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Weekly Prompt #30: If you can challenge yourself for one thing to step outside your comfort zone

ASilentObserver January 18th

Welcome back! 

Last week we discussed-  What is something you can let go of today?  If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt-  If you can challenge yourself for one thing to step outside your comfort zone, what would it be? why

Stepping outside your comfort zone is not an easy task, but it can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. It is a chance to discover your true potential and push yourself beyond your limits. So, what can you do to challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zone? Let's explore and discuss this together.

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Tinywhisper11 January 18th

@ASilentObserver I guess the first things I should  do to get out of my comfort zone, is one look people in the face when I talk not look at the ground embarrassed by myself and I should learn to talk about the past with someone, maybe that will help me too.

CalmRosebud January 18th



Heather225 January 18th


Both are very good challenges to take on, and I believe in you!

ASilentObserver OP January 19th

@Tinywhisper11  Stepping out of one's comfort zone often leads to learning more about ourselves. Looking people in the eye when speaking and opening up about the past are brave steps that may bring new insights. What feelings come up for you in considering these changes?

PurplePrune5753 January 18th

The hardest thing for me would be to walk up to someone that I don't know (for instance, at a party) and introduce myself.

ASilentObserver OP January 19th

@PurplePrune5753  It sounds like introducing yourself to new people is really challenging for you. What feelings come up when you think about stepping out of your comfort zone in that way? 

PurplePrune5753 January 19th

I fear being ignored, or rebuffed.

Zeraphim January 19th

If you can challenge yourself for one thing to step outside your comfort zone, what would it be? Why?

I think, once I'm feeling better, getting out of the house and going to seek help and perhaps guidance from a local group who may have the resources to help me. Finding supportive community is very needed and I'd like to learn and give back if I'm able, if they could help me get stabilized.

ASilentObserver OP January 19th

@Zeraphim It sounds like you are feeling ready to challenge yourself by seeking out community support. Connecting with others can be so helpful for stability. You are motivated to learn and give back once you're feeling stronger. What hopes do you have about finding understanding or inspiration through a supportive group? 

Zeraphim January 19th

Food relief, connections to any social programs which could help improve my quality of life, community, and hope.

honestEyes9608 January 19th


Go out side to a park nearby, actually a lot of parks here well im thinking to do that i did go out by myself for the first time two days ago at night. It felt nice to just walk around in the night i am going to be doing that more during daytime, i am also thinking to get a camera and just film around and say random stuff funny or whatever. I am feeling a lot better now like totally 😊🥰, and i wish you to be okay too, bye and i love you

ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@honestEyes9608 It sounds like going out for walks at night and exploring parks during the day has helped you feel better. Reflecting on activities that safely challenge ourselves and bring us joy can be helpful. I'm glad to hear you're feeling more positive.

honestEyes9608 January 22nd

@ASilentObserver thanks very much

Michelh1996 January 19th

The first thing I can think of is letting go of a structured/planned way of doing things because it makes me feel stuck in the same cycle for some time. But that seems more like an overal purpose that needs to be cut down in steps rather than just one single step itself...

ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@Michelh1996 It sounds like letting go of structure and planning is something challenging yet important for you to explore. You have recognized an area of growth, which is insightful. What makes a more flexible approach appealing to you in this moment?

Michelh1996 January 22nd

@ASilentObserver What makes it appealing is the fact that some things in my life have been going in the same patterns and structures for a long time, and that causes mental and physical fatigue. Even though some small things and patterns are very safe and give a lot of structure and control, there are also a lot of bigger tasks that feel like I have to force myself to go through them to finish them. On top of that, I notice that I can't let them go because they are part of my patterns and task so I feel like I have to do them. So mentally it is a loop of finding motivation/energy, using it, forcing yourself somethings, not being able to stop it or feeling guilty if I did.

This also forces a bigger emphasis and pressure on these tasks or moments to do them well like for example with exercising: feeling like you have to go through the workout, not being able to talk yourself into taking a rest and feeling guilty if you do less, continuing the cycle. Or with food like a cheatday, feeling like you have to make the most of it, so forcing yourself to treat yourself some extra, which also keeps the excercise routine under more pressure...

Invisibility101 January 19th


Hmmm....let's see. I am such an introvert so I would like to challenge myself to get out more. Hang out with friends more and be a bit more social. And I'm also going to prioritize myself more, I feel like I always make sure everyone else is doing well and I don't even check in on me, only when it's too late and by that time I'm already super stressed and anxious. So yeah, that's how I want to try to step out of my comfort zone this year.

ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@Invisibility101 It sounds like prioritizing yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone of being more social can be challenging but rewarding goals. Your self-awareness about wanting to check in on your own well-being more is insightful. You deserve to feel cared for too. What hopes do you have by making these changes in your life?

JarofSeeds627 January 19th

@ASilentObserver This isn't really up to me but my roommate is inviting his new girlfriend over. I get anxious when new people visit due to social anxiety/ptsd. I want to be as friendly as possible though! Maybe even say hi instead of hiding in my room. 😅

ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@JarofSeeds627 It sounds like meeting new people can make you feel anxious due to your social anxiety and PTSD. Stepping outside your comfort zone is challenging but also shows great courage. You are determined to be as friendly as possible though, which shows your caring nature.

ImpudentIncognito January 20th

If you can challenge yourself for one thing to step outside your comfort zone, what would it be? why

I have extreme agoraphobia and some paranoia now based on some traumatic events that have happen. When I go outside, I sometimes stumble upon see the person who nearly un-alived me, another one who is harmful towards me, another person who leeched off of me, and another who made me homeless. I'm currently friend-less and family-less.

It's not really safe here in particular anymore to really go out without a car has been down for eons, so I plan on going out again once I have my little "escape pod" for my safety...I also plan on making friends again, just not in this city. My partner and I are currently long distance, and plan on moving together in a different city from where we currently are, or might even go to an entirely different state.

So I guess...The only thing I'm doing is only going outside if I absolutely need to or if I'm capable of it (I have chronic pain, so not always the best time to be outside only to feel sharp chest pains and my body going limp), even though it's currently scary...and also trying to make friends online instead of in person, because I think it's good to have friends/socialize while also having a support system.

Hmm...Apart from that, I'm going to try and start a business perhaps? So, that would also be outside my comfort zone.

ImpudentIncognito January 20th

@ImpudentIncognito Oh, I forgot! I think the most important thing that gets me out of my comfort zone is speaking up for myself...I haven't been confrontational anymore. Just feel like a weathered spirit, however, I need to relearn how to stand up for myself again when things are unjust or unfair either towards others or myself. I'm less likely to defend myself vs other people. 

ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@ImpudentIncognito Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. It sounds like you've faced many difficult challenges and traumatic events that have understandably made venturing outside feel unsafe and anxiety-provoking. Your desire to reconnect with others and start fresh in a new place with your partner shows great strength and hope. What matters most is that you feel comfortable moving at your own pace in a way that prioritizes your well-being and safety. How do you feel your online friendships are helping you during this transition time?

slowdecline48 January 23rd

I tried stepping outside my comfort zone, to temporarily get to a place of greater comfort. For a few reasons--none of which are under my control--today I am failing at it. Completely. Got the rest of this week & afterward to think about ever, my life sucks unwashed donkey b**ls.

slowdecline48 January 23rd

Maybe another way to put it is that I don't have much of a comfort zone to begin with...

tealBear2472 January 23rd

If I can go out of my comfort zone, I'd write. I'd take my phone, turn to the clarity app, and write down my feelings. I'd process my stress better. 

The reason why I'm not doing that is that it feels cumbersome to start reflecting. I'd be going outside my comfort zone if I write.

ASilentObserver OP January 24th

@tealBear2472 It sounds like writing down your feelings through the clarity app is something challenging but meaningful for your stress processing. Exploring feelings through reflection takes courage. You have shown strength in identifying a step towards your wellbeing.

kiwi66 January 23rd

@ASilentObserver stop doubting my ability to overcome challenges i face ! yeasss!!

ASilentObserver OP January 24th

@kiwi66 It sounds like you are feeling ready to challenge yourself and overcome doubts. Your willingness to step outside comfort zones shows great strength and courage in bettering yourself. What aspects of facing challenges make you the most uneasy? 

LZYYYy January 27th


Mine is to step up to a leadership position or apply for a competitive program because I always feel like I'm not experienced or skillful enough to become a leader. I'm also apprehensive about making mistakes as a leader because it will affect not just me but other people. However, I'm also aware that I shouldn't let the opportunities slip away because I probably won't have it again. 

ASilentObserver OP January 28th

@LZYYYy Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It sounds like stepping into a leadership role or competitive program is something meaningful to you, though understandably uncomfortable due to fears of making mistakes or lacking experience. Your awareness that opportunities may not come again shows wisdom in not letting fears prevent you from living fully. What makes you drawn to the potential growth opportunities in leadership, despite your apprehension?