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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

straightforwardSpring3116 March 18th, 2016

@jeslyn i feel the same as you. you're not the only one.

EllieDW March 17th, 2016

Due to my depression, I feel like I've been a burden to people. My friends and girlfriend don't want to listen to me being all sad. I cut to release pain.

mellyworm84 March 17th, 2016

@EllieDW, I feel the same, like I'm a burden to my friends and partner. But keeping it inside is causing such panic for me. I drink to try and numb the pain but I know it's only making me worse.

EllieDW March 17th, 2016

@mellyworm84 I'm sorry that you feel this way too. I hope you find someone that you can tell all your problems to on 7 cups. We'll get through this :)

ambitionstream96 March 17th, 2016

@EllieDW hello :)

I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through, it must be really hard, to feel like a burden to people, but you're not to the once who love you, I'm sure they're willing to help you if you let them, and self abuse doesn't solve anything, you're hurting your body and soul, which don't deserve that because they're already in pain. if you need to talk more you know how to contact me. I hope you feel better soon.

mellyworm84 March 17th, 2016

I'm so anxious. I haven't been this unwell for over a year. I thought I'd been so strong, I feel broken.

jeslyn March 17th, 2016


Sometimes i feel strong with my plastered fake smile. Everyone is fooled by something so simple.

But why do i feel so empty inside. I actually want ny friends to care. Im slowly becoming tired for being strong. Strength has its limits. If only they knew. Sometimes i dont want to be strong for a moment. But if i do that i will be a burden. Will someone accept me for resting abit?

Do you feel the same as me? Am i the only one feeling like this?

mellyworm84 March 17th, 2016

@jeslyn I feel exactly the same. I feel like I've been strong for so long for myself and others, and it's crippling. My body is actually telling me it can't be strong anymore. I am trying to listen to it but I just feel like I need to keep face. It's exhausting. I think one thing I've learnt helping those in need is that we need time for ourselves to keep well- but doing it is the difficult thing.

jeslyn March 18th, 2016


We feel contented helping others. So much that sometimes we feel that we dont deserve help our ourselves if we are helping others.

Its tiring. I love being with friends or people, but its sad that its gotten to the point that i feel peace when im alone. I dont have to lie when theres no one around.

We are mentally aware yet at the same time, we couldnt help feeling this way.

Smart6299 March 17th, 2016

I know it's easier said then done, but don't be so depress, life is simple take it day by day

Smart6299 March 17th, 2016

Life is full of joy

Pandas4ever March 17th, 2016

Alright but there all small things but are upsetting me.

mellyworm84 March 17th, 2016

@Saz1210 I also binge drink. I sometimes just need to numb the pain and when I do I drink til I fall asleep and then feel terrible the following day. Mine is quite frequent, when my partner is away I feel so alone that I drink just to pass the time. My partner worries and recently it's been happening more as I'm so anxious and low. I know I need to stop or significantly cut down- but stil I continue. It's adding to my anxiety.

mellyworm84 March 17th, 2016

@Saz1210 there is support out there. Sadly I work at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation once a week helping others and would feel too embarrassed to go there myself due to the work I do. My partner gets very worried and it does affect us too. I've gained so much weight from the booze but I'd rather have a bottle of wine on a Friday night than socialise with anyone, as it helps me to unwind. That sounds terrible but it's true. I'm going to my gp tonight as I am very depressed and anxious, maybe that will be a reality check. it's very hard to be strong and turn away from the alcohol.

mellyworm84 March 17th, 2016

@Saz1210 thank you. It's so hard to admit it isn't it. I suffered from depression a long time too and was on medication before which stopped me drinking, I came off as felt so much better, but I am aware now that I'm becoming unwell again and so I know I need to do something. It hurts to write that but admitting it is the biggest step. With such a difficult profession I find that you take on everyone else's problems but then self medicate! Good luck with your journey, this forum is really helping me so far, and makes me feel less alone.

Suzilanda March 17th, 2016

Today I feel a lot better and motivated to catch up on some work and work on myself. Today I plan and hope to complete my plan by working out and reading a book I have to write a paper over for school that's due Tuesday !

