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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

nina50 April 22nd, 2015

I feel like no matter what i accomplish in life I am still a failure because those that i need and have always needed to believe in me have shunned me and never really given me a fair chance at life so it has stunted my growth mentally and emotionally. I have a heart that knows only love and a spirit that seeks only kindness and although i know i have these things they will never be enough because the acceptance i have chased all my life continues to run away from me. it's just like the wind. i have felt it but never seen it. it has always remained beyond my grasp.

LovelyPeople April 22nd, 2015

For the most part good... But at night my thoughts catch up with me. I can't deal with it most of the time. I had a streak going... I broke it... I cut for the first time in a week, first time I drew blood... My internet friend knows. So i'm worried now.

drpepperlover April 22nd, 2015

I feel depressed and sad and detached as usual but also hopeful and good cuz i went to therapy today.i feel like its going to all be okay. i threw away my razors today and i feel strong and able to do anything. :)

Karla0 April 22nd, 2015

I thought about dying today. And thought about how it would benefit me. But then I thought about my family and how much they would miss me. And I would sacrifice my happiness for there's. What a day...

coffeehog April 22nd, 2015

I feel empty like I have no emotion except sad and down

wanderingmegan April 22nd, 2015

I feel completely lost. I am an outsider among my own friends and know that I am the least wanted in the group. I am just there never a first choice. Nobody wants me. I am just the weird awkward girl in the corner. Last year I did all this stuff at school that made my parents happy. I'm not doing nearly that well this year and it makes me feel like a complete failure. I am on the brink of tears 90 percent of the time. The other 10 percent I am completely numb.

bravestwarrior April 22nd, 2015

I feel alone and disgusted with myself. I hate being so weak, I hate getting this way just because I saw a person. I hate that I let emotions control me, I hate it so much. I wish I could stop caring, I wish I could not care about what other people think about me.

I also wish people would stop asking me if I'm okay. I know its just that they care, but I just want to push people away and tell them to just leave me alone. The sick part of me thinks that they don't actually care about me, and I feel so disappointed and disgusted. I just don't want people in my life because I feel like the closer I let them get to me, the easier it is for them to hurt me.

I just wanna go home and hide in my room. I can't handle this.

adaptableCake3647 April 22nd, 2015

I feel lost. disconnected with myself. depressed and stressed out. My own depression has created so much procrastination in my school work that now i feel so stressed out. like a fish without water. I see everyone on my campus doing their thing and all i want to do is yell and cry and feel the weakness i feel. I feel like a failure with no return.

Overcome1 April 26th, 2015

One thing you need to know is that you are not alone in this battle. I strongly believe that god test those who he thinks is the strongest amongst all.You are a talented human being and only id you read your post, you will know that the only reason for your depression is You. Things began to change if you have both skill and a will. Its time to say goodbye to i cant and i am not able to, Darling, Shout out loud and say- TODAY I WILL SHOW THIS BITCH IN THE MIRROR, MY REAL POWERS. Compete only with yourself. Rest all is a delusion. .

SilentGirl2438 April 23rd, 2015

I feel like a failure. Like i have no sense of direction in my life. Like i have nothing in this world for me anymore. Like everyone has given up on me. I feel frustrated, agitated, disappointed, stupid, etc.

blitheSun94 April 24th, 2015

I feel sick, sore, and completely overwhelmed.

I need a staycation.

psycheintaenares April 24th, 2015

I feel left out. I have massive school debt and carry the burden of my ex-fiance's debt as well. I feel left out because all these people around me at work are getting promoted or better jobs. If I had a better paying job I could help tackle this better. If there is a God, I wonder why he lets my ex get away with this scott-free. Thanks for listening.

Second9434 April 24th, 2015

I feel like im drowning idk what to do whtever i do is always wrong

AmyAmy April 26th, 2015

I feel alone, sad, and listless. I feel like I hate myself, for no good reason. And I can't sleep. I want to try to see a professional but i don't have any money, and I don't even know where to start. This community is the first time I've tried a per based support group. I think about dying sometimes. more as something that is a distant but hovering cloud over my head. like we are all going to die anyway, what's the point of living if it as depressing or shitty as it is. lol but ironically enough, i'll probably outlive everyone around me. So many people i know have already passed away, its wierd that i'm even on here. sorry this is so long....

