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Loneliness on 7Cups

MeMyselfAndHer May 14th, 2017

Hello guys smiley

I have been on 7Cups for a little while and I have to say that, in some occasions, it has been some others, it has been actually very frustrating.

I got here, as I believe many of you, searching for support, friendship, or, most likely, just someone to talk to. I live a very lonely life, in a desperately isolated place (an island with few hundreds inhabitants), and, unfortunately, I have several psychologic problems (or psychiatric?...who knows...) that developed after a not easy life. The last 3 years, especially, have just been a daily torture, a sequence of bad events that corroded me little by little. As I just wrote, I live on a little island, here we only have 2 little food stores, nothing else. Until few months ago, we didn't even have a general doctor, so, no chance to find any kind of help from professionals in the psychiatric/psychologic field. Once reached the bottom of my sorrow and despair, and having nobody that could help me, I found 7Cups.

I talked to some listeners, wrote here and there...and figured out so many times it feels like talking to myself...I wasn't able to build any stable "talking friendship", which is what I actually need. I feel like a throw stones to the void...just write sentences that maybe noone will ever read, and for sure, that noone will answer to.

I am pretty sure I am not the only one feeling like this here... I don't want this to sound like a complaint, 7Cups is anyway good, but I wish I could find someone who wants to just keep talking to me, and that wants to be listened.

Is my hope in vain? heart

secretNickel1321 December 14th, 2019

@tluper6491 There's no way to message people but there was in the past?

emotionalSquare9806 January 7th, 2020



great, I really don't have any place to turn to after being banned from trevorspace

JazzMatazz0101016 November 5th, 2019

Being lonely is a very normal and sad thing to feel, speaking up and talking about your emotions is a strong and healthy way to deal with this feeling, if anyone feels lonely, i offer a helping hand, bring a friend and sometime to rant to.

tluper6491 November 7th, 2019

Without my friend I have no reason to keep fighting. I'm just alone now; I have nobody.

NikaBee November 17th, 2019


BlueBetta November 18th, 2019

@tluper6491 I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I hope you find someone who can help.

Tangodream December 13th, 2019

@tluper6491Iam sorry you're hurting.

Unidragoncorn December 29th, 2019

@tluper6491 Hello, I hope you are ok.

Peace1221 December 31st, 2019

Share your thoughts here so you don

celian11 November 10th, 2019

Hi, guys, I hope everyone is doing well,

I am a college student from New England and am majoring in elementary education. I know that I am a smart, caring, beautiful girl, but I sometimes don't feel like I'm good enough. Like I wanna be one of those girls that when she walks in the room everyone's like wow. There is this boy at my college who I was going to start dating when I got here but he ghosted me and it has been really hard for me to deal with. While I was asked out since then, I said no because I was not feeling it with that person.

Have a great night everyone and stays strong

dayhawk68 December 13th, 2019

@celian11 I think it's natural for everyone to want to walk in a room and wow people, but in actuality you're going to really wow the people who are compatable with you. If this guy ghosted you, then he has his own issues and probably has a good idea of what qualities he wants in a person. Rejection sucks, but it also is beneficial to finding the guy that is more for you.

Jem7Cups December 6th, 2019

@MeMyselfAndHer I have many repeat members. I truly believe that if you're going to be a listener, you're making a commitment to that person. If you don't, it's upsetting ☹️ I'm sorry you're getting frustrated. I'm always here if you'd like to talk.

Jem 🌼

JewlryJemaJohnson December 13th, 2019

I feel so lonely and numb rn and idky

strugglebus314 December 13th, 2019

@JewlryJemaJohnson I feel the same way. I can identify the trigger, my partner said something hurtful earlier and after five years I think our relationship is nearing its end. I dont know who I am without him, hes my best friend. Im sorry you also feel numb and lonely, we arent alone in that sense.

dapperGrapefruit6319 December 14th, 2019

I live alone and I've done so before but this time has been hard for a few personal reasons including a break up.

I have a really good friend who came over last night and we used to all hang out in a big group including my ex. And I found out they've all been hanging out with him because our one friend in the group keeps inviting him and she knows I won't go if he's there. And then my ex bailed on them multiple times so I could've gone anyway!

