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Weekly Prompt #29: What is something you can let go of today?

ASilentObserver January 10th

Welcome back! 

Last week we discussed- If you were to create a time capsule filled with memories from 2023, what would you include?  If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt-  What is something you can let go of today?

 Sometimes, holding onto past grievances or negative emotions can weigh us down. Identify something that no longer serves you and make a conscious effort to let it go. Allow yourself to move forward with a lighter heart. Please share and discuss here among us.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other. 


purpleTree4652 January 10th


I'm not sure yet.  When I go to work tonight, I'll see if my car was damaged again.  If it wasn't, I can slowly let go of what I think about the neighbor.  I'll give it through the weekend to see if my car gets damaged again.  It is too heavy and recent an occurrence for me to let it go so quickly.

ASilentObserver OP January 11th

@purpleTree4652 It sounds like you are going through a difficult situation with uncertainty about your neighbor and the safety of your car. Not knowing what might happen must be stressful. You are determined to slowly let go of worries about things outside your control, when the time is right. What thoughts have helped you cope so far as you wait to see what happens this weekend?

purpleTree4652 January 16th


crying a lot, meditation on a loose basis, prayer, sleeping

InsightfulPhoenix January 10th

I can let go of the feeling unsafe, unprotected and unwanted, because my fiancee truly goes above an beyond to make me feel safe, loved, protected and wanted. He and I may have our ups and downs, however I rather deal with out a couple of minutes spats, then being emotionally degraded by people in my past. I can also let go of feeling like I can not reach out of help when I have a super strong and dependable inner circle/ support system. Sometimes taking that leap of faith is worth it and I am beyond glad that I did🤗

ASilentObserver OP January 11th

@InsightfulPhoenix It sounds like you have found strength and comfort in your support system. Reflecting on how far you have come and the caring people in your life now can help bring perspective during challenging times.  You have  made progress in surrounding yourself with caring people.  What makes you feel safe and cared for help ease any lingering difficult feelings? 

InsightfulPhoenix January 11th

Personally, what makes me feel safe and cared for is being hugged or cuddled by my fiancee or daughter and being told that what happened to me was not my fault and that everything is going to be okay @Asilentobserver

communicativePond1728 January 10th

Just a tiny bit more than yesterday

ASilentObserver OP January 11th

@communicativePond1728 It sounds like you are exploring letting go in a gradual way that feels right for you. What thoughts or feelings come up as you consider tiny bits you could release? 

communicativePond1728 February 11th


It sounds like you're hoping to prompt me into exploring this train of though more deeply. Am I hearing you correctly?

ASilentObserver OP February 12th

@communicativePond1728 yes Pond. I am hoping we can have better discussion on it and we all able to support you better. 

communicativePond1728 February 12th

@ASilentObserver It sounds like you have good intentions.

slowdecline48 January 10th

I'll let go of my current problems when I've fixed them.

ASilentObserver OP January 11th

@slowdecline48 It sounds like you are feeling burdened by your current problems and are holding on tightly until they're solved. Letting go, even a little, can help reduce that weight. What's troubling you help you feel heard and supported? 

ThoughtLight January 10th

Some agitations and frustrations I have with some select groups. It is a waiting game so those feeling are getting me nowhere.

ASilentObserver OP January 11th

@ThoughtLight It sounds like waiting is creating some difficult emotions. You seem aware this is a waiting period, and aware too that holding onto certain feelings isn't serving you - that wisdom shows real strength. What feels most frustrating help explore how to gently release what's outside your control? 

ThoughtLight January 11th

@ASilentObserver sometimes if I lay down, close my eyes and listen to music I can feel it drift away. Music is a great tool for me. I really wouldn't be so frustrated if it wasn't their fault in the first place.

ASilentObserver OP January 16th

@ThoughtLight It sounds like something outside of your control is causing you frustration. Music has been a helpful tool for you to gently release those feelings.  You're doing well taking care of yourself by finding ways to drift away from what's outside your control.

ThoughtLight January 16th

@ASilentObserver radical acceptance is a big tool that has got me far in the past year. 

ImpudentIncognito January 11th

What is something you can let go of today?

I can let go of feeling like a failure...Been unemployed for about a month, but have a job opportunity.
Going to talk to my recruiter tomorrow about it. I don't expect it to pay much, but that is OK.
It's merely a temp job...I still need to work on my real estate classes online, just haven't really been feeling like doing it...I should have had it completed during the time of unemployment and would've had a real estate job by now, but just fighting some demons in my head and the physical pain I've been enduring lately.

Going to let it go for now, and just relax. Will come up with a plan/schedule to reach my (career) goals...I have 6-months anyways to get the classes done, but if I buckle down hard, I can get it done within a month. I need to push myself a little harder.

ASilentObserver OP January 16th

@ImpudentIncognito It sounds like you have been through a difficult time lately with unemployment and physical pain. Feeling like a failure can be so hard on our well-being. I am glad to hear you have a job opportunity to look forward to tomorrow. What kinds of self-care or positive activities have helped lift your spirits during this challenging period?

