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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

GollomGirl145 September 9th, 2016

I honestly don't feel very good. During the end of the year and over the summer, I thought my depression had gone. But with the first week of school, along with major social and generalized anxiety, I feel sad. I feel like every move I make is filled with doubt and sadness. I don't know what to do. All I want to do is stay home and sleep. I also haven't been eating, my stomach has felt so nervous.

Lizdoc September 19th, 2016


It's normal when life makes major steps for you to want to pull back. For me with depression and anxiety, I find two things work well. I give myself micro jobs like put my feet in my slippers and ridiculous as it may sound I heavily congratulate myself for that...before one knows it one has done 20 microthings for the day. Also tell someone you trust you're not eating so well...maybe they cut up some fruit and leave it by your bed?

enchantingvision94 September 22nd, 2016


i understand girl, but hey don't forget this is just temporary a bright new days are about to find you,
PM me if you feel like takking to someone, you got me! :)

ThomasHs September 19th, 2016

I'm still getting worse despite my efforts.

enchantingvision94 September 19th, 2016



ThomasHs September 19th, 2016

@enchantingvision94 I'm running out of things to try.

enchantingvision94 September 21st, 2016


I understand at times things are difficult, but hey comeon! we are all here for you, you got me.
you can talk to me anytime you want to. PM me we sure will figure a best way to bring happiness to your life :)

potatofriend September 28th, 2016


I know depression is a weight on your shoulders and is such a difficult thing to overcome, but every effort you make is a step in the right direction. I am so proud of you for fighting back, even though it seems like things are getting worse. It's ok if you have to take a step back before moving forward again. We are all here cheering you on and will always support you no matter what.

ChasingMyDreams5 September 19th, 2016

Lost and alone!

Lizdoc September 19th, 2016

@ChasingMyDreams5're not lost and you're not alone, would you like to tell me about it? I'm Liz, I'm 43y, married from Pretoria. I have been battling anxiety my whole life but had a Major depressive episode after the death of my dad 6 years ago. I battle to go through the motions day after day but there are things that make it worth it like my kids, my pets.

ChasingMyDreams5 September 19th, 2016


thanks for the message and sharing your story. Sorry about the loss of your dad.

I just have been very down lately mainly because I feel alone in every Like I have no one to talk to and or turn too. Today I was 7 hours late for work. I feel bad because I lied to my staff and said I was at a meeting all day but in all reality I was at home in the bed because I could not get out the bed. Lying and being late to work did not make me feel good at all. But having those extra 7 hours to think/reflect, relax my body and heart and speak with my counselor made me feel so much more relax. I needed it, I was so anxious, and overwhelmed and just did not have any motivation. I was mentally not in any shape to be at work. I have been being very late to work for like 3 weeks now because of depression and anxiety. I am afraid I am going to lose my job. I just hope my energy level and happiness gets better so I am able to get out of the bed and get to work on time.

communicativeDime7325 September 22nd, 2016

@Lizdoc pm me you sound like you may be able to listen

Zizy September 28th, 2016

@ChasingMyDreams5 Please don't feel as if you're on your own! We're all here to listen and support you. We care about you and your happiness!

safeandsoundta September 19th, 2016

I feel good today. I've been productive this past week and no longer feel stressed out, due to homework deadlines or due to working a job I disliked strongly.

beautifuldevil September 24th, 2016

@safeandsoundta I'm so glad that you're feeling so positive. heartDoing things that ignite your passion and avoiding things that bring you down can have such a profound impact on your life. Keep the faith xx

safeandsoundta September 25th, 2016

@beautifuldevil You're totally right about that! It is such a positive experience to do that and I'm happy things have changed for the better.

beautifulBreezeMon September 19th, 2016

Feeling awesome today! :D

Markysim1 September 19th, 2016

@beautifulBreezeMon that's great news

BellaFreedom October 4th, 2016

@beautifulBreezeMon awe! Thank you for making this awesome post! HUGS! smiley

limegreenJet9673 September 19th, 2016

Today I feel okay...and my thoughts went down cause in the night of sunday saturday...there was a crime right under my house and I heard everything. Really everything...the positive thing: I'm glad to be alive. The negative thing is...someone died...I'm exhausted and it feels like it is getting worse from day to day. I try to keep on.

