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Appreciating Smile Spreaders

AnnaSilverberg September 29th, 2023


🌞 To our Smile Spreader Appreciation Forum! 🌞


This amazing forum, that you wonderful spark of light have found is dedicated to our

🌞 Smile Spreaders 🌞

Yes! Those who make all those amazing and wonderful appreciations that you make or get!

If you haven't noticed this amazingly positive corner of 7Cups,
we invite you to see the magic and enjoy it!

You wonderful spark of light, can find it:


🌟 Oh wow! Wasn't that amazing! 🌟

And it gets better!
To make more of that magic,
you can do that:


Amazing! Right?
Absolutely wonderful!

The Appreciation Program, what is it?

It is a place where you can see the good in others, and share it with them.
When we see good qualities in others, our heart grows and kindness flows.

Here's a brief description, taken from the Peer Appreciation Program Forum:

You can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7Cups peer.
The peer could be any fellow Cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener,
anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well.

Now, lets see the wonderful Smile Spreaders be appreciated!

AnnaSilverberg OP January 25th

Thank you for your amazingly sweet and 
caring words!
I appreciate you❤️
Also, thank you for sharing your kindness
with our wonderful team💙❤️
You are absolutely, wonderfully amazing ❤️
CompassionateArrow January 25th


Sun🥹✨ this is too cute for Arrow to handle❣️

UwU 💗💗💗

AnnaSilverberg OP February 29th

🌟 What a wonderful day 🌟

💛 Hay you wonderful Smile Spreaders 💛

 🥳 🥳You know what time it is! 🥳🥳


🎊🌟🎊  Yaaas!  🎊🌟🎊


💕 It is time for us to appreciate you! 💕

😃 Thank you wonderful Smile Spreaders 😃


🌟 And also! 🌟

💛 Welcome new Smile Spreaders! 💛


🌟 You are amazing, did you know that? 🌟

💎 I do! 💎

🏃 February is at its end and March is coming our way 🏃

💕I see all of your wonderful Appreciation Posts and I want to give you a big trophy for all the work you do💕


🏆 Your accomplishments as Smile Spreaders are amazing! 🏆

 🤗 And I can imagine that you have other accomplishments that you are proud of 🤗

If you feel comfortable with sharing,
please share with us some of your accomplishments for the month of February


As you might know, we started a new fun game, the 🚂 Kindness Train! 🚂

Have you seen it? 

💓 Go, hop on the train with us! 💓
🤩 Spread some kindness 🤩

🚂 Click me 🚂

💕 Kindness is an amazing thing 💕

💗 It's something that we can show to bring others comfort and care
and we all know how it feels when we're shown kindness 

🤗 What you might not know is that when you show others kindness,
you are also being kind to yourself 

🤔 How does that work? 🤔


🤗 When we're sharing our kindness with someone,
 the positivity of that emotion goes both ways 

 🥰 The other person feels the comfort and the positive feeling
that follows when we're shown kindness, 
and what about us? 🥰

💕 We feel those same emotions, because we're doing something good and that is really giving 💕

🫶 Kindness is like a two way street, both persons benefit from it 🫶

⭐ And positive emotions are always something that is helpful to us and those around us 

💕 Self-kindness is very important too 💕

🤔 Now, I wonder 🤔

💠 How do you feel about self-kindness? 

💠 How can you incorporate self-kindness more into your life?

💠What kind act would you like to do for someone else that has been done for you?


✨ I hope that you all have a wonderfully magical month ahead ✨

💕 And thank you all for being amazing 💕 

💛 Thank you for being a Smile Spreader 💛


😊 We wish you a wonderful rest of your day 😊

@aaliyahy909 @AlleyCatNemo @Avaria @AuRewolf @bestBraveheart57 @BlissfulBue @BrightIndigo @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14 @Bunnylovesyou @ChromaticFinss @CompassionateArrow @EmpathysGarden @Fristo @gentleFox20 @GloriaD @Harsvin @Heathermarie95 @Heavenlymagic @KaylaMaulfair  @Kristynsmama @Mindfuljournal22 @MoonlitSummer @Optimisticempath @rubyjane00 @sadcat132 @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @teenytinyturtle @Walker7957 @WeEarth
WeEarth February 29th



sky2Ocean20 February 29th



Snowy00 February 29th



CompassionateArrow February 29th



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 29th


Aww so amazing as always, with the cutest graphics, heartfelt appreciation and gentle-most caring reminders, thank you so much, Anna!🥰

