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2) Community Questions and Answers - The Basis of Mental Health Awareness and Support

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

As previously introduced, the Questions and Answers Pages at 7 Cups offer a wide range of quality based answers to common mental health questions

Questions and Answers are available for 38 main categories, ranging from General Mental Health, Disabilities, Managing Emotions, Loneliness, Grief, Recovery, Student Life, Work Stress, and many more!

Through this directory of available knowledge, awareness, and support, 7 Cups is equipped with answers to the common questions and concerns people have. Most of these Questions and Answers are featured in search engine results due to the value of the content they contain.

The main community Questions and Answers Page offers a recent questions section as well as a section containing the most answered questions.

All 7 Cups users are invited to search for or ask new questions through the main page. Community users can also participate in this area by submitting their answers, which are reviewed by a team for quality and other important requirements.

Through this discussion, we will discuss the basic requirements needed to research as well as write quality answers for the Question and Answer Pages. Additionally, we will optimize the drafted answers in light of certain guidelines.

(i) Basic Research and Writing Requirements: When writing answers to community questions, keep in mind these tips:

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words.

  • If research is needed to guide your answer, consider only learning about the topic and avoid direct copy/pasting researched tips, advice, or information.

  • Consider verifying the information or facts through at least 2 reliable sources.

  • When researching possible answers or things the person can benefit from, consider their circumstances and if the tip is do-able and generally applicable.

  • Avoid plagiarism.

  • Use professional and appropriate language.

  • If comfortable, you can add a personal anecdote to help add meaning to your answer. However, avoid turning the answer to just your account or an entire focus on your experience.

  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust.

  • Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive.

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try.

(ii) Ensuring Optimized Answers: Although the above requirements and tips help deliver a great answer, further optimization of drafted answers can help ensure their quality.

At 7 Cups, the Content Team uses researched and identified important keywords to guide their research and the writing process to result in optimized content as answers to community questions. In this regard, the basic tips/requirements involved are:

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences.

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic.

What are Keywords?

Generally, keywords can be thought of as terms or phrases that describe a piece of content. Related keywords are supporting keywords that can help further describe or expand on that initial content. For example, for the keyword “anxiety”, related keywords can be “anxiety symptoms” or “anxiety treatments”.

Keywords help with search engine marketing and hence are an important part of SEO strategies. A simple strategy to find keywords is to look for Google Related Searches. These related searches are searches that relate to your term. For instance, a Google Related Search for “anxiety symptoms” is “what is anxiety” - using this insight, you can consider including this phrase alongside a brief category of your content outline to help strengthen the optimization of your content.

For other free tools to help with keyword research, you can visit this external link.


Review this Sample Optimized Answer:

Question: How do paper bags help with panic attacks?

Provided Keywords: asthma attack, heart attacks, asthma, problems, brown paper bag, medical conditions, hyperventilation syndrome, mouth, respiratory alkalosis, common causes, chest pain, benefit, stress, medications

Approved, Optimized Answer:

While panic attacks might mimic the symptoms of heart attacks, they can be caused by several other problems and medical conditions. These include feeling stressed or facing medical conditions such as asthma attacks, hyperventilation syndrome, or even respiratory alkalosis. Although the common causes may differ, common symptoms include chest pain. Deep breathing through the mouth or by using a brown paper bag has its benefits, as it aids in the restoration of the loss of carbon dioxide in the blood during the panic attack.

Notes: The question was general, requiring general research-based knowledge on the process of using paper bags for panic attacks. As the keywords were essentially covered, note that this answer does not have 8-10 sentences, but further supporting information or even a personal anecdote can be added.

The following activity will help you put your attained knowledge to practice. Please write an optimized answer to the following community question, in light of the provided keywords. In addition, you are required to reply to at least one other student’s answer by identifying at least 3 strengths (things done correctly as per discussed guidelines) as well as at least 1 tip for improving the answer.

Note: You are welcome to click the question link and submit your written answer for community publication once done as this is an existing question!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Bonus: Want to put your knowledge to test? Consider joining the Question and Answer (Q&A) Approval Team here and earn cheers for helping approve community answer submissions. You will be using the above knowledge as well as reminders on what makes a good answer. For more information, click here


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

nessa104 April 11th, 2022

Our past actions often sit in front of us, potentially causing us to wonder if "I am lacking somewhere" or if "I am not doing enough". This usually happens when we are making a decision for ourselves. Our inner critic comes knocking twice or three times a day to instill self-doubt in us. It creates a negative self-talk environment by draining all positive self-talk, and we begin to question our self-worth based on our accomplishments.

Many factors have become catalysts for this, including comparing ourselves to others on social media and, in general, relationships that aren't working out. We feel alone when we experience feelings like hopelessness, guilt, grief, and anger. We may be experiencing some difficult and painful emotions, but we are not alone. Feelings are energies that can be influenced, not facts, please note.

In reality, we are all amazing and meant to do great things in our lives; our mind is not our enemy, but sometimes we let our fear control us. The good news is we have a whole life in front of us. As long as we are willing to learn, and we're having a good time, it's okay. Having open communication with our partner, family member, or support system, our parents to have a healthy relationship with them, writing a journal as taking a step back is also a progress, and some positive affirmations for anxiety is all helpful. However, self-esteem can sometimes be a roadblock to our aspirations. The first step is to give voice to our thoughts and concerns, understanding and feeling them, then accepting them, rather than running away from them. Introspection has always been the most effective for me. It allows us to investigate and comprehend on a profound level. Paying attention to oneself and asking the proper questions for self-reflection boosts our self confidence.

At the end of the day, we're all doing our best and trying to do the right thing; Let's move on and not become prisoners of the past. Good luck!

For more information about introspection

Izzy274 April 11th, 2022


Hi Nessa, congratulations on completing this step of the CDM! Here’s a little bit of feedback from me:

> You wrote 19 sentences, 344 words and 2032 characters, great work on absolutely smashing the word minimum of 8 sentences, 150 characters and 100 words!

> Your writing is 100% unique and is very empathetic and exciting to read. The information you share is written in a really friendly and encouraging way and you gave so many different helpful suggestions!. It was also awesome to see you verifying your writing and giving further information by sharing the introspection as well! Your empathy really highlighted your writing and made it super enjoyable to read.

> The tips you give are definitely applicable to the situation, and especially the variety of suggestions you gave would be helpful to a very wide range of people. The language you used is very appropriate to the writing style, and perhaps to take your response even further you could include an anecdote to help put your ideas into context, it was great when you mentioned how you had used introspection in the past, so perhaps taking this even further would be awesome!

> It was great to see you avoiding giving direct advice and instead giving many different suggestions throughout your writing.

> You included 21 /30 keywords, congratulations on writing such an amazingly optimised piece of work that flowed really well :)

Good luck with your next steps on the CDM Programme!


nessa104 April 12th, 2022


Hi Izzy,

I appreciate you giving me your feedback, thank you; next time, I will use my personal anecdote to make this awesome.

Izzy274 April 12th, 2022


Awesome, that's so great to hear Nessa! I look forward to reading your next piece of writing :)

BlueCup55 April 13th, 2022


Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses, it is often difficult to always look at the greener side but understanding one's self worth and capabilities can take us to greater heights and make our parents, partner and friends proud. It makes the relationship with oneself more healthy. The first step is recognizing our weaknesses and working on them while polishing our strengths together. Not everybody we meet can always resonate with our energy, not everybody we want, will stay in our lives. you are an amazing person and the actions of others are never in our control. It is difficult to let go and accept it but it is what we can only do. It is the best way to grow and transform into a better version of yourself.

Izzy274 April 13th, 2022


Hi BlueCup, congratulations on completing this step of the CDM! Here’s a little bit of feedback from me:

> You wrote 7 sentences, 127 words and 723 characters, congratulations on meeting the word minimum of 8 sentences, 150 characters and 100 words!

> Your writing is 100% unique and shares many important truths and ideas. The information you share is written in a way that is clear and easy to follow, and you gave a range of helpful ideas. It would be amazing if you could improve the validity of your writing even further by including some sources in your writing. Adding in more empathetic phrases may also be a good way to add a personalised touch to your writing!

