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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

ahelpinghand124 March 31st, 2016

Really tired and lazy. I should probably do soemthing exciting.... Can't sleep too

GloriousApricot56 March 31st, 2016

Lonely and wishing I had someone I could spend my day with that would want to spend it with me too

ACK12345678 March 31st, 2016

I know I have things to do but I just don't see a point to trying. I feel wretched and useless..

saraxmclaughlin March 31st, 2016

I'm feeling like everyone is against me and nothing will turn up for me.

Tierra618 March 31st, 2016

Extremely unmotivated. Just want to lay in bed. Nothing in the world could motivate me to leave. Having a very rough day today. Like a lot of days lately

Chemicallyinbalancedking March 31st, 2016

Worthless, confused, hurt, indecisive, nervous.

lavenderField6887 March 31st, 2016

Like no one will ever love me

ParanoidPoly March 31st, 2016

I've let everybody down. I wish I never tried to help.

Smilies66 March 31st, 2016


I feel your pain. ...normally i would try to say something helpful but I'm not in a good place either

Smilies66 March 31st, 2016

I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest

norabrooks March 31st, 2016

I feel exhausted and like giving up

VampiresDuringtheWeekend March 31st, 2016

I feel drained and tired and I want to talk about what's bugging me but it makes me so angry and the problem might be returning home and I don't know how to avoid her.

philosophicalJet7612 March 31st, 2016

I feel totally and absolutely worthless, to put it short in one sentence. I'm scared of whichever opportunity destiny will take to show me that again today.

Nevertheless, I'm proud of you all, that you have the bravery to write down how you actually feel. That was a big issue for me a long time.

streetlampconfessional March 31st, 2016

I was told by a girl today that the only part of me that she'd need is the part that helped her feel better. That none of my other qualities matter. Today sucked.

Megjp March 31st, 2016

like I'm not important

SoItBegins0118 March 31st, 2016

I'm going to fail my child, the only person/thing/happiness in my life, And I am ruining her life. I feel angry, angry with mostly myself... and at depression, social anxiety, my low ambition, and my mom. I'm not an angry teenager. I am watching her become less and less of the woman Who raised me. The hurtful things she says, her depression, no family will help. I'm angry my daughter will never know the woman I called 'Momma' and I'm so tired. I'm so tired of this life. I feel like I should have given my daughter up for adoption, To be with a normal family.. But I was selfish. And I hate myself for not giving her the chance to not have to be subjected to me, a mother to depressed to get out of bed some days, a mother who can't even look at her because I feel so guilty. Sorry, first time post. Still trying o figure this app out. Peace and love to you all.

miashue April 1st, 2016

@SoItBegins0118 take it from a mother who gave up four children, the grass isnt always greener on the other side. 20 years later my oldest girl found me and we talked about her childhood and her now. She was three when i gave her up. I found out that she develuped anorexia, just like me. She had bad depresion, just like me. She had cut and tryed suicide, just like me. What could i have offerd her? A mother who understood what she was going through. The ppl who adopted her knew nothing about mental illness and viewed it as some catchable disease. My mother was all those things and i hated her. Not because she was sick but because she was in denial and could never say sorry and never showed love and never told me why she didn't. As ling as you tell your child how special she is and apologize when appropriate and acknowledge her pain she will love and respect you. I wish you could get some support. Somone to help you when you cant. Please keep fighting because it sounds like this may be hereditary and when she goes through this it would be really good if you know the way out to support her.

Unidentified1 March 31st, 2016

I don't know who I am and I don't know how I'm supposed to be whenever I Cry always try to think of the worst to get all those tears out because maybe if I cry enough I won't have any more tears left and I won't have to cry again. I'm so full of shit like sometimes I ask God why did you make me the way you did, why can't you make me happy person that everyone loves, why did you have to make me this way, the ugly way. Who am I?

georgiaaigroeg March 31st, 2016

I feel like dying. I would kill myself if I had the energy to do so. I'm just so tired.

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@georgiaaigroeg I'm glad you're to tired!! You're cared about!! I understand the feeling. But tomorrow will be a new day, a better day!!!! :)

essybag April 1st, 2016

@georgiaaigroeg no its not a good plan.

Things can get better. I understand the lows I go through it. Well my lows.

I hope you are OK. Be nice if you msg back. Just a word.

It's hard but don't let them grind you down.

