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The Broccoli Noodle Soup 🥣 | Stories for Good Life Series

February 10th

Hiya, Community!

How many of you like Broccoli Noodle Soup? Well, this son and father loved it! 😊🍜

At a certain point in time, Broccoli was quite expensive and hard to come by. So whenever they got broccoli the next two or three meals would be broccoli noodle soup.

So one time the father and son were having dinner and there were two bowls of soup; one with two pieces of broccoli on top and the other one didn't have any broccoli. And so the father said, “Son, choose which bowl would you like?”

And so of course the son said, “Hmmm I want the one with broccoli on top!” And so the son was eating his broccoli noodle soup joyously. Then he looked at his father's bowl and when his father was eating soup, in the bottom of the bowl there were like four or five pieces of broccoli. He said, “Whoa wow!”

And then the father looked at the son and he said Son, don't always rely on what you see, there's always something deeper than what the eyes can see”, and so the son said “Okay..”

The next day there was broccoli noodle soup again! The father put both bowls; one bowl had two pieces of broccoli on top, and the other one didn't. So the father said, “Son, choose which bowl of broccoli you want.”

So the son said “Mmm I know this trick” and he picked the one without the broccoli on top. And so he was eating and his father ate the bowl with the broccoli on top. So the son was eating, eating, eating, and he waited, waited to get to the bottom because he was like “Oh there must be lots of broccoli there” but there was nothing, there was nothing 😮

And the father looked at the son and said “Son, don't rely on just one experience. Different things can happen at different times; you just never know!”

The son said, “Okay, okay..”

And then the next evening broccoli noodle soup again!

So the father put two bowls of broccoli noodle soup; one with two broccolis on top, the other one without.

And he said, “Son, choose your bowl!”

And the son said, “No. Father, you choose. You choose whichever one you want and I'm fine with whatever is left.”

And so his father chose one bowl and started eating and gave the other bowl to the son.

To the son's surprise, when he was eating, he found not one, not two, but five pieces of broccoli in his soup 😍

And he was enjoying it thoroughly.

He looked at his father and his father said, “Son, you cannot rely on what you see you must look deeper. You cannot rely on just one experience because different things can happen at different times but you can rely on goodness. Whenever you have a good intention in your heart goodness will always come back to you in some way, in some shape, in some form. Today just happens to be broccoli.”

Discussion questions:

1) If you were the son, how would you respond if your father asked you to choose a bowl of soup? 

2) Why can’t we rely on what we see? Why can’t we rely on what we experience?

3) Share a moment where goodness actually came back to you.


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Tinywhisper11 February 10th

@Fristo that's so mean😂😂😂 how can a father sit there and eat the broccoli while his son has none😈 I would of chose the bowl with no broccoli on top, cause I would of wanted my dad to have the one that looked the most. Goodness came back to me about 4 years ago and has never left my heart since😁❤ you can't go on what you see/experience once cause one bad egg doesn't mean they all are. ❤❤

gives fristo a giant tiny hug ❤❤

February 10th

@Tinywhisper11 wise words with a warm hug, and with a sprinkling of humour, that's our tiny 😀

MrSkusi February 10th


1) If you were the son, how would you respond if your father asked you to choose a bowl of soup? 

When I was a kid I would have probably followed my hedonistic pleasure-related and egoistic intuition as well as the son in this example. Today I´d obviously react differently though. Developing a more socially acknowledgable understanding of the world is an important step in growing up certainly.

2) Why can’t we rely on what we see? Why can’t we rely on what we experience?

Whilst we do rely on stimuli that are based in our perceptions in everyday life and even while these stimuli may have carried ourself to where we are today, they are perceptions and ultimately stay that - therefore they can never loose their subjectivity and are always to be rekognized within the system that has produced these perceptions. 

3) Share a moment where goodness actually came back to you.