And now it's just really upsetting me. I've been very lonely and depressed the past month and they are literally the only friends I have. A few years ago after a break up an ex and our mutual friend group completely dropped me and I had no one to talk to and I'm so scared it's going to happen again.

I know my ex is taking the break up hard but he's much more sensitive in front of others so I know our friend that's inviting him places is trying to help him. On the other hand I am more of a suffer in silence type of person so I don't tell people about the break up being hard or the depression, and I feel like it allows them to be really insensitive to me...

trvxto December 22nd, 2019

I feel so alone and numb sometimes. No one cares about me so I just exclude myself from everything which isnt healthy but at least Im not a burden to anyone. I dont have anyone to talk to about my feelings or personal problems because they would probably think its silly and its "teenage angst". I dont know what to do anymore. I cant go on like this.

Freespirit28012 December 29th, 2019

@trvxto men i know what are you talking about, its not easy.

Mischief14 January 6th, 2020


I feel the same. It's hard to stuggle in silence and have no-one notice.

sheiralea December 30th, 2019

i dont know whats happening to me i keep making myself down and I took 2 major decisions over my life last month even thinking about suicide last time. its about i quit the job and i end up my relationship. I am now feeling guilty and a little regret but also unsure about what will happen next. I keep sobbing every night i feel lame and stupd to always picking up wrong decision. But now everything has been done and i keep telling myself its already best i can do, everything not going smooth so its ok to face pain now. I hope i can be happy again and i stop feeling empty and needy. I dont know i never going to psychologist to know whats happening in me cus i always feel empty and questioning my worth eventhough people around me would like to show their care. I still trying my best to keep being productive eventhough im hurting alot inside like i always need someone around who understand which is impossible.

makeitpoppy December 31st, 2019

I've dealt with mental illness for more than a decade now, even though I'm 23 yo. I've always been self aware and obsessed with control, so I try to map, understand and keep note of most of my patterns of action and thoughts. However, for these last two months, I can fully grasp what is going on with me. I was in the middle of an episode, everything felt like hell and suddenly I ... shut down. I don't understand what is going on with me, I can't make sense of my own thoughts and it scares me. I'm so lonely, confused and lost, but there's no reaction. Did I finally get over it? Am I getting worse? My doctor only has a spot for me by the end of January, and I can't afford another, and it's making me scared.

BrokenBell1 December 31st, 2019

@MeMyselfAndHer I honestly thought I was the only one that maybe felt this way about 7Cups. When I first got here, it was great. I was able to talk to people and everything, but recently when I've come back for help, they take a really long time to respond, or end up not responding at all, which doesn't end up helping with my depression or anything.

You're not alone in this though! There have been some great listeners on here who did help me out a lot. Don't give up!

Fablechampion December 31st, 2019

I am getting sick and I have a sore throat. I turned down a New Year

anonySail5042 December 31st, 2019

Well this is my 5th time home alone on new year's eve. And I don't have friends inviting me out, my family is doing their own thing, and honestly I don't feel like going out either. Usually new year's eve is a time I spend pittying myself and asking why. Or it's unfair why am I so alone? Anyway this year I'm gonna embrace it(the solitude) and do something about it. The funny thing is that I'm just tired of feeling this way. Which is new, so I'm hoping this will help make sense of my life. Like the tired of this attitude is making me choose where my time and energy is best spent. I guess it's just more focus and determination on a lot less. Also I just wanna say to everyone, I hope things go as close to as you want it to and i wish moment of clarity on those tough choices in life. Peace out y'all(see you in 2020!)

layanref January 6th, 2020


Mischief14 January 6th, 2020



MarianneKay January 8th, 2020


Hi. I am understand. I hate this feeling of being lonely, sad and depressed. I hate hownibfeel bfeel aboutbmyslef, or my siblings. Just seems noone can even remotely relate to me.

LifelD239 January 19th, 2020

I'm feeling terrible. I can't bring myself to do anything. I'll never change. I have no one and feels like it's getting worse .. going nowhere...

MarianneKay January 19th, 2020


Hey. I can understand where you are coming from. I am sad, mad, depressed, lonely, and seems like there is no end or hope in site. Meds that used to work, now, unless I take 2, not working. At least before I took it, and for few hrs at least felt good about myself. Not so now. If not for my mom taking care of my 5 year old, I would not even know how to exiatt,how to go on. Ok, well sorry for long Rand. I just felt I wanted to reply to your post. Have a great weekend.

