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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Reallyrealsecrets July 19th, 2015

Well where can we read your poetry

lonesomepoetheart July 19th, 2015

Right here I guess. :/ you wanna read it really?

Here goes

Deep blue scars run parallel to your eyesight, marking where I used to be.
Reaching through my irises and cracking my little heart with poison.
Poison that slipped from your fingers as you walked from sea to shore.
And blue skies were never more sad than when the wind whispered and the sea turned to glass.
Even all the fish in the sea froze like pop bottles in an icebox, and I, the shore, weep gritty tears as I watched the world be swept away in sharp frozen thunder.

kodamasprout9980 July 19th, 2015

rock bottom finds a new low everyday. I'm done with this pathetic existence yet something wont me end it

warmheartedGrapefruit759 July 19th, 2015

Feeling so down..wanna cry all the time ..I feel this loneliness enveloping my soul.. this constant pain of betrayal

Reallyrealsecrets July 19th, 2015

Why do you feel betrayed

warmheartedGrapefruit759 July 19th, 2015

My heart has been stomped on and abused so much

Wicket51 July 20th, 2015

I spent the day looking for something to make me feel better or to understand my chronic depression. I hate it and I hate not wanting to be awake.

Overcame July 20th, 2015

Like I shouldn't be happy. I feel like I should be sad but I don't act as sad as I really feel and I have no clue what is going on.

midisty July 20th, 2015

Today I feel the lowest I have ever felt in my life. Life has lost its spark. I want to cry so bad right now but I can't. I have borderline personality disorder and I have severe abandonment issues. I have trouble figuring out if it's me or the people who ignore me for hours on end or both. I am tired but don't want to sleep because I'm trying to regulate my sleep pattern. I'm exhausted all the time and can't relax and be still. I'm lonely but look in the wrong places. I feel like I can't love again.

lightIdea7796 July 20th, 2015

I'm feeling unstable. I'm fighting suicidal thoughts. I'm feeling clingy...I crave attention from my bf but I'm too afraid he will tell me no. I have these...negative thoughts all the time telling me he doesn't need me anymore...that he's getting tired of me being upset all the time. I'm stressed about going back to school and failing. I'm not working so I can finish school but I feel like a free loader on my bf but he's said more than once that he's OK with it. Ugh...I'm a jumbled mess.

myjourneyy July 20th, 2015

I'm feeling lost, lonely. not sure what my purpose in life is right now.

cookiecutter085 July 20th, 2015

I feel terrible Everyone always treats me like shit And i cant take this anymore I so frustrasted and done Please help Ive given up

maxxlegacy July 20th, 2015

I feel like a failure. A piece of shit. Worthless.

abigail72601 July 20th, 2015

I feel loss, and guilt. And today is the anniversary Of my grandaddys death, and that was the day everything started rolling down hill. 😌

DisturbedGirl July 20th, 2015

In the same vote. Im sorry for your loss, i really am. Me and you propably think they were here right now, and your not alone.

DisturbedGirl July 20th, 2015

How I feel...this is usually the question I'm always asked...

I feel like I'm disappointing everyone in my life..and if my kokum (grandma) was here right now..she would be most ashamed...

I feel like i'm being used..not loved enough...feel like someone that loves me Doesn't even want me...

My anxiety always raises up to the point where i'm cornered..can't breath..Feel like dying but im not...

Thats how i feel...

DynamicDay402 July 20th, 2015

I feel very hopeless. I feel like when I'm in a depressed state, I like it. I just feel isolated away from everything and everybody.

Panicqueen July 20th, 2015

I feel incomplete. I'm a person who loves very hard. It's truly devastating when I wake up each morning with swollen eyes & mascara stains. So today, I feel emotional pain & I wish it would stop

Sati July 20th, 2015

Alone even though I'm not. Unwanted. Tired. I can't sleep despite being very tired and I feel hopeless because I've been without steady work since December of last year. I feel worthless. I fantasize about doing horrible things to myself regularly but I can never take those steps. I wish someone could fix me. I have no real support system, no money for therapy, and my doctor bills are piling up. I started out great, buying a house and a new (used) car but now the car has been nothing but problems along with the house, I can't even pay my share of the bills and I'm just so sick of it.

Veemee224 July 20th, 2015

Today, I feel empty. I feel alone and unloved. I feel thrown aside by my family, my boyfriend's family, my friends, everyone. I feel looked over and judged. Why bother listening to someone like me? I feel like people get the wrong impression of me and don't care enough to change it. I feel useless and like a burden on the world. I feel like the world would be a better place without me being born. I feel nothing but pain in my chest

MaxRox0903 July 20th, 2015

Today was a good day, but when I watch a really good movie, I start to get depressed, I watched the movie Thirteen, and that is a really good movie, so yeah. I hope I have a good day tomorrow

lonesomepoetheart July 20th, 2015

Tomorrow will be a wonderful day! :)

neonDime9582 July 20th, 2015

I feel depressed , not able to be happy again m I don't even noticed myself m I wished I was happy and back to normal

Replacingshadows July 20th, 2015

I am so so very depressed and I'm fighting the urge to cut :'(

Andrea50 July 20th, 2015


well keep fighting that urge till it falls to the ground and dies!

impartialWriter8121 July 20th, 2015

I'm feeling sad. I want my life to go somewhere but it feels like I can never even take the first step. Or if I do take a step it's in the wrong direction.

warmheartedGrapefruit759 July 20th, 2015

Today feeling better than yesterday .. but the pain is still there ..feeling hopeless just wishing this torrents of emotions just to go away .. can't think straight. . Putting on my mask so nobody knows what I'm going thru it's just tiring

Imcece83 July 20th, 2015

I know just what u mean.

Somedayiwillfindsomeone July 21st, 2015

We have same feelings it's like I don't want people know what's happening to me now that I'm facing a problem because right now Im recently separated to my husband I can't believe it's happening to me

Imcece83 July 20th, 2015

I feel awful! Bad enough real life is tearing me apart, but I had the worst dream in my life this morning. And that's got me feeling pretty bummed. Dang, I can't even have happy dreams at least now. Smh

uglyPandaMan July 20th, 2015

Tired. I wish I could sleep forever and woke somewhere in dreamland.

quickwittedApricot July 20th, 2015

I feel exhausted and I don't have enough energy to get out of bed nothing seems to be going right and I feel myself slipping again

splasshed July 20th, 2015

Stressed and sad. I don't really mind about being stressed but it bothers me to feel sad when I have no reason to feel it.

jenniferlobsinger77 July 21st, 2015

i am very depressied and dont fil suported

Bearbear July 21st, 2015

I don't feel like life is worth living anymore my life is going no where's I wake up and do the same thing boring I think aboult dieing all the time no friends no family no one that supports me I can't get on my feet im nothing.i see people all arould and how good they have it and I know that I will never have it as good as they do I feel so down trying to find someone to reach out to but I get nothing I could go as far as I could and just lay down and not one person would ever care or know I'm goin it's sad that I can say that

StarryNights09 July 22nd, 2015

I feel incredibly lonely... broken to the point of pain. I want to cry but it doesn't come out. I feel so tired... physically, mentally, and emotionally.

fangirlingrn July 22nd, 2015

lonely ..

secretFan4839 July 22nd, 2015

The mornings and afternoons are great... But when it comes to night and the sky gets dark the feeling of loneliness just seems to fill me just like it does every other night

uglyPandaMan July 22nd, 2015

Crap. My binge eating starts to kick in due to my insomnia..

dynamicClementine1105 July 23rd, 2015

Today I feel horrible about myself sad