It´s difficult to pick out a specific story, yet there are many examples of how goodness may attract goodness within or towards yourself. Any form of benevolence may result in beneficial reaction towards or within oneself since human beings (unless highly antisocial) tend towards reciprocal relationships. We as a society have indulged in reciprocal beneficial relationships ever since and it may be a central key for our existence as it is today. 
I have been offered food, shelter, friendships and great opportunities to get to know people I would´ve never gotten to know otherwise just by being respectful, mindful and showing acceptance and empathy towards people. In my experiences there are so many people who really want to be nice but dont go out yelling that. Once you give them a chance to let you in the flourish and great things may result out of that. 

SleepyPersonForever February 10th

That's a good story to think about.

1. I'd choose the bowl with the least on top. Id want the other to have the most. Even though you can never be certain of course.

2. I really don't know to be honest.

3. Many times on this website I've tried to help and listen and support many people. I've found that a lot of those people do the same to me when they notice I need support. We uplift each other in a positive spiral. Helping each other when we manage.

It was an interesting story to think about even if I do not fully understand it. Thank you for sharing Fristo ❤️

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Tinywhisper11 February 10th

@Fristo please add me ❤

communicativePond1728 February 10th


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SparkyGizmo February 10th


Hi Fristo! 😊 ❤️ So very well said, true words to live by! Thank you for this forum post my friend! This is such an amazing start to my day here on the platform. 

This truly pulled at my "heart strings" and made my eyes well up a bit. 

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

SparkyGizmo February 10th


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CalmRosebud February 10th

Fristo, that's very cute, but in our household we had to convince the kids to eat their broccoli. We asked them to pretend they were Dinosaurs and the broccolis were little trees and they had to eat them up. Also, my husband used to say, "Pretend you're a Lego Man and eat up your Broccoli!" and our son would make his hand into the shape of a Lego Man, which is, for reference, like a Letter C, lol, and our son would say, "But the fork keeps falling out." Lol, That was when they were little. Thank you for reminding me of this good memory. 


Please "Add me to the Stories for Good Life Series Taglist!" Thanks, Fristo, you'e the Cutest (besides Lola who is Cuter.)

sadcat13 February 10th

@Fristo I would have taken a spoon and checked both before choosing, relying on objective observation 😂

We need to be careful with our choices and not generalise as one bad experience we had doesn't mean something is absolutely horrible and doomed. There are millions of people with millions of different experiences. Things are not always what they seem to be, and we should always consider hidden potential.

Can't remember the third one but I know I had something like this happen a bit ago where I was genuinely wondering if I got some good karma moment but can't recall what it was as it wasn't from the same person I did good to

sadcat13 February 10th

@Fristo Add me to the Stories for Good Life Series Taglist!"

bouncyMusic133 February 10th


This was a good forum post Fristo. thank you. A good lesson. 

1) If you were the son, how would you respond if your father asked you to choose a bowl of soup? 

I will probably be like the son, not even knowing that it was a lesson. But will keep it in mind for future reference.

2) Why can’t we rely on what we see? Why can’t we rely on what we experience?

This is because things are not always like they seem. Like the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover". we cannot rely on what we experience because everyone may go through similar experiences but it is all unique. 

3) Share a moment where goodness actually came back to you.

Hmm..I'll have to think about this. I think it is when I was not getting the support that I need to help me do my job. But I was able to learn the job myself and succeed. 


I would have picked the soup without broccoli. First because i people please my parents. And second because im afraid of them. And third because i want them to have it

cloudySummer February 12th

@Fristo I disagree. Just as you cannot rely on any experience to be telling you how all other experiences will end, as well as it not always being a good idea to rely on indicators that often , but not always work, you also cannot do good with the expectation of it resulting in something good for you. That would lead to only having good intentions not because you want good things to happen in the world, butbecause you want them tp happen to YOU. A deeply selfish and deluded attitude. Don't go into interactions expecting a specific result, but try your best to incrase chances of that happening. You cannot control the world.

Countrygirl095 February 12th

@Fristo awesome

Fluffymonster101 February 12th


woaw this is the 1st time I see this. I love it. I wish all would have this philosophy. Thank you! Now I have a great story to tell my nephews. Also a kind reminder of what truly matters🤭. Hope some hugs won’t disturb🤗

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considerateSummer1171 February 14th

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February 14th

@considerateSummer1171 added(: