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2) Community Questions and Answers - The Basis of Mental Health Awareness and Support

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

As previously introduced, the Questions and Answers Pages at 7 Cups offer a wide range of quality based answers to common mental health questions

Questions and Answers are available for 38 main categories, ranging from General Mental Health, Disabilities, Managing Emotions, Loneliness, Grief, Recovery, Student Life, Work Stress, and many more!

Through this directory of available knowledge, awareness, and support, 7 Cups is equipped with answers to the common questions and concerns people have. Most of these Questions and Answers are featured in search engine results due to the value of the content they contain.

The main community Questions and Answers Page offers a recent questions section as well as a section containing the most answered questions.

All 7 Cups users are invited to search for or ask new questions through the main page. Community users can also participate in this area by submitting their answers, which are reviewed by a team for quality and other important requirements.

Through this discussion, we will discuss the basic requirements needed to research as well as write quality answers for the Question and Answer Pages. Additionally, we will optimize the drafted answers in light of certain guidelines.

(i) Basic Research and Writing Requirements: When writing answers to community questions, keep in mind these tips:

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words.

  • If research is needed to guide your answer, consider only learning about the topic and avoid direct copy/pasting researched tips, advice, or information.

  • Consider verifying the information or facts through at least 2 reliable sources.

  • When researching possible answers or things the person can benefit from, consider their circumstances and if the tip is do-able and generally applicable.

  • Avoid plagiarism.

  • Use professional and appropriate language.

  • If comfortable, you can add a personal anecdote to help add meaning to your answer. However, avoid turning the answer to just your account or an entire focus on your experience.

  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust.

  • Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive.

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try.

(ii) Ensuring Optimized Answers: Although the above requirements and tips help deliver a great answer, further optimization of drafted answers can help ensure their quality.

At 7 Cups, the Content Team uses researched and identified important keywords to guide their research and the writing process to result in optimized content as answers to community questions. In this regard, the basic tips/requirements involved are:

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences.

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic.

What are Keywords?

Generally, keywords can be thought of as terms or phrases that describe a piece of content. Related keywords are supporting keywords that can help further describe or expand on that initial content. For example, for the keyword “anxiety”, related keywords can be “anxiety symptoms” or “anxiety treatments”.

Keywords help with search engine marketing and hence are an important part of SEO strategies. A simple strategy to find keywords is to look for Google Related Searches. These related searches are searches that relate to your term. For instance, a Google Related Search for “anxiety symptoms” is “what is anxiety” - using this insight, you can consider including this phrase alongside a brief category of your content outline to help strengthen the optimization of your content.

For other free tools to help with keyword research, you can visit this external link.


Review this Sample Optimized Answer:

Question: How do paper bags help with panic attacks?

Provided Keywords: asthma attack, heart attacks, asthma, problems, brown paper bag, medical conditions, hyperventilation syndrome, mouth, respiratory alkalosis, common causes, chest pain, benefit, stress, medications

Approved, Optimized Answer:

While panic attacks might mimic the symptoms of heart attacks, they can be caused by several other problems and medical conditions. These include feeling stressed or facing medical conditions such as asthma attacks, hyperventilation syndrome, or even respiratory alkalosis. Although the common causes may differ, common symptoms include chest pain. Deep breathing through the mouth or by using a brown paper bag has its benefits, as it aids in the restoration of the loss of carbon dioxide in the blood during the panic attack.

Notes: The question was general, requiring general research-based knowledge on the process of using paper bags for panic attacks. As the keywords were essentially covered, note that this answer does not have 8-10 sentences, but further supporting information or even a personal anecdote can be added.

The following activity will help you put your attained knowledge to practice. Please write an optimized answer to the following community question, in light of the provided keywords. In addition, you are required to reply to at least one other student’s answer by identifying at least 3 strengths (things done correctly as per discussed guidelines) as well as at least 1 tip for improving the answer.

Note: You are welcome to click the question link and submit your written answer for community publication once done as this is an existing question!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Bonus: Want to put your knowledge to test? Consider joining the Question and Answer (Q&A) Approval Team here and earn cheers for helping approve community answer submissions. You will be using the above knowledge as well as reminders on what makes a good answer. For more information, click here


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

considerateOrange2567 August 24th, 2021

Hello! I really enjoyed reading your answer. Here’s what I thought:

1. I liked how you tried to incorporate a lot of the keywords that were given into your answer
2. I love how empathetic, kind, and reassuring your response is.
3. I liked how you suggested that people should learn to love themselves first before getting involved in relationships — this is really great advice!

My suggestion would be to make your answer more general/broad, since currently it is only addressing people who are struggling with a romantic relationship. Your answer should also fit for people who are worried about their relationships with their friends, family, children, etc.

explore1000 August 9th, 2021


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

My Answer: Almost everyone, at some point, doubts themselves and/or their ablilities. A comon origin of doubt is asking if you're good enough for someone. This often comes across when you feel guilty for the respect that person is giving you. You might feel weird getting attension from someone you look up to, and it's not you're fault! There are plently of remedies that could work for you; i'll list one, out of the plently, below.

Before taking taking any action, try reflecting. Sit down and think about why you feel this way, how your partner feels about you, how mutual the relationship is, and how you impact your partner. Sometimes, it's helpful to write down what you're thinking, making sure you anre not over-annalizing. Then, once all you're thoughts are collected, make a decision: whether you are not good or are good for your partner and talk to them about it. See what they think and get their direct answers.If you're partner supports you in saying you are good, congrats! If not, congrats: now you are one step closer to fining someone who is for you. Not everyone in this world will be suited for you, and that's okay! Either way, you benifit.
kindLemonade August 11th, 2021


Hello, explore, you're super fast with your week 1 work, well done!

Overall, the writing shows great warmth and encouragement to the readers. I truly felt inspired and motivated after reading your post!

There are a few grammatical errors, which you can double-check through Grammarly here:

Great job! Keep up the awesome work! ❤️🐳


hi explore thanks for sharing your awnser ; i v red what you wrote carefully 


_empathique answer ,  

_ professional language 

_right advice 

my tips for you 

check the keywords is all really related to the topic it is the hard part 

writhing short paragraph could be more effective , when the answer be long you probably lose 

amomtessa August 10th, 2021

I can completely understand how hard and painful it must be to feel like you are not good enough for someone, be it your parents, partner, etc. With the increasing use of social media, our self-esteem has been dramatically affected and we somehow judge ourselves and question our self-worth. It definitely brings a lot of negative feelings. We all have this inner critic who always creates a sense of self-doubt. As a result of that, we engage in negative self-talk and become harsh on ourselves. This is the real reason for having such a feeling. We all are human beings and we experience such moments in our lives. But there is a good news. All you have to do is take the first step towards the path of self-growth, i.e. to be a better person. That is the right thing and the best way to deal with this unpleasant feeling, If this feeling is hampering your relationships with your family members, children, partner, etc. and you find it difficult to have a good time with them, you can definitely approach a professional and go for therapy. It can provide you with accurate information and can aid you in enhancing some basic skills such as effective communication. Remember one thing. You are an amazing person and you have your whole life waiting for you to create beautiful moments with your loved ones. You just have to find your inner voice which can help you in building your self-confidence. A healthy relationship takes a two-way street. So self-love is necessary to feel confident because at the end of the day, you are with your true self. Good luck to you.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 10th, 2021

@amomtessa great answer! thank you for making sure you use the keywords as well, hope that helped with this awesome flow!

Lannylistens August 18th, 2021


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

You know that dreadful feeling you have when you think you aren’t good enough for someone? Every human being has felt this way before. This individual could be your parent, partner, best friend, teacher, child, or even a family member.

The first step to figuring out the real reason why you are not good enough for someone is asking yourself, “Why am I feeling this way?” I definitely had days where my self-esteem took a massive hit and I could hear my inner critic going on about my self-doubt and lack of self-confidence, which then led to negative self-talk. Social media has made it difficult to feel good enough for someone as it offers misconceptions of beauty and reality. Thus, causing us to compare and contrast ourselves to other individuals, some whom we know absolutely nothing about, to become more like them. This makes us lose our originality and the concept of our self-love begins to fade.

We often spend our whole lives trying to reach perfection meanwhile, this is a concept that doesn't exist. Chasing perfection is a never-ending pursuit and we end up missing out on the awesome person we already are.

The good news is that we don't always have to feel sad about our situation. The best ways to improve how we think & feel about ourselves are:

1. Maintain healthy relationships and enjoy the good times with family and friends.
2. Learn to communicate both effectively and actively.
3. Do the right thing and treat yourself positively. Great things come your way when you do.
4. Repeat affirmations daily to boost your self-confidence, self-love, and self-esteem, which will impact the voice in your conscience.

If you do these things and you think you need more help, it is totally okay to see a professional then start therapy. Therapy provides us with an avenue to find out more information about ourselves and grants us a deeper understanding of our circumstances. Additionally, it helps a lot of persons change their perspective of themselves and become better people.
At the end of the day, remember to strive to be the best version of yourself possible and to take life one step at a time. You are strong, you are brave, you are amazing, and you are loved.
Good luck! <3
kindLemonade August 18th, 2021


Hi Lanny!

I love how clearly written this article is, especially the 4 tips you provided. I personally find the affirmation to be a great one! your writing reminds me to do more affirmations for myself wink

Great job and keep going!

AriadneLove August 19th, 2021


I like the development in your answer and the content. You perfectly combined comforting and relating by including personal experience with direct answers to the question by sharing suggestions. Furthermore, I enjoyed how you validated their feelings and showed extra care and compassion about their situation. Those are not easy to combine in a short answer, while you nailed it. The language is also very nice, it is rich and understandable at the same time. Of course, another plus is you managed to use a lot of keywords in your answer. The one thing you could pay attention to in the future is trying to mirror the question. Writing'....why you are not good enough for someone is asking yourself ' can be interpreted as they are not good enough, while they said they Feel they are not good enough. Sometimes readers can react defensively or overthink such statements what can make them less receptive to further information.

I hope you will continue writing and explore all your inventive abilities💜

Lannylistens August 19th, 2021

Thank you so much for kind words and the feedback 😁.

SheAlwaysListens August 18th, 2021


My Answer:

It is very common for our inner critic to tell us that we are not good enough for our partner, friends, parents, children, and other family members especially in this era of social media influence and this creates self-doubt where we start thinking and believing that there are flaws inside us and this lowers our self-esteem. However, the good news is that there are solutions for times such as the above. There are two main steps.

The first step is to turn negative self-talk into positive self-talk. Self-talk is the voice you hear when you talk to yourself internally in your mind and it reveals your thoughts, beliefs and ideas. The best way to make yourself feel good about yourself is to firstly listen to what you are saying to yourself and make note of what you are thinking. If you are saying to yourself that you are not good enough, make note of the reasons and challenge your self-talk. Ask yourself if there is actual evidence of what you are thinking and what you can do to change that. What would you say to a friend in a similar situation and then make a list of the positive things about yourself. Instead of saying that you are not good enough for someone, say that you are good enough. Say that you are trying your best and everything will work out. This will make you gain self-confidence and realise your self-worth.

Second step is to understand that we are all human beings and we can all make mistakes. Communication is the key. Talk to the other person and ask them if they think you both have a healthy relationship or not and what you could improve on to become a better person for them. You never know how useful this information could be and could help you figure out the root of the problem and what the real reason is behind all this. It may turn out that what you had been thinking was self-doubt all time along and you had always been an amazing person your whole life in the eyes of others and you never realised it.

At the end of the day, all that matters are the great things you do in life and the good time you have doing them. If you would like to discuss this matter further, the best way to do so is by opting for therapy. I wish you good luck in finding your worth and realising that you are enough, you were enough and you will always be enough and knowing this is the right thing.

Yours sincerely,
kindLemonade August 19th, 2021


Hello there!

I love how clearly written and structure this writing is! It seems that you've followed the instructions well. Thank you for your effort and for sharing your ideas with us. You have included the provided keywords. In addition, the paragraphs are cohesive, I think the two main steps you pointed out are beneficial to tackle low-self worth in a relationship. Dealing with the negative self-talk and transform them into positive ones; working on our communications are both great suggestions.

Great Job! ❤️🐳

considerateOrange2567 August 24th, 2021

Many times, there are a lot of people in your life who you might care a great deal about, including your parents, children, family members, friends, partner, etc. However, sometimes, it can feel like your qualities, abilities, or actions just aren’t good enough for them, whether they say so or not.

In situations like these, beating yourself up is not the correct solution. Negative self-talk and self-doubt comes from your inner critic, and these thoughts are not necessarily always reasonable or even based in truth. As human beings, we often suffer from low self-esteem and self-confidence due to negative influences such as social media.

The best way to approach solving this issue is to use healthy communication with the individual to determine which ways you could possibly improve to meet what they want out of that relationship. Additionally, the first step to developing self-love is to see yourself as the amazing person that you are; at the end of the day, that’s what truly matters.

azuladragon34 August 24th, 2021


Three things I love about your answer:
1) You are very empathetic in your wording
2) You are positive
3) You provide an amazing recommendation

One tip: I thinking adding one additional recommendation is great

kindLemonade August 26th, 2021

Hi Orange, overall, I think your writing came across with a professional tone. You've also included many provided keywords so thumbs up for that!

☑️ Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked
☑️ Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences. -> checked
☑️ Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic. -> checked

For future reference: If comfortable, you can add a personal anecdote to help add meaning to your answer. However, avoid turning the answer to just your account or an entire focus on your experience.

Well done ❤️🐳
Alwaysthereforyou28 September 13th, 2021


3 strengths:
1. You included many keywords in your answer
2. Very empathetic (especially from the first 3 paragraph) and answer provides great tips to question
3. Met the requirement of at least 8 to 10 sentences

Tip: Can add a personal anecdote to enhance the response. :)

Really loved your answer!

azuladragon34 August 24th, 2021


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Talking from personal experience, when you feel you are not good enough for someone, it can cause a great deal of self esteem. You'll be increasingly critcizing yourself and having self-doubt when someone compliments you. Thus it can be tough, depressing and sad. It can lead to negative self-talk.

However, think about it this way. You are you. So if you focus on yourself, by developing your amazing qualities and rectifying that not so good ones, you will begin to feel better. Therefore if someone, it can be parents, partner, extended family members, say you are not good enough, ignore their words. You know you are amazing person and you are worthy of you alone.

At the end of the day, be yourself, be amazing and be kind to yourself.
kindLemonade August 26th, 2021


Azul, I love how you start your writing with "taking from personal experience". I love your down-to-earth answer. Your words show great warmth, sweetness yet a professional manner. I can see myself in your writing and the suggestions are helpful.

☑️ Be empathetic and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust. -> checked

☑️ You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words. -> checked

☑️ Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

Awesome job! ❤️🐳
aliceaspiringpsychiatrist September 3rd, 2021

Three strenghts:
- you talked from your personal experience
- you used lots of key words
- you described the process of self-doubt
One tip:
Read the requirements carefully as you were supposed to write more words :)