I hope everyone's taking the time to absorb these beautiful reminders, and trying to show themself some kindness as well. Yesssss, *you* the one reading this, deserves it too!💖


AnnaSilverberg OP February 29th
🌞 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

I'm so glad that you like it 💕
I really enjoy giving those gentle reminders,
you are all so amazing! 🌟
It truly warms my heart to see all the amazing work that you do! 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 29th




AnnaSilverberg OP February 29th

You're so wonderful!
sadcat13 February 29th


💠 How do you feel about self-kindness? 

I am all up for it 😊

💠 How can you incorporate self-kindness more into your life?

Ironically, being more disciplined for the sake of future me. It helps me with lessening the anxiety and the negative symptoms of my mental health problems. For example, if I don´t do my stretching, I will be having a three day long migraine, with negative mental health effects and a lot of stress. So I need to approach myself with self compassion and unique evaluation of the situation, but also with a certain level of discipline 🌻

💠What kind act would you like to do for someone else that has been done for you?

being patient with them just like others are patient with me and help them when they need something

AnnaSilverberg OP February 29th

Often self discipline is a form of self care 💕
I am glad that you're taking care of yourself in the ways that you need
Wonderful answers! Thank you for sharing them 🤗

sadcat13 February 29th

@AnnaSilverberg yesss, it is not easy sometimes, but need to take care of future me 🌻

Countrygirl095 March 2nd

@AnnaSilverberg thats awesome 

AnnaSilverberg OP March 31st

🐰 What a wonderful day 🐰

💛 Hay you wonderful Smile Spreaders 💛

You know what time it is! 

💛 Yaaas!  💛

💕 It is time for us to appreciate you! 💕

💛 Thank you wonderful Smile Spreaders 💛

💚 Welcome new Smile Spreaders! 💚

🐰 For those who celebrate, happy easter 🐰 


🌻 Spring has arrived and the summer is on it's way 🌻

🍃 It is the time where nature comes back alive and we start

to see the flowers blossom and the trees get leafy 🍃 


🌟 We want to thank you all, amazing Smile Spreaders for 

all the dedication and work that you put into your appreciations 🌟 


💗 We see you! 💗

💙 And 💙

💜 We thank you! 💜


Today, we've got a shorter post, because I got an idea 😲

And I have a question to ask you, wonderful Smile Spreader! 

What would you like to see in future Smile Spreader Appreciation posts? 🤔


🥳 And then, there are a few fun questions 🥳

🐰 What do you feel is the most wonderful thing that happened this month?

🐰 What are you looking forwards in the upcoming month?

🐰 Did you do some self-care today?


💚 Thank you all for being amazing! 💚

💙 We wish you a wonderful rest of your day 💙
@aaliyahy909 @AlleyCatNemo @AnnaSilverberg @Avaria @Bella20 @BrightIndigo @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14 @ChromaticFinss @CompassionateArrow @Fristo @GloriaD @Harsvin @Heathermarie95 @HeavenlyMagic @Kristynsmama @LoveMyMoonflowers @morganwindow @Optimisticempath @sadcat13 @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @teenytinyturtle @Walker7957 @WeEarth @YourCaringConfidant

YourCaringConfidant March 31st

@AnnaSilverberg What a beautiful posting! Awww. ♡ Thank you so much for it. You sure know how to make us all smile and feel appreciated. ☆ If you celebrate... Happy Easter, Smile Spreaders! And if you don't... Happy Day! Either way, let's make today be 😊 one and let's smile and spread some smiles. Xoxo. 

