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Weekly Prompt #36: Can you list five things you love about yourself?

ASilentObserver April 18th

Hello all! 

Last week we discussed: What healthy coping mechanisms do you use to manage difficult emotions? If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt-  Can you list five things you love about yourself? 

We often find it easier to criticize ourselves rather than celebrate our strengths. But it is okay to practice self-love and acknowledge the positive qualities that make us unique individuals. So, let's reflect and list five things we love about ourselves.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other.

ASilentObserver OP May 27th

@RUMBUM You got this Rum. i believe in you

Keineahnung123 May 24th


im not really confident at the moment but ill try..

  1. i like that i have good values
  2. i like my wavy hair (a love-hate realationship but i mostly like it, its unique)
  3. I like that im empathetic and can show understanding to many people so maybe they feel a little bit less alone
  4. i like how im caring for my plants ( or do i just like my plants lol)
  5. a little bit superficial but i like my body. its healthy and that enables me to do soo much

ASilentObserver OP May 27th

@Keineahnung123 I am glad you gave it a shot and shared. It is okay if it feels challenging right now. Confidence comes and goes. What makes you think you have a love-hate relationship with your hair?

Keineahnung123 May 29th

@ASilentObserver i always have the fear that my wavy/curly hair just looks messy to others. and it does look i little bit messy, sometimes more sometimes less. But i kinda like the messy look (to some extend). So in general i like it but sometimes i look in the mirror and hate it🤣😅


Today 5/24/24

  1. I'm driven today to stay alive.
  2. I don't want to give up today....I feel like I do sometimes though

you know I can't come up with 5 things today :(

ASilentObserver OP May 27th

@reservedTangerine9348 I understand it feel challenging to focus on self-love when you're feeling low on energy and motivation. What thoughts pop into your mind when you try to think of things you love about yourself?


Honestly I have to search for the words. I really don't view myself as others do. People say I'm intelligent, trustworthy, beautiful, honest...etc.

I need to work on this.


It's 7/9/24. Going back and reading my post was sad to me. Today I can list 5!

  • Today I handled my job like a boss.
  • I am feeling beautiful!
  • I am intelligent.
  • I work with some of the funniest people I know, they make my day enjoyable!!
  • I love my kids and can't wait to see them when I get off work.

I overall feel so much better since then!! Being sober adds a depth to my life that I seem to not notice when I was drinking. 

Zeraphim May 25th

Can you list five things you love about yourself?

I can't, no.

ASilentObserver OP May 27th

@Zeraphim I understand Zera, it is not an easy thing and that is okay. But you can try and share what you can. You don't have to list 5 but let's see if you can get closer to it. Want to give a try?

Zeraphim May 27th

@ASilentObserver I have this block preventing me from acknowledging good things about myself. I have it in mind that I'll somehow become a narcissistic abuser if I go down that road, that it is safer to ignore myself.

Iamwhoiamwhoami May 25th

I have never been able to say yes to this type of question. 

ASilentObserver OP May 27th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami What stops you? ami like to share with us? 

Iamwhoiamwhoami May 27th


50 years of self loathing 

tealBear2472 May 26th

1. I'm feeling sad and bad abt myself. So I'm going to try a movie that's sad yet inspiring, and listen to a podcast abt invalidation and what to do when the happens. This way, I hope it's helping me feel better.

2. I make mistakes. And my partner asks me to correct it. And that was difficult to hear. I was unorganized which made him unable to understand how to cook the recipe. So he ate something different than me cuz it tasted better to him.

3. I like that I'm noticing I have yet to grow by looking and comparing the content I watch (bright, poppy, and based on feeling stuff...starting to analyze character and relationships instead of just a solo person) vs. My bf who watches things on a deeper level (vengeance, power, growth, battles, monsters, et).

My brain cannot do more..

4. I like my experiments.

5. I like that I starting to comment *** posts/news posts to share and declare my opinion and pov. Go me. Actually having an opinion/judgment.

ASilentObserver OP May 27th

@tealBear2472 Thank you for sharing bear. I am glad you are trying some self-care steps to lift your mood and learn from your experiences. What thoughts come up as you reflect on these moments where you felt sad or made mistakes?

tealBear2472 June 13th


I get a pained thought. Like, I focus on the inward. My thoughts think it hurts. 

Zeraphim May 27th

@tealBear2472 Hi Teal, I hope you're well. I'm curious where you got the idea from that the things you like are somehow immature while the things your boyfriend likes are somehow deeper or perhaps more mature in comparison.

tealBear2472 June 13th


Maybe, I think, my things don't count.

Other people who can summarize...and use their words better than I can, paints a better picture than my picture. I guess I think that my bf is more analytical by watching these things whereas I don't learn...I just maintain my superficial happiness. 

