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Power of Appreciation

proactiveCranberry7299 August 13th, 2022

Share some most effective way of saying thank you /showing appreciation according to you & tag some listener/members who deserves to feel appreciated ❤️

I will start this thread by sharing one-

Sit them down, look them in the eye & say, Thank you! For whatever.. The person will know that your thanks are genuine and meant with complete sincerity. I'm pretty sure it beats flowers, chocolates or the usual convenient methods of saying thanks!

Example-: i always say thank you for listening you are amazing & you matters too after venting because i know listening takes a lot and can be exhausting at times hence they deserve appreciation 💕

Tagging & appreciating some of the cupsers -: @Fristo @MiaRam @sunisshiningandsoareyou @shaunx @Brightfuture82 @blissfultouch29 @leenmoon @vroomvrooom @sparkyGizmo thank you for being here you all are amazing!

proactiveCranberry7299 OP August 13th, 2022


Wish you same❤️

MifiHelpholic August 13th, 2022



proactiveCranberry7299 OP August 13th, 2022


Maybe that tag is not wording let me correct for you ❤️





SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


*high fives* 😊 and *fist bumps* for helping your teammates and cleaning up tags! big *hugs* ❤️ Total rock star move!

HelpfulDiamond August 13th, 2022


Thank you so much for the tag ❤️

dtanushree August 14th, 2022


So sweet of you dear. Thanks for the tag. This is one of the sweetest gestures to let someone know they are loved.

Sending you lots of love. This made my day 😊


Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2022

Hey @proactiveCranberry7299, how sweet of you to create this lovely thread. Thanking people is magic-work indeed heh, good to appreciate people and express our gratitude towards them.

Thank*you* for creating this thread, and for tagging me, Cran, I really appreciate you too.❤

🌻Thankyou for all that you do and all that you are! @mytwistedsoul @NoneTheWiser @GoldenNest2727 @OneErased @bestVase7265 @xandia @barncat @Isayuncle @EmbStitcher33 @adventurousBranch3786 @Orihara @WorriedMagpie @KrystalRose01 @Gorg81🌻

xandia August 13th, 2022


Thank you so much for the tag Sunisshiningandsoareyou! I love being included in this thread. I'm so grateful for everyone on Cups. 😊 💛💙💜💚❤️

Tagging: @OneErased, @Ozias, @butterlyCow, and EmbStitcher

Thanx all for being friends and such great Cupsters!

butterlycow August 16th, 2022

@xandia Thank you !!! Hugs 🤗💗

EmbStitcher33 August 13th, 2022


((((hugs)))) Thank you so much for tagging me here! I really like making graphics and telling my stories, hoping they can help others... Thank you for your appreciation ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 They sure do, and you're exceptionally creative, Emb! *hugs back* ❤

adventurousBranch3786 August 13th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou. Thank you for tagging me 😊.

proactiveCranberry7299 OP August 13th, 2022


You are amazing keep shining!

bestVase7265 August 14th, 2022

Thanks so much for tagging me! @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

mytwistedsoul August 14th, 2022


I don't think that there's enough pizza or cookies in the world to express my appreciation for you and all the good and brightness you bring to everyone here Sun. Your compassion and caring for everyone you talk with here is allways so beautiful to see. You are a true lifter of spirits - a beacon of hope and a soother of souls

I have just a few to add @emotionalTalker2260 @selflessSpruce1515 @scarletPear1945 @Hillsideblues

Thank You all for being You - for all the kindness you show everyone and for the light you shine ❤️

emotionalTalker2260 August 14th, 2022


*hugs soul* awww, thenksies 🥺💖

mytwistedsoul August 14th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 *hugs* ❤️ 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 14th, 2022


Soul, I-

I don't have a lot of words currently either haha

Bless your sweet, caring, kind, compassionate, soulful heart!

Thank*you* for everything, I can honestly say the same about you, and I very much do feel the same about you. Always know, I see you hehe, I see how hard you try and I value your efforts so much also. Keep being *you*, the world definitely can use more people like you, and I for one, am really grateful for you being here. ❤

mytwistedsoul August 15th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *hugs* sometimes no words are needed ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 15th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul *hugs back and keeps hugging* 🤗❤

selflessSpruce1515 August 14th, 2022


Soul 🥺 I can send the exact same message to you, honestly– I always enjoy our fun little chats and debates, hehe ❤️ You always provide such great insight, support, encouragement, and more; I couldn't be more grateful to have you in my life 🤗 ❤️ Tankuuuuu 💖

mytwistedsoul August 15th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 *hugs* ❤️ 😊

selflessSpruce1515 August 15th, 2022


*hugs* ❤️❤️

WorriedMagpie August 15th, 2022


💚🐦 Aw sunshine your such a lovely bean thankyou you so much 😭💚

And big appreciation to you to, all the work and care you put in here doesn't go unnoticed 💚🐦