XxthelightxX September 19th, 2016

I feel down today...I feel like every time I try and better myself it only ends up getting worst because something always messes it up... I feel like I am not worth being here and I am only the black sheep of my family. I feel like my roommates only see me as a maid to clean up after them and that no one cares about my feelings or how I think.. I have cried today and have only been down and having panic attacks all day.. my mind is confused and I don't know what to do..

beautifuldevil September 24th, 2016

@XxthelightxX I am so sorry that you are going through so much all at once. sadYou are really brave to speak out about it. I want you to know that you are not as alone as your pain makes you feel. You are valid and you are worthy. heartPlease PM me if you need to talk. Oh, and take a look at my profile picture (Life is tough, but so are you)smiley

XxthelightxX September 24th, 2016

@beautifuldevil thank you so much for listening to me

beautifuldevil September 24th, 2016

@XxthelightxX Feeling isolated and alone is the most terrifying thing and I want to make sure that you don't feel that way. You are heard and you are valid. heart Keep the faith xx

Mayzy September 21st, 2016

Just completely done with it all. Yesterday I was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and today I've learned that my uncle has had a massive relapse after being sober for six months.

beautifuldevil September 24th, 2016

@Mayzy I'm sorry that you're facing such a tough time sad You should know that you are not alone and you are stronger than your pain makes you feel. heart PM me if you ever need to talk xx

Katya88 September 22nd, 2016

today I feel even more lonely and lost than usual . Today is the birthday of my husband . he had gone drinking with friends in the morning . when he came home drunk , I asked, " why do you not want to celebrate this day with the family ? " . he replied , " I did come celebrate . " always like this. he has things more important than being with me and our child . sometimes I think , " maybe I was not good enough for him ? " . birthday celebrated with the family and loved ones , right? I feel useless and stupid . and in all my fault again ( so he says )

Sorry for my English

XxthelightxX September 24th, 2016

@Katya88 it's not your fault! Your an amazing person! What he choose to do are his actions you can't change people all you can focus on is you and your choices. I am sorry he treats you like that... I will pray for you

bestVase7265 September 25th, 2016

It was been another roller coaster day. I am so exhausted of having been depressed for so long and not feeling much relief. I feel like I should learn to try to accept it, but I want to believe that happiness is really possible again. I keep trying day after day and failing. I am so scared that this state of being is permanent

Chimmysmallz September 27th, 2016


This state isn't permanent. Please keep believing that happiness is there for you. Keep building your self up physically and mentally. Try to do things that makes you happy. Try something new. Leave people that try to bring you down as they would make the feeling worse. It is okay to backslide in the process of finding yourself, as long as you do not let that backslide bring you down. Pick yourself back up and continue. You have that state of happiness waiting for you.

For now, here's a hug for you. *hugs* 😃

bestVase7265 September 28th, 2016

The one good thing is that I don't have many people that bring me down, just circumstances and my fears for the future. I am doing better than I few days ago but live in constant fear of the next bad wave. @Chimmysmallz

Chimmysmallz September 28th, 2016


Fear is good. Fear could be healthy. But fear shouldn't be allowed to control your situation. You should be the one controlling it not your situation controlling you. You should be happy. Really happy.You need to accept that you will or could backslide into depression and sadness but you should not let that bring you down. When you backslide, you pick yourself up and try again. Congratulate yourself when you make progress and try again when you backslide. You have only one life sweetheart, live it to the fullest.

you could get a journal. Write down the things you are scared of, write down the things you want to improve on and write down your goals. Try something new. A new exercise routine perhaps -dancing is excellent- or you could try doing things you used to like or a whole new set of activities. You can't fear something that you accept. Accept that you are human and can make mistakes. Accept that you are human and you have to be happy.

You could also talk to any listener here. They would be happy to listen. Here's a really tight hug for you. *hugs* 😃

bestVase7265 September 28th, 2016

Thanks. I am trying to do all of those things. My biggest problem is that I can't seem to accept. It makes me so down on myself that my mind won't seem to let me do that despite trying really hard. I know all that I can do is keep trying, but the depression spirals out of control way too easily.@Chimmysmallz

imtiredofliving September 25th, 2016

I'm hoping to mainting this feeling of positiveness that i am currently feeling right now. Just hope i won't burn and crash.

BellaFreedom October 1st, 2016

@imtiredofliving I am so proud of you for being optimistic. I hope you do real wonders. You are the best! heart

SoftForestHSP77 September 26th, 2016

Today can be a good day. I just need to get out of my head.

Ckennedy04 September 27th, 2016

When your finally to the point you can no longer take care of things because your illness although it be in your head, has crippled you . Then you realize you just handed over your right to feel your right to cry, your right to process what's going on the way you need to, to the one person who should care about u the most is the one who caused most of the damage to you in the first place.. The hope you thought you had, smeared in your face like a failure. To which u are now openly reminded every minute your awake.

bestVase7265 September 28th, 2016

Focus on finding more positive people. They are out there waiting to help you find a path to a better future.@Ckennedy04

bestVase7265 September 28th, 2016

Focus on finding more positive people. They are out there waiting to help you find a path to a better future.@Ckennedy04

placidCity1574 September 28th, 2016

Hi my name is jon i have autism i have had depression for 10 years cry everyday cry seeing guys with girls very lonely