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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

gentleemperor December 14th, 2022

@Liv125 haha you can call me penguin 🐧 Noot noot 😛 Thanks Liv for being so sweet. I wish you both a wonderful day 🥳

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2022

the *link* to view the card

(Lateeee to the party but here after like 2 empty tissue boxes🤧)


Thankyouu for such a beautiful post and for your kind words, Gloria. You are incredible! ❤

We are in a platform, where every other person is kind, and has their own way to practice kindness, so it's reasonable how there's multiple moments where someone says or does something that makes us feel so warm and fuzzy. But then there's these moments, and these *certain* acts of kindness that seeps in and sets in the corner-most chambers of our heart, and manages to pull across all the heart strings *at once*.

This right here is one of these moments, and I'm happy that such moments are not very often, because it helps restore the rarity and makes it even more special, something to hold onto more dearly.

I've been crying, would be an understatement, an absolute understatement, because ummm this ain't no normal crying, it's one of those- "I don't have enough strength to hold this much kindness and warmth, nor the space for it, so I'm going to sit and sob till I'm able to absorb every last bit of it and more"-crying moment.

I just don't know what to say. :') You got me, you completely got me and it's going to take a long time to actually absorb it all, perhaps no rush to do it mhm? Going to take it slow and allow myself to really *feel* it. ❤

I could actually guess it was you, because of some of the phrases used here xD and then got the confirmation too haha. @CosmicMiracle, I am no human, but an epic being? Says who? Someone who holds the power to make a human turn into an epic being in a snap? Someone who traverses the darkest spaces and lights them up hanging around with the shiniest fairy lights in the world? Someone who breathes pixie dust?

Someone who isn't a human herself either, but a miracle, and the rare, special kind of miracle in the universe of miracles too.








Thankyouuuu for everything! 🥺❤

[Lucky me, you were my pair for the secret friend game this week, Cosmic, I couldn't let this one go]

CosmicMiracle December 13th, 2022
@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I wish the day would come when I would write something and people won't know it's me 😬

You made me cry :'( my rose was runny and I keep hiccuping like an American first-grader who just experienced being bullied for the first time except mine was because I had my first taste of KFC (and OMG it was heaven!) which is all sorts of happy 💙💙💙

I will process what you wrote and I will get back to you, you angel lightworker you! <3
CosmicMiracle December 13th, 2022
It posted twice so I'll send you a new gift for this one :p

A song from my heart, something I dedicate to people who share my tribe of rare people who thrive in the darkness and become the lightest of beings <3


@Sunisshiningandsoareyou enjoy this song <3
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2022

Hello @LovelyMango1, your strength and honesty is being appreciated by your peer @comfortableSpring7236 🧡


Keep walking forward in your healing journey, Mango, people like you who brave their fears, and exhibit a strong sense of resilience and honesty while sharing their story, are a true inspiration. 🧡

Thankyou for looking out for your peer, Spring, I appreciate you taking the time to give that encouraging boost to Mango. 🧡 Keep up the great work!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2022

Hey hey @PatientLake8712, you're appreciated oh-so-warmly by @HopefulDazaii, for being Supportive, Kind, Respectful, Patient, Understanding, Empathetic and Cheerful. 💙


💙Click me for a nice-r image💙

Keep up the great work, Lake, it's wonderful to have listeners like *you* who make so much of a difference with their compassionate presence and kind words. 💙

I'm really glad you got the needed company and support, Dazaii, you're so appreciated for giving it back to your peer~ the kindness, the warmth, the hugs, you name it. 💙

🤗Sending many hugs y'alls way!🤗


CosmicMiracle December 13th, 2022


🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Appreciation Messages 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 for 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 @amiableBunny4016 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟




Quality you are appreciated for:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful
Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another
Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart
Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged
Cheerful - They are fun to be around



"Bunny spreads kindness and cares a lot!" - anonymous


"@amiableBunny4016, thank you so, so much for your support to everyone on 7 cups! We are all your friends here, and thanks so much for being such a kind supportive friend and inspiring us all" - anonymous


Hi, Bunny! I know you've been through a lot in this life. Your struggles are unimaginable at such a young age, yet you remain a smile spreader, a soul enlightener, and an overall source of love, kindness, and compassion. Thank you for your presence, your time, your effort, and the pieces of you that you share with us in this community <3

And to your anonymous friend, thank you for appreciating Bunny. Know that you are also a driving force as to why there are magical people in this world. It's not just a simple appreciation message, that's food for the soul <3 thank you!!!

