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7 Common Study Problems and How to Deal with Them
Student Support / by BlissfulSummer
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February 26th, 2017
...See more I was surfing the web and found this amazing article. So had to share it with you. You will find the actual artice here. [] 7 Common Study Problems and How to Deal with Them Everyone experiences difficulties with studying at one time or another, and overcoming these challenges is all part of the learning process, particularly when you have a large workload.Such issues range from temporary glitches to chronic lack of motivation and low productivity. It can take what feels like extraordinary will-power to overcome these issues, but the important thing to remember is that they can be conquered with the right attitude. In this article, we address some of the most common study problems that can afflict students at any stage in their education, and discuss some strategies for dealing with them. 1. Youre experiencing low motivation Low motivation [] is one of the biggest problems you may have to tackle during your education. Without sufficient internal drive to achieve, getting through the sheer volume of work needed to gain your qualifications (whether GCSEs, A-levels or a degree) can feel impossible. Key to understanding low motivation is to figure out the reasons behind it; theyre not necessarily the same reasons for everyone. Low motivation may be experienced either for certain subjects, or across the board; some of the common causes of it include: * You are tired and stressed, with too much to do * There are other, more interesting things to do * You find the subject boring, or dont enjoy it for some other reason * You dont like your teacher for a certain subject * You have other things happening in your life, meaning studying doesnt feel important right now * Youre not in the best of health, or not sleeping * Youre worrying about failure Do you recognise any of the problems above in yourself? Well address many of these issues as we discuss specific problems one by one in the rest of this article. As well as taking specific steps towards overcoming these possible causes, putting together an action plan for tackling low motivation also means figuring out what motivates you. For example, is it: The satisfaction of completing a task? Good comments from teachers? Being perceived as successful by your peers or parents? Short-term rewards, such as a chocolate bar after a study session? Long-term success, i.e. top grades and a place at your university of choice? When you know whats behind your low motivation, and youve worked out what will spur you on to achieve, youll be in a better position to tackle your problem head-on. The other tips in this article should be of use with this, as many of the other problems we discuss here have some sort of motivational problem at their root, or are what causes it. Keeping some motivational quotes by your desk may also help inspire you to keep going when you experience low motivation. The right diet helps, too; for example, eating very sugary foods for breakfast will cause a temporary sugar rush that will make you feel active initially, but will soon wear off, leaving you lethargic and unable to motivate yourself. 2. There are too many distractions There will always be something to distract you. There are so many external stimuli these days that its little wonder that many students feel distracted. Social media, friends, phone, television, video games and outings all have a part to play in wreaking havoc on students ability to focus on studying. If you feel your productivity is suffering from a multitude of distractions, its time to change your working environment to one more conducive to studying. Creating the right environment for learning should be a relatively easy solution that will help you overcome the power of all these external distractions. Eliminate the things you know to be your weaknesses from your workspace. This could include your phone, the internet, the television and so on. Limit your socialising to weekends, and consider installing a browser app that stops you going on Facebook or your other favourite sites for certain periods of time (such as LeechBlock []). If you need to use your computer for writing essays, try using an app that will fill the screen with whatever youre working on, so that the internet isnt a distraction; Dark Room [] is one such app that will create a distraction-free computer environment for you. If you find it impossible to get work done at home because of the number of distractions, try working somewhere else. The library would be a good place, as you can shut your phone away in your locker, and peace and quiet is guaranteed. 3. You have difficulty concentrating Even when youve eliminated distractions, concentration can still be a major issue. Its not just possible but common to lose focus and experience a dramatic drop in productivity. Were probably all familiar with the feeling of sitting in front of a blank page, staring at it, unable to begin, our mind wandering. Procrastination is a symptom of lack of concentration (among other things); if you find yourself constantly checking Facebook or texting when you know youre meant to be working, its a sure sign that you need to be taking steps to improve your concentration levels. Like low motivation, difficulty concentrating can be caused by a number of problems. If youre unable to concentrate because you have something on your mind, you need to try to clear your head before you start working, else it will hinder your productivity. It may help to write the problem down on paper, or to talk to someone about it; going for a brisk walk or doing some exercise may also enable you to get it off your chest before you try to start work. If its a bigger personal problem, talking to the school counsellor about it may help get it off your chest or help you see the problem from a different, more manageable perspective. Another possible reason for lack of concentration