aliceaspiringpsychiatrist September 3rd, 2021


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

When you feel like you are not good enough for someone it can mean many different things and depending on the underlying cause of this issue, you can find out what to do to find relief.
Whether we have a healthy relationship with someone or not, we can develop the feeling that we might not be enough for them. You could feel this towards your partner, your parents, family members or even your own children.
This happens because there’s a little voice in your head that puts these thoughts into your head, that little voice is called your inner critic.
Now, we are all human beings and we all have this internal voice, but when it starts to take over your whole life and causes you to come and ask this question on 7 Cups, it means that it is extremely distressing for you, but asking for help is totally the right thing to do and it is the perfect first step in order to find some peace within yourself.
I can see how it would be really hard to try to have a good time while you have all these thoughts tormenting you and filling up your brain.
The good news is that I’m going to give you some important information that is hopefully going to help.
The most common cause for this is a problem with low self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence or however you want to call it.
The real reason for this could also be more serious, as intense self-doubt and persistent negative self-talk can be red flags for depression. It is very important to catch these signs as soon as possible to intervene early and get help as fast as possible.
It can be really hard to practice self-love when we’re feeling this way, but it is still important to try. For example, to encourage myself to practice self-care, I usually pretend that I am my own best friend and that switches my perspective completely, because you would never tell your best friend that they’re not enough for you.
The best way to deal with this would be to get therapy from a trained professional, other great things would be improving your communication skills and talking to others about how you feel, but it’s essential for this not to turn into a never ending circle of constant reassurance.
Also, another strategy could be to limit your exposure to social media, as that can be very harmful for your mental health, or if you feel up for it, even taking a total break from it.
At the end of the day everyone who worries so much about not being enough is an incredibly caring and amazing person who will become an even better person and an even happier person by working on themselves.
So good luck with everything, I wish you many, many great things in your future!
Alice heart

kindLemonade September 6th, 2021

Hi there Alice, your writing was really good and throughout. I can see that you included all the provided keywords which are truly impressive! I love how caring your tone of voice is. Putting myself as a ready, I feel heard and tended to. You also gave clear approaches and strategies to deal with low self-worth and attempted to explain why the issue occurred in the first place. This is a very good piece of writing, awesome job!

☑️ Be empathetic and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust. -> checked
☑️ You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words. -> checked

☑️ Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences. -> checked
☑️ Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

☑️ Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic. -> checked
☑️ Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive. -> checked

Keep up the great works! ❤️🐳
aliceaspiringpsychiatrist September 6th, 2021

Thank you so much, that makes me really happy! laugh

Alwaysthereforyou28 September 13th, 2021

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

It is common that we might give ourselves a negative self-talk or self-doubt due to having a low self-esteem when we feel that we are not good enough for someone such as parents, partners or even social media. When this happens, the first step is recognizing that we are all human beings and that sometimes, our "inner critic" can be a lot stricter in judging ourselves than the real reason behind what happened. Self-love and knowing your self-worth is really important. Communication with those who you feel that you are not good enough for is as well since it is always helpful for others to be aware of how you are feeling. At the end of the day, don't be wavered by the voice that is discouraging you. Instead, telling yourself that you are an amazing person who will do great things will not only increase your self-confidence, but also improve the healthiness of your relationships and let you have a good time with people around you.
kindLemonade September 15th, 2021


Hi always, awesome job for submitting the works on time! I also appreciate that you highlighted which keywords you used, this helps me process quicker! My first impression is that you showed professionalism through your writing. The texts are in good order and conveying the message clearly. You also chose your words carefully to avoid giving advice/ enforcing beliefs which is awesome! For example, you used "we might give ourselves..." instead of an affirmative sentence. In addition, you did not include "should" or "must" in the paragraph. In the future, you can also share a bit of your personal experience if you feel comfortable.

☑️ You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words. -> checked

☑️ Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences. -> checked

☑️ Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

☑️ Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic. -> checked

☑️ Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive. -> checked

Yay! Well done on completing all week 1's assignments! ❤️🐳

magicalOcean594 March 15th, 2022


1) i love how you bolded your keywords in your summary paragraph! I didnt even think about that. Great job!
2)the key words were completly on point!
3) spelling was awesome!

Tip:remembering to try not to use to many run on sentences, overall your report was great! And i loved it!
Textingpals September 19th, 2021


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

We often try to not judge people, we make special efforts as to not hurt others by our words or by labelling them as anything in particular but when it comes to ourselves, we more often than not go a little harsh. Our inner critic takes hold of us and at that particular time, we doubt our self-worth, we indulge in negative self-talk which lowers our self-esteem. Many things like comparing ourselves to others, either physically or emotionally, results in a faint voice whispering "You are not good enough". And sadly, we flow with it.

For this particular thing, I would suggest that we treat ourselves like we treat our beloved people when they are in such situations: we communicate with them, make them realise they are loved and that they shouldn't judge themselves, we cherish them. I would suggest that we try it out on ourselves. We treat ourselves exactly how we would treat our beloved if they were the ones in our shoes.

