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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

jazz2cute February 17th, 2015

I feel ok...nothing major.

tallShade5419 February 17th, 2015

i had a severe pain in my brain.. not feeling good all the day long!

Lonelysenior15 February 18th, 2015

I'm two weeks clean today (self harm) and I feel worse about it instead of happy.

5ense February 20th, 2015

Congratulations! You are so brave.

waffles163 February 22nd, 2015

Whenever I try to quit self harm i get that feeling too. I guess that isn't very helpful, but know that you're not alone.

faeriechyld68 February 18th, 2015

I feel like crap once again. Why don't I ever feel good. I try hard. I feel like hurting myself tonight.

Tsubasa February 19th, 2015

Can't you see? Can't you see what you're doing to me? I want to kill myself. Because of you. Because the things you said to me. Because you're always saying how horrible I am. So I get it. Im the worst. So just kill me. I can't do it anymore.

adaptablePal8126 February 20th, 2015

Please don't hurt yourself it might seem that that's the right the thing it isn't, I know how you feel this happened to me. All you need to do is talk, talk about everything. That might seem a bit pointless but really it helps. Think about what you want to do has a job, think about what makes you happy. Please this may not help, but I hope it does. I needed someone and there wasn't anyone there but I'm here for you!!😘👌

Iwillnevergiveuponu February 19th, 2015

I feel , very often, useless, a waste of space, a person shouldnt been born. I know how you feel , trust me.

Dont give up, fight your enemies , conquer the world , love the next. Is people like you, that can change the world.

theathena7 February 20th, 2015

I went back to my friend ( blade) 3 days in a row

flowerbee February 20th, 2015

Not so well but this is a huge part in recovery and I'll have ups and downs and I just really need to realize that instead of take it out on myself. So I guess I'm getting better.

5ense February 20th, 2015

I'm really glad to hear that you are recovering. All the best!

5ense February 20th, 2015

I feel happy to have overcome depression and to be able to listen to so many wonderful people

tidyBalloon1491 February 20th, 2015

Today I made a big step and told my mum about my self harm and depression.

Iwillnevergiveuponu February 20th, 2015

Im very proud of you. Not everyone has the courage of taking that step. It makes me sad that you harm your self but Im also happy that you told her. She can help you with it and , maybe not right now, things will get better for you.


friendlyLake3354 February 20th, 2015

I haven't smiled all day.. Someone help me please 😞

Iwillnevergiveuponu February 20th, 2015

I dot know you but I do know this : You are beautiful, smart speciall. Speciall because you are diferent from the other girls and let me tell you .... Thats very rare in this days. I know Im a strange girl to you , but never stop smiling. EVER. Is because of that smile , other people find strengh. Is because of that smile the world is a little better . Is because of that smile , other people smile.

Stay strong and never stop smiling

LovePom February 20th, 2015

Ehh, I felt sad today, but that feeling's kind of gone. I just feel lonely right now. Kind of lost and unfocused, stressed. I want to relax, but I don't know exactly how to? :| Now that I think about it, no , I'm still sad. I think about my problems too much. >.<

compassionateWheel40 February 21st, 2015

This morning I was so upset.. And then I got to school and cried my eyes out.. And then once I got inside the building I stopped because I hate when people see me cry.. But after that I felt a little better.. I just had an emotional break down

thequietone97 February 21st, 2015

I feel awful. Lately I haven't been able to even pretend to be happy, I've felt so stressed and lonely. Tonight I went for a meal with my boyfriend and some friends and ended up shouting and crying in the restaurant and walking out, now everyone's in a mood with me for ruining their evening. I feel guilty, looking back I didn't need to act that way and now I don't know what I'm supposed to do to fix it...

leesi5 February 21st, 2015

Like the great job I do making everyone think I feel normal so I can support them and make them happy is actually killing me inside a little bit each day.

aloverkiller February 22nd, 2015

I'm sad and empty. I don't know what to do. It seems that my life fell apart once

5Candles February 22nd, 2015

I woke up crying this morning. Have cried on and off all day. I can't quite put my fingeronwhat is wrong. I'm restless, but am unmotivated to do anything or even get dressed and leave the house. Everyone else is busy with happy lives. My boyfriend seems mad at me and I am not sure what I did.​I want to reach out to him... He's my best friend. But my pride and stubbornness is stopping me because I've done nothing wrong.

amplified1622 February 22nd, 2015

I have been so sad all day I have been stuck in bed and every time I get out I get anxious, or cry.

JJill2 February 22nd, 2015

I'm here to support you all and I just hope you know that <3 Have a great day if you are reading this! :)

waffles163 February 22nd, 2015

I feel like someone is continually ripping my heart to shreds. I hate myself. My dreams are shattered.

AlwaysSurroundedbyThedark February 22nd, 2015

I feel inadequate and useless. I feel as if I am falling behind and will never be able to get ahead. I think that I am alone.That even though I have a relationship and a lovingfamily, theyreally don't love me or care. I feel that despite myachievements and success, I am a failure in my mothers eyes. That the reason why my father died was because my future wasn't going to be good enough for him to want to stick around and see. I am nothing. That is how I feel.

tallShade5419 February 22nd, 2015

i feel sad n happy both

HeartGiraffes864 February 22nd, 2015

Sad, lonely, fed up, angry, anxious...but all of this was a bit lessened once I talked with an awesome listener who I would recommend to anyone and everyone(GaymerNerd).

greenTangerine2383 February 22nd, 2015

Anxious,scared and relieved in the same time

bubbleJet2041 February 22nd, 2015

I feel lonely, depressed and anxious. Things just seem to be hitting me everywhere and everything. I feel out of control.

mechelle February 22nd, 2015

Before I came to work I was really really really depressed. ..I'm going to hate to go home after work. ..because I get more depressed to the point I can't go to sleep

Leeancheal2 February 23rd, 2015


5Candles February 22nd, 2015

Yesterday was one of the worst days I've had in a while battling depression. Today, still feelhungoverfrom all the emotion, but somewhat better. Actually feeling a little motivated and excited for things today.

HoneyKittens February 22nd, 2015

Woke up anxious and feeling really depressed. Woo hoo. Great way to start the day. I'm not getting out of bed.

aloverkiller February 23rd, 2015

I'm sad and tired of everything

tallShade5419 February 23rd, 2015


tallShade5419 February 23rd, 2015


O3Q495 February 24th, 2015

Everyday is an extreme struggle. I have no family, i live alone, and the only friend i have doesn't understand why i isolate and cut myself. I use to sleep every night, but now i can never get my mind to "turn off" long enough to let me sleep.

I hate living, and i don'tremember the last time I (If ever) was happy to be alive.

musicmaniac February 24th, 2015

@O3Q495 It is really hard sometimes for friends to understand why we self harm, they see us as great people who shouldn't be hurting the only body we have. It's true, we shouldn't, but we still do. I understand it's a way of taking out anger with yourself, or trying to feel something, or it's justa way of release. I'm sorry that you have to go through all of that, just know that you aren't alone. We are all here for you. Even when you isolate yourself just know we will always be here.