I dedicate this video to you and your anonymous friend:
Experience the Underwater World Through the Eyes of a Free Diver <3

What I love about this is the fact that we can relate his exploration of the underwater world to how we discover our inner selves <3 I know you both have gone through challenges and difficulties, and it leads you to get to know yourself better :) I am so proud of you both :)


amiableBunny4016 December 13th, 2022


Thank you Cosmic for creating beautiful post! Thank you for being such an empathetic and beautiful human being ❤️ this made my day! *Hugs and cookies if wanted*

Dear anonymous person,

I truly thank you so much for your kind and lovely and beautiful appreciation ❤️ whoever you are, you are amazing and loved and cared about. I don't know who or where you are but you deserve alot of happiness. This has made me smile after a long time of suffering! I'm so glad I could help you out!! Be your beautiful self always.


CosmicMiracle December 13th, 2022


🖤🌈🖤🌈🖤🌈🖤🌈🖤🌈 @JuliaEWriter is being appreciated! 🖤🌈🖤🌈🖤🌈🖤🌈🖤🌈




Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart
Coachable - They have the desire to improve
Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act
Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals
Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged
Supportive - They are kind and helpful
Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart



"Julia is so nice!! She made my day and I think she is a super nice member!" - anonymous


"Julia is a very nice person and very supportive and very very kind she is always positive in the forums and chatrooms" - anonymous




Thank you, anonymous peers for taking the time to fill out our form and send this appreciation message for Julia :) you're both lightworkers that this world deserves :)

And to Julia, I hope you know that you are cared for and you're touching people's lives <3 thank you for the gift of you <3

For you three, I dedicate this video. I don't know what impactful title to tag it with so let me tell you my opinion of it :)

It's about a doggo who was just rescued by the new owner. You can see how she was crying because she's seen what the dog went through and it broke her heart. But the dog, bless her kind heart and compassionate soul, assured (in its own way) the crying owner that things will be okay. That they now have each other <3

I dedicate this video because it symbolizes our connection to each other here in 7Cups. Members offer each other support, and so do listeners. Listeners provide support to members and members provide lessons to listeners. It's always a two-way street and that's what's magical about all of us <3

Don't forget your magic, okay? :) Much love <3


Harsvin December 13th, 2022

🍒 🍒Hey @kindcherry2
we have a lovely appreciation message written by @JuliaEWriter 🍒 🍒

Cherry is described as :

🍒 Supportive - They are kind and helpful

🍒 Cheerful - They are fun to be around

🍒 Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone

🍒 Having Growth Mindset - Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills they believe growth is always possible

🍒 Agile - They change course as needed


Click here to view a clear image

🍒 @kindcherry2 thank you so much for offering kindness, compassion and support to your peer. You are an amazing listener and it means a lot to make a difference in someone's day. We appreciate everything in you do 🍒

🍒 @JuliaEWriter
thank you for writing such a lovely message to cherry 🍒


NGC224 December 14th, 2022

@Fristo What a wonderful idea. As a community, we should cherish our peers and not to take them for granted. As an ancient Chinese idiom says, "When you eat the fruit, remember the tree; when you drink from the stream, remember its origin" (落其实者思其 ,饮其流者怀其源) Thank you all for being an invaluable part of our community.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 14th, 2022


This is beautiful, thank*you* for being a part of the community! ❤

cristlecares December 15th, 2022
Heylo beautiful cupsers🌻🌼 Hope y'all are doing well😇🍪
Cris is back with another appreciation post yayyy💃🌻

So the person who's being appreciated today isssssss
@Frozty yayyyy🌻🌻🌻🌸🌸🌸

And they've been appreciated byyy @lyricalAngel70 🌻💛❤️

Frozty is,

❤️Supportive - They are kind and helpful...
❤️Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another...