If asked to provide a specific answer or techniques that I use or would suggest you give a try, I have these to counter that:

1. Make a list of all the contributions you have made to that person's life. Add anything and everything that comes to your mind, no matter how small it is. This might help wire our minds to think positively about the scenario or at least feel a bit better.

2. Secondly, I would say the first and the best step would be to communicate with that particular person. Tell them how you feel and why you feel it.

Talking to them would help you realise their perspective as well. More often than not, the other person will take special care to make you feel loved and wanted throughout/after the discussion. You might come to know what they think about you and the thought you felt might also be erased as you will hear your importance in their lives directly from them. Additionally, providing them with a chance to talk about your value in their lives might be the right thing to do.

Textingpals September 19th, 2021


Lastly, I would like to state a quote that I love and refer back to when I feel the same, it lifts up my mood. Hence, I sincerely hope it will help you with the same.

"You are so used to your features, you don't know how beautiful you appear to someone else"


kindLemonade September 22nd, 2021


Hi pal! Great job on finishing your week 1's assignments! Overall, your writing is professional and easy to read. You wrote a total of 353 words and included 17 sentences. Thus, you have exceeded the minimum requirements. I really love how you also share the quote too. It feels like you really put your mind and heart into providing the answer. Your 2-step method to cope with low self-worth in a relationship is also accessible and a friendly suggestion. Personally, I would try it out!

One improvement you can make for future works is to include more provided keywords. Normally, it is recommended to use more than half of the given words.

☑️ You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words. -> checked

☑️ Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences. -> checked

☑️ Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

☑️ Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive. -> checked

Awesome pawsome job! ❤️🐳

September 26th, 2021

Hi @Textingpals!
I love how your response was empathetic, professionally written, and included the 2 step coping method to help deal with the situation. Something that could be improved on, would be writing concisely. I understand this can be countered argued with the fact that it's better to be thorough than to not get the point across, but writing too much may result in people not having the patience to read it. I'm sure I'm not the only one in the boat of having short attention spans. So writing concisely yet still get the point across is important. Some may even called it a difficult form of art to master.

incredibleNight5714 September 21st, 2021


It is easy for human beings to fall into untrue thoughts, but the truth being that "you're enough". There can be various factors behind why you are feeling this way, if you feel that you're not good enough for someone, it's important to work through the feelings and move forward. If your feelings of low self-esteem aren't addressed properly, it can hurt you and stop you from enjoying your life. When we experience these issues, it is important to reach out for help as soon as possible. Getting help from a qualified person will be the first step in learning ways on how to increase your self-worth and confidence.

kindLemonade September 22nd, 2021


Hi there Night, thank you for sharing your works with us! I think your suggestions are very promising, perhaps you can extend and elaborate a bit more?

Please write at least 150 characters and 100 words, 8-10 sentences. Right now your paragraph has 109 words and 5 sentences. Please also include more of the provided keywords. I look forward to reading your updated answer!

September 26th, 2021

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Response: It’s natural to feel like you’re not good enough for someone, and I’m sure many others can relate or have gone through this at some point in their life. I would suggest first taking a step back to see if you can identify the root problem. In a sense, what’s causing you to feel this way? Did something change recently causing your self-doubt to kick in? Is there some negative self-talk going on that’s unaddressed? Next, reach out. This could mean talking to a trusted friend or a family member or counsellor or even therapist. There’s no shame in seeking reassurance. Self-love is something that’s often easier said than done, but it’s definitely important. As cliché as this may sound, but our inner critic is often our worst critic. Last but certainly not least, challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone! This would help you build your overall self-confidence and address some of the issues that arise from self-doubt.

kindLemonade September 28th, 2021


Thank you for submitting your work so early on! I love the first sentence you wrote which empathizes and validates the reader's experiences. Your work showed empathy, professionalism, and conciseness. Well done!

If I could make a suggestion, perhaps you can try to include a bit more of the provided keywords next time as we're practicing how to make use of them throughout the program.

