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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

affablePanda December 21st, 2014

Hey, just feeling dark and heavy, trying to keep going but I'm scared. The last episode nearly got me, and I don't want to get there again, I don't know if I could make it through.

Try and stay strong all

chioo December 21st, 2014

*hugs you tight* we shall be fine :) I'm with you. ❤

Fightinglikeyou December 21st, 2014

So urm this is my first time posting on here so I'm not really sure what to say. My friend recently got this and she said it really helped so I thought maybe it would help me. But reading through some of these it seems like people have other things to worry about then reading all the depression shit thatsgoing on in my life.

chioo December 21st, 2014

Ayy! Shh.. No problem is big or small and you're important! Everyone are 💜 tell me what's wrong :) we support each other honey. Its okay just let things off your chest. I'm here for you. Lots of love and support :)

faithmarie3 December 21st, 2014

I feel okay today, not exactly happy, but I'm so much better than usual and it's all thanks to 7cups :) I don't know what I'd do without this site. Thank you

chioo December 21st, 2014

Aww I'm soo happy to hear that. You guys play an important role too :) I love to see members staying positive and spreading happiness all over. Stay strong and we are here for you. I'm proud of you all. Much love 💙

ShaylexXIV December 21st, 2014

First time posting here. Was super depressed yesterday and the day before. Feeling much better today because I discovered this website last night. :D

Chloe01 December 21st, 2014

I'm so happy you're feeling better and also happy that you're smiling today. I hope everything is fine now. Keep smiling. Stay strong

faeriechyld68 December 22nd, 2014

I feel ok today. Really sick and tired, ok.

autotunedrobot December 22nd, 2014

My heart hurts so much it feels like it's going to explode.

Numbercity December 22nd, 2014

Like I've lost control on all my thoughts of hurting myself and I don't care about myself anymore

O3Q495 December 22nd, 2014

This past few years i have been on a sort of "autopilot," I cant stop focusing on the past, and with everything thats happening in the present it's becoming harder and harder to move on.

I'm sure there are people in more need of help than i, but i'mkind of scared of what i might do to myself if i continue living like i am.

lovingPenguin46 December 30th, 2014

"Auto-pilot" is a great way to describe it actually. I get you to some degree. Just gliding through a routine that's slowly eating at you? That's about how it feels to me. I know one thing though. This is the perfect place to come and talk about it. I found the site last week and was so glad to have done so. It's filled with a bunch of wonderful, caring people.

O3Q495 December 23rd, 2014

I have always had issueswith depression. Not a day goes by where i don't hate myself. For me happiness is an illusion.

I don't want to live this way. Hell sometimes i don't even want to live. Why am i like this?

hellofriends December 27th, 2014

All I can say is that nothing feels real anymore. Like even when good things happen to me, I can't feel satisfied or happy. I try to act joyful, especially it around this time of year, but it's pointless because I end up crying almost every night.I manage to screw everything up just by thinking things, likewondering about killing people, wanting to blow up buildings. I want to do those things. I feel like I deserve the punishment I'd recieve if I did those things. I hate myself. A lot. I wish I could just die. Painfully, how I deserve.

And the worst part is, I have no reason to be feeling this. I have a home and food and clothes. Not really any friends, but that's okay. I just don't want to exist anymore. And I can't find a reason not to kill myself.

thoughtfulLion39 December 27th, 2014

Hello hellofriends (lol),

In my experience, those thoughts will disappear with time and then they'll probably reappear many times in the future. But try not to let that get you down. There is more to this world than good and bad, joy and sorrow, life and death, etc.

strawberrybutter25 December 27th, 2014

I feel like I am truly isolated in my experiences. No one I know understands that my depression can get so severe I stop taking care of myself. I want to be able to do the things I love again. I want to wake up each day with hope.

suenosyeudaimonia December 27th, 2014

First time posting here.

Hi strawberrybutter25 (nice name ) usually feel like that too, almost everyday. I've lost many things, but you know what? I discovered that doing new activities, even if you don't feel like it, helps. I had a friend who took a bus to random places when he felt depressed, Or learning new things (It might be hard in this situation, but try something, like making music, discovering new music, cooking, etc) Things like that. Just a suggestion.

Stay strong

strawberrybutter25 December 27th, 2014

I really appreciate your response. I am trying to get back into my hobbies. I love to bake, do makeup, and knit. Its all about maintaining that motivation and that is the hard part.

Tortoise December 27th, 2014

How do I feel today? I wish I could go to Rapture and let lots of horrible things happen. Just me, the splicers and a wrench. Ha Ha.

ShaylexXIV December 28th, 2014

Load up on Plasmids; Andrew Ryan approves! Hahaha!

Tortoise December 29th, 2014

Oh I forgot about them. That would be great fun.

Tortoise December 30th, 2014

just think about the things I could do with Insect Swarm in reality. That would be very fun.

ViciousVanilla December 28th, 2014

Severly depressed and suicidal, exhausted and alone. Don't tell me to call suicide hotline. They are uncaring and just want to hospitalize you and since I'm uninsured after 72 h9urs ill be in same situtation (sry tablet broken)

ViciousVanilla December 28th, 2014

Oops posted twice

ViciousVanilla December 28th, 2014

No one cares anyway. Too late and im too stupid to get rpliez gere t

BrookeL December 29th, 2014

I feel hopeless

LadyRed December 29th, 2014

There's a war in my heart that I just can't win.

lindax December 29th, 2014

same old, same old.

Sarahwhatamievendoing December 29th, 2014

Everyday I wake up to the love of my life and I am so happy.

but there is a constant burden in mychest that I cant even talk about without crying. Ive been slowly experimenting with things that might help me grasp tramatic events better, instead of pooling over at any memory.

So far ive been better. and its my birthday today, so hopefully all shall be well!!

happy new year!

suenosyeudaimonia December 29th, 2014

And happy birthday! Hope everything gets brighter

roy13 December 29th, 2014


darkdcrys December 30th, 2014

I usually have a list of reasons to not commit suicide but tonight that list means nothing to me & that pain is weighing on my heart.

intelligentheather32 January 11th, 2015

Im so sorry you feel that way. I pray that things get better for you.

lovingPenguin46 December 30th, 2014

Just been hav a hard time dealing with my LDR, financial issues, family issues, work, art, and school resently. It feels like everything at once and it's been reallyoverwhelming... Thiught of suicide for the first time in a Loooong time last week... It was awful and made me feel like I somehow took a gigantic step backwards. I'm glad I found 7cupsoftea though. This community is great.

breezyinneed December 30th, 2014

Gah I started a conversation and said hi and when they asked me what I wanted to talk about I couldnt even respond....

minstrel76 December 30th, 2014

Depressed and overwhelmed.

Jegsu01 December 31st, 2014

Right now I am having trouble go to sleep at midnight, but for the day, I had a decent day shopping with my mom. Even though I hide from her how I am really feeling which is pretty depressed

NiamhC December 31st, 2014

It's 5 am and I cantsleep and I'm feeling really down but I'm proud because I haven't cut in a few days. Also I told my best friend yesterday.

NiamhC December 31st, 2014

It's 5 am and I cantsleep and I'm feeling really down but I'm proud because I haven't cut in a few days. Also I told my best friend yesterday.