Angel has something very sweet to say about Frozty❤️


🌻Note from Cris to Frozty: Dear Froztyyyy I guess you already know howww proud I am to see you shine bright in this community by being your beautiful self💙❄️ I've seen you and talked to you since the day 1 of your cups journey, and I feel so so sooo happwe to see you being soo supportive, kind, caring and helpful towards everyone around you🌻 I'm happwe that people are acknowledging your support and sending you all the appreciation you deserveee😄 Alwaysss know that You're amazinggg and you're doing greatttttt💙 Always be the awesome Frozty you are and Let's have fun in the LSR 💃💃💃 (Waiting for your finals to get over💃💃)
*Biggg hugsss* and cookiess🍪🍪

Thank you so much @lyricalAngel70 for appreciating your fellowmates and letting them know how wonderful they are🌻💙 Your words mean alottt🌻 Keep supporting others around you and keep shining✨ *hugsss* 🫂 and Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪

Flowers for Frozty ❄️ and Angel 💐

Have a great day/eve everyone💐🌻💃

lyricalAngel70 December 15th, 2022

Thank you so much!

You are truly amazing, dear Cris! ♥️

I am in love with your creativity and the way you have beatifully carved my words on the cool graphics. I liked the way you chose all three colors!

Keep it up.

Much love,


cristlecares December 17th, 2022

@lyricalAngel70 awwww glad you liked it angel💙🌻

Thank you for your encouragement hehe!💙

Have a great day/eve🌻💙 and Take care of yourself! Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪 and *hugs* 🫂

lyricalAngel70 December 17th, 2022

It is my pleasure ♥️

Have a lovely Christmas break. Good morning/night 💜💕



Frozty December 26th, 2022


Thank you for the pretty graphics, Criss. You make them so beautiful. Your words mean a lot to me, I really appreciate you being there for me 💕 (Finals just got done, hence me belatedly responding to all my tags haha)


Aww, Angel. Thank you so much for the sweet message, I appreciate it a lot. You've also been amazing being supportive and spreading kindness around here. Thank you for being the amazing you 💕

I too wish you a happy journey 💕

(Really sorry for the really late response here, been busy with finals 😭)


lyricalAngel70 December 26th, 2022

Thank you so much ♥️

Best wishes to you too ♥️

SukoLovesHito133 December 15th, 2022

We have another peer appreciation for…. @Sunshiningandsoareyou

Sun’s qualities are:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act, Cheerful - They are fun to be around

A few words from your appreciator,

_1671116619.Hello sunshine Colourful Mobile Phone Wallpaper.png

I could agree more, with them. You do always bring rays of sunshine, where ever you go.

Your appreciator was… @amiablebunny4016

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 24th, 2022


Thankyouu for this lovely post, Suko. I appreciate you too! 💛


Oh gosh Bunnyyyy, how come you're so sweet always and to everyone. Sun noms super sweet people to express Sun's love for them. 🥺 Could I nom you please? :')

"You're the person that helped me believe in myself better" 🤧💛 I can't tell how much this means to me.

Thank*youuu* for being super thoughtful, kind and appreciative always. Your support and compassion is unequaled and it is truly uplifting to have you around.

Big love and lots of hugs for the sweetest Bunny. *you* are awesome at being you and I appreciate you sooo much! 💛

amiableBunny4016 December 24th, 2022


You so sweet. Thank you for your message. And your welcome, you deserved it.

I don't know how I am so sweet hehe. I just love putting smile on your face (and everyone else's)

Of course you can nom me. *noms Sun*

*love and hugs and cookies back to you*


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 24th, 2022

@amiableBunny4016 Aw yay *is nommed* and *noms you back* 🥰💛

amiableBunny4016 December 24th, 2022


We get to nom each other forever!



Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 24th, 2022

@amiableBunny4016 Bunny speaks my language yayy! Yasss to forever nomming each other! 🥰❤

The gif lol! 😛🤣

SukoLovesHito133 December 15th, 2022

So, we have another appreciation, for….. @GoldenFlames

The peers qualities are…

_1671117336.Colorful Rainbow We Need Love *** Post.png

A few words from your appreciator……

Motivated: It gets hard to deal with life stressors at times and I truly believe that a person who can motivate themselves and the people around them are true heroes! He is such a person with a charming personality!

