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Spread The Love – Community Shout-Outs

samc95xc July 1st, 2014

My dear brotherand sister members in 7 cups ,many of you have positive experiences with 7 Cups of Tea, and you want to praise individuals(listeners) in our community. So, without further ado, I would like to create a place for all of youto share the love . This will be a place for you to show your appreciation I encourage you to post when someone impresses you, helps you out or gives you support! In other words, just show the love!

heart Sam

Willofheart August 31st, 2015

Hey! You forgot cutest guy Evverr :P... jk jk. Thank you so much for this shout out bud!!.. I Really Appreciate it. You're the BEST!!! GOD bless you more!!!!heartsmiley

warrioroflight September 1st, 2015

@MisterGreenEyes ofcourse you're a heartthrob cute :P why else u think i talk to you :P

Willofheart September 1st, 2015


TaylorArkan August 31st, 2015

I would like to make a shoutout for the following listeners

@Dhara94 : I see you around 7cups and I know you have helped many, you are amazing listener.

@Lilylistens : You are so sweet, kind and caring, thank you so much

@Mckenzze : I can not thank you enough for all of your help and support, you are a special kind of listener!

Lilylistens August 31st, 2015

@TaylorArkan You are so thoughtful, and I appreciate your kind words very much. If you ever need a listening ear, I am here for you.


Mckenzze August 31st, 2015

Wow thanks so much for those kind words @TaylorArkan, I really appreciate it!!! ^.^

Adiuvare October 27th, 2015

Shout out to @charmingPoetry34 !!

He's amazing, like not just any kind of amazing.

He's been right by my side for a while now,

I can see how special he is,

The only one left to see that, is himself.

Alaaaannn you're mah elephant riding banana friend!!

I care about you a lot (: <3

OpsTops October 27th, 2015

@Adiuvare Aww this is so nice! :)

tjb28 October 28th, 2015

This is a great idea :)

IAmNathan January 9th, 2016

Here's to @ZaraSmiles
Thank you for stickin' with me, you wonderful, wonderful person :)
You're the coolest cat in town!
Thanks again :)
Oh, and Happy New Year!

cristiana33 January 24th, 2016

Guys, I am so happy to have found this thread! I didn't even knew we had one for members but it's for sure my pleasure to honor some of our dedicated members!

@Macchiato @Egnaro @navySea988 @taylor931 @Cici8243

Thank you for being present in the forums with such supportive words towards fellow members! I am always so happy when I see other members being active in the forums and really involving to make sure someone else is feeling better!

I also wanted to invite you all to our Forum Team Project because I believe you are some great candidates. Feel free to PM me for questions if needed.

I would love to see you around more. Keep it up! <3

PollyShipwreck April 21st, 2016

@samc95xc If someone gives us a shout out will we know?!

broadfemmelovelive April 21st, 2016

Shout out to @WalrusWasPaul #shoutoutchallenge Was great to have you there when I needed you to give me a quick information about navigating this platform thanks so much! Can't wait for our next chat. Love and Let Live,

FoundMarbles April 22nd, 2016

Shout out to Glen Moriarty for the compassion and brilliance it took to get 7 cups of tea established. Thank you!

c6210 April 26th, 2016


Not even sure where to begin - you are one of the kindest, most genuine, caring person I have met on 7 Cups. I feel so lucky to have you as a listener. Thank you for your reassurance and your patience. I really appreciate that you've made me feel safe sharing things with you and never being judgmental. You manage to combine professionalism with still making me feel like I'm talking to a close friend. I cannot thank you enough for how much you help me, and I hope you know how much I appreciate it. <3

c6210 April 26th, 2016


*ah, grammar - "most caring /people/ not person"

c6210 April 26th, 2016


Thank you so much for being such a caring and wonderful listener! You make me feel like I'm talking to a good friend, and I so appreciate your patience and kindness. Thank you for being here for me. I really appreciate it <3

c6210 April 26th, 2016


You are such a kind, open minded person. I feel safe sharing my feelings with you, and your insight is really helpful and much appreciated. I look forward to hopefully chatting with you more. You're wonderful <3

cinnamoncocoa April 26th, 2016

Awwwww. <3

TheShepherd May 12th, 2016

@SPNFamilyForever - Hey :) I know you think I've gone and left you without notice, but it was not my intention. I haven't forgotten ya :)

@MajorSwagMoney - SWAG SWAG SWAG. Seeing dat swag money being thrown at me still makes me chuckle :P