> The tips you give are definitely applicable to the situation, and especially the sequence that you write your tips makes it easy to follow and see how to grow from this situation. The language you used was professional and appropriate, perhaps to personalise your writing even more it would be good to add in a personal anecdote!

> You avoided giving direct advice really well, and your last sentence concluded your writing in a really nice way.

> You included 6 /30 keywords, congratulations on creating such a great piece of writing, perhaps it would be great to include even more keywords to make your writing optimised even further in the future!

Good luck with your next steps on the CDM Programme!


hopezzy April 16th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Feeling of unworthiness and similar kind of self doubt may arise due to several circumstances. For example: Social media in some cases. We often feel down comparing ourselves with others every time and criticise ourselves. But if we practice looking at our brightest sides and trying to be less harsh towards of less liked self helps us become a better person. No one is perfect or too good or too bad for someone. Everyone is unique. Embracing ourselves regardless of strength and weakness is never easy. But know you're an awesome person and you deserve good things. When one negative self thought arises try to replace them with your three best qualities. It's difficult to find them at first but when you look close you can! Try communicating with your friends and family members to know your best qualities when you find it harder to see. A healthy relationship embraces people as they are and makes them feel at ease without the pressure. Voice your opinion and you'll surely see how others view you. Sometimes we are our worst critic. Please be kind to yourself.

Izzy274 April 16th, 2022


Hi Hopezzy, congratulations on completing this step of the CDM! Here’s a little bit of feedback from me:

> You wrote 15 sentences, 183 words and 1074 characters, great work on exceeding the word minimum of 8 sentences, 150 characters and 100 words!

> Your writing is 100% unique and the information and validation you share are super helpful. The information you share is very concise and easy to understand, and you shared lots of helpful tips and suggestions!. To improve even further, it would be great if you could back up the information you share by including some sources/ website articles in your writing. It would also be awesome to see you include even more active listening skills such as empathy in your writing.

> The tips you give are certainly relevant to the question, and especially the clear way that you explain how to do the suggestions makes it easy to follow along. You used professional and appropriate language throughout, and it would be awesome to see you give your writing a more personal touch by including an anecdote!

> All your suggestions were really good, but sometimes it felt a little as though you were giving advice. Overall the tone of your writing was super validating and friendly though!

> You included 9 /30 keywords, congratulations on including so many keywords in your work, perhaps there are a few places to make your writing even more optimised! :)

Good luck with your next steps on the CDM Programme!


alex000 April 20th, 2022


HI I love your post!

I found it extremely motivating.

You were empathic and kind.

You gave awesome tips that I, myself would be sure to use after reading your post.

The improvement I think you could make:

Is to put your writing into paragraphs as some might find it easier to read.

All the best 👍

alex000 April 19th, 2022


What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Sometimes, the real reason we feel insecure and as if we are not good enough for others, is due to the negative conditioning we have absorbed from childhood. Often one may pick this up from parents and family members as it is unfortunately an ongoing generational cycle.

In this case trying to recognise negative cycles in one's family and having open communication could be beneficial for you and your family.

However, feeling good enough is not about others or how someone else may view you, but rather about how you feel about yourself. The first step is to realise that you are infact good enough! Everyone is, but many do not realise it.

Working towards combating the inner critic and shutting of the negative self talk is crucial. Some ways of doing so is to: practicing mindfulness, going to therapy, chatting to a trained listener on 7cups and meditation.

Building the self confidence you need might seem challenging to at first but it is a beautiful journey to becoming a better person, the best version of you. You will reach this by unconditional self love and positive self talk.

I leave you with a quote by famous poet Rumi, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find the barriers within yourself thay you have built against it"

Wish you all the best on your journey❤

Izzy274 April 20th, 2022


Hi Alex, congratulations on completing this step of the CDM! Here’s a little bit of feedback from me:

> You wrote 12 sentences, 224 words and 1291 characters, great work on meeting the word minimum of 8 sentences, 150 characters and 100 words!

> Your writing is 100% unique and your writing shows a lot of insight into the question topic. The information you share is very unique and gives great ideas about the causes of not feeling good enough, and you gave a great range of varied suggestions!. To improve even further, it would be great to see you validating your writing by including some sources/ website articles in your writing. Your writing had an empathetic tone and felt understanding and validating of the situation.