Determined: They had gone through burnout for quite a long time by now. Yet, I have immense respect for them for being able to bounce back with their full potential and stay determined toward their goals. Hats off! ♥️

Having a Growth Mindset: No matter how much a person thinks of themselves as a perfectionist, needless to say, there is always room for improvement and this is what I have learned from them as their love and curiosity for learning new things and excelling by honing their existing skills tells me a lot about how much of importance it holds for them when it comes to growth and having a keen mindset filled with the idea of learning and growing as an individual ... Thanks a lot for everything, dear friend ♥️♥️♥️


Your appreciator is….. @lyricalAngel70

SukoLovesHito133 December 15th, 2022


Since it doesn’t wanna show the picture here, Here is the link ( Click the blue text )

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2022

Hello @Marsieboo, you're lovingly appreciated by the sweetest Bunny @AmiableBunny4016 💛


Sending more love and cookies your way, Marsie. 💛

I am simply in awe seeing how appreciative and loving, you are towards everyone, Bunny. Keep being *you*, and shining your bright light full of love everywhere. 💛


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2022

Hello hello @LavenderHere, keeping many cookies here to lure you for a sweet message for you! 💜


I agree with @Journey144 so much, Lav, you're an amazing peer-son hehe, one of the bestest leaders we have, who is always ready to help anyone and everyone. 💜

Thank*youuu* for all you do, with so much love and dedication in your heart, it is evident in your many contributions of how much you care for your peers and the community, at large. We appreciate you so much also, for being your Lavlyyy self! 💜

It is so good to see you again, Journey, your eye for awesomeness is much appreciated, perhaps "awesomeness lies in the eyes of the beholder"? :P Thankyouu, for being so kind and encouraging towards your peers. 💜

🍪 *shares lots of cookies* 🍪


Journey144 December 16th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for composing such a beautiful and honest post. You always demonstrate the perfect words and convey lovely expressions. Enjoying my cookie and I hope @LavenderHere does too! 🌺 *Sharing them with others, too!* Stay well and awesome!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2022


Awww that's super kind of you, means a lot to me, big time thankyouuu! And yasss, let's get set dig in for the cookies, we've got many!🥰

LavenderHere December 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank youuu for the pretty post!!

Awww @Journey144 thank you so much for the lovely post, and I'm always happy to help any way I can<3 *shares cookies with all*<3
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2022

Hiya @Swagg13z, your awesome self is appreciated by your awesome peer @Vict0rxx 💙


Also a special delivery:


Keep being wonderful y'all, it's always such a delight to see these lovely messages and sweet friendships. I hope the support, love and kindness you give out to the world, embraces you too. 💙

cristlecares December 16th, 2022

Heylooooo loveliesss💙🍪

Today we have got appreciations for one of the mosttt Amazinggg, bright and Dazzling @Sunisshiningandsoareyou yayyyyy💃🌻💙

Sun is☀️,

🌻Supportive - They are kind and helpful....
🌻Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood...
🌻Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another...
🌻Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together...
🌻Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged...

We got more than one appreciation for Sunny, so let's see what lovelies have to tell Sun🌻😄

First appreciation is from an amazing Secret friend wohoooo💃💙


Yayyyyyy🌻💙 (Let's see whether Sun can guess who this is 😜)

Another Anonymous (secret Friend) has sent a beautiful appreciation for sun yayyyy🌻☀️


Awwww (Another amazing hooman bean to be guessed right, Sun😜💃)

Next up we have a really heartwarming Appreciation from @BlueRivercares 💙🌻


River also shared a beautiful song with you Sunnnn🎵🎶🌻

Click here for the👉 "Surprise🎶"

Note from Cris☀️: Sunnn do you know how happwe I feel to post these appreciations for you? All these post gives me a chance to tell you how amazing and beautiful you are😄💙 Thank you for all the warmth, support and care you show for everyone around you Sunny🌻🫂 You deserveee all the appreciation and Love in the world🥺 Cris loves ya😄🌻 Have a happwe happwe happwe Christmas and a new year! Stay warmmm and Comfyyy xD *sending hot chocolate for you* ☕☕ *hugsss tightt* 🫂🫂

Thank you so much lovely hooman beans for sending appreciations for your amazing peers, letting them know how amazing & wonderful they are and how much they mean to you🌻💙 You all are amazingggg💃 Keep encouraging others and Keep being your best self🌻 Cookiessss 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 *hugsss* 🫂💙

Flowers for all💐🌻

Have a great day/eve😇💙
BlueRivercares December 16th, 2022

@cristlecares omg the graphics look super cool, thank you for making them extra beautiful.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2022


A little confused about where to begin and a lot overwhelmed about what to say. (LOL🤧) This is sooo sweet, y'all just are incredible beings! 🥺


Thankyouuuu sweet Elly for such sweet words filled with christmas cheer and appreciation for your peer (that rhymed 😛). It is super gratifying to know I've helped in creating a beautiful experience for you in 7 cups in some way. The admiration is mutual, my friend, you're a delight to have around always. Thank*you* for the brightness and cheer you spread around, it is a pleasure to know you, work with you and simply be around you. Hope the Universe blesses you with many smiles always.