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 23rd, 2022


Sweet Magpieee!🤗💚 Thankyouuu, I appreciate you so much alsoooo!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2022


Oh goodness, Jess, this is too sweet and thoughtful, thankyou for seeing me the way you do, and new word hehe "lovingkindnessassertiveness", I'm really happy the impact is felt, means much more to me than I can express here. (': ❤

I adore the people you've tagged also, they are all fantastic beings ever so ready to help out and support others around, and really well-versed with group support specially.

As an aside, I couldn't help not say this hehe, Group support is certainly nerve-wracking at times, as a leader even more, I see you, Jess, I see you trying and doing your best to support the community, and your efforts are super valued, one step at a time, you've got plenty people here ready to support and encourage you, anytime you need. You so got this!❤

adventurousBranch3786 August 13th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser Thank you for your kind words 🌻. It’s nice to have such a thoughtful leader for the trauma community.

NewYorker11 August 13th, 2022


@Fristo thank you for being a great mentor and also for making great community posts, you make 7 Cups a great place to be!

SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


Hi Cranberry! 😊❤️ Thank you so very much for your amazing forum post as well as for tagging me! ❤️ What a true gift you have given to me today as this is the very first thing I get to see when signing on to 7 cups! You have no idea what you have done for me as a human being and how your kind words will effect me here on the site as well as in real life! 😊 (Truth be told, I really needed that today, biggest *hugs* ❤️ ever for you my friend)!

I loved reading your words and your thoughtful approach in showing appreciation for others! I happen to agree with you and completely! I like your style! I like your thoughts on sincerity, that words have meaning and being authentic with another person and simply saying "thank you" hold much more value than a gift purchased from a store. These things cost money and money does not equate to love. The flowers will die, the chocolates will be consumed and so they will go away. Words said to another, true ones, meaningful ones can have the most lasting effect. Words we say to one another can change a person and are quite impactful.

Appreciation of others is a huge thing for me here on 7 cups as well as in real life! In addition to everything you said, I feel that if you have something nice to say, say it now as tomorrow is never promised to any of us. We also never really know what another person is going through at the moment and so a simple thank you can go much farther than we could ever imagine.

Thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for this forum post, thank you for tagging me and seeing the goodness and value in me, thank you for how you treat your listeners, thanking them and showing that you care about them too, thank you for what I just saw you do below which was cleaning up tags for your teammate in an effort to help! Total rock star move my friend, total rock star move! 😊❤️😊

I say teammate as members as well as listeners are my teammates 😊 which is another thing, idea, construct that I have a strong conviction for and I truly believe that you were just the shining example of that concept, right here, right now for all of 7 cups to see! Thank you for making that point for me and driving it home. I believe in the power of 2. For a great chat to happen, you have to have a good listener as well as a good member. If I just so happen to have any positive written review on my profile page, that was no accident. That was intentional and had much to do with me having the benefit of spending time with a member that was nothing short of amazing and cared for me too! ❤️

The words from my members, on my profile page have a lasting effect. They are telling me that I'm good enough. When I feel like I can't, I read those words, past positive written reviews and realize the gifts that have been given to me and my members are telling me that "yes I can". ❤️

Yup, time for be to start tagging others. These tags are for teammates that have been especially kind to me as of late. Cranberry, thank you for even giving me the opportunity to do so today and you will make the top of my tag list! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

@proactiveCranberry7299 @theriverissinging @Cheetan @Fristo @CommunityModKay @sunisshiningandsoareyou @Shaunx @Brightfuture82 @CommunityModEden @CommunityModChristine @dtanushree @Blackrose @kindSoul10 @ASilentBunny

I need help with the last's for @Emporer ? but I know I got the tag wrong. The last part of their screen name is escaping me at the moment.

Asking for help from all of my teammates if they can come behind me and clean up the tag. I would be most grateful. Clearly some of the rock stars around here for cleaning up tags are Cranberry and Good Day Sunshine!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️ everyone! You all will be part of my gratitude moments today!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2022


Aww thankyou for the sweetest set of words, for being ever so eloquent and articulating your thoughts so so well. And thankyouuuu for tagging me, anything coming from you is special, because you are so special, and you are extra extra special to me. You do speak from your heart and hey hey, be assured, they reach to the heart directly. Like this emoji haha "💘".

