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Power of Appreciation

proactiveCranberry7299 August 13th, 2022

Share some most effective way of saying thank you /showing appreciation according to you & tag some listener/members who deserves to feel appreciated ❤️

I will start this thread by sharing one-

Sit them down, look them in the eye & say, Thank you! For whatever.. The person will know that your thanks are genuine and meant with complete sincerity. I'm pretty sure it beats flowers, chocolates or the usual convenient methods of saying thanks!

Example-: i always say thank you for listening you are amazing & you matters too after venting because i know listening takes a lot and can be exhausting at times hence they deserve appreciation 💕

Tagging & appreciating some of the cupsers -: @Fristo @MiaRam @sunisshiningandsoareyou @shaunx @Brightfuture82 @blissfultouch29 @leenmoon @vroomvrooom @sparkyGizmo thank you for being here you all are amazing!

SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


Big *hugs* ❤️ my friend! I'm not sure what it was that I did to deserve the tag, but I sure am glad that I did it! 😊❤️😊

dtanushree August 14th, 2022


Oh my gizzieee groot ♥️♥️

Thank you dear. You're the butterfly of our LSR. Your presence makes the space supportive, joyful and safe. No wonder I enjoy your presence in the rooms. Not just chatrooms, even in 1-1 you have always supported me like a genuine friend.

I respect you and love you thiiiiis much dear.


SparkyGizmo August 14th, 2022


My wonderful Dtan Groot! ❤️😊❤️ I am soooooooo glad you got my tag and saw my efforts to acknowledge you, appreciate you and be like "oh we gonna' talk about this" (lol) ❤️ I have so much respect for you, so much love in my heart for you and any moment I have the opportunity to see you here on 7 cups, well, it's guaranteed to be a great day for me! Thank you for being a true gift to 7 cups, all of your teammates and to me personally! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

theriverissinging August 15th, 2022


🐛😞❤️ much love

SparkyGizmo August 15th, 2022


Hi River! 😊❤️ I am so glad that you got my tag in appreciation for you! ❤️ I wanted you to see it, know how I feel. We've worked together for quite a while. You've never missed a step, never missed a beat, you have never been anything but so very kind and good to me as well as everyone else around you!

You have been part of my gratitude moments, many times even when I didn't say so. I have my gratitude moments at the end of my day, and you have been there in them and so many times! ❤️

It feels really good for me to say this publicly to you! ❤️❤️❤️

For me, it's fun sometimes when appreciating others to remember things, moments, impactful ones...things that I saw that left a big mark on my heart. I remember many things but something that I saw early on when you first came to 7 cups was you showing leadership skills straight out of the gate. It was a beautiful thing to witness River! 😊❤️😊 You are one of my 7 cups hero's! Something that I carry around in my heart ❤️ here on this site, day to day! (it's for many reasons though).

You truly are someone that doesn't think "it's not my job". You see a need, you jump right in and you always help your teammates! You and I were in the LSR, someone needed help with the forum areas and didn't understand, they were so upset and so confused. Even though you were new here, you jumped right in and you were explaining things to our teammate in the LSR. Not only did you do that but you took responsibility for that teammate whom you likely had never even met before.

You made what I call it "turn key".....from start to finish. You never let go of their hand. It was a thing of beauty to witness. I saw it with my own eyes. You left with them from the LSR because they still didn't quite understand, took them to the forum area and I saw you tagging them and working with them one on one! You truly understood what it was that they needed the most and it was "experiential learning". You gave them a soft spot to land, no judgement only help and took a great deal of time out of your day to teach our teammate! You came back with them into the LSR and made sure they got it and were all set!

For me, I *heard angels sing* that day! That was leadership at it's finest and I only wish that others had paid more attention to you to that day, could have seen the path that you walked hand in hand with another and could understand that, that's the way to do things! Thank you River for being what I call "being the example"! Thank you for being such a great example to the rest of us!

Lastly, you gave me "wormie emoji", just now. Yes, you know my heart my wonderful friend. Seeing "wormie" and you remembering that and what it means to me has truly brought tears to my eyes. Wow! Yup, just like the OP said, no flowers needed, no chocolates needed, the kindness is what speaks volumes. After all this time, you remembered "wormie". Soooooooo much love you for, you amazing human being! *high fives* 😊 and biggest *hugs* ❤️ ever! Keep rocking the house my friend! You got this!

theriverissinging August 16th, 2022

@SparkyGizmo i just don't have the words smh. it really means a lot to me that you noticed it, really does. almost every single person i meet here knows how kind you have been to them and fondly cherishes it, as they should because you are oh so precious! very grateful to know you too and be a part of your gratitude practice, that is such a big thing i just can't. *hugs*

SparkyGizmo August 16th, 2022



Chetan1408 August 16th, 2022


Thank you Gizmo for tagging me here... I am so blessed by meeting you all guys here... Such a beautiful souls all around the globe... The best quality I found in everyone is they never let you down... They always support you and cherish your life... I am glad that I made so much good and unforgettable memories with you all. Thank you for being with me and supporting me always... *hugs all* :)

SparkyGizmo August 16th, 2022



kindSoul10 August 16th, 2022

@SparkyGizmo I think words don't do justice to describe the kindness and uplifting spirit you put into this 7 cups of tea. I sometimes struggle with public appreciation, getting trapped in the vicious cycle of not leaving anyone out and feeling less appreciated thank others.