LostGirl95 April 26th, 2015

I feel lost, and alone. I am afraid to go home incase I am yelldd at. I am feeling like I have dissapointed every one. I feel like a complete and utter failure. I feel as though I am yet again not wanted. I just want to curl up into a ball and die.

intuitiveLake2653 April 26th, 2015

I feel like I'm good at nothing, that nobody cares for me and that they are just using me for their good. I want to be loved and as important as my brother. But I am lonely and neglected by everybody. I feel stressed because of school. I am really tired, but can't sleep. I don't feel like doing anything. Sometimes I can't get out of bed

humorousDrum4042 April 27th, 2015

Everything I do and try for Fails. I feel just empty and ready just awaiting to close my eyes and scieclessly fade away into a memory.

xoflyy April 28th, 2015

I feel perpetually sad. Exceptionally bummed out and low. Lonely as hell. A failure.

bubbleJet2208 April 28th, 2015

Tired and completely numb.

straightforwardNest3367 April 28th, 2015

Sad, and when not crying, enotionless

JillsMannequin April 29th, 2015

I feel numb.

I've completely given up

bravestwarrior April 30th, 2015

Feel like I'm falling apart. I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't handle any of this. I'm a disappointment and nobody can convince me otherwise.

mattwoo April 30th, 2015

nothing will help.

MilkSteak April 30th, 2015

Severely anxious maybe I can turn this into a positive thing by occupying myself with work?

vanillamint April 30th, 2015

Lethargic, numb, and disgusted with myself.

May 1st, 2015

Surprisingly OK. It is a nice change.

Hijinkz May 2nd, 2015

Today I'm struggling. I'm fighting with my roommate over the house again, over cleaning and how to do things. I don't want to fight, but she won't listen if I don't.

MrSoftey1991 May 2nd, 2015

I'm drowning in a see of emotion when it wasn't that long ago I was floating. How am I supposed to cope when the best part of who I was left when she did... What can I possibly do to improve this life I'm left with... Should I keep fighting knowing that I'll never be as happy as I was with her.. Or should I just crawl into a dark corner and hide from the world... There's a fight in my head and I don't know which side will win

electricwireshook101 May 2nd, 2015

I'm feeling worried and I'm having cutting urges and stuff like i dont know what to do

Sometimes idk why I'm depressed its like eww...

Justkimberly May 4th, 2015

You should message me. I want to help!

calmWriter4134 May 2nd, 2015

I just feel like I canot breath like someones siting on my lungs I just feel so tired of everything

Bshoch May 4th, 2015

I'm tired. Tired of trying and not getting any results. Tired of struggling. Tired of not knowing how to handle these feelings. It feels like I'm trying to crawl my through a tight dark tunnel and I can't see the light at the end.

bravestwarrior May 4th, 2015

Feel a little bit better than usual. Caught a cold, but got a lot of rest over the weekend and I feel like I'm about to get over it. Had a lot of stress this past week and I almost reached my breaking point, so I'm glad I managed to survive.

Though I am worried that I'm moving into a manic episode... Really hope I'm not, but it seems like it.

Whosrunninghellifimhere May 4th, 2015

I feel the worst uncomfortable feeling running through my veins. I feel my heart getting heavier and harder to carry around with me. I feel people leaving and ignoring me. I feel a very long distance between me and those I used to be close with. I feel my eyes burning and ready to cry but they can't. I feel numb to other peoples feelings. I feel my thighs stinging and the heat overwhelming me pushing me to stay inside. I feel myself ready to break down again.

Tigger369 May 4th, 2015

Useless - nothing matters - I just wish I could blink and not be here anymore - but wouldn't want to hurt others by that act - I just stay in day after day - avoiding people who try to help me and care for me 😔

athusia27 May 4th, 2015

I've had enough its like I'm falling off a cliff and I'm seconds from hitting the ground and theres nothing i can do to stop it and the sad thing is I dont know if i want to x

bravestwarrior May 4th, 2015

I feel pathetic, weak and disgusting and I want to hurt myself. It's all my fault for being a weak human being. I keep telling myself I'm over it and I'm not; I just keep repeating the same lies to myself hoping they'll come true one day.

FreeFaller May 4th, 2015

I hate everything my family school friends my life I just wish I could snap and kill everyone and everything already I fcking hate everything and its all my abusive moms fault. FCK her I'm going to cut again

sympatheticEast7666 May 4th, 2015

Well, yesterday I came to the assumption that I physically can't cry... So there's that... And not being able to cry hasn't relieved any of the stress I've had for a while

bravestwarrior May 7th, 2015

I feel disillusioned, like a huge fool. I'm just filled with disgust and anger at myself, to the point where I wanna tear myself apart.

Everybody should just get away from me and leave me alone cause they disgust me too. They act like they care and then turn around and act condescendingly towards you. You think you can trust them until they end up disappointing you with their behavior. And you know what, maybe I want to be alone for the rest of my life. That way nobody can hurt me or be cruel to me ever again. Why should I keep caring about others when time and time again its only brought me more pain?

I'm done.