Zeraphim June 13th

@tealBear2472 Do you agree that your happiness is superficial? If so, why? Is the happiness of everyone else also superficial, in your opinion? If so, why? If not, why are you the exception?

tealBear2472 June 14th

@Zeraphim Do you agree that your happiness is superficial? If so, why? Is the happiness of everyone else also superficial, in your opinion? If so, why? If not, why are you the exception?

Wow - zeraphim, these are good questions you asking : o

Ummm, Yes in a way. I guess my happiness requires me not to be active. I don't need to think or rembr. I just feel and react without knowing what happened long term. 

Uhh that's interesting! I honestly thought I was the exception, but based on your question...I can point some people being superficial too with their happiness. There's nothing wrong with that...except if they want more depth to their watching, they should/can seek that out even if it's hard. 

I think I get it now Z, my thinking is valid too. : o Ahaha thank you.

tealBear2472 June 14th


<3! I can think that now.



1. I'm empathic.

2. My strong 6th sense.

3. I'm smart and adaptable

4. I can hold a conversation in pretty much any subject

5. I'm a Listener on 7Cups 😁

ASilentObserver OP May 27th

@electricPeace6276 I am glad that you have found some strengths. What do you think would happen if you focused more on these qualities?

livedexperiences May 28th

@ASilentObserver hmmm 5 things....

5. I'm neurospicy 
4. I love nature
3. I'm courageous and brave
2. I'm creative and resourceful 
1. I'm learning about loving me just as I am 

ASilentObserver OP May 29th

@livedexperiences Thank you for sharing, lived and I am glad that you are focusing on self-love. Learning to love ourselves can take time but it is much needed one. What makes you feel courageous?

calmMango9611 May 28th

@ASilentObserver I am trustworthy. I am supportive. I am helpful. I am kind. I am caring. I have a loving heart and soul. I am very understanding.

ASilentObserver OP May 29th

@calmMango9611 you have some great qualities about yourself, mango.thank you for sharing them with us. 

calmMango9611 May 29th

@ASilentObserver Your very welcomed.

ASilentObserver OP May 29th

@lulisuar thank you for sharing with us and I am so proud of you. I am glad you able to recognize and appreciate those qualities in yourself. 

LuciaAngela24 May 29th

1. I'm empathetic

2. I'm cautious

3. I'm sensitive

4. I can read people

5. I am intuitive

ASilentObserver OP June 3rd

@LuciaAngela24 you have some great qualities,  What do these qualities mean to you? How do they show up in your life?

Situation solution finder

Love to up lift people love emotional love myself and love god WHO make me and all of us humankty i sing good for love myself

ASilentObserver OP June 24th

@lovefriendswinsheart That is wonderful. It feels like you care deeply about spreading love and positivity. What brings you joy?

Birchtreebird11 June 7th


I love that I'm autistic (the positive aspects of it) the way I see the world uniquely and think in ways possibly no one or very few people do.

I like that I'm not selfish

I like that I'm not self-absorbed

I like that I'm always trying to be reasonable and fair

I like that I care about things being fair for other people all around the globe. That I care about justice.

I like that I won't let people walk all over me, that I'm prepared to take measures if someone disrespects me.

I like that I'm very honest, and don't see a point in hiding feelings. I didn't really choose to, but I've always worn my heart on my sleeve, and I'm not planning to change that.

I like that I can sometimes recognise when something is bad for my mental health and disengage with it. And that I know to avoid things that are guaranteed to worsen my mental health.

ASilentObserver OP June 24th

@Birchtreebird11 It feels like you have found some strengths in being autistic that you appreciate. What are some challenges that come with being autistic?

Birchtreebird11 August 10th

@ASilentObserver literally everything? Just living life normally? Being a person with a regular social life? Being able to have success in education instead of taking too long on everything

Birchtreebird11 August 10th

@Birchtreebird11 a social life where I'd have at least one bestie instead of only my dad who loves me and does weed all the time so Idk if he's just like that cause he's high or not.

speakerdoll June 7th

You know, I used to regularly pass a poster that said "and if I asked you to name all the things you loved, how long would it take to name yourself" which I always felt was really profound, and was a small part of what inspired me to really work at being more compassionate towards myself (very much an ongoing process)

1. I'm always there for my friends

2. I'm part of, and contribute, to a lot of different communities.

3. Despite years of dealing with mental health issues, I've managed to be successful, and achieve some things that I'm really proud of

4. Now that I have the opportunity to get professional help, I'm committing to taking that step, even though it's a little scary.

5. I'm always open to new opportunities, new things, and new viewpoints.

That was difficult, but I'm really glad I did that prompt. A needed reminder to step back and recognize how far I've come.

ASilentObserver OP June 24th

@speakerdoll I am so proud of you for recognizing your accomplishments and working on self compassion. It feels like you are doing a great deal of work on accepting yourself. How do you feel now that you've done this exercise?