I admire how you ace at writing personalised messages to so many listeners and members, it's true craftsmanship. Every word, every sentence you write show how much love and time you put into this. It's a true gift. Thank you!

Much love to you lovely people too:

@proactiveCranberry7299 @theriverissinging @Cheetan @Fristo @CommunityModKay @sunisshiningandsoareyou @Shaunx @Brightfuture82 @CommunityModEden @CommunityModChristine @dtanushree @Blackrose @ASilentBunny @Kyoshi @Heather225 @Asilentobserver @soulsings @jenna @mistymagic @gentleemperor @Tyedbutterfly @glenm @hope

kindSoul10 August 16th, 2022

I can't edit my errors in my posting

*** I sometimes struggle with public appreciation, getting trapped in the vicious cycle of thoughts wanting to not leave anyone out and make them feel less appreciated than others.
SparkyGizmo August 16th, 2022


My wonderful Funny Bunny! 😊❤️😊 I cannot thank you enough! You have no idea, how much it means to me, everything you just said! Thank you for "seeing me", thank you for seeing the value in me, thank you for seeing my efforts and knowing in your heart of hearts how very much I truly do care! ❤️❤️❤️ This makes me "well up" and quite a bit my friend! ❤️

You are one of my true 7 cups hero's! ❤️ Hero's are people that I hold in my heart day in and day out! I have had so many days that you have been part of my gratitude moments, even though I might not have told you so. Sooooooooo many days! So many amazing things I have seen you do for our teammates, for 7 cups and for me personally! So much love for you, so much gratitude and so much respect! 😊❤️😊

And you know, I just got your pm and I want you to know that made me full on cry! You remembered the *high kick*! 😊I gave that *high kick*😊 badge to you and it was so long ago. And you never forgot it, did you? Thank you for giving me the *high kick*😊 today! I have *high kicks* 😊for you always! You really just did embody the things that the OP spoke of!

Funny Bunny, I promise you, at the end of my day, you will be counted, once again as part of my gratitude moments! Thank you for being someone that I can be grateful for! *high fives* 😊 and big, big *hugs* ❤️

dtanushree August 17th, 2022


Thank you dear! You're the bestest and sweetest bunny I have crossed paths with. Sending you lots of love and hugggss.


SparkyGizmo August 17th, 2022


Hi Funny Bunny! 😊❤️ Just letting you know that I understand precisely what it is that you mean. Sometimes it can be a difficult choice to appreciate others as we might feel as if we are leaving so many out that are also special to us and also deserve so much appreciation! I do my best to appreciate others and often and in a myriad of different ways around the site.

I try very hard to give credit where credit is due. ❤️

This post was the opportunity that I had, on that given day to appreciate others and so what I did was preface it with "appreciating others that have been especially kind to me as of late". ❤️ I thought maybe that would be my way around not mentioning everyone that is so very important to me and that does great things around here. Wow! That would be a huge and exhaustive list and someone might kick me out of the forum area for that day! 😳 lol ❤️

No worries, all in due time. One of my "thangs" around here is "I'm going to appreciate all of us, whether we like it or not". Haha! I also live by the concept of "catch me being good". Someone is stellar and I try to call it as I see it and say it immediately whether it be in the LSR, pm's or the forum areas. No worries, everybody gonna' get a slice of the Gizzie if they do great things around me! Weeeeeeeeee weeeeeee! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

theriverissinging August 19th, 2022


much love to you back. 🐇❤️❤️ i really admire you for giving your heart to what you love to do around here and just simply caring so much. ^^

jasishereforallofu August 13th, 2022

@Fristo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 💞

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2022


Awh thankyouu so much! *tags you back*, I'm really happy to connect with you, Jas! You've been so lovely! 🤗💕

GoldenNest2727 August 13th, 2022

In real life, I try to send out cards to show my appreciation. Writing real notes seems to be a dying art.

Thanks for tagging me, sunisshinningandsoareyou.

I want to commend our group discussion hosts, who do such an amazing job. I know they go out of their way to create useful, empowering discussions for us all. @soulsings, @Amiablepeace77, @adventurousBranch3786, @StarlitSky4762 put in so much work to create awesome discussions that really make us think. I've improved so much because of them. They keep everyone motivated and help us learn.

There are so many others that I'd like to tag, but I can't remember their full Cups' names. There are a couple of foxes and wolves and a strawfruit (I think strawberrystrawfruit, but I can't find the name in the forum) that are also awesome hosts.

I appreciate @Cancun (might be @Cancun5) and @Help127 for hosting so many Sharing Circle hours. They provide amazing support to the members in that chatroom. They are fab at showing sincere empathy. Both make sure that the sharer feels heard and validated.

Of course, Fristo is amazing. I'm not tagging them again since they've been tagged already. Fristo brings positivity wherever he goes.

