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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 19th, 2023


Omigoshhh I cannotttt hehe! This is toooo beautiful, Lily, you keep leveling up every time!😭 Super amazed to see the already incredibly unique appreciation by @fristo being posted in just the perfect way for our beloved, @YourCaringConfidant, waiting for answers also haha! :P ❤

NotFound20 June 20th, 2023


Thanks a lot Sun. Hopefully this post makes both of them happy.

VictoriaLove7 June 20th, 2023
Hey Finn @CommunityModFinn

You got a wonderful appreciation from an amazing appreciator

@bluerivercares 🌊

Here's what River 🌊 says


These are the qualities that River 🌊finds in you 🦊


From me (❛ᴗ❛๑ )

To @bluerivercares

I hope you are doing well, you have been a kind presence in our community. I hope things will get better for you. You will be greatly missed by many people, River! 🌊

To @CommunityModFinn

Thank you for supporting River and other members and I hope you can connect with River soon today! 🦊

BlueRivercares June 20th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 thanks for the post and wishes victoria <3.

VictoriaLove7 June 20th, 2023


Thank you, River, 🌊 and thank you for being a wonderful listener!

Hope you are doing well!

CommunityModFinn June 20th, 2023


Thank you Blue, this is lovely! I wish you all the best, for wherever your journey leads

VictoriaLove7 June 20th, 2023
Hey everyone! (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)

We have two special appreciations for the OG leader ⭐

@Fristo ⭐🐻‍❄

The appreciations are sent by the amazing appreciators

@Jupiterbeingahuman 🪐


@Whyme3112 🪂

Here is what Jupiter says


These are the qualities that Jupiter find in you, Fristo ⭐


Here is what Whyme says


These are the qualities that Whyme find in you


From me (❛ᴗ❛๑ )


Thank you for giving this appreciation! You are a wonderful person! 🪐


Thank you for your kind presence in our community. I remember seeing you in MCR. Stay kind to yourself too! 🪂


Thank you for teaching us to appreciate others and our lives through this space. Keep being our OG leader, Fristo and keep being you! ⭐🐻‍❄

VictoriaLove7 June 20th, 2023
Hey everyone! \( ^o^ )/

We have two special appreciations for the one who shines the brightest light in Cups


@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

The appreciations are sent by

the amazing appreciator

@Whyme3112 🌸


by everyone's favorite fishy

@OnlyWinter 🐡

Here is what Whyme says \(^ᗜ^ )/´


Whyme find these qualities in you, Sunshine 🌞


and, here is what Winter says 🐡


Winter finds these qualities in you, Sunshine 🌞


From me ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝

To @Whyme3112

I totally agree with you, Sunshine make beautiful graphics in their posts. Even looking at them makes us feel better. Sunshine's panda post is one of their cutest posts! 🌸

To @OnlyWinter

It is great seeing your name in our appreciators list. Thank you for being appreciative! You are always honest and authentic with your opinion. Keep being you, Winter! 🐡

To @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Thank you for your innumerable contributions to Cups. Thank you for all your hard work for our community. Thank you for everything, Sunshine. I'm truly grateful to have you in my life. ❤


Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2023


Omigosh my heart is really full, y'all are so wholesome!🥰

One is overwhelmingly-heart-warming enough for me Haha but here's two (and three if I count your endless gratitude for me everytime also, Viccc). Thankyouuu for this sweet appreciation!

Let's tacobout how incredible you are, Viccc, no wonder, you've got a big pizzaamyhearrtt! 😛

I love the cutu emoticons, the graphics are beautiful as owlways, and I can only express my gratitude to you for making me feel so special, in so many different ways, means the world really. 💛


Winter fishyyyy, you're so amazing being yourself hehe, and I appreciate you so much also. Thankyou for your kind words and for picking such wonderful qualities, it means so much to me. 🐡 Keep swimming hehe, you're doing so great! 🧡


Whyyyy, why did you have to be so sweeeet hehe. (':

I don't think anyone who has the power to brighten someone's day can be a "nobody", you for one definitely aren't.

