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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

WishUponAStar968 July 15th, 2023


Heather you made it beautiful!! I appreciate it so much!

WishUponAStar968 July 15th, 2023


I love the post and the Hawaiian background!! And yes Vic- Im still memorizing away! Did you memorize it!!

heathermarie95 June 27th, 2023

Hello @Geminmyeyesnz

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend!


To @Geminmyeyesnz

It looks as though you have come

a long way as a member.

Keep up the great work

and stay strong!

To Secret Friend

It is nice to see you send in

an appreciation to a member.

Keep being the kind person that you are.

VictoriaLove7 June 27th, 2023
Hey Tifa 😊


You got a wonderful appreciation from

@AnnaSilverberg 🌸


These are the qualities that they find in you 🌼


From me


Thank you for giving this appreciation. You are a wonderful person! 🌸


Thank you for being an amazing mentee. You are appreciated! 🌼

VictoriaLove7 June 27th, 2023
Hey 😊


Thank you for sending your self-appreciation.


From me


Hope you are doing well, Prune and keep being kind to yourself! 🌼

Prune sent this image


lightPrune1000 June 28th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Thanks for making my self appreciation, I truly appreciate it! Yeah, I'm dealing with narcissist friend, it's tiring. But that made me appreciate myself more because although I'm not a noble person, but at least I'm not a type of envious person.

heathermarie95 June 27th, 2023

Hello @ValleyRoss

You have received an appreciation from @VictoriaLove7 !


To ValleyRose -

It is great to see you are a supportive

member here on 7Cups.

Keep up the great work!

To VictoriaLove7

It is nice to see how

appreciative you are of

so many members/listeners!

VictoriaLove7 July 1st, 2023


Thank you! πŸ˜ƒ

The croc picture is cute!

heathermarie95 June 27th, 2023

Hello @Daf8

You have received an appreciation from @VictoriaLove7 !


To Daf7 -

Congratulations on

graduating the

Internship Program!

Keep up the great work.

To VictoriaLove7 -

Thank you for all you do

for our community!

It is great to have someone

as kind as you apart of

this wonderful community.

VictoriaLove7 June 28th, 2023


Thank you for designing the blue background for daf! 😊 I hope to hear from daf soon!

Daf8 July 6th, 2023

❀️ @heathermarie95 ❀️

❀️ Thank you so much for the beautiful graphic and lovely message! I love the style and colors you used! You're incredible. And thank you for congratulating me and the compliments! You're a wonderful person and we're lucky to have you ❀️

❀️ @VictoriaLove7 ❀️

❀️ Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, thank you *so* much! You're truly lovely, thoughtful and considerate. I'm sorry I have been absent: I came back to my city and it has been quite eventful, but I'll poke you soon. Thank you for caring about me and being so sweet and kind. And I'm always ready to answer any question related to Spanish! Thank you for doing what you do and being who you are ❀️

VictoriaLove7 July 6th, 2023


Hi Daf! Thank you for replying. I'm glad to hear you are okie. I look forward to your poke.

tifaxemmi June 27th, 2023

Helloooo @Mahad2804 ! I have a great Peer Appreciation for you from a Secret Friend!!

They want you to know that you're Purposeful, Resilient, Motivated, Agile, Emotionally Intelligent, Innovative, and a Problem Solver <3

They have some sweet words for you to read as well!


@Mahad2804 thank you soooo much for all you do for your peers here on 7cups. Reading your profile and seeing how extremely dedicated you are here and to your family just fills my heart with joy. Hope this appreciation fills your heart with joy too. You are so amazing!!

heathermarie95 June 28th, 2023

Hello @Fristo

You have received an appreciation from @VictoriaLove7 !


To Fristo -

Thank you for all you do

for the 7Cups community!

We appreciate you πŸ˜ƒ

To VictoriaLove7

Thank you for all you do.

The world needs more

kind people like you.

VictoriaLove7 June 28th, 2023


Thank you for creating the post the appreciation I sent for Fristo! 😊

tifaxemmi June 28th, 2023

@Lightprune1000 I was so happy to make this lovely appreciation for yourself <3

I can't agree with you more, you are very inquisitive. You look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future for yourself, it is very clear in your self-appreciation here!


Don't let anyone ever get you down or dampen your beautiful spirit. We appreciate you so much here on cups!


lightPrune1000 June 28th, 2023

@tifaxemmi Thanks for making my self -appreciation! I truly appreciate it! Yeah I'm dealing with a narcissist friend. It's terrible, everything is a competition to her. Whenever she praises me, she wants me to praise her back. If I said nothing, she stalks me in my social media with exagerrated praise to get my attention.