I'm also super grateful for @vivelespatates, who is an amazing listener. She helps me brainstorm, she encourages me, and she's just an overall good person. Vive is so intelligent. I learn a lot from her.

ReadBooks7 August 13th, 2022

@GoldenNest2727 thank you so much. I appreciate this, and you, so very much ❤️

adventurousBranch3786 August 13th, 2022

@GoldenNest2727 Thank you for these kind words. It’s always nice to to see you in the discussions! I learn a lot from everyone and have improved too.

soulsings August 13th, 2022

@GoldenNest2727 wow appreciation is much appreciated. I really think one of the reasons I come to be on 7cups is the appreciation of strangers that even close family members do not share.

golden you are a wonderfully supportive person in discussions. You really add a lot to the support in a room. Thank you so much.

Cancun August 13th, 2022


Thank you sooooooo much. It really means alot to be recognized. I think of our people in sc as family. It's easy to care for them. 7 cups has helped me sooooooo much. I love hosting. It's challenging but fun. You are such a beautiful person. I too want to give a shout out to Help. She's an amazing host and I will back her up any day. Hugs 🤗 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜❤🧡💛💚💙💜❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤗

EmbStitcher33 August 14th, 2022


I don't know all the hosts that you mentioned. I'm still kind of new here. But I know I will eventually get to know more of them. A big DITTO on what you said about how they help us and challenge us to think and learn! And you add so much to discussions too!! So thank you for showing up and helping support some of the nicest chats I've been in here. ❤️

GoldenNest2727 August 15th, 2022


One of the foxes is @gentleFox20. I finally found the full username in the forum. I think one of the wolves is @ArtemisWolf (but not entirely sure if I have it spelled correctly or full username). You're both so awesome at leading heartfelt discussions and showing support.

emotionalTalker2260 August 16th, 2022


*corrects wolf’s username* @ArtemisStormWolf (thinks it’s correct)

GoldenNest2727 August 16th, 2022


Thanks for the assist, my dino friend!

emotionalTalker2260 August 16th, 2022


no problem! Just wanted to make sure a friend got the tag 🥺💖

ArtemisStormWolf August 16th, 2022


Ty so much nest for the tag. And also ty for helping this wolf around 🥺💙

@emotionalTalker2260 *leaves dino pulshie*

emotionalTalker2260 August 16th, 2022


dinoooo *takes*

Brightfuture82 August 13th, 2022


Berry, let me be honest with you, i didn't think that i deserve being tagged in here since i didn't really do anything for you. All i did was listen to you for a very short time and give you a late response!😅

Honestly, today was not so fun for and seeing your appreciation first thing i log in, really, and i mean REALLY cheered me up!😀 I always tell those who share their kind words with me that they have absolutely no idea how much that means to me! Most think that its just a response and i don't actually mean it, i just wish i could prove it otherwise.

At the bottom of my heart, Thank you so so much! I love and appreciate you and this amazing forum post you made!😊 I wish you nothing but the best in life💖

I love to tag everyone on 7cups because they are beyond deserving of this but, these people are they one i remember and have been super amazing to me! Sorry if i forgot anyone, you are most welcome to tag yourself😊

@gentleemperor💖, @Fristo💖, @awkwardCl0uds💖, @emotionalTalker2260💖, @CommunityModEden💖, @Brahmm💖, @kindSoul10💖, @beautifulalamort💖, @HelpfulDiamond💖, @MifiHelpholic💖, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou💖, @SparkyGizmo💖, @vroomvrooom💖, @dtanushree💖, @CommunityModChristine💖, @kindSoul10💖, @Freely1904💖, @Starlasky💖, @MelodyoftheOcean💖, @Harsvin💖, @Feelicity08💖, @FighterArpi💖, @Estrellitaa💖

You people (and the ones i forgot to that plus all 7cups community) deserve the world! Thank you for all you do😊

Freely1904 August 13th, 2022


I don't how to thank you brighty for tagging me. You are such a sweet and bright soul. Your username does suits you. You will always be my friend. You always cheer me up. whenever i have been sad n came on cups, you were always there , your presence was itself a positive energy for me. Thank you for being my friend and for always making me smile tasa❤️❤️😍😍

Brightfuture82 August 13th, 2022


I got chocked up while reading this🥲

What got me the most was "you will always be my friend"! I honestly don't know how to appreciate you!

All i can say is, thank you and wish you nothing but the best💖

proactiveCranberry7299 OP August 13th, 2022


This was well deserving appreciating thank you for everything you do here at this site as a listener!

Brightfuture82 August 13th, 2022


Thank you so so much for your kind words💖

HelpfulDiamond August 13th, 2022


Aww Bright ❤️ I got tagged twice today and I have no idea why lol. I hope everything goes better for you

Brightfuture82 August 13th, 2022


Because you are amazing and deserve it😃

Wish you all the best Diamond💖

SparkyGizmo August 13th, 2022


Big *hugs* ❤️ Bright! 😊❤️😊

Brightfuture82 August 13th, 2022



emotionalTalker2260 August 13th, 2022


*hugs the sweetest wall-e* 😮

Brightfuture82 August 13th, 2022


Your words are always full of wisdom and i love that😃

I also wish you all the best💖