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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

lovingPine3496 October 31st, 2015

I feel a little better but it still pains me. I keep finding little things I made for him..or that I was planning to give him..and it always brings me down. I miss him so much. I'm so confused about everything now...not just with him..but this other horrible guy from school. I just wish I could go away for a while..

AsyAleyna October 31st, 2015

I don't feel anything :( hicbirsey hissetmiyorum.

GiuliaSt October 31st, 2015

Today I'm feeling a bit better, as much as the night has been troubled for me, this app is helping me a lot, because I can't talk about this with anyone else outside of here.

Elinxs27 October 31st, 2015

I am fine. I don't know why I feel like crying or dying or both, but my stomach really hurts. Like I feel like throwing up. I'm fine though like seriously I have nothing to be sad about right now.

jenniferlobsinger77 October 31st, 2015

i am filling very down and low. i fill very alone with my depression

TheWavy01 October 31st, 2015

Hey ☺ i understand what you're going through. I know its hard. You're in a tough situation. But that's why 7 cups is here. We can help you see the beauty in the world again. Its always there. It just hides very well. Everyday beauty can keep you going; just a sunset, leaf, listening to the rain, everyday acts of kindness that leave feeling better, knowing you've made the world a better place. There's always a light in the dark. Always hope. Even if hope is all you have, cling to it. That candle is essential to help you find the door out of the darkness. Hope is the first stepping stone to happiness. Know that its always there. Always.

StuckPC November 1st, 2015

Like I've had another successful day hiding behind my smile.

CosmicFeelings November 1st, 2015

I'm feeling super conflicted. I don't know who I am anymore and it's making my depression worse. I just over think everything I say and have said. Everything that just spews out of my mouth is just not me. I don't know where the real me went.

I was kind, shy, and gentle... Now I'm just this crazy monster. Everyone always asks me what happened to me, they just call me psychotic.

I hate the word 'psycho.' So much. It's the one thing that always sets me off. There are two people who can say it because I know they're my closest friends and they're joking.. But when other people say it, it just doesn't work for me. It drives me crazy. I over think, cry, and dwell on it. I do not go well with the word 'psycho.'

LovePom November 1st, 2015

I'm starting to have nightmares about suicide again...I hate how I can't escape from depression, even in my own dreams

wut661 November 1st, 2015

I am feeling very low today... worthless... like nothing. My husband has a new job at a bar where he works all night alongside attractive women. I feel jealous and like he will leave me for them since I am not good enough. So then I am clingy and push him, which actually makes me feel even more worthless because I don't want to be that person... (Just venting a bit)

midnightsunflower November 1st, 2015

I feel like everything I do is wrong. I screw up everything, and even when I realize that, people never cease to tire of condemning me for it. I feel like all of my efforts to combat these emotions are futile, because every time I feel like I've made progress, I wake up the next day and realize I've taken three steps back and I get tossed into the vicious cycle again. I feel worthless, and stressed out, and incapable of handling everything life throws in my direction.

intellectualAvocado5217 November 1st, 2015

I was feeling okay until I had a fight with my bf 😓 now I feel like absolute shit and I just don't wanna wake up in the morning

ringohime November 1st, 2015

I was feeling low all day. I feel left out from my friends so I haven't left my room all day. I'm half way across the world from my family and now I'm getting really homesick almost 3 months in. My care package isn't here yet. I've been smiling at my friends saying I'm happy they got their packages, when really I'm insanely jealous. I feel lonely a lot. I'm too afraid to pursue the two romantic interests I have because I can't see anyway how they would be interested in me back. All my past relationships have ended with feeling like I've been kicked in the chest until my chest cavity caves in. But even through everything I think deep down under all the sadness... I really do want everyone around me to be happy. But maybe my happiness is impossible.

brightShade304 November 1st, 2015

I am feeling low today. I had this meeting at work on Friday "you aren't meeting your potential". Now all I can think about is how I am failing. The strangest part I am so upset at myself for not doing my best but every time I try to do better I am overwhelmed with this fear of failing and do nothing. It is like I am stuck in this stupid failure paradox.

So all I do is lie in bed and worry.

creativeMelon1653 November 1st, 2015

I don't know why I keep trying.

dreamii07 November 1st, 2015

I feel ugly lonely sad angry hurt invisible unappreciated and lost

racheel16 November 1st, 2015

im so lost. i have no one to talk about my depression. i feel so hopeless till i barely can feel anything now. i feel no love, happiness, sadness, pain. its just so empty. sometimes im afraid that'll lead me to suicide. everything just seems so wrong. i stayed at home whole day just to avoid meeting my friends even though i was the one who make plans. i make plans, but i dont want to go. bcs i know that i will only feel a temporary feeling of "togetherness". i just dont know. i dont understand what i feel right now.

conscientiousPenny3599 November 1st, 2015

I too feel hopeless today. But its not like I always feel this way. Many times I am confident about myself.But thts just a layer on top of a deep valley of sadness.

lovingPine3496 November 1st, 2015

Overwhelmed. Just when I think I'm doing better something comes around and puts the good memories back in my head. I can't catch a break..

poisontongue November 2nd, 2015

I am fine... I am fine... I just don't want to deal with human things. Or existing.

lovingPine3496 November 2nd, 2015

Well...I feel lost.

The guy I had a crush on in the second grade reentered my life again..don't know how long he will stay..but I doubt it'll be long.

Saturday..I was just minding my business and he just showed up. I was confused..but I smiled it off and tried not to look at him. There was a desk between us..until he moved cause he needed help with his math.