is that the task in front of you feels so enormous that you dont know where to begin. A good way of combatting this problem is to break the task down into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, rather than putting an entire essay on your agenda, divide up the tasks into smaller, more easily achievable goals: read a chapter of a book and make notes, write the essay plan, write the introduction, and so on. You could even break it down into numbers of words to be achieved: 100 words at a time, for example. Finding the right learning style for you [] may help you focus more easily, as battling on with trying to work in a style that doesnt suit you is sure to be counterproductive. We all learn in different ways; some of us prefer to work in total isolation, while others prefer to learn in the company of fellow students; some people learn best from making diagrams and drawings, others from writing things out. Try experimenting with some different learning styles and see whether you can find a better approach to studying – one that will allow you to enjoy what youre doing, retain information better, and focus more easily. Finally, its worth noting that difficulty concentrating can also arise from working too hard. If youve been working yourself into the ground and not having enough rest, try giving yourself some time off. The chances are that youll return to your desk feeling refreshed and much better able to concentrate. 4. You have difficulty remembering facts and figures A common complaint among students at any stage in their education is that its difficult to remember all the information necessary for answering exam questions effectively. This is difficult enough when youre only studying one subject, as at university, but when youre studying numerous subjects, as at GCSE and A-level, remembering all the facts and figures from each of your subjects can seem a monumental task. Learning things properly in the first place will help your recollection come exam time, but if you really struggle to retain the necessary information, learning to utilise a few memory aids [] may help. 5. You dont enjoy the subject youre studying If youre a science-and-maths sort of person, you might find Music lessons pointless – but in fact many mathematicians also excel at Music. At some stage in your education, its inevitable that youll encounter a subject that you dont like. Whether its because you simply find it boring, or you feel youre no good at it, or it seems a pointless subject that you wont have any use for long-term, or you have an active hatred for it, such a dislike can have a big impact on your success in this subject. Not liking the teacher of this subject, or having an uninspiring teacher, can also lead to a dislike of the subject itself. A change of mindset will be necessary to overcome this problem. You need to be able to see the bigger picture, and how that problem subject fits into it. For a start, you dont want a bad grade on your UCAS form that youll have to explain; youll need good marks across the board if youre to get into the top universities. Keeping this longer-term goal in mind may help, but more immediate inspiration may be found from contemplating why we we study this subject. Its on the curriculum for a reason, so think about what the skills are that you learn from this subject that can usefully be applied elsewhere, even if the actual knowledge itself may not be relevant to your career aims. Thinking about the importance of studying the subject, and of a good general knowledge [], may help spur you on. If you dislike the subject because you feel youre not very good at it – perhaps a bad grade [] has put you off? – the answer may lie in becoming more confident in this subject. You could devote a bit more time to getting better at it and you might find that you start enjoying it more. Youll find more advice on mastering subjects you dislike in our article on how to tackle your nightmare subjects []. 6. You lack the right resources This is arguably the easiest problem on this list to fix. Academic success relies on having access to the right resources, whether thats the necessary books, equipment, a teacher to talk to, or anything else you need to learn effectively. If its books you need, ask your teacher to recommend some, so that you dont inadvertently take your learning in the wrong direction. Equipment – such as a new laptop, stationery and so on – will be a matter to discuss with your parents. If theres a compelling argument for investing in new equipment (such as a new laptop, or an iPad), speak to your parents about it and present your case. If you can convince them that these things will aid your studying, youre in with a chance of persuading them. 7. You struggle with time management Getting your time management skills in place at school will prove invaluable. Studying at any level requires good time management, and if you find yourself struggling to meet deadlines, or you feel overwhelmed with work, or you frequently end up having to stay up late into the night to finish off a piece of homework, this is a sign that you need to work on your time management skills. This means becoming more organised, keeping a list of what needs to be done and by when, and getting started on homework as soon as youre set it, rather than putting it off. It also means being more disciplined with your routine: getting up earlier, planning out your day, and making maximum productive use of the time you allocate to each of your subjects. Youll find lots more time management and general productivity tips here []. A final note that may be of use: many of the problems weve discussed in this article can be overcome by getting into the right mindset. A positive mental attitude will go a long way towards helping you get back on track, whatever study problems youre experiencing; here are ten ways of thinking to boost your studies [] for starters. If youre stuck in a studying rut, take a little time out, clear your head and adjust your way of thinking about your studies. It will work wonders.
