The One Thing I Do When I'm Depressed is...
What is the one thing you do to help yourself feel better when you're experiencing depression? It can be anything at all, even simple things such as a longer warmer shower and listening to music or sounds of nature before bed.
Lie down the whole a lot then regret because I hate my body..wish not exist for a while..wish to have amnesia to forgot all the things..think think think till my head ache.
Cry, sleep & do something I regret.
Shut myself down and stay locked in my own body till I literally can
I try to listen to music and write my feelings out, making sure to end on a positive note (or at least trying to end on a positive note)... long hot showers... talking to a friend ... reading affirmations and self help books... sometimes it's hard to do anything at all, but when I have the energy, I try to push myself to do something. Sometimes it's just a 5 minute stretch or attempt at yoga.. other times it's crying in the shower lol
I cry and hope this is just a dream.😥
Eat unhealthy junk food (Comfort eating but it doesnt even comfort me). Try to cry, cant cry, so I think of an imaginary bad situation that would make me cry because I just turn off and feel numb in reaction to my reality. I dont do this consciously all the time but I tell myself how much I hate myself. Or I just stay silent, my whole mind is silent, its like Im not thinking at all.
I'm the worst at pushing people away, it's really been an issue with me since I was a child. I put up a wall.
@DependentDog me to
Isolate myself and listen to music
@ConcernedKitten me to
I do Molly. The more I stay up the less I think of "him". sad but true.