> The tips you give are helpful to this scenario, especially where you list a range of ideas helps to clearly show many different methods to manage this. Your language was always professional, and it would be awesome to see you give your writing a more personal touch by including an anecdote- the quote you used at the end was a great touch though!

> All of your suggestions were awesome and given in a way that explained the ideas without feeling like advice.

> You included 11 /30 keywords, congratulations on including all of those in your work, it would be great to see you find a few more places to add some in to make your writing even more optimised! :)

Good luck with your next steps on the CDM Programme!


alex000 April 21st, 2022


Thank you very much for your insight. I am grateful and will definitely be following your guidance for future assessments.

Izzy274 April 21st, 2022


Great, thank you, Alex! I can't wait to see your next piece of writing :)

NomadAltair May 6th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

My Answer-We all go down this path sometimes, don't we? Ashamed of ourselves, the fear of abandonment that the person will leave us because we are not good enough for them. And then we try to fix these things by changing our behaviours and patterns in a very unhealthy way. And this only causes self-sabotage and we end up losing so many traits and things about us that we used to love. It is important to know that love and validation are crucial in any kind of a relationship but overthinking about what we aren't/can't do, we can instead think and try to do the things that we can do to make the person feel loved, better and in turn, us feeling special and cared for. It is twisted, I know. But in the end, we all learn from our experiences.

Izzy274 May 6th, 2022


Hi Nomad! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was awesome to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You met the word count requirements of 150 characters and 100 words.

> Your writing is 100% unique and all the info you share is unplagiarized.

> The tips you give about thinking of things we can do to help the person feel loved to help ourselves are a really unique idea.

> Your language stays professional and appropriate throughout your writing.

> You gave some great tips and approaches to deal with the situation

> You avoided giving direct advice but gave some very helpful suggestions.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you share/ link a reliable source to validate your writing.

> Perhaps a personal anecdote/ story would help to bring even more of a personal and understanding touch to your writing!

> It would be awesome to see more empathetic phrases and validation mixed in through the whole of your writing to ensure that readers feel supported throughout the article.

> You wrote 7 sentences, which doesn't quite reach the minimum of 8 sentences.

> You included 0/30 keywords. It would be awesome to see you include them so that your response is as optimised as possible! :)

Overall your article was awesome and you had some great insights into the situation! Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you ever have any questions! :)


HellSpawn796 May 6th, 2022

Not feeling good enough for someone is one of the signs of low self esteem. Your parents and partner may deeply care about you but you constantly feel that there’s something that’s missing in you that makes you not worthy of the love and affection.

It’s very important to realise that you are an amazing person and deserve care and affection. Realise that your self worth is not based on the standards our society and social media has set. You need to focus on improving your self esteem.

The good news is that raising one’s self esteem is a pretty easy task. You need to increase your consciousness, your awareness. Be aware of your triggers, your emotions, negative self talk, your strengths and weakness, the way you handle opportunities and interact with other people. Our whole life, we face situations where our inner critic may tell us that we are not ready yet or are not good enough. This self doubt is the real reason for the lowering of our self esteem. Do realise that we are only human beings and are not perfect. Your flaws may be the most beautiful attribute for someone.

If you feel that you are not able to identify or understand your triggers, do consider therapy. Self Awareness helps us to work on our emotions and self confidence, choose health relationships, helps us to communicate our needs and boundaries with our partner and deal with problems in life with a better approach.

Become the best version of your self and empower others. Thank you.

miraculousSoul53 May 9th, 2022



🌼Flow of your answer is really good.

🌼 I liked how you provided multiple ways in which we can worth on our self esteem.

🌼"we are only human beings and are not perfect. Your flaws may be the most beautiful attribute for someone". I really this quote in your answer.


🌱 Shading little bit light on childhood experiences and shaping of our self esteem will improve this further.

I look forward to read more from you 😄

FerineMusings June 11th, 2022



The things that I liked

-Guiding to look into ourselves for finding the source and medication for the issue.

-Use of key words is good.


-Reaching the word as well as sentence limit and to me the flow too appears good.