The second class he would just look at me..and it kinda made me a little uncomfortable.. But I didn't think too much of it. I asked him what he wanted..this time he just said "nothing" and smiled at me.

Our third class he sat behind me. He'd wanted me to hold his hand since the second class.. But never said anything..I jokingly said it and he was sincere. In this class I let him..but it was brief. I asked him for a hug numerous times..but he wouldn't give me one. He was following me around all day. I am usually first to leave..and apparently I moved too fast for him. It's a habit.

Anyway.. He brought up the kiss I gave him on his cheek in the second grade.. And it's been 2 years since I told him that.. After almost 10 years he is still attracted to me.. But I don't know how to feel.

placidTown4605 November 2nd, 2015

I'm okay, not feeling much really. Just kinda blank.

Alphameowcat November 2nd, 2015

i feel so low with anxiety. i find it difficult to find joy in my work. i am preoccupied with the fear regarding my safety and my residents' safety. im a nurse. we have an issue with staffing. im binded with a contract for 3 yrs so i feel like im a slave, left with no choice. i feel regrets. i feel im excluded and neglected.

easyWater4109 November 2nd, 2015


ive been in a similar situation. Although the bonuses are tempting, I now avoid signing contracts. Once they have you the feeling is stifling. But you'll get thru-it won't be forever.

Alphameowcat November 2nd, 2015

Thanks easy water. The thought of being like this for 3yrs causing too much pain on me.

CosmicFeelings November 2nd, 2015

I don't know what to feel anymore. My depressed emotions are constantly getting in the way of my thinking, my actions, and my words. Everything I do revolves around me depression and anxiety. I can't take it any more. I got invited to a party and almost didn't go because I didn't know if my depression was going to act up. I'm trying to find ways of keeping my head clear: getting a charm to keep me grounded, a special stuff animals, a lucky pen, something to help me..

I'm so torn and I don't want my friends to worry about me. My friend got drunk for Halloween and blurted out to my group of friends (hysterically crying might I add) that I wanted to commit suicide and die. After she did this, some of my friends looked at me funny. My depression is ruling (and ruining) my life.

compassionateLychee8039 November 2nd, 2015

Sad, stupid. I don't understand trig. I can't tell my friends my secret sh and depression. I have no one to hug me. It hurts to breathe. I just wanna cry, to hug some one. Biting sit hear behind a smile and silence. Wishing someone would care

Keiro November 3rd, 2015

Nothing like letting yourself get close to someone only to have them make you feel like you're worthless and not worth their time at all. I really wish I could just stop existing.

willingOrange1694 November 3rd, 2015

School makes me feel so stupid and worthless like what am I even doing

redWatermelon6900 November 3rd, 2015

I feel like I don't really matter to anyone. Like I'm just background noise to everyone I know and love. I'm not in danger of hurting myself, but I really do feel like if I were to die today, people would be sad for like a month at most then largely get over it. People barely notice me when I'm in the room, so I strongly doubt anyone misses me when I'm gone.

And I know it's my own doing which is probably the worst part of all. I'm so afraid of disappointing people that I don't know how tone close to them.

lippy33 November 3rd, 2015

Heya hun,are u at a young age?if u are that's very common to feel like that.wen I was in hgh school I was not as pretty as the other girls and coz I'm half Asian half greekI got teased a lot and not accepted in the "cool" groups,they would chat with me in class but wen it came to lunch period they wouldn't say a word to all changed wenbi changed high schools and the minority we're Asians and greeks,they thought I was beautiful so i started to rebel and only care of the friends I made and reputation I was finally in the "cool"group,even guys from my old school would see me and couldn't believe my transformation to my looks but my personality,I started to become very loud so I would get noticed I also started to get in trouble just so I could have a "cool" point is,the more u care what people are thinking bout u the more u will be a people pleaser or drive yourself nuts.the day I didn't care what others thought has been the happiest.if u need a friend my name is Lisa.x

redWatermelon6900 November 3rd, 2015

That's very sweet of you to say, but I'm not a teenager so my problem runs a bit deeper than that. I'm 30 and have no real close relationships. Even the people I would consider myself close to, I keep a lot of my feelings from because I don't think they would really care all that much because they have their own lives to worry about. I've worked so hard trying to get through college then trying to find a job (which I still haven't done and I know that is also making me feel inadequate) that I never cultivated myself socially and don't know how I would even start. I can't imagine many people would want to deal with a 30-year-old ever-child that's still dealing with teen level social angst.

I can interact with people, my coworkers generally like me, but no one asks me if I want to go out. No one gives me their number or asks for mine. The friends I do have are people I've known since I was young and have their own lives to worry about. I'm single and haven't been on a date in almost 10 years. I just don't know how to connect with people in a meaningful way.

Heartless19 November 3rd, 2015

Mentally exhausted

kindBunny2258 November 3rd, 2015

I feel happy, healthy, and lucky

AeroRoze3 November 3rd, 2015

Having a lot of mixed emotions...some days I think about all the things I wanna accomplish but others I'm too depressed to believe I'll actually do anything with my life. Like my existence is irrelevant.

depressedaf19 November 3rd, 2015

Like it's never going to get better

anchoredwithhope November 3rd, 2015

@depressedaf19 Here's something that might cheer you up

lovingPine3496 November 3rd, 2015

Well today, this morning i found out where my ex boyfriend is. Bedridden until further notice. he wont be returning to school anytime this year. I feel like total sh*t cause i acted before i knew what was going on...but at the same time i was holding on to nothing..

i miss him so much

awakemysoul November 4th, 2015

Earlier- Defeated

Now- Lighter

poisontongue November 4th, 2015

Life is unimpressive. Existing is not worth it.