AnnaSilverberg OP April 2nd
🌈 @YourCaringConfidant 🌈

I'm so glad that you like it, 
I hope that the holiday was absolutely wonderful. 
Thank you for being a Smile Spreader 
BrightIndigo March 31st


Very cute post, love the colors and the Easter theme! :)

AnnaSilverberg OP April 2nd

I am so glad that you enjoyed the post 🤗
I hope that you are having a wonderful day! 
Thank you for being a Smile Spreader 💜

sadcat13 March 31st

@AnnaSilverberg Thank youuu, happy easter to you too 😊

🐰 What do you feel is the most wonderful thing that happened this month?

I enjoyed making the match props for a choreography. It was so cool to get in touch with my artistic side and make someone happy with my work. I also enjoyed going to the gym and discussing books and games with my bf. Bonus points, today´s family celebration lunch was delicious.

🐰 What are you looking forwards in the upcoming month?

hard to say tbh. Probably my cheek and gum healing from the wisdom tooth removal and being pain free again lol. Once the gums stopped hurting i just bit my cheek and the pain from the cheek caused me to try to not bite myself more since it was so swollen i bit it by just having my mouth closed so it made my teeth on other side scratch my tongue and all the damage from the hot or hard food on the pile to it... And the pain story continues. Ended being fed up today so hard i just downed a painkiller in hoped of my cheek unswelling itself at night and not swelling back anymore. So would say this as my top looking forward, and my checkup and dental hygiene on 16th. Never thought I will look forward to a dentist visit, but here we are 🤣

🐰 Did you do some self-care today?

Yesss, took my painkiller to give my cheeks a break, had a good meal and took a refreshing nap in the afternoon 😊

AnnaSilverberg OP April 2nd

I am so glad that you've had the time to enjoy your artistic side,
that's just amazing and wonderful! 
I do hope that your pain goes away as soon as possible, 
that you heal sooner rather than later. 😊
Thank you for being a Smile Spreader 
sadcat13 April 2nd

@AnnaSilverberg thank youuu, will call my dentist tomorrow to get it checked out and get something for it if possible 😊


Aww thank youuu for this super adorable Easter special post, Anna, you're truly brilliant at these, every single time.🥰💖

What would you like to see in future Smile Spreader Appreciation posts? 🤔

Brain ain't braining enough, but I love seeing these different theme-based appreciations and your super thoughtful questions always that allow us to reflect and share more and get to know each other more, so please keep up with them hehe, it's the bestttt!🥰


🥳 And then, there are a few fun questions 🥳

🐰 What do you feel is the most wonderful thing that happened this month?

A recent family vacation, I think, it was nice spending some time together, getting that much needed "scenery change" lol, visiting a beautiful place, nomming yum food, catching magical sunsets and sunrises, experiencing some vv fantabulous moments of peace, gratitude and comfort.💖

🐰 What are you looking forwards in the upcoming month?

It's going to be a busy one for me, I've got somethings to work on so just hoping things continue to fall into place and I don't lose my patience while at it lol.

🐰 Did you do some self-care today?

Today is only starting for me, so nope, none yet but this was a great reminder, might think of sneaking some care for myself in through the day, hopefully.😅

💖💖💖Ooh and a vvvv Happy Easter to everyone celebrating and wishing everyone a wonderful new month ahead. I love and appreciate each one of you so so so so much!💖💖💖


AnnaSilverberg OP April 2nd
🌞 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

Ouh! Yay! 
It sounds like you had some wonderful experiences 
in your vacation time! Beautiful, absolutely wonderful! 
I hope that you will have or make some time for self care
when you go through this busy month 🤗
Also, did you remember to self care? 
Thank you for being a Smile Spreader 
AnnaSilverberg OP April 28th

🌟 What a wonderful day 🌟

💛 Hay you amazing and wonderful Smile Spreaders 💛

You know what time it is! 