Tho it's really good but maybe personal anecdotes would enrich it more.

brightJackfruit8022 May 7th, 2022

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Not feeling good enough for someone is one of the signs of low self esteem. Your parents and partner may deeply care about you but you constantly feel that there’s something that’s missing in you that makes you not worthy of love and affection.

It’s very important to realise that you are an amazing person and deserve care and affection. Realise that your self worth is not based on the standards our society and social media has set.

You need to focus on improving your self esteem. The good news is that raising one’s self esteem is a pretty easy task. You need to increase your consciousness, your awareness. Be aware of your triggers, your emotions, negative self talk, your strengths and weakness, the way you handle opportunities and interact with other people. Our whole life, we face situations where our inner critic may tell us that we are not ready yet or are not good enough. This self doubt is the real reason for the lowering of our self esteem. Do realise that our flaws and limitations make us human beings. Your flaws may be the most beautiful attribute for someone.

If you feel that you are not able to identify or understand your triggers, do consider therapy. Therapy does not fix us but makes us more aware about ourselves. Self Awareness helps us to work on our emotions and self confidence, choose health relationships, helps us to communicate our needs and boundaries with our partner and deal with problems in life with a better approach.

Be the best version of your self and empower others.

Thank You.

Izzy274 May 7th, 2022


Hi Jackfruit! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was awesome to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 364 words and 2292 characters, great work on meeting the 100 words and 150 character requirements!

> Your information is 100% unique and the information and tips you share aren't plagiarised.

> The tips you give are very doable and applicable to the situation, especially the ones about identifying your own triggers and emotions.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate throughout.

> You gave lots of unique tips and approaches to manage the situation which are super helpful.

> You wrote 17 sentences and wrote over double the requirement of 8 sentences!

> You included 17/30 keywords, great work on creating such an optimised piece of writing!

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be awesome to see you include/ link some reliable resources to further verify your writing.

> Perhaps adding in a personal anecdote/ quote would help to connect your writing to real-life situations even more!

> It would be awesome to see you include more empathetic/ validating phrases in your writing.

> Perhaps changing the phrasing of some sentences into ideas or suggestions may help to avoid the writing feeling like advice at all.

Overall, your article was so great to read, and it was especially nice how you appreciated everyone has unique flaws and limitations which are a part of us!

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you ever have any questions! :)


brightJackfruit8022 May 8th, 2022

Thank you for you feedback. I’ll try my best to improve on this 😄

miraculousSoul53 May 9th, 2022


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Days, when the voice inside us whispers you are not good enough, are the days when we are a little less kind to ourselves, are the days when we think we are worth a little less, are the days when we are a little less confident about ourselves and are the same days when we are little less loving towards ourselves.

But; to think where is this all coming from? Why are we feeling so? What is the reason behind this? What is the right thing to do? Well, there can be many reasons and it all comes down to one word which is self-esteem.

What is Self-Esteem, In psychology, the term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall subjective sense of self-worth or value. In other words, self-esteem may be defined as how much you appreciate and like yourself regardless of the circumstances.

Self-esteem tends to be lowest in our childhood and increases as we grow older eventually reaching a fairly stable point.
Our concept of self-worth is affected by our close ones like parents, family members, partners, friends etc.

On the darker days when we are engaging in negative self-talk when our inner critic is pushing us towards the valley of self-doubt and our self-confidence at its lowest, life feels colder are harsher.

But, the good news is you are an amazing person! We are all human beings who struggle through life. Our whole life is a journey and the best way to go through is by taking little steps at a time.

So, the first step would be to acknowledge that yes indeed you are an amazing person, no matter what your mind is telling you in the darkest moments is not a real reason behind your struggles.

As human beings, we are social animals and our lives consist of various relationships so working on having healthy relationships by having good communication is really helpful on many levels. This is one of the ways to improve our inter-personal relationship -our relationships with others.

what about ourself? Our intra-personal relation? Well, journaling, meditating can be few ways to help us improve in that area, it will help us to gather more information about ouraelves. And even then if you find it to be little difficult on your own, then therapy is always a way to go.

At the end of the day, you matter the most! And that little voice inside you needs to be heard. Goodluck, you will have good time where great things will come and you will be better person than you were.

Izzy274 May 12th, 2022


Hi Soul! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was so awesome to read your response!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 433 words and 2401 characters, great work on exceeding the requirements of 100 words and 150 characters.

