlissfulSummer Summmmeerrrrrrrrr. (HaayeeeeeeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜)You're the best twin that I could ever ask for❀ All your achievements make me super happy just like mine give you joy 🌸 If not for 7cups, we wouldn't have ever met. And I would have missed out on meet on meeting such a lovely person 😘 Keep being amazing,okay πŸ˜‹

BlissfulSummer February 19th, 2017

@PurpleSunshine purpleeeyyyyyy Ikr Thanks to 7cups 😍😍😍😍

holly29 February 19th, 2017

@BlissfulSummer Thank you for making my day! You are doing great and it's a pleasure to be your mentor! ❀

HarveyM February 19th, 2017

Thanks to @QuickJazz and @YayyySphere for being so awesome, understanding and helpful always!

You're awesome!


HarveyM February 19th, 2017

Thank you @Roisin2016 for being a great listener, mentor and friend!

You're so goat!

HarveyM February 19th, 2017

Thanks to @xDysonx @Joe2017 @imjustlikeY0uSDK @CelegnirCuthalion @RumpleSteeleSkin @Lucy for being so loafly! *hugs*

xDysonx February 19th, 2017

Cheers, @HarveyM! Loaf you bro!
And loaf everyone else tagged heart

HarveyM February 19th, 2017

Thanks to @Alex for being a supportive mentor to me and being so caring and guiding me through my journey!

Thank you!

ItsPreeti March 17th, 2017

An appreciation for @orangeTiger4825, .You deserve an award for benevolence.

orangeTiger4825 March 24th, 2017

@JovialOne Aww you're the beshtest person. I feel like I am dipped in a jar full of Jheera :D

tjb28 July 20th, 2017

To all the listeners and mentors on the site keep up the good work 😊