💕 It is time for us to appreciate you! 💕

💛 Today, our post will be a bit different,
because I have news for you about someone leaving our community 💛 

🌟 Our Star Leader, Fristo, has decided to focus on their personal life
and has officially closed their Cups account 🌟

🤗 But they did not leave us without a message, one that explains
 their leaving a bit along with spreading kindness🤗

💚 If anyone needs Peer Support because of this,
or wants to discuss this in any way, please know that you can reach
out to me and our Star Leaders Heathermarie95 and WeEarth. 💚

⭐ Here's the farewell message that Fristo has left for us:



You are all a part of a team that is making a difference in this world, 

and even though it might come as a bit of a shock when someone leaves the team,

know that we can rely on one another and support one another 🫂

⭐ We are Smile Spreaders, we are the Peer Appreciation Team 

💖 Thank you wonderful Smile Spreaders 💖


🤗 Welcome new Smile Spreader! 🤗


💎I want to talk about self-care again, 

because I feel like now is a good moment to give you all a kind reminder 💎

🫶 Self-care is a very vital thing to do when we're feeling overwhelmed, 

upset or not feeling in a balanced state of mind 🫶

🎨 Sometimes it can help to focus on the most basic of things, something that we do 

every day or even a hobby that we like doing 🎨

💟 It's also seeking support for ourselves 💟

🙏 So please make sure to self-care everyday, there are only benefits from doing so🙏 

🤔 Here are a few thoughts to answer: 🤔

1. What could you do to self-care today?

2. How can you support those around you?

3. What do you feel you need right now?

✨ Thank you all for being amazing! ✨

💙 I wish you a wonderful rest of your day 💙
@aaliyahy909 @AlleyCatNemo @AnnaSilverberg @Avaria @Bella20 @BrightIndigo @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14 @ChromaticFinss @CompassionateArrow @EmberOfHope @GloriaD @Harsvin @Heathermarie95 @HeavenlyMagic @Kristynsmama @LoveMyMoonflowers @morganwindow @Optimisticempath @sadcat13 @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @teenytinyturtle @TheFantasticPengua @Walker7957 @WeEarth @YourCaringConfidant

Optimisticempath April 28th


Fristo leaving has been such a shocker 🥺 it's good to know they are doing what they felt was best for them and even though me will missie them so much I'm sending them all the good wishes and cookies 💕💕

thank you for the pretty post and self care reminders Anna 💕💕

im not feeling in the best state to engage in any care ... but im trying to be patient and get through the days as best as possible 😅

sending everyone lots of luvvv and hugs if okie🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


WeEarth April 28th



WeEarth April 28th


Thank you Anna 🩷💚🩵❤️💛🧡


HealingTalk April 29th

May you be super-happy in your life, Fristo, may you find supreme calm and lots of joy.

What we owe to you is beyond all measure.

We will miss you badly

HealingTalk April 29th


Thank you, Anna, for such a beautiful way of presenting Fristo's words.

A wonderful homage to a great human being who has given us so so much.

KaylaBella August 23rd

What an exciting day today is! 


Normally, @AnnaSilverberg makes these posts, so you will have to bear with me as I try to fill her AMAZING and UNIQUE shoes in my own way 💕 

Although Anna has stepped back from making these posts, she is still very much here and working on the team, just in a different capacity of leading us 💕✨ She has some kind and uplifting words for all of you regarding her stepping back 



Now it is time to appreciate all of you amazing and wonderful Smile Spreaders! 



Also, a huge and warm welcome to all of our newest Smile Spreaders over the past few months! 



I would like to say that every single one of you has done a phenomenal job of creating gorgeous art and posts and we are so very proud of you! Thank you for spreading so much love, positivity, and smiles within our community! Again, you have done a FANTABULOUS job! 

As you know, August is coming to an end and September will be upon us soon! 

Long gone will be the days of summer, with fall embracing us all! 



So in this transition of seasons, I would like to talk about a sometimes forgotten form of self-care:

Self-Love 🥰 


Sometimes we get so busy taking care of others, loving on them, and extending grace to them, that we forget to do the same for ourselves 


So here is a reminder to give yourselves a little bit of the love, grace, and kindness that you so graciously extend to others. 

