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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

ScarlettRose012 March 9th, 2016

Drained. Mentally and physically

ScarlettRose012 March 9th, 2016

Life is hard. Very hard

March 9th, 2016

it seems like I can't go a day without having suicidal thoughts, this really sucks because death terrifies me but the overwhelming emotions will probably blind me from that fear one of these days

March 9th, 2016

I can't explain my situation anymore, it's like if I give a reason for why I'm feeling this way then I'm just pitting myself and just hoping for attention , because of this I'm afraid to reach out and talk about my problems

Yunomi March 9th, 2016

It's gotten to the point where I can't get through a whole day of school. I have to leave without telling anyone before I have a breakdown.

MooseFruitLoops March 11th, 2016

I don't even know WHAT I feel anymore.

Tamaradinges March 11th, 2016

@MooseFruitLoops. Same.

ahelpinghand321 March 11th, 2016

I feel good. Wired on caffeine and 3 hours of sleep... Really want to go running but have zero motivation

Tamaradinges March 11th, 2016

Today, I felt like running away from everything. Where no one can find me. Start a whole new life. But first be alone for a while. Ofcourse I didnt do it because im a coward.

Tknowles March 11th, 2016

I have no motivation to do anything. I've lived my life for the past week and a half in my bed. I'm so anxious and worried every second of everyday. I eat very little and take pills that make me feel even worse. I feel so empty inside. I can't concentrate, sleep, rest or anything without being in a constant state of sadness. I feel as though I'm a robot, just going through the motions in life. Also I don't feel that I'm actually living half the time, I just feel dead.

DTAYLOR March 13th, 2016

@Tknowles I feel this way all the time, it got up to a point were I wanted to kill my self. I saw what suicide did to my family and I didn't want them to go through that pain again. When you feel this way find something to hold on to. Rather it's the next episode of your favorite Tv show or some new movie that you really want to see. It doesn't go away right away it will take some time

Depressedxox March 14th, 2016

@Tknowles tbh I feel the same, I'm 14 and I just wanna die. No1 cares about me my own family told me that I would be better off dead

xHoldon March 13th, 2016

I feel afraid. I feel useless and disappointed on myself.

inthemaking March 13th, 2016

I cant help feeling needy. I hate it but i need to feel like someone cares about me. Im hurting but i dont want to put it on anyone and they dont even bother to ask. Im tired of being angry at them and at myself. Im tired of crying everyday.

LainaghStory March 14th, 2016

@inthemaking I know how exactly how that feels. I often feel guilty and stupid for being so clingy to people. I don't think you should feel ashamed for wanting a close friend or loved ones that care about you. Every human being wants affection and attention.

Cheshire94 March 14th, 2016


We'll at least we're not alone in feeling this way.

noah2015 March 14th, 2016

@inthemaking I totally get you. I'm sorry you are going through this. I feel the same way, I cry everyday too especially after my ex and I broke up 6 months ago, it's still.killing me inside. Remember it will get better. Xx

Torn38 March 14th, 2016

Today was a great day in the beginning but as the day went on things just lost all sunshine and turned to dark clouds. I've not really had much motivation to do much but be lazy and mope around. Hoping tomorrow brings better luck with emotions, being glum really bums me out

Cheshire94 March 14th, 2016


Welcome to the family :)

March 14th, 2016

Feeling horrible right now , I don't know how to make the bad thoughts go away, I'm doing things I shouldn't be doing but I feel it's the only thing keeping me from going to for.

Cheshire94 March 14th, 2016


Sometimes it's a choice of what is the lesser of the two evils? Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to survive the day in one piece.

Cheshire94 March 14th, 2016

I feel extremely tired today and not just because of the time change but I feel like I ran a marathon or was up all night but I wasn't I was so tired last night I actually slept well for once. I feel horrible because my toddlers want me to play with them but I'm too tired. );

Kiyoka March 14th, 2016

I'm not sure how to describe how I really feel, I guess the best word for it would be empty. I don't have the motivation to do anything or speak to anyone or even to eat or drink. I don't know how to deal with anything anymore. Everything hurts and yet at the same time I don't feel anything. I know this isn't normal and I don't know what to do about it...

LainaghStory March 14th, 2016

@Kiyoka I experience the empitiness and lack of motivation before. The only way for me to get out of that hole is to turn on my imagination or do something silly. Like really embaressing silly. I find doing something weird, silly, and plain old funny (at least to you) gives a certain happiness. For example I listen to the nightcore version of HolIaback Girl by Gwen Stefani. Also while listening to the song I dance like cheerlander. Basically I just get lost in my little world. It's not a cure for the numbing pain and it may only last for a moment or two. But it is a nice dose of medicine. I hope you feel better. I hope we all feel better.

Needtovent March 15th, 2016

Reading that question and knowing I could answer honestly brought me to actual tears. I feel like that should answer in itself.

uqhkenzi March 15th, 2016

I'm feeling more drained than usual, and I'm trying to stay positive but it's getting harder

IndigoRoses March 15th, 2016

Unstable and sensitive.

Resiliant March 16th, 2016

I posted this answer some where else

Resiliant March 16th, 2016

How do I get credit for this cup? I have posted but I'm not sure where

ThirteenCheerios March 16th, 2016

angry, annoyed, tired, curious, overwhelmed, lost, sore, resentful,

impartialTree3773 March 16th, 2016


Von2am March 16th, 2016

Tired and consumed by self-hatred

13721 March 16th, 2016


My name is Jessica and I'm new, too. Not sure if im using the app right, or even if it could really help. I hope for both our sakes that it does so we can quit feeling broken and defeated. Good luck <3

13721 March 16th, 2016

I feel like nothing feels okay, and like it never will and like a fool for feeling like that. And ashamed and selfish for telling people & wanting support but not doing anything about it myself.

Hasunohana March 16th, 2016

Nothing feels lonely as being alone. I have made some poor choices and now Im left to deal with the consequences

MissNigel March 16th, 2016

I feel empty and worthless

LovePom March 16th, 2016

I'm starting to get to that point where I do such stupid things just to hide how I really feel :/ I hate this

Theuglyduck March 17th, 2016

I am soo sick I can't sleep I woke up at 3:40 and it's almost 5 in the morning :( I really hate this.. I wish I could just sleep

straightforwardSpring3116 March 17th, 2016

A person i thought was my nice friend talked behind my back, and now i feel that i need to be punished just for existing in a group of people who will only be "nice" to me when they need my help. If that's the reason why I'm living for the sake of others then you can say that I'm selfish in thinking of killing myself. I don't really care.

jeslyn March 17th, 2016


A person i thought was my 'best friend' betrayed me. She said she will be there for me when i need her but she left me for another friend. It may sound dramatic but she is the only friend i got.

She said she know how i felt but she was wrong. She have no idea how much she means to me. I was there for her so why cant she be there for me. She left me alone. Whats the difference with ending my life.

But actually i wanted to live on. I want to be friends with you even though you did all that to me. Deep, deep down inside i still care. But i can never say those to you or anyone. Im afraid of getting hurt again.

Do you feel the same as me? Maybe i am not alone feeling this way?