> Your writing is given in a unique way and the information you share is super concise and friendly.

> Your tips are doable and applicable, and the way you provide a range of ideas for people at different stages of their journey with feeling good enough is excellent!

> Your writing is 100% unplagiarized.

> You used professional and appropriate language throughout, and your tone was super open and friendly.

> Your writing is really empathetic and especially in the first paragraph, your understanding and empathy make your article really stand out :)

> You avoided giving direct advice throughout the article, which really helped to keep an understanding tone.

> You wrote 23 sentences, congratulations for going almost 3 times over the minimum of 8 sentences!

> You included 25/30 keywords, it's fantastic that you made your writing so optimised!

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you add some sources to verify your writing.

> Perhaps adding a short anecdote or quote would be helpful to make your writing even more relatable.

Overall, your response flowed really nicely and showed great empathy and understanding towards the readers!

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you ever have any questions! :)


PlymouthPhotog May 10th, 2022

When you have the feeling of "not being good enough", getting to the root of the issue is always the first step. You also want to ask yourself questions such as;

1) Why do you feel this way?

2) Has someone in particular made you feel less than and so you feel less than with everyone you come into contact with?

3) Is there a deeper issue at hand that you might need to uncover to explain these feelings?

4) Do I have an insecurity that I need to deal with on my end?

Most often then not, we have experienced a moment in our lives where we were told something or treated a certain way which has set these feelings in our minds. Or, we have issues that are deep rooted (being insecure with ourselves) which only we alone can take care of.

Maybe it is time to approach that person who has made you feel such a way. Ask them face to face if you have done something to them with has in turn made them treat you this way. Was it maybe something that you had said that at the time, you were unaware of it and now are left with these feelings. In my experience, being honest with yourself and with others more often then not, gets you the answers that you have been looking for.

Izzy274 May 14th, 2022


Hi Plymouth! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was awesome to read your views!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 226 words and 1152 characters, congratulations on meeting the word requirements of 100 words and 150 characters.

> The way you structured your response with clear questions and approaches made the information you shared really unique.

> The tips that you share are definitely applicable to the situation, and the way that you explain approaching people who cause you to feel not good enough is great!

> Your writing was 100% unplagiarized.

> The language you used was appropriate and professional throughout.

> You gave lots of great and different tips and approaches to the situation.

> You avoided giving direct advice but gave a great range of ideas and suggestions.

> You wrote 12 sentences, congratulations on going over the requirement of 8 sentences.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify your writing by sharing some sources.

> Perhaps adding a personal anecdote could further connect readers to your writing, it was great to see you starting to talk about your own experience at the end.

> Adding in more empathetic and validating phrases would really reinforce the understanding tone you have.

> You included 1/30 keywords. It would be great to see you include more to make your response more optimised!

Overall, your article had so many awesome ideas and approaches, and the questions you included really helped to give a clear insight into the feeling of 'not being good enough'.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy


usefulSummer3139 May 16th, 2022


Hi, Plymouth! I loved going through your response. Three things I appreciated were:

1) The inclusion of questions

2) The way you included a personal experience

3) The concrete way in which you addressed the root of the issue as the first step

Constructive feedback:

I didn't notice too many keywords and would love it if you could include more! :)

didreamerssystem May 14th, 2022


One thing that makes a session, at times, hard, is my self-doubt. I worry that I can't say the right words to make them feel understood, while keeping anonymous.

Say that a member says:

  • "I am so frustrated because my parents don't understand that I am having a hard time."

I think, "Hmm, how can I best support them..." I say:

  • "First off, I just want to let you know that you are an amazing person for reaching out for help! It can be hard to open up to someone."

I think that's a good introduction! Next, I will use all the lessons that I have learned from My Path. It is a helpful place for suggestions. I really want to become a success listener!

Izzy274 May 14th, 2022


Hi Jana! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was awesome to read your response!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 126 words and 656 characters, great work on meeting the requirements of 100 words and 150 characters.

> Your writing was 100% unique and unplagiarized.

> It was great that you made your response so personal to you and included personal experiences.

