Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
I'm working at my identity. I'm learning that in Christ my idendity is perfect (before God) and no one can attack my identity because then they have to attack Christ and He is an overcomer.
I hosted/chaired my very first meeting. I dreamed of this since my first time in rehab in 2012
2 weeks anxiety episode free!
Feeling really good.
Positive thoughts and creative ideas flowing.
That there is a name to how I am feeling and I am not alone.
I have learned to allow myself to feel satisfied where I am, and at the same time eager for more.
Another milestone, yeah me. I have learn through my attempt to learn mindfullness and meditation that I have what I call intrusive thoughts, and a very short attention span. My couch born analysis has me staring at ADHD, which is mostly a google thing for children.
It is not terrible to be overly emotional sometimes, and that a lot of people are.
I'm on step 50 and I'm learning still... but so far I've learned it's okay to do stuff for yourself.
Got done with active listening leval 5
I learned that noone will support you in your troubles, they would just say calm down.