Nothing is given freely by them not even a praise.
heathermarie95 June 28th, 2023

Hello @Sophthelistener2022

You have received an appreciation from @VictoriaLove7


To Sophthelistener2022 -

It is great to see how much you achieved as a listener.

As well as seeing the couple roles you have such as being

a verified listener, part of the patrol team as

well as being a peer supporter. You have a positive impact

on the community. Thank you for all

that you do for 7Cups.

To VictoriaLove7 -

Thank you for all that you do.

Keep up the great work :)

VictoriaLove7 June 28th, 2023


Thank you again, for making the post i sent, this time it is for Soph! 😊 Hope to hear from Soph soon!

YourCaringConfidant June 28th, 2023

ο»ΏHey Smile Spreaders, this special appreciation is for you! It's coming from @Fristo and is dedicated to all of us. Yayyyy!


Awww.... Thank you, Fristo, for your sweet words and for being so proud of us. We love being apart of PAT! And I agree with you about every one of the smile spreaders making a difference in the lives of many. We have an amazing team, that's for sure!

Smile Spreaders, as sweet as that note was, that's not all. Our amazing Fristo has a special invitation for us all.


I hope you all take a peek at and see what amazing event is approaching soon! I know I can't wait! Yay! Thanks for the sweet invite, Fristo.

❀️ 🧑 πŸ’› πŸ’š πŸ’™ πŸ’œ

And to all you amazing Smile Spreaders, I have a very special gift for you all. I had one of my little helpers help me out and I just hope you love it. Just something to make you all smile today.

Please click on your name below to view a special present just for you.

@Fristo @AnnaSilverberg @VictoriaLove7 @SophTheListener2022 @Rosey16 @Rubylistens22 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Nessa00 @tifaxemmi @Harsvin @bubblingbreeze14 @GloriaD @blissfulSky8162 @heathermarie95 @Optimisticempath @Notfound20

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 28th, 2023

Omigoshhh you actually made something soooo special and personalized for each one of us?!?!?! What in the world lol!😭 Soooo beautiful, saved mine!πŸ₯°

You missed one, but no worries, team work always? Always! @YourCaringConfidant (yes, clickable too) ❀

Sooo much love to the little helper also! My heart is fulll! πŸ€—


Fristoooo, thankyouuuu for being the loudest cheerleader for all of us always. I think gratitude was always there, in our community, you've only encouraged the spark to become a flame, spreading the warmth of love and gratitude around 7 cups like a wildfire, and no, not one that burns and destroys, the one that embraces with only warmth on a cold cold night, radiating all things light and bright.

Super grateful for you and working alongside you, you make it better, all day, every day! ❀

Ooh and a big yay for gratitude circles! πŸ₯³

YourCaringConfidant June 28th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Omg, don't trick me like that? I was like "noooo, I doubled checked and checked again" to be sure I didn't forget anyone!🀣 I couldn't have done it without my little helper for real! Thanks Sun, but that's all you. β™‘ I adore you and thanks for the smile. 😘

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 28th, 2023


Haha awww sorry for the scarieeees but but you did 🀧 you forgot a vvv special smile spreader, without whom our team wouldn't look/feel/be the same, so you doo, deserve all the smileys in the world and then some more! ❀

I'm terrible at drawing and all the artsy jazz xD else, would've loved to do something more for you like you did for all of us. (': Till then yes lol, smileys it is! πŸ˜…

Aww your little helpers are the bestttesttt! 😭

heathermarie95 June 28th, 2023


Thank you so much for your kind words. It is great to feel appreciated and acknowledged for our hard work to make sure others feel appreciated and acknowledged. πŸ˜ƒ


Thank you for the thoughtful personalized gift for all of us. That is really kind of you.

Keep being the kind person that you are πŸ˜ƒ

AnnaSilverberg June 28th, 2023
🌈 @YourCaringConfidant 🌈

🌟 Ouh wooow! 🌟

🌸 Thank you for making this appreciation! 🌸
πŸ’œ It is soo beautiful! πŸ’œ
πŸ’• And thank you soo much for my pretty pretty photo I saved it πŸ’•

⭐️ @Fristo ⭐️

🎊 Thank you so much! 🎊
πŸ’™ You are absolutely a m a z i n g! πŸ’™
🌞 Thank you for leading us Smile Spreaders with your positivity and joy! 🌞
Optimisticempath June 30th, 2023

thanks so much for supporting us and being a caring leader @fristo πŸ’•

@YourCaringConfidant aw I love the surprises 😍 you are something else!! me saved mine, it means a lot to me πŸ₯° you deserve the best Desiree, you're so appreciative and encouraging for all of us always πŸ€—


I wanna thank our amazing team also πŸ’• keep being you!!

heathermarie95 June 29th, 2023

ο»ΏHello @Fristo

You have received an appreciation from @AnnaSilverberg !