> You showed great empathy throughout your response and it was great how you acknowledged the difficulties of opening up.

> You avoided giving any direct advice.

> You wrote 10 sentences, which meets the requirement of 8+ sentences.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you include some information and tips for feeling not good enough.

> Perhaps adding a reliable resource would help to verify your response.

> You included 3/30 keywords, it would be great to see you include even more keywords to optimise your writing.

Overall, it was great to read your personal experiences with this topic, and the way that you used so much empathy really helped to make your response very understanding!

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you ever have any questions! :)


wonderfulRainbow817 May 15th, 2022



1) Met the requirement of characters and words

2) You used personal experiences to focus on the member

3) Showed empathy and your answers were completely yours

wonderfulRainbow817 May 15th, 2022


This is a great question as so many of us struggle with it. Often times it has to do with our self worth and self love. If we view ourselves negatively then we frequently are going to feel like we aren't good enough for others. The best way to shake this feeling off is to take some time to yourself to relax and start loving yourself again. That could be through self care or taking the time to do an activity that raises your self-esteem. Family, spouses, friends, coworkers, etc. are all people we try to be good enough for but the truth is that with some people we will never achieve this. Instead, try to remember the amazing person you are. What matters is how you view yourself, not what others think. You control your destiny and only you can decide how it will go, not someone who you can never be good enough for.

Izzy274 May 15th, 2022


Hi Rainbow! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was great to read your response!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 153 words and 823 characters, great work on meeting the word and character requirements of 100 words and 150 characters.

> Your information was written originally and not copied and pasted.

> The tips you share about remembering how amazing you are and taking time to relax are very applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 100% unique and unplagiarized.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate.

> You gave a great range of ideas and approaches to the situation.

> You wrote 9 sentences, congratulations on meeting the requirement of 8 sentences.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify your writing by linking some reliable sources.

> Adding a personal anecdote would really help connect your article to real-life situations more.

> Adding in more empathetic and validating phrases can really help to show the reader your understanding.

> Sometimes it felt a little like you were giving advice. Sometimes using phrases like 'One idea is' or 'Some people like to..' can help to change the tone from advice to information.

> You included 5/30 keywords, perhaps adding a few more keywords could help to make your writing even more optimised.

Overall, it was great to read your article, and your professional writing style and range of information and ideas were awesome!

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy

usefulSummer3139 May 16th, 2022


At times, all of us go through a phase of feeling like we are not good enough. There is no one way or "best way" to solve this problem because it ties into our self-esteem and different people deal differently with their self-esteem issues. However, this universal problem could be dealt with by utilising certain guidelines such as:

1) Realising and reflecting on the problem: Try to reflect on why you feel the way you do.

2) Talking with someone about the problem: After figuring out why you feel this way, try to talk to someone about it. Communication could help with widening our perspective. This could be through therapy or simply talking to your family members — whatever works for you!

3) Reach a solution oriented towards you: After reflecting and talking about your problem, try to come up with a solution that would be best suited for you. At the end of the day, you know yourself the best.

sshn07 May 16th, 2022


Q - Why do depressed people push loved ones away?

Keywords: am i depressed, how to support/help someone depressed, how to talk to someone with depression, do i have depression, pushing people away psychology, self isolation, helping people with depression, depression symptoms, feeling sad, how to help a depressed friend

People who are depressed tend to question, ‘Am I depressed?’ a lot. As such, this has also happened to me.

Although we ultimately understand that our loved ones have our best interest, when we feel depressed, with or without specific reason(s), we are oftentimes confused from the rumination itself. It’s not something we can explain to those we push away, thus we mostly just self-isolate to save ourselves from having the tough conversations.

Negative thoughts grow at an exponential rate during these times, hence, thinking and simply believing that nobody likes being around someone depressed can be one of the reasons for pushing people away. Being so, we are constantly afraid that one might eventually become tired of our depressed self and leave us. Attachment issues and fear of abandonment can also be factors of tendency to drive people out when things are getting serious between two or more people.

An approach that made me feel specially supported during those times was when a close friend decided to step up and talked to me in a way that didn’t require me to explain much of what it was that I was going through. Because honestly, I didn't understand it at that time either. I didn't feel pushed or forced to provide an explanation but I was reassured by their actions that there is someone who truly cares by showing patience and genuine care when dealing with me. And only then, I felt safe to open up with them slowly.