You're a somebody, who's an important part of the world, a somebody who exists and who's existence brings comfort and cheer to the world, a somebody who didn't have to, yet took time to observe, acknowledge and appreciate the good in something/one, a somebody who didn't hesitate to fill another person's day with happiness and love, a somebody who was special the minute they became a part of the world but also a somebody who still continues to create a positive impact around. ❤

Thank *youuu* really, the panda post was such an impromptu idea with another peer randomly mentioning in the forums that there should be something for pandas and I couldn't let that opportunity to go lol! 😄

I am super happy I could help you feel better in someway, that is honestly so gratifying for me to hear. 🤧

Your kind words mean soooo much to me, thankyou for making me feel so warm. You're such a lovely presence around, I hope to see you around more! ❤

Pandas are adorable, and so are youuu! 🐼

Hugs are warm, and so are youu! 🤗

Sun is shining anddddd? :P correct! So are youuu, so are you! 🌞

🤗Group hugs🤗


VictoriaLove7 June 20th, 2023


If you count, there will owlways be innumerable gratitude for you! 🥰 Cuz mine are endless and countless owlways. (and you earn Cups community's gratitude everyday.)

You already are special, I only 'highlight' your awesomeness and remind you how special you are, Sunshine 🌞

And and, I lovee your puns 😄 (even your puns smartly match with the cutu emoticons 🌮🍕 I put in the post. 🥺❤)

*holding a big pizzaayourheart*🤗


OnlyWinter June 23rd, 2023


Sun! 😀 Yes, I want to pick more qualities for you! 🧡 Thank you so much for making pretty pretty graphics for me, you are amazing, Sun! 🧡🐡


Thank you, Victoria! I am swimming everywhere in the picture haha, and there's Froggy! 😀

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2023

Hello @StriveForJoyNotPerfection613, wow that's a mouthful haha! I sooo love your username, such a beautiful affirmation! 💛

No wonder you're spreading joy around, and we have a secret friend to affirm to that with a kind message! 💛


Thankyou for your kind presence around, Joy! 💛

Sending a hug to the lovely secret friend for being so considerate! 💛

VictoriaLove7 June 22nd, 2023


It is simple but cutu post, Sunshine! 🌞❤

I like the font shape too 🥰 @Striveforjoynotperfection is one of the most wholesome names, fosho 🤗

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 🤗🥰❤


Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2023

@Onlywinter appreciating life and themself is the sweetest thing ever! 💙


Way to go, winter fishy, sooo proud of you always. 🐡 Your life is indeed valuable greatly and its vv inspiring to see you remind yourself that! 💙

FineFrog15 June 20th, 2023



😊 ❤️ Big big *hugs* ❤️ Good Day Sunshine and Sweet Fishy Fish ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2023


*big hugs back* 🐸🤗❤


FineFrog15 June 21st, 2023



OnlyWinter June 23rd, 2023


Froggy!! 🐸🐡 How are you doing?

FineFrog15 June 23rd, 2023



OnlyWinter June 23rd, 2023


Sun!! 😀 Thank you! It's so pretty shining! My life is shining! haha 😀🐡

heathermarie95 June 21st, 2023

Hello @Hawaii968

You have received an appreciation from @halcyonCloud2036


To Hawaii968 -

Thank you for making a change

within the 7Cups community.

We appericate you &

all you do for our community.

To halcyonCloud2036 -

Thank you for being apart

of the change within 7Cups &

being a part of our moderation team.

Keep up the great work.

heathermarie95 June 21st, 2023


Typed out version since it can be hard to read.

Hawaii968 is such a great presence in the Sharing Circle and always helps to keep things flowing. She is kind and supportive as a leader in the rooms and always has a way of making everyone feel welcome. She steps up when things are busy and keeps us all on track when things are confusing. She is an awesome addition to any room she is in and is a great example of making our community better by being part of it. Thank you Hawaii968 for your support and guidance here. We appreciate you so much!!

WishUponAStar968 June 21st, 2023


Thank you SO much for this Appreciation Message! ❤️

You are also so helpful and assisting in the SC as well, what would I do without you!

heathermarie95 June 21st, 2023

To @Bartlik2065

You have received an appreciation from a secret friend!


