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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

AeroRoze3 March 24th, 2016

today i feel ok. had some unwelcomed anxiety but thats becoming the norm.

Victorielilly97 March 24th, 2016

I feel pretty well today which is unusual but I'm grateful for all of the good days I can get

creativeCamp2095 March 24th, 2016

Had a pretty good day. Got stressed when I came home but am honestly trying to roll with it.

Cheshire94 March 24th, 2016

I feel so lonely and repulsed by myself. I'm so tired all day everyday but can't sleep at night. Everyone's too busy for me. I hate myself and my body. I'm too weak. *sigh*

Glassheart86 March 24th, 2016

Today , I've been smiling , laughing.

Even thoughivee been dead inside. Its like I'm numb . but in pain. And I've been wanting to cry all day and for some reason fallout boy sugar we're going down made me cry like a baby.

penelopeanneneptune March 24th, 2016

This week has been a good week. I've been able to tell my depression to back off, but I'm afraid for when I can't anymore.

anenigma March 27th, 2016

No one knows nor care.

No one bothers about depression. It's just an accessory to your daily life.

I want everything to stop. I want to dissappear. I don't wanna know tomorrow. . Help me.

March 27th, 2016

@anenigma I'm feeling the same way right now, I came here to hopefully calm myself down by trying to talk about what's wrong. Let me here your story and maybe hopefully you will feel just a little bit better

FeelsMoreLikeAMemory March 27th, 2016

I had a rough morning. I wanted to dress up and enjoy Easter, but it was very chilly and cloudy, so that got me down. Holidays are always hard because my family is so fractured ( parents divorced 5 years ago and still don't talk to each other.) I feel like we're not a family anymore, just some ppl related to each other. Hits me hardest on days like this.

impartialTree3773 March 28th, 2016

I feel worthless, and unwanted. I don't even think anyone care about me, I don't really blame them though, I'm not a good person.

helloTree6084 March 28th, 2016

@impartialTree3773 I feel the same way too. I always do. I have no idea where that feeling come from or how to cope up.

I just sitting there, passing time.

To make it bright, how about I send a virtual hug and u tell me what u are doing for Easter...

helloTree6084 March 28th, 2016

@impartialTree3773 how old are u?

I think, taking care of someone and feeling belongingness might give some content...(to both of us, in this situation).

I am trying to help. Don't be offended, please

impartialTree3773 March 28th, 2016


I'm only 13.

helloTree6084 March 28th, 2016

@impartialTree3773 oh, u have soany friends and so many stories to make..u probably need assurance from your parents. have you tried talking to them about how you feel anxious sometimes..

Make a new friend tomm...:)

UnidentifiableFlute March 28th, 2016

I feel worthless, and disgusting.

My boyfriend and I often discus our future and having a family.

but today he said he wouldn't have kids with me unless I lost weight because he doesn't want to have a child whose parents will die young. It's not that he finds me unattractive.

I understand that...

but it still makes me feel conscious about everything I do.

creativeMelon1653 March 29th, 2016

As usual, insignificant. I have been hurt badly twice this week, but nobody cared. It's always 'oh, keep going. Your brother is hungry.' His stomach always comes before my pain and well being. It took some really bad chafing that never happened before for my mother to pay some attention to me. And my brother is still so selfish, he won't leave me to air out my leg in peace. He just keeps texting. If I become an amputee, it'll serve them right. I don't want to be one, but if it happens, they're to blame.

uglyside March 29th, 2016

I don't really have a reason to be this miserable. And that makes me feel like my feelings aren't valid, like I'm faking it. It makes me feel like a terrible person.

BeautifulDisaster14 March 29th, 2016

I feel like everything I do is never good enough. I do so much with work and school and for my boyfriend but I feel that I am never appreciated. I feel that I am being used and everyone could truely care less about me. The only people that I feel are actually proud of me is my grandma and mother. I feel that if I was gone that those are the only two people that would actually care. And with my work i always help others and care for others but I feel I don't get anything in return. I do so much for people but no one does anything for me...I need to make myself happy some how...

Belowaverageegg March 29th, 2016

A friend died on Easter morning. I do not know how to deal with it.

Pigsplayminecraft March 29th, 2016

Open yourself up to someone and let the tears role. Let someone help u feal better instead of shutting everyone out like I did when my nan died

modestTown3398 March 29th, 2016

I feel as though everything I do is not good enough. I'm constantly thinking about the past & what I did wrong & how I could've done better.

beautifulbeast March 29th, 2016

not good. Nights are bad, nights are really, really bad.

PurpleAndBlueSunStar March 29th, 2016

Really down, I just feel like I wanna die, but at the same time I don't, but I don't see a future, I doubt know who am I and who am I wanna be?!!

sensitiveTree4256 March 29th, 2016

@PurpleAndBlueSunStar I feel the same way :( this article I found explains this feeling really well

PreferableToBeUnidentified March 29th, 2016

Unsatisfied, tired, and empty

Jeremey113 March 29th, 2016

Honestly, I feel spiritually tired, unmotivated but motivated. An extroverted introvert... I fucking hate it.. My life is moving forward but it feels like everything is crashing.. It feels like everyone is becoming distant.. The woman I love has fallen out of love, or she wasn't in live to begin with. Idk. My mental problem are becoming more prominent.. I just want to be numb but i need to feel.... The forest is dark and lonely, she's my fire but the light seems to be moving away, making the shadows of my mind stir.

SuperWhoLock88 March 29th, 2016

Crappy. I went to work though and even made a coworker laugh so I guess that's a plus.

undefined609 March 29th, 2016

A lot I think about the past, and think what could've been. It's a constant thing and I feel like I can't continue on living now because I feel like I'm in a daze. I constantly feel like I'm looking in at my life and not really living my life to the fullest. I'm always tired and not here..

SaraLynn3004 March 29th, 2016

Sad, upset, angry, lonely, lost, alone. Just to name a few.

Crazyhuman March 29th, 2016


March 29th, 2016

My scares are starting to fade, I feel kinda sad that I won't see them anymore. In my head they are the proof that I was in so much pain and it was real, without them it's like nothing happened and everything I say about my pain is a lie because the is no proof it ever happening

DezzaSoldier March 29th, 2016

@peachSailboat2974 It's gonna be okay.Please don't harm yourself because you are harming others who care about you at the same time.Stay strong.

Mountaingirl93 March 29th, 2016

I am feeling okay today. I forced myself to do the dishes and some laundry and now I am drinking some coffee and practicing mindfulness. Im on day 4 of no crying, which feels good. I just hope my thoughts don't turn negative today.

Lovely1313 March 30th, 2016

I feel like shit and all I can do is feel it.

xBrightnessindarknessx March 30th, 2016


krkangel March 30th, 2016

Nothing at all; not even empty.indecision

Fatema1998 March 30th, 2016


Fatema1998 March 30th, 2016

Idk how to delete this hah

PurpleAndBlueSunStar March 31st, 2016


Antoneko March 31st, 2016

Need someone to talk to..