Bottom line, I hope those who are trying to support someone in depression are also taking care of themselves before anything else.

sshn07 May 22nd, 2022


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Feeling like not being good enough for someone is one of the worst things I have personally struggled with and I now understand that many of us feel this way.

We, as human beings, are constantly trying to be a better person or striving to do the right thing, and when we feel like we are not performing at our best, we deserve to give ourselves negative self-talk.

Chances are, as children, we may have lived through experiences that deterred our self-confidence. Or, as we grow up, we have had bad relationships that led us to have low self-worth. In addition to that, living through the digital age, social media is one of the easiest ways to impact our inner critic because we just can’t stop comparing ourselves with people on our screen.

It’s a hard pill to swallow but the first step to battle with our low self-esteem is to be patient with ourselves. Give yourself the time to think through how far you have come, achieving the things - whether big or small - at some point that scared you. Building a healthy relationship with a partner, family members or friends whom we can communicate with can help us promote the self-love that we tend to miss. As much as these have helped me, at the end of the day, it is vital that you find your voice in any way possible to make you feel that you are an amazing person all along. I wish anyone struggling with this, good luck in your journey!

plushMermaid2855 May 23rd, 2022


1. More then 8 sentences

2. Provide in depth detail

3. Good use of the given words

Perhaps link to forms of support

CosmicMiracle June 13th, 2022


Three things to commend:

I like how relatable it sounded for me.

You also divided the answer into a way that makes it easier for me to digest.

You're also a good writer overall. Congratulations :)

One room for improvement:

It felt very personal like I was reading a personal blog. If written for an audience such as the 7Cups community, I think a small change in tone would be better :)

EmpathyShoulder1904 May 30th, 2022


Hey there,

I love your writeup because it consisted of professionalism and details

It was also more than 8 sentences

I also like your emphasis on reminding ourselves about our good qualities because that where we can always fall back too for validation.

But I think diffusing your points would have made it more empathetic but it was nice.

plushMermaid2855 May 23rd, 2022


When you feel as though you are not good enough this is the perfect time to work on self love and self worth. The good news is that you are not alone with this feeling in fact your parents, family members and partner may even feel the same way at times. Often this is down to the ever growing information on social media, however one of the first steps and what I have found as the best way to to work on the negative self talk is to build a healthy relationship with your inner critic. This can be done through simple using positive affirmations when the voice starts to cause you to doubt yourself.

ouiCherie June 25th, 2022

Hi there @plushMermaid2855

Your paragraph for Q&A answer exercise is empathetic, validating, no direct advice and share a personal tip. Well done.

You have successfully incorporated 13 keywords in 116 word. Not bad at all :)

Constructive feedback for future writing:

Some minor grammatical mistakes there, for example:

  • You can put a comma after 'however' if you use it to introduce a contrast or to join 2 complete sentences.
  • Put a hyphen to write self-love, self-worth, self-awareness, self-confidence and so on.

Those are minor and technical, but the content itself is brilliant. So, thumbs up for the work and for being proactive. 😊🙏🏻


EmpathyShoulder1904 May 30th, 2022


For me, it is a very important topic for an individual in a relationship


As we grow personally, we start to discover new things about ourselves. We start doing the things we never thought we would as a result of circumstances.

We also start to question our self-worth, that we never thought we would because of the position we find ourselves in our various aspects of life.

As human beings , we have negative self-talk sometimes because of how we feel about ourselves.

Most times it's the way our partners nurtures and cares for us and we feel like we aren't doing the right thing or we aren't good enough.

The first step to having a healthy relationship, entails self-love because it overpowers it all.

Not everyone sees themselves walking in the path of self-love which is not an offence but a phase!

The good news is, you aren't alone because one of the best ways to relieve that inner critic is through therapy and surrounding yourself with the right set of people is a growth path that can help people who make you feel appreciated and builds your self confidence.

Communication is also very important because, when you have the right dialogue with the right set of people, positive results come out of it. Please try not shy away from therapy.

At the end of the day ,you need to remember that you are still that same amazing person that you always are.