To @Bartlik2065 -

Thank you for being a part

of our community.

Do not stop shining.

You are stronger than you think.

To Secret Friend -

It is lovely to see you

appericate those who are

doing beautiful things for the community.

Rubylistens22 June 21st, 2023

@innateJoy9602 has appreciated @raspberryWatermelon1456 !


Click here

@innateJoy9602 thank you so much for appreciating @raspberrywatermelon1456 with such encouraging words and so kindly cheering them on:) as a fellow listener, I thank you for making cups a better place!

@raspberrywatermelon1456 I am so proud of you as well for moving forward, being resilient, and growing so beautifully like I’m sure you are💙 Some words innate used to describe you were humble, motivated, forgiving, inquisitive, resilient, coachable, and great communicator. I have no doubt those are completely accurate:)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2023

Hey hey @navyAcai8433, your bright and wondrous self is appreciated by @hawaii968, who is so generous in spreading kindness around always! 💛


Ooh and a sweet picture message also:


That is one of my favorite Maya Angelou's quote also, Hawaii, thankyou for being so appreciative towards your peers.💛

Navyyyy, you beautiful hooman, you deserve all the smiles, I hope this one keeps you smiley for a looong time! Sending love! 💛

navyAcai8433 June 21st, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you for making such a wonderful post!! Hawaii968 I am so grateful that I was able to help and be there, but I had no idea literally that I have made any positive impact whatsoever! Was just doing my thing! Thank you for making me feel so special! The sharing circle wouldn't be the same without you Summer! Keep being you and thank you once again for all your kind and sweet words ❤️❤️

navyAcai8433 June 21st, 2023

Tagging @Hawaii968!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2023

Hello @nuggiesss, you have the cutest username and profile picture hehe, it's lovely to meet you via this kind appreciation for you from @VictoriaLove7 💗


To support this appreciation, Vic thinks you are:

🐾 Emotionally Intelligent

🐾 Great at Communication

🐾 Effective problem-solver

🐾 Respectful

🐾 Authentic

What a pawfect list of qualities in a hooman. Keep being your pawesome self, Nuggie! 💗

Thankyouu for the sweet note, Vicc, you're owlways so kind, thoughtful and appreciative towards people. *you* make the world a better place! 💗

VictoriaLove7 June 21st, 2023


Sunshinee 🌞❤ thank youu for making this appreciation post for nuggies from me. 🤗

I love every part of the graphic, the two puppies, rainbow doggo foot prints, pink hearts, and the way you put all the details. 🥰

Even the doggo footprints color are rainbow 🥺 It is vv customized to the appreciator (me 😄 = rainbow ) and the appreciated (the two puppies and the doggo footprints).

There are two puppies just like in nuggiess pfp and the colors of the circle, letter in the graphic, and the background match with the font colors pink, yellow, and greenish. 🥰

And and, your punny message, pawfect list of qualities. 😄

I'm saving this graphic and the post! 🤗❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2023


Yes to all that!😛 *hugsssss* 🤗❤

VictoriaLove7 June 21st, 2023


*hugssss back tighttt*🤗❤

nuggiesss June 29th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 everything was absolutely pawwwfect! 🥹🐾🫶🫶🫶

VictoriaLove7 June 29th, 2023


Hi nuggiesss! 😃 yes yes, Sunshine makes vv cutu perfect graphic! Hope to see you in SC!

nuggiesss June 29th, 2023

Seriously! It's absolutely amazing. I shall make one back for y'all soon! 🫶

heathermarie95 June 21st, 2023

this is so cute! i love the way you did this !! 😀

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2023

@heathermarie95 Thanks so much!😄

nuggiesss June 29th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou sorry just seeing this! But omg this was the most pawwwfect post 🥹🫶🐾 from the photo to the kind words and the support. I really appreciate this and you! Exactly what I needed today. Thank you so much!!! 🫶🐾🥹 -nuggies

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 29th, 2023


Aw it's okay, I'm glad you got to see it now.❤

Thankyouuu, means a lot to me, this is one of my personal favorite recent-posts too, really enjoyed making it for you!🥰