JustLikeMellie September 28th, 2021

Sometimes feeling not good enough can stem from many places such as parents, a partner, and even social media. The good news is, there are ways to improving and your self-worth and self-esteem. The first step is remembering we are human beings. From children to adults.

A good way to get help is through therapy. It will help you with your inner critic and self-doubt for sure! Also will help you have healthy relationships not only with your family members and friends but with yourself.

kindLemonade September 28th, 2021


Hi there, thank you for sharing your writing! Could you expand your answer a bit more? Please write at least 150 characters and 100 words, 8-10 sentences.

alexandra0321 September 28th, 2021

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Answer: Sometimes, we fall prey to our inner critic. We feel like nothing we do will ever be enough, we feel anxious about the mistakes we might make, and we play down all of our positive traits.

There might be several reasons we feel this way: we're often pressured to meet certain standards by our peers... and social media certainly doesn't help. We're constantly bombarded with unattainable perfection, whether it is attractiveness, smartness, money, popularity, etc.

The good news is that we're the only ones who control how we feel.

That being said, I think the first step is to increase our own self-esteem by surrounding ourselves with positivity: having a good time with family members, doing the activities we love, putting some effort into self-care.

It's also important to keep in mind that our thoughts (especially negative ones) almost never reflect reality. Just because you think you're not good enough, doesn't mean you're not. It can be difficult not to listen to the little voice in our heads - but changing our self-talk is definitely one of the most powerful strategies.

I hope everything goes well for you, and remember: you are an amazing person! Good luck 😊

ComfortingNutella2030 October 1st, 2021


I loved you reply

I think your 3 strengths were : a) Empathy b) You provided steps/multiple ways for the problem. c) You used a lot of the keywords, even though it's hard to do so.

The one "weakness" I would say : None that I can think of actually😅

Respectfulparadise77 September 29th, 2021

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Answer : This is something we all face once or multiples time in our life. It's human nature that we need validation for our emotions and crave for attention and there's nothing wrong about it. We have right to feel loved by ourselves and by others.

We feel bad and frustrated when we didn't get the love and attention from someone. Sometimes we critize ourselves and become so hard on ourselves. We need to remember that each person has their flaws and strengths , that makes each person unique.
Understand that other person behavior especially those that can be hurtful doesn't gonna affect our mental and emotional well-being until we let that happens. We can't control others behavior but we can control ours. Practicing self love and self talk can ease our mind to focus on good and pleasant things. It will help us to differentiate between our and others emotions and understand them in depth.
This is really important to know the self worth and protect ourselves from emotional infections and develop a healthy relationship with ourselves and others and create better life. And for healthy relationship , communication can be first steps, a few minutes in a day with ourselves and accept weaknesses and insecurities. Talking about these with close ones , family , friends or anyone. This is how in end of the days , we gonna know the people who really care about us.
Knowing that you are amazing person, you are beautiful. Whatever the situation is being kind to yourself will change most of the things in life. Accept and love yourself , Create a beautiful life , the life you want !!! ❤💜

alexandra0321 September 29th, 2021


Hey, I really like your response! 😃 I think your biggest strengths here were 1) strong empathy 2) you did a great job at incorporating the keyword 3) the answer was concise

The only thing I would suggest is to pay a little bit more attention to typos.

Well done! 😉

ComfortingNutella2030 October 1st, 2021

There first thing is to acknowledge the reason behind your feelings. It could be due to low self-esteem or miscommunication between you and your partner, etc. After figuring it out, the right thing to do is to work on it slowly (baby steps).

For instance, if it’s lack of communication, I would say talking to your partner is the key to a healthy relationship. Yes, it would be hard at first but once you get the hang of it, it would make the relationship stronger and it would clear up any doubt either of you had. However, in some cases your partner might actually have some unrealistic high standards, if that’s the case then unfortunately this person might have a negative impact on your life causing you to have “inner critic” when in reality you’re a wonderful human being who deserves to be loved and treated like you’re the most important part of their life. Know your worth. Surround yourself with people you love and love you back unconditionally, people who remind you that you’re loved no matter what; they could be your parents, other family members or your friends.

Know that you’re an amazing person who deserves to be loved right.