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Small Steps In Achieving Bigger Goals
Motivation & Accountability / by BlissfulSummer
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February 3rd, 2017
...See more We all face problems throughout our lives , some are severe and some are not but the main part is getting up after falling down and have the determination to achieve our goals and staying motivated to do so. Do you want to lose weight but then crave for junk food ? Do you believe that being regular in your work is important but still start before deadlines ? Today , I am here to share my experiences and tell you guys what I have learnt � from it . My � journey from being an introvert to extrovert , from being a perfectionist to accepting the fact that imperfections are a part of everyone�s life(working on it) �, from being lazy to being motivated , from being the queen of procrastination to being regular hasn't been easy either , like many of you here . These changes were not sudden , they were gradual and slow. The people who know me now , have always thought that all these qualities were natural to me and not something I had to work for. It happens with all of us doesn�t it ? People don�t see the effort you put through, they just assume you are born with it and it�s one of your innate quality or its other factors that has helped you , as it is generally called �the actor-observer effect�. Do not change for others but change for you and for the best. Here are some tricks and tips which has �helped many individuals , including me , change our ways : 1. 30 DAY COMMITMENT – Three to four weeks is all the time you need to make a habit automatic. If you can make it through the initial conditioning phase, it becomes much easier to sustain. So be determined to do it and � eventually become your habit ! 2.DO NOT BE SCARED OF FAILURE- Most of the time being scared is what prevents us from trying and we assume we are not good at it. For example: I was extremely scared of public speaking when I was younger , I avoided it whenever I could. Eventually, I realized that being scared won�t help me progress and I started taking it as a challenge. � 3.GRADUAL STEPS: You can�t just wake up and expect yourself to take a 180 degree turn. Instead set small goals. Be committed to whatever you want to do. For me, I started with answering questions in class even though it was difficult �.Initially, I would feel my heartbeat rising fast but I overcame that feeling after awhile. So make sure to focus on taking small steps which will evntually lead to bigger change . 4.REMIND YOURSELF: It is easy to give in to the temptation and lead your usually life so keep reminding yourself why you are doing it and what you will benefit out of it. 5.DO IT FOR YOURSELF – Like I always say, do it cause YOU want to and motivate yourself and the aura emitted by you will make others admire you as well :D � Also , there is this story "Deep Waters" by William Douglas , which inspired me (Try reading it , if you can) � LET ME KNOW BELOW WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS AND YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS :D � MST General Taglist: @allnaturalNight50 @Always25 �@blossombreathe @bookworm4 @colourfulSpring22 @Countrygirl1231 @cynderislame @Easycucumber9508 @filletranquille @HarveyM @juniperstarfish1 @KitaKat @Olala18 @Peridot817 @RideaRainbow @xDysonx Add/Remove me from the taglist! [] Personal Tag: � @PurpleSunshine
BlissfulSummer profile picture
Motivation & Accountability / by BlissfulSummer
Last post
January 26th, 2017
...See more While growing up , the most difficult thing for most of the students is studying . Like most of us say , it's more like stuDYING but we all do want to score well .Virtually all students are motivated in one way or another. One student may be keenly interested in classroom subject matter and seek out challenging course work, participate actively in class discussions, and earn high marks on assigned projects. Another student may be more concerned with the social side of school, interacting with classmates frequently or attending extracurricular activities almost every day. HOW DOES MOTIVATION AFFECT LEARNING ? * Motivation directs behavior toward particular goals. * Motivation leads to increased effort and energy. * Motivation increases initiation of and persistence in activities * Motivation affects cognitive processes. * Motivation often enhances performance. So here are some study tips for all the people struggling with tough academic curriculum : 1. AVOID DISTRACTIONS know that you have to do it and be determined to reach your goal. Most importantly switch your mobile or place in on silent and keep it somewhere out of view so you won't be tempted to keep taking a sneak peek ( Even I have a horrible tendency to check my phone every 1 minute and it is seriously tempting to do so). It's easy to just take a glance at your phone for any message / emails or notifications but from 'just one glance' it changes to 1 hour and it's difficult to STOP ! So tell yourself ,"I'll finish this much and then check ." and keep your phone away. 2.SET GOALS We all tend to set goals which are really hard to achieve . We need to be realistic and set goals which can be achieved in a particular span of time . Instead of telling yourself ," I will do the whole thing tomorrow and I dont want to do it now," tell yourself ," I can finish this much in one hour and then I'll will have free time tomorrow as well." In this way , you would be able to achieve the small goals you set for yourself. Set short term goals for yourself to achieve your long term goal. 3.MAKE A TIMETABLE Schedule a particular time when you are comfortable studying ( I know it's never but we can all try ) . Some people have a better concentration during the night time while others during the day . Find out which time is suitable for you and make your schedule accordingly. 4. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE Do not wait till the last day to complete your work or study for your exam instead , You can assign an hour everyday to do so . Sparing an hour from 24 , doesn't sound so bad , does it ? 5. A positive approach! Your attitudes and mindsets about school/university/college can have a huge impact on your motivation! Having a mindset like: University is a place where I face daily anxieties and get mentally tortured by all my professors is not helpful and will not help you to get motivated. But if you have a positive attitude towards your studies (e.g. you see university/college as a chance to gain important knowledge, to develop yourself and to get ready to start your career) you will be able to boost motivation, just by having a positive attitude towards it. 6.REWARD YOURSELF After you have successfully achieved your short term goal , you can reward yourself with something you like , for example ; Maybe go play after you are done or watch tv , buy yourself a chocolate .These small rewards make you feel more happy when you have earned it. 7.DO IT FOR YOU Let's face it , we all have already seen or heard about the above given tips, they are not something new to you, but not many of us actually apply these techniques in our daily lives cause we just don't want to do it and we regret later . It is really important to do it for yourself , not for anyone else . Do it cause you want to gain knowledge , score well and become what you want to be . Studies is not the only thing that matters , not all are good at it but who says we can't try ? WRITE TO ME BELOW AND LET ME & OTHERS KNOW WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO STUDY ? GOODLUCK EVERYONE !! Personal tag list : @PurpleSunshine @Paytonfaye2003
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