PM me to talk? :3

MajorSwagMoney May 12th, 2016

@TheShepherd Haha, I'm glad it gave you a good laugh! laugh

istra June 26th, 2016

Shout outs to NinjaTimer and listeningDuckie for listening to me when I need it.

istra June 26th, 2016

@istra That should be @NinjaTimer and @listeningDuckie ... I forgot the '@' symbol

listeningDuckie July 19th, 2016

@istra hey

SilentSerenityy November 15th, 2016

I would like to shoutout @AJ007 for really paying attention to my feedback after a mock chat and genuinely wanting to learn how to become an excellent listener, whilst being super friendly and polite. You're a great person and 7 Cups is lucky to have you on their team! laugh

dreamingSunshine November 16th, 2016

lazyKatz November 16th, 2016

A big shout out to all the people that take the thought and time to leave posts for others to read x

Compassionatelistener108 November 17th, 2016

I absolutely love seeing people who take the time to scan and reply in community threads to ensure nobody feels alone after a disclosure or difficult day.

And to share someone's success, of course!

Thank you so much 💐

QuickJazz December 29th, 2016

This is a shout out for @wonderfulPumpkin71

I have just learnt that a listener called @wonderfulPumpkin71 has left 7 Cups for good. I am not entirely sure if they will ever see this message, but on the off-chance that you happen to catch it as a member, Pumpkin... I am sorry to have missed you before you left, and I really hope that you're doing well! With your studies, your goals, and everything else too.

You have helped me many times, in a variety of ways. I am so thankful for this, I seriously am. I enjoyed speaking to you and whenever you popped up in my PMs. You have a calming aura, and it was always pleasant to speak with you - and, as you may remember, you were one of the two closest people to me on 7 Cups. For that reason, I will selfishly really miss you being here.

However, I know you're more than able to keep rockin' it and have every faith in your future endeavours. So all the best to you, and know that you can never be too far and no time can pass enough for escaping my wishful thoughts and good vibes I'm forever sending your way! x

HopieRemi January 6th, 2017

I want to give a shout out to @BridgetAileen! I think you're pretty amazing! Keep up the great work with everything that you do!

ScarlettCarson February 13th, 2017

This shout-out is to @eviesweet, my mentor. She is so nice and kind, I like that we have the same native language and timezone, so it's easier for us to talk :) she helped me become a verified listener and gave me great tips! Thank you!

Rain45 February 16th, 2017

I want to give some members a big shout out and a few listeners too. I know this forum thread is mainly for listeners but without the members, none of us would be here.

I have seen some wonderful supportive things happening within the Traumatic Experiences community recently and I am so proud of those currently active who are keeping this place safe, and supportive, reaching out to one anothers despite having their own issues. People are selflessly doing everything they can to help another person and its so wonderful to see. I am so proud of you guys and you all deserve a shout out for the wonderful community strength and support you are building. Keep up the wonderful work and be so proud of yourselves for everything you are doing. You are all amazing :)

@marguritep7982 @PuppyLove13 @agreeableKite4304 @raychascotch @diligentPerson5680 @ZenCreature @RayneStorm @DitzzyWoman @KLM3278 @Shadeshack @Keewee0701 @Axeman53 @jr50 @AgathaBritainbound @Avaray @KarinehFarahmandRPNccpcpr @Rufflez21 @SkullyHasNoEyes @AshTree96 @BestIcanbe @CarissaDore123 @Huggingarms @AmalieAnne @InvaderStitch @papaya3@frostyPillow99 @wontsleepwontwake @Compassionatelistener108 @EscapismDreams @music4love @caringSea20 @RareLove @purpleHeart16 @CaringLotus @jr50 @BeeLeigh @KristenHR @Mahbuttitches82@helpfulWatermelon5615 @overthinker27@Wereinthis2gether @lightowl300 @YourTearsAreDelicious @NihilNovi

BeeLeigh February 16th, 2017



jr50 February 16th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45. AWW thank you, I love this community!

Rain45 February 16th, 2017

@jr50 Your most welcome, its a great community I agree and with so much strength and love around :)

Rain45 February 17th, 2017

@jr50 Your deserve this :)

jr50 February 17th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45. AWW thank you, I am teary eyed!

Avaray February 16th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45 u r making me cry... Xx

Rain45 February 16th, 2017

@Avaray awww Avaray, werent meant to make you cry :) You all deserve this shout out :)

Avaray February 16th, 2017

@dancingRainbow45 xx