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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Celaeno February 7th, 2016

@Angelofdepression, I'm sorry that you feel that way. Was something particular happened that made you feel so terrible?

Sending you many hugs, lovely!

Angelofdepression February 8th, 2016

@Celaeno I just...I'm always the second choice. The only time I get spoken to is if they need to use me.

Celaeno February 9th, 2016

@Angelofdepression, I see, lovely. It must be quite hard for you when you get ignore in social interactions. Would you like to tell a bit more who are you treating so inattentively?

Angelofdepression February 9th, 2016

@Celaeno I mean I guess it doesn't really matter. Nothing about this pathetic life I live is important.

Celaeno February 9th, 2016

@Angelofdepression, I don't know about that, because I'm not you, lovely, and don't know anything about your life. But let me say, that depression is a tricky and malicious disorder and it uses our brain against us. Your feelings are important, but they don't define you. You are much more than the dread you see in your life. You matter, because you are not giving in. You matter, because everyone does. You matter, just because.

You are enough, lovely. And you deserve better than this misery. It's something worth fighting for.

Angelofdepression February 10th, 2016

@Celaeno thank you so much. I wish I could have spoken with more people like you. That would have saved me. I'm sorry. I wish you the best in life. I hope you do well.

Celaeno February 10th, 2016

@Angelofdepression, I'm here for you now, lovely. Whenever you want to talk.


I also have depression and I know how painful it is. However, we don't have to struggle alone. All my love ❤️

Angelofdepression February 12th, 2016

@Celaeno thank you and I'm glad that you're here. The same is extended to you as well.

tranquility89 February 7th, 2016

I feel alone!!! I can't eat or sleep...only cry

Celaeno February 7th, 2016

@tranquility89, I'm so sorry that you feel such a despair. It must be really difficult for you, lovely. I'm proud of you that you've reached out to us, though. Have you tried reaching out to a listener to talk in 1-on-1 chat? I believe doing that can really help you with loneliness.


Julymae711 February 7th, 2016

I feel like I'm uninteresting to others

Celaeno February 7th, 2016

@Julymae711, depression can often makes us doubt our own social skills. But our emotions are not the facts, lovely. I personally believe people are interesting from default. Still, there is something which we can do to help you feel better. Do you have some idea how to stop feeling uninteresting?

QuietPastelRain February 7th, 2016

I feel lethargic but I also feel okay.

Celaeno February 7th, 2016

@QuietPastelRain, having low energy levels is completely ok. This disorder is really exhausting. I'm happy to hear that you feel ok. Wish you a kind day, lovely!

tealLime2602 February 7th, 2016

I feel suicidal but not bad enough to actually do something. I don't really know what to do anymore because I seem to be getting so much worse, but it's okay.

Celaeno February 7th, 2016

@tealLime2602, it must be really difficult for you to insisting to keep going, like it seems it's pointless to even try. I know you are in so much pain that you just want all of your sufferings to disappear.

You are so brave and strong, darling, even if you don't believe it.

Please, click here

I know how hard it is to reach out in times of despair - I was myself here in this darkness. But you have already done it. It is hard, but you still managed to do it and it was courageous. I'm so proud of you! You can overcome anything, trust me. Or trust yourself, trust your voices and your pasts. You are fighting for so long, you are stronger than you believe.

Your pain seems unbearable, and you just don't have a strength to carry one. You just want to find a solution, to break out from this prison in your minds. Still, you're thoughts are the important indicators for something else. When you want to end it all, or even if you don't want to follow on this thoughts, even if you were just contemplating the death, even if you feel stronger now and think you will never go through with your just-for-fun-created plans, it's a big red flag that something is really wrong. These thoughts are signalizing that you are looking for a way to outlet your pain. No living creature wants to die, we instinctively do everything to help us cope with a given situation. But depression is sneaky and mostly uses our own brain against us.

So please, I encourage you to click the above link and visit the website, and then to simply chat with someone. There are a lot of people who can help you, you don't have to struggle alone.