Stay strong

Lovely1313 March 31st, 2016

I feel angry and all I want it punch a wall

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@Lovely1313 That's maybe good. I say punch a pillow - that way you won't hurt your fist!! :)

Portalkitty March 31st, 2016

I feel like theres no point in trying anymore, i'm a disappointment and a waste of oxygen.

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@Portalkitty NO, that's a lie playing in your head!! You're fearfully and wonderfully made!!! :)

Clackdj March 31st, 2016

I feel like happiness will never come to me. I don't want to be home, but I don't want to go anywhere. I feel like everyone has abandoned me because they don't understand what I'm going through, the demons that I'm fighting for control of my body and mind. I feel like nobody would care if I was gone and that I'm just not meant to be here anymore. All I do is cry and sit in a dark room while my kids enjoy playing outside and I can't enjoy it with them.

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@Clackdj I understand those feelings and what you're fighting!!! You're not alone! You have SO much worth. Keep fighting!!!! Keep fighting!! And then keep fighting some more!!!! I don't know you, but I cry in that same darkness. Tomorrow can be different! Did I already say, keep fighting!??? :)

Clackdj April 1st, 2016


Thank you so much! I have days where fighting is easy to do, but about 98% of those days I jist give up. I end up crying everynight, I don't sleep very well because my anxiety on top of the depression makes it impossible to stop thinking about everything. I really appreciate your words of encouragement and will continue to fight and do what I can to try and help others that are in need.

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@Clackdj That's good!! I struggle with anxiety to!! To help, I've cut back on coffee, go to the gym, try to eat healthy, pray, breathe, drink tea, warm baths, use a sound machine at night, a blanket, and hug a teddy bear, and sleep with a light on. What do you try?? What helps you??? Glad you're fighting!!!!!! We can beat this...even if it's one day at a time!!! :)

Haro36 March 31st, 2016

I feel like I don't have a place, that I am replaceable, forgettable and hard to love. I just want to disappear

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@Haro36 Please don't believe those lies!! Do you have I-Tunes?? Check out a song called "Place in this world" by Micheal W Smith. Don't disappear! I think that you have a lot of worth!!!! :)

Pauldrika March 31st, 2016

I feel like im not good enough anymore , if I was taken off this earth right now no one would notice

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@Pauldrika I don't know you, but I think we often don't realize how our lives touch so many others. Keep fighting!!! You're not alone!!!! You are loved! :)

miashue March 31st, 2016

I feel like im not from this planet and im home sick. Im not a part of the human race. I cant communicate with the creatures on this planet because I don't speak their language.

Really i just dont see the piont of trying anymore. There isnt anything i want to have, do, or anyone i want to be around. I feel like breathing is pointless. Im upset that i dont care and try to not fall in that mindset that everyone would be better off if i wasnt here but the only argument I have against that is that no one will be better off or worse because no one really cares. I feel the longer i fight through this the more people ill take down with me when i lose all control.

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@miashue You're so honest! That's amazing! I think I get what you mean. I feel better around dogs than I do people. But I know it's important to fight and remember things can change and get better. Down days stink!! They turn into weeks, months, and years. BUT...there is hope!!! You would be missed. Even not "speaking the language" doesn't mean you don't speak it here!!! And I bet other places to!!!! Stay strong and lean into your honesty!!!! That's courage! You're loved!!! :)

VictoriaVictoria April 1st, 2016

I feel stressed, anxious, and left out. I feel like no one loves me anymore.

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

@VictoriaVictoria I feel this everyday! It's not fair. I don't get it either. But I think anxiety is a sign from our body. It's saying pay attention to me!! I battle this to. Thankful for my counselor for sure!!! I hope you can be calm tonight! Hug a teddy bear, take calming deep breaths, and say some gentle prayers. You're not alone!!! Keep fighting!! You're loved!!!!! :)

KLM3278 April 1st, 2016

This is bad night for me for sure....but I know in the deepest part of me, that's all it is. A bad night! I'm gonna take a warm bath, drink tea, pray, hug my teddy bear, and fight! I'm stronger than I even realize!! I think we all are!!!

essybag April 1st, 2016


I hope so. You seem so nice.

It's funny how we can help or try to help others.

I feel very alone and I feel the pain of people who post here.

Just wanto say to him. ;)

essybag April 1st, 2016

Alive. OK but really not ok.

Sorry. Just feel alone.