Merry Christmas to youu and your loved ones. I hope you're in the "pink" of health and happiness always and may every day be as wonderful to you as you are to the world. Sending more love and kindness your way! 💗


Is this you lol?😭 Did you take it seriously when I said your appreciations are easy to guess haha, because this one isn't very easy. XD And ooof I don't want the "punishment" for a wrong guess, so this better be you smh! 😛

Thankyouuu lovely secret friend, I'm a proud member of the PAT and it is a joy to work with every single one of you, *dream team* at its finest for me. 🧡

I don't have enough words to express how blessed I feel to be a part of this wonderful community, and be surrounded with such lovely souls as *yours*, thank*youuu* for lifting me up and letting me fly hehe, yeppp dunno about Red Bull but your kindness and love "gives me wings". xD I adoreee you big time. 🥰

(If this is someone else, now is your time to show up and get squished in a hug🥺)

*screams*: S h o w - U p! 😭


Been wondering how come I got so lucky with friends here, you gave the answer, Blueee, I deserve nothing but the best, so no wonder I got you as one of my friend and mentee here, because *you* are da best. 💛

I sometimes imagine you with a sash that says: "sometimes I appreciate, sometimes I poof" :P I always see you being super appreciative towards so so many people, how you always take the time to let your friends know you care and you're thinking of them even if you're on self care breaks or not much active here, now that be via forum tags, random PM - pokes or these sweet appreciations. *you* deserve the best always too, you magical being, always over-flowing with love and kindness for everyone. I hope all the love, cheer, care, happiness, support, kindness, appreciation and warmth you spread around, makes its flow towards you as well. 💛

And yes hehe, always have endless supply of hugs and cookies. You know where to find us. 🤗

I love the songgg so much, Blue, could you be any more thoughtful. 🤧💛

This has really made my day, my year (can definitely say that considering there's less time left lolll), and ofcourse some bright and beautiful moments to carry forward in the next one as well.

Thankyouuuu lovely lovely peers, y'all are simply fantabulous at being *you*. ❤

Crisssyyy, do *you* know how happweee I am that you're posting these for me, I appreciate how you add your Cris-wee (that's cris plus happweee, because for me Cris=Happwee) charm to literally everything you say or do. 🥺

Thankyouuuu for everything, you're one of those who make my heart smile the widest. I love ya moreee. 🌻💜 *hugs back tightly*

*shares hot chocolate with everyone* 🥰

I hope everyone has an amazing year end, Merry Everyday to *youu* and a happy happy new year! Hope the new year treats everyone with lots of love, kindness and happiness. 💜


CosmicMiracle December 16th, 2022



Try again, you non-human 😜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 16th, 2022

@CosmicMiracle 😮 Lol, I'll just wait for the secret peer to show up xD literally everyone in our team is all things amazing. This is tough! 🤧

SukoLovesHito133 December 16th, 2022


I know who both your secret friends are! The first one was from last week, and the 2nd one is for this week. Keep up the good work though! And keep guessing!

CosmicMiracle December 16th, 2022


💛🌈💛🌈💛🌈💛🌈💛🌈 @LindseyLobotomy is being appreciated! 💛🌈💛🌈💛🌈💛🌈💛🌈




Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another
Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong
Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act
Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together



"Lindsey is empathetic because she is willing to listen and to understand others' feeling."



Thank you, Lindsey, for your positive energies, your compassion, and your unwavering support to every person in the community that you come across <3

And to @VictoriaLove7 thank you for recognizing the unique and amazing person that is Lindsey <3

For you both, I dedicate this performance: V Unbeatable from Mumbai, India which was performed in America's Got Talent :) There was a poignant story behind it. One of their members got paralyzed (and I think, he eventually crossed over :'( ) during dance rehearsals. Despite being devastated, they decided to honour his legacy by continuing on to AGT.


VictoriaLove7 December 17th, 2022


Thank you so much and for the awesome pictures too!! 😍