To Fristo -

Thank you for everything you do for the community.

You have changed the lives of so many people here.

I am glad to be working aside you

within the Peer Appreciation Team!

To AnnaSilverberg -

I am also so glad to work aside you

within the Peer Appreciation team!

With that being said, it looks like you also make

a big impact on the community with all

7 roles that you have.

Keep being the kind person that you are.

heathermarie95 June 29th, 2023

Hello @Tulipsmile

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend !


To Tulipsmile -

Based on this appreciation

you seem to be a wonderful person

who is here to help people

feel heard. Thank you for being a listener.

Keep being the kind person that you are.

To Secret Friend -

It is really nice of you

for sending in an appreciation for Tulip.

These types of kind gestures help

people feel seen for their hard work

Tulipsmile June 29th, 2023


Omg thank you so much that very nice I really appreciate that.

Thank you so much for the secret friend that makes me happy

heathermarie95 June 29th, 2023


I am glad that you like it :)

VictoriaLove7 June 29th, 2023

Hey 😊

@TrueSky 🌸

Thanks for your honest self appreciation!


These are your qualities


From me


Thank you for sending this appreciation and being honest about yourself! 🌸

TrueSky June 29th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 thanks for making my self appreciation!

July 14th, 2023

@TrueSky a lovely one, trueπŸ’› i also wish things keep getting better for you as you work through them, i believe in you!

VictoriaLove7 June 29th, 2023

Hey @A7medGhanem

You got a simple but wonderful appreciation message from a secret friend.


These are the qualities that they find in you


From me

To Secret Friend

Thank you for giving this simple yet powerful message. Know that you are a wonderful person! 🌸


Thank you for your kind presence! you are appreciated! 🌼

Ranaeil June 29th, 2023

Hello folks!

We got another appreciation for @OptimisticEmpath from @VictoriaLove7

Some good qualities about @OptimisticEmpath:

"Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately., Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation., Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart., Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood., Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone., Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future., Cheerful - They are fun to be around."

Awwww that's so sweet, but wait, there's more!

"Hi Optimus, how are you doing? I saw a transformer picture and Optimus Prime πŸ˜ƒ and I remember you. I also remember the thread you created, things left unsaid. Hope you are doing well, Optimus!"

Let's give a shout out to these two!

VictoriaLove7 June 29th, 2023


Hey Nessa! πŸ˜ƒ Thank you for making this post from me to Optimus!

Optimisticempath June 30th, 2023

@Nessa00 Thanks for posting 😊

@VictoriaLove7 😒 aw this is such a sweet surprise for me πŸ’• thanks a lot for thinking of me and checking on me, Victoryy ...idk how I am tbh but you thinking of me made me smile rn so thanks vv much for it 😭 I hope you're doing well πŸ€— you're an amazing person.

oh you have seen my thread?πŸ™ˆ it's so kind of you to remember, thanks again.. you can visit there anytime 🌈 I appreciate your kindness a lot


VictoriaLove7 June 30th, 2023


Hi Optimus πŸ˜ƒ I'm so glad it can make you smile. πŸ˜‡

I hope you are okie, 🧸 but if not, I hope things will get better for you. It will get better!

Thank you for your well wishes too πŸ˜‡

Remember to be kind to yourself, and you are an amazing person too! 🧸

Yes yes, I read your thread, the title you use is a powerful phrase. Sometimes we can say a lot with just a few words. I have visited your thread too! πŸ€—


Optimisticempath July 1st, 2023


You are vv kind to me and I appreciate you lots πŸ₯Ί thankyou for using bear emoji, me likey πŸ§ΈπŸ˜„ yes i made thread for trying to express how me feels sometimes which is hard πŸ˜… but having supportive people like be kind to me really helps me a lot. πŸ’•


hope you have a great weekend Victory πŸ€—

VictoriaLove7 June 29th, 2023

Hey 😊

@thefriendyouneverhad πŸ“—

you got a wonderful appreciation from

@stanishk2010 ⚘


These are the qualities that they find in you


From me


It is great to give appreciation to your listener. I hope you are doing well! ⚘


Thank you for being understanding to your member and be a friend to them. You are truly appreciated! πŸ“—