You are strong, and even if you feel terrified, you are still reaching out, still fighting, still trying. I'm so proud of you, wonderful. You are doing a great job. You don't have to show inhuman persistence anymore. You can ask for help, you can receive it, and you can recover. You really don't have to suffer in silence, lovely. And you can survive it.

Sending you all of my strength ❤️

pinkTea February 7th, 2016

Less stress after doing, facing, taming my fears

Celaeno February 9th, 2016

@pinkTea, glad to hear that. How are you dong today, lovely?

pinkTea February 13th, 2016

@Celaeno unfortunately i had bad mood today, it happens up and down always within weeks, days, my mood so uncontrollable.

Celaeno February 13th, 2016

@pinkTea, when you have mood swings it feels like you have no control over yourself and it is causing you pain. In the same way, it also gives you a somewhat hope, because whenever the hard time knock you over, you can be sure that the better one is ahead.

Have you been monitoring your moods to see if there is a pattern to it? This can enormously help you to notice and counter the triggering moments.

michaelross12 February 7th, 2016

It really sucks when you do nothing wrong but people say you do and leave you for it :/

Celaeno February 9th, 2016

@michaelross12, I agree. Forcing you to take a blame for something you can't hold any responsibility for is completely unfair. And such a treatment hurts. A lot.

I'm glad that you've reached out to tell us about it.

lavenderCamp4469 February 9th, 2016

Like I lost a friend.

Celaeno February 9th, 2016

*hugs tightly*

I'm so sorry, @lavenderCamp4469...

lavenderCamp4469 February 10th, 2016

@Celaeno thanks heart

qLarah February 10th, 2016

@lavenderCamp4469 owh big hug you wonna chat.

February 9th, 2016

I feel like I don't know myself, I feel like I'm just acting all the time, I can't talk to anyone because I just don't feel safe but the is so much I want to say . I just need someone to hug and tell me everything is going to be okay

Celaeno February 9th, 2016

@peachSailboat2974, you can talk to us, lovely. We won't judge you and will listen to everything you want to say. You're safe here.

*hugs tightly and sends you a basket of cookies*

ashleyanne February 9th, 2016

I feel like I'm not really living my life. I'm just going through the motions. It's the same thing every day and all I ever feel is pain (physical and mental). And my anxiety has gotten out of control. I recently just moved to another state and I worry about everything. I skip my first class in the morning, everyday, just crying in the bathroom because of everything. How can I manage my anxiety?

ScreamingForSanity February 10th, 2016

I'm horrible. I really want to die but I can't. Not a "I can't there's so much to live for" but I know I can't. That's one of my things. I can't do it. I really, really wish I could. But I can't.

stitchesgirl February 10th, 2016


I feel the same thing everyday. I always think aboit slitting my wrists in the bath tun but I never have the guts or the will

ScreamingForSanity February 11th, 2016

@stitchesgirl not especially like that. I just can't. Like, I would have no problem making myself, but I can't. I don't know. I'm a head case.

danikamarie February 10th, 2016

I feel numb. Like I don't belong anywhere. I feel like a complete waste of space. I think I'm just gonna end it. There's no point in living anyways.

stitchesgirl February 10th, 2016

I feel like I care too much and not enough at the same time. The person that mattered most to me...I ended up caring more about them than they ever did to me, and the worst part is that I agreed to kust be friends

samuelmspillane February 10th, 2016

@stitchesgirl trust me I know that feeling but it's torcherd haveing them as just a friend but it's worse when you losse them compleatly hang in there you'll get threw this

stitchesgirl February 10th, 2016


Yeah but the guy I'm talking about...he literally just called me his world and beautiful and that he likes me just yesterday

Angelofdepression February 10th, 2016

I feel like I'm done trying.

cupiddeluxe February 10th, 2016

i feel like my dad has completely forgotten I exist so I feel terrible about myself as usual.

novananirvana February 10th, 2016

i feel like crying all the time but it's fine.

Cinny100 February 10th, 2016

I've had better days but I've also had way worse. I'm feeling like I'm surviving but not actually living.