Being kind to you is as natural as breathing air for real, I'm not even exaggerating here, Sparkyyy Sparkkk, I do not think anyone would have to ever do much hardwork to be kind towards *you*, the ever-so- bright, shiny, sparkling *you*, the absolute epitome of kindness, thoughtfulness, warmth and all things fuzzy there are. ❤

*comfiest hugs ever* 🤗❤

And haha, no worries, I gotchuuu! @gentleemperor @BlackRose522 @Chetan1408

(I love this list of yours hehe, they are all super fantabulous beings around here!)

Much love and gratitude to everyone coming across too!❤

SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


Good Day Sunshine...........simply grateful for you always ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for everything and thank you for knowing my heart! ❤️ I'm glad that my words reach yours as well! ❤️ ahhhhh, one of my biggest 7 cups hero's! Life is good! 😊❤️😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 14th, 2022


Right back atcha, Sparkyyy Sparkkk! ❤🤗


Always hehe! 👉💖👈

SparkyGizmo August 14th, 2022


Good Day Sunshine, ahahahha hahahaaaa hahahhhaa, you got me again! 😊❤️😊 *high fives* 😊 "Spider man, spider man, does everything a spider can" lol. I adore you my Spidey twin! ❤️❤️❤️

I really have to admit, yesterday, a song came to mind in regard to you. I know, you might be like, ain't "Good Day Sunshine" enough? Well, that one is pretty darn accurate, that's for sure (because I defy anyone not to smile while listening to that one). That one takes the win and so that is why you have your nickname.........but............and this is a big but (lol, read between the lines on that one, I thought that was hilarious) .......😊

The Universe works in mysterious ways. A song came to mind about you yesterday while interacting here on this forum post and replying to you. The title of the song is "One Call Away". Some of the lyrics are "I'll be there to save the day" and also "Super Man got nothin' on me". Sometimes people might want to give you that link to that song, say that is how they are and sometimes they are truly hollow words. You and I have never talked about that song but it's interesting how you gave me the Spidey today and I thought about that song yesterday and how you truly emulate that. My friend "Super Man got nothin" on you"! 😊😊😊

Good Day Sunshine, truly, Superman got nothin' on you. You so rock this house! If you don't have a cape, I'm going to have to find a way to make one for you! Gizzie *takes up sewing now*? 😳 (afraid, very afraid, haha)

*high fives* 😊 and biggest *hugs* ❤️ Spidey Twin/Superman ❤️

BlackRose522 August 13th, 2022


Am a bit lost, but thank you for the tag <3(I'm still trying to figure out how to work the forums xD).

I appreciate all the love and joy you all spread hehe, I always have a big dumb smile on my face when I'm reading all of your posts/messages.

Keep it up and thank you <3.

SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


Hi Black! 😊❤️ I tagged you above in an effort to show you that I appreciate you so very much! Good Day Sunshine, being the amazing teammate that they are, helped me and cleaned up some of my tags that I didn't get quite right. I send you big *hugs* ❤️

GoldenNest2727 August 13th, 2022


I always love reading your replies in the forum. You are so uplifting, and I can tell that you write from the heart. ❤️

SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


Big *hugs* ❤️ Golden! Thank you my friend! That meant a lot! I'm glad you can feel my heart through this very screen!

Brightfuture82 August 13th, 2022


Sparky, i needed this too😅

I also don't refer member as member but a friends! I never did call a listener, a listener but a friend! And that is why whenever is about me welcoming a new listener, i tell them welcome to the family because that is how i truly feel we are😊

Honestly, i know i am still fresh around here but, it would upset me a little since i would see all my friends being tagged around, appreciate etc Don't get me wrong, i was/am really happy for them and they more than deserve it but, i was like when will it be my turn to be known around lol! And its not about a post about me or being appreciated in general, its more about knowing that i have done my job of making both members and listeners happy, right!

And here i am being tagged in posts and as soon as i enter chatrooms, it goes wild and everyone shows their excitement when i am in and that is just so heartwarming🙂

I appreciate everyone and everything with all my heart! Wish ya'll nothing but the best and happy times in life😊💖

SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


Hi Bright! 😊❤️ *high fives* 😊 No worries! It appears as if now is your time and today is your day! Many, including me, see your greatness and appreciate you as can be seen by in this thread. Big *hugs* ❤️ my friend! You earned everrryyyyyyyyyyyyy bit of this praise and it's about time you got it!

proactiveCranberry7299 OP August 13th, 2022


Your words are too sweet and yes this was well deserving appreciation thank you for all the you have done for this community so far!