Every single one of us is human, which means that we are going to make mistakes in life. We are going to fall. And that’s OKAY. 💕 

 Remember how your friend made a mistake last week and you forgave them and told them it’s okay? Do the same for yourself with the mistake that you made this week. 💕✨ Pick yourself up, dust off, and ask yourself these 3 questions: 


1.  What can I do this week to show myself a little bit more love? 

2.  What lessons could I possibly learn from the mistakes I have made this week? 

3.  What are some things that you love about yourself? 


Thank you for being so amazing and uplifting for our community and for being a Smile Spreader 💕 


Wishing you all a blessed and lovely rest of your week! 💕

Much love, 


@AlleyCatNemo @AnnaSilverberg @Avaria @Bella20 @BrightIndigo @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14 @ChromaticFinss @CompassionateArrow @EmberOfHope @exuberantBlackberry9105 @GloriaD @Harsvin @healingsoul4892 @Heathermarie95 @HeavenlyMagic @KindleMissie @Kristynsmama @kylersartpace @LoveMyMoonflowers @Optimisticempath @sadcat13 @sky20cean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou@teenytinyturtle @TheFantasticPengua @TheGirlWhoFeltTooMuch @Walker7957 @WeEarth @YourCaringConfidant

YourCaringConfidant August 23rd

@Bella20 You did such a beautiful job! 😍 

AnnaSilverberg OP August 23rd

What a magnificent post, Bella! 
Thank you for taking the time to appreciate our team! 

Here are my replies to your questions:

1.  What can I do this week to show myself a little bit more love? 
I can focus on meeting my mental and physical needs, 
meet myself with the care and kindness that I do deserve.

2.  What lessons could I possibly learn from the mistakes I have made this week? 
That it's okay to make mistakes, because they are an opportunity to learn.

3.  What are some things that you love about yourself?
I do love my positive outlook in life and how 
passionate I am about the work I do here on Cups.

Thank you all
Smile Spreaders for bringing the magic you have within!

YourCaringConfidant August 23rd

@AnnaSilverberg Nothing but love for ya, my beautiful twin. You certainly deserve all the ♡, care, and kindness! You do so much for others and everyone here and it's appreciated. My hope is pure happiness for you all the way. Hugs! 

AnnaSilverberg OP August 23rd

My colorful, caring twin of joy! 
Thank you so much for your amazingly kind words ❤️
I am so thankful for having such a wonderful twin! 
You too, deserve all the wonderful things this world has to offer!

KindleMissie August 24th


Thank you so much for a warm welcome!😊 I am truly enjoying my time as a Smile Spreader with the wonderful PAT team. 💗

1.  What can I do this week to show myself a little bit more love? 

Being cheerful as always! Self-cheers are the best✨

2.  What lessons could I possibly learn from the mistakes I have made this week? 

Sometimes, it's okay to step out from your comfort zone to grow and learn. 

3.  What are some things that you love about yourself? 

I would say that's my cheerful and motivating self which helps me to be positive, creative, and of course a little courageous.😀

Thanks again!!💗 Sending lots of best wishes ✨ and hugs to your way Kayla and the whole PAT Team!!💜

KaylaBella August 24th


You are doing an amazing job Missie! We love your cheerful and bubbly self 💕 It’s what makes you an absolutely wonderful addition to our team! It is such a pleasure to have you her ❤️ Keep up the amazing work!!!! 

Sending tons of positive energy, love, and hugs your way! 

Much love,

Kayla 💕✨

KindleMissie August 25th


Aww thank you so much Kayla!😊❤ Your lovely words fuels my passion!🤩🌟

Grateful for your and our amazing team's support, encouragment, and kindness!!😊💕


*also I loved the colourful post so much🤩💖, thank you*

sadcat13 August 25th


1.  What can I do this week to show myself a little bit more love?  Take it easy and use my free days to appropriately rest depending on what my body needs

2.  What lessons could I possibly learn from the mistakes I have made this week? Don´t send the customers to the concurence store or tell them about a more advantageous package when my collegue can hear it 😂

3.  What are some things that you love about yourself? Resilience, i´m like a cocroach