ImpudentIncognito January 19th

@ASilentObserver For self-care, I've been doing small things for myself. I cook more often, try to clean the house, groom my eyebrows etc. I also like to distract myself by playing guitar, writing, and hoping to get back into drawing again... I've been going to the doctor more lately to figure out what physical ailments I have. It's a bit of a process. I requested a letter to show disabilities, so I don't have to worry about income for awhile, while I recover...

luckylistener January 16th

I'm letting go of a lot of anxiety around the start of the semester. I feel kinda stressed even though class has barely started. But I'm reminding myself that I've done this before so I can get through it again. 

ASilentObserver OP January 18th

@luckylistener It sounds like you are feeling stressed about the start of the semester even though classes have just begun. Reframing thoughts and reminding yourself that you've succeeded before are helpful ways to manage anxiety. You seem determined to get through this, as you've done previously - tapping into your own strength and experience. What typically helps you feel prepared and confident be useful? 

luckylistener January 18th

@ASilentObserver If I'm stressed about an actual problem, then I make a list of things I can do to fix it. If I'm stressed and ruminating over nothing that's "real", then I remind myself that being anxiously fixated does nothing. And then I'll do something else to take my mind off of it.

BlueDarkAurora January 17th

Expectation ^^ I use to think that it was okay for me to expect the things that I was oh so ready to give or do for others but that is not the case. Just because we are ready to do whatever we can for the people we love.. doens't mean they will do the same and that is okay. We do things just cause we want to and if someone isn't vibing on the same level with us then we find people who do /._./ \._.\

ASilentObserver OP January 18th

@BlueDarkAurora Thank you for sharing your insight. Letting go of expectations, especially of others, can be challenging but also freeing. You  are aware that we each show care and support in our own way, and surrounding yourself with those who appreciate your efforts sounds uplifting. How did reflecting on this help provide a sense of relief or clarity for you?

BlueDarkAurora June 26th

@ASilentObserver not sure I'm at the stage where realisations like this can provide a sense of clarity but it helps me with not attaching myself too much to certain outcomes or people. One step at a time I guess :) thank you for your kind words <3

ASilentObserver OP June 27th

@BlueDarkAurora yup, that is fair. One step at a time is helping you move forward. 

January 18th


I can let go of yesterday.

ASilentObserver OP January 19th

@TheRoachAkaNin It sounds like letting go of yesterday allows you to move forward. What feelings come up as you reflect on that? 

honestApricot2324 January 19th

@ASilentObserver I can let go of the urge of seeking validation, self-induced isolation and letting go of the what the world views as feminine, luxury, self-care and etc. I've always thought that the way I managed my life isn't as productive or goal oriented as the rest of society. I downplay my accomplishments and trauma because I never experienced the perfect time in conversation that it was prompted to be shared. I just felt like if I didn't experience the life as the majority, then I was missing out on something. It became such a looming fear, but i am happier with myself, with my life decisions and what I am currently doing that is making my life easier. 

ASilentObserver OP January 19th

@honestApricot2324 Thank you for sharing your insights. It sounds like you've been reflecting deeply on what truly matters to you and bringing more joy and fulfillment into your life. You've done important work to get to a place of feeling happier with yourself - that is truly brave. What kinds of activities or experiences help remind you of your worth outside of others' expectations?

honestApricot2324 January 19th

@ASilentObserver honestly, just being a mom. being a mom that reflects the love I want to instill in not just myself but into my child as well. I recently got back into school for accounting and finance. I'm paving my own path and pouring into the cups that remind me of how much of a great person i am/ can be and how much love I have to give and compassion I want to share into others' lives. 

ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@honestApricot2324 It sounds like being a mom and focusing on your education are helping you connect with your sense of self-worth and bringing you joy. How have these experiences helped you to feel empowered in nurturing the compassion you want to share with others? You mentioned pouring into cups that remind you of your strengths and the love you have to give. Continuing to cultivate your own growth and reflecting on your loved ones can help maintain an awareness of your beautiful qualities during challenging times.

crimsonMaple811 January 19th

Hope everyone is doing well!

ASilentObserver OP January 19th

@crimsonMaple811 I am doing okay, maple. how are you doing?

Zeraphim January 19th

I'd like to let go of the importance I place on not upsetting or bothering someone I live with who has shown very little consideration for my feelings and has actively one out of her way to hurt, belittle, manipulate, and control me. I don't feel I ought to live life walking on eggshells, afraid of what she'll do next.

ASilentObserver OP January 19th

@Zeraphim It sounds like living in that environment has been very difficult and taken a toll on your well-being. You deserve to feel safe and respected. How have you been coping with this situation? 

Zeraphim January 19th

I've been playing music through my earbuds to try to drown out the nasty things she says while I'm downstairs, but I still have no solution for the controlling behaviour, like how I can't be in the kitchen when she is and have to wait because otherwise she'll raise her voice at me, or she'll leave controlling notes around the house she expects I should follow. Or her listening on me when I'm going to the bathroom to tell me what things about my diet I need to change. Haven't figured out solutions to those things yet.

JarofSeeds627 January 19th

What can I let go of today? 01/19/2024

I've let go of a lot of items this month. I really appreciate having a less cluttered space. It's given me new appreciation for the things I have and use regularly. Mentally, though, I want to and *can* let go of the belief I need others to "get" me. Some people refuse to understand me. Some people just made the choice to never have empathy or sympathy or even try for me, and that doesn't reflect negatively on myself. I don't have to make myself smaller for everyone to accept who I am.