JackieV123 March 18th, 2016

I feel lost, overwhelmed, and fatigued. But today is better than yesterday.

yogagirl14 March 18th, 2016

I feel sad, hopeless and alone. And tired. So very, very tired.

Roses132 March 18th, 2016

Alone. Like I'm in a deep hole of emptiness and there's no way to get out. On the outside I have everything and I seem happy but on the inside, I'm filled with regret, sadness, emptiness, confused, terrible and alone. I feel like in short form, no one knows.

essybag March 21st, 2016


Hi roses. It's the worst thing to be alone.

I understand if you want to talk I'm here.

I feel alone. I wish I could find out why.

Hope your ok.

March 19th, 2016

So I tried to talk about my depression a little bit today with a old friend but I just found it so hard to speak with out crying, I needed to stop talking or I wasn't going to be okay

13721 March 20th, 2016


I identify so much. I feel like I'm bad at therapy because trying to talk about stuff just seems impossible. But peoplr always say that sometimes crying is good, even though it feels awful. And most friends dont mind so much if you cry, i would think?

AOmichaels March 19th, 2016

I'm pretty sure I have bad depression what do I do. It's so hard me to get motivated everyday I hardly achieve any goal I set every morning sometime I don't even wake up I could and sometimes prefer to sleep a whole day I'm been laid off now I'm going back to work an I have no will or want to but I have to an I hope I don't get fired or something happen because of how I feel an my emotions are I need help I need someone to talk me throuh this I need a counselor or therapist or something it's hard for me to socialize but I do anyway

AOmichaels March 19th, 2016


i tell myself I'm depressed I tell my self I'm nothing and I've done nothing but I am alive and want to breathe fresh air I want change I want peace and happiness in my heart and soul ! God help me have faith in having faith in you and my self

LovePom March 20th, 2016

I feel so lonely

Chance23 March 20th, 2016

Feeling broken. My chest hurts and I can't stop crying..

kezcasvip March 20th, 2016

I was excited because my cousin asked me to watch kung fu panda 3, but my parents have to remind me that ialso have to study excitement just flew through the window. Like dude, do you really have to remind me of that

cupsofjoyy March 20th, 2016

better than usual.

kezcasvip March 20th, 2016

@cupsofjoy2000 good for you!

Matildah March 20th, 2016

I feel happy!

March 21st, 2016

I don't know how to be okay anymore, I'm breaking down almost every day now and I don't really know why, things are just like, it's my normal feeling now

KatherineSalvatore March 21st, 2016

Not good at all. Sad and depressed. Scared and worried. On the edge of tears and on the edge of life.

Gman1246 March 21st, 2016


I am in the same position as you, I understand how tough it must be to keep going on. I lost my best friend, my girlfriend, my family and my counselor all within a week. Depression and Social Anxiety are weighing on me like a huge rock, crushing me, making it hard to breath, hard to see anything positive in my life now or in the future. No-one to talk to, no-one to understand how it feels to be totally alone.

You have to just keep reminding yourself every day that you are not alone and things can and will get better. When? Nobody can really be sure, but it will. There are some really great listeners here and have been through alot of the things that are beating you up. I hope things do get better for you. Just try to keep your head up and know that people do care how you are.

essybag March 21st, 2016

I am the best at being happy.

Inside I'm broken sad and alone.

I have good days but today is a bad day.

Loneliness is the killer

PHOENIX818 March 21st, 2016

@essybag it is not easy feeling so lonely. I struggle with major depression and it's a bad day for me also. I feel empty, sad and alone in a room full of people. I try and put up a front but I'm suffering badly.

essybag March 21st, 2016


I know what you mean. I am expected to be happy and there for everyone.

No one ever thinks I need help. And because of this I get insecure

Which do sent help with my mental health

Kitha March 21st, 2016

@PHOENIX818 I feel exactly the same 😩. Its killing me softly .

PHOENIX818 March 21st, 2016

I am having a down day and feel empty, lonley and tired of my illness

Damnlife March 21st, 2016

Alone and very down... I have so many finals coming up and I can't concentrate and in class I feel so claustrophobic it's so hard

Wonderlandlove March 21st, 2016

I've been feeling empty and that no one really cares about me and what will happen to me.