Smartkittynerd1 January 19th, 2020

Im feeling lonely right now. Just went through a breakdown. Its really late right now and the only person here is my dad but hes asleep. I keep having really bad memories that are making me upset. I really want them to just go away but they wont. I want to talk to someone about them but because its late, Ive just created a senario in my head. Its just me and my doctor talking about my memories. Even though its in my head it still goes wrong. I just want to confirm that Im not going insane. I just want to be with someone right now.

barath1999 January 19th, 2020

I live in an overpopulated country and yet feel the same. Been on here since 2014 and I still feel like talking to myself in a crowded room.

lovelypomelo January 25th, 2020

@barath1999 sometimes we can feel our most loneliness when in a crowded room... like no one else knows how we feel ... keep positive ... keep being kind to yourself and there are listeners who will listen .. message me if you would like ... we are in this together

barath1999 January 26th, 2020

@lovelypomelo Thank you so much. Yes I feel lonely and I've lost all reasons to love myself. I feel worthless

selfconfidentTangerine1778 January 28th, 2020

I have severe loneliness

anintroverted February 2nd, 2020

@MeMyselfAndHer I'm struggling the same way as you do. I'm Italian and I live in a small, little town where there's so little to do. I think I started feeling this way a couple of years ago. I don't know if it's depression, I haven't talked to a therapist for that matter, but I'm struggling so much to deal with it. Sometimes it's bearable, sometimes I feel good, some other times I think of some dark things that I scare myself for even having those thoughts. I don't know what causes it, maybe I'll find out. In the meantime though, I feel really really lonely. Yes, I have my family, but lately for some medical issues, I have this huge weight on my shoulders, like everyone is counting on me. It's really difficult. Moreover, I feel like I don't have any friends. I don't remember when was the last time I went out to "have fun" with a friend of mine. It's a lot of stuff and I don't know how to deal with it. So here I am on 7cups. Hopefully I'll find someone to talk to, if anyone wants to actually talk to me hahaha laugh

Anyway, I hope you all are having a great day​​​​

lovingPrune2059 February 27th, 2020

@anintroverted I'd love to talk, it sounds like you're going through kinda a similar situation as me.

smittyb66 February 2nd, 2020

So the Growth Path requires a post. I am on here to do the therapy thing to function in real life. I have some "traumas" that cause me problems. One of the biggest problems has to do with a woman I fell very hard for and lost my head over. I am not good with women to begin with and have a lot of personal issues and problems dealing with emotions. This caused me to become overwhelmed, affraid, and a whole mess of things I do not understand that led to the loss of someone I cared for more than anything. Post made.

selfconfidentTangerine1778 February 3rd, 2020

I been lonely since I can remember

mepeters February 24th, 2020

Lonely, I can relate. I had two friends. One left a year ago to Spain, and the other is leaving soon to the USA. not sure what to do. Isolation can be good for selfreflection, but to literally have no one to talk to in a world of close to eight billion people is a curious thing. I am getting to understand that it is a me thing; I'm broken--eight billion against one means there is obviously something wrong with me, not the world.I just need to figure out what it is before it is too late.

communicativeHouse4454 February 24th, 2020

I dont know for sure but I feel like I have pure O (I'm not trying to offend anyone). It's just that I had those weird impulses that were triggered from something I saw or thought and they've been happening since I was 7. It's getting worse now and I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't even trust myself anymore; even more so I fear of what I'll do.

I try to tell my parents about it but my mom just says meds are gonna mess me up even more. I'm thinking of going to a psychiatrist that's new here in the neighbourhood without telling my parents because I need answers. What bothers me even more is I told my sister about this and now she thinks I'm a freak or something.

Also most of my triggers are caused by heights. I have to tell everyone I have height phobia to hide the fact that I'll jump over the edge any moment

English isn't my first language so please disregard anything I said wrong

kindPear7805 March 8th, 2020

I have depression, anxiety, family issues and I self-harm. I guess I'm here cos I just need some help, But I'm quite stubborn soooo idk how this will go but I'll give it a try.