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2) Community Questions and Answers - The Basis of Mental Health Awareness and Support

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

As previously introduced, the Questions and Answers Pages at 7 Cups offer a wide range of quality based answers to common mental health questions

Questions and Answers are available for 38 main categories, ranging from General Mental Health, Disabilities, Managing Emotions, Loneliness, Grief, Recovery, Student Life, Work Stress, and many more!

Through this directory of available knowledge, awareness, and support, 7 Cups is equipped with answers to the common questions and concerns people have. Most of these Questions and Answers are featured in search engine results due to the value of the content they contain.

The main community Questions and Answers Page offers a recent questions section as well as a section containing the most answered questions.

All 7 Cups users are invited to search for or ask new questions through the main page. Community users can also participate in this area by submitting their answers, which are reviewed by a team for quality and other important requirements.

Through this discussion, we will discuss the basic requirements needed to research as well as write quality answers for the Question and Answer Pages. Additionally, we will optimize the drafted answers in light of certain guidelines.

(i) Basic Research and Writing Requirements: When writing answers to community questions, keep in mind these tips:

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words.

  • If research is needed to guide your answer, consider only learning about the topic and avoid direct copy/pasting researched tips, advice, or information.

  • Consider verifying the information or facts through at least 2 reliable sources.

  • When researching possible answers or things the person can benefit from, consider their circumstances and if the tip is do-able and generally applicable.

  • Avoid plagiarism.

  • Use professional and appropriate language.

  • If comfortable, you can add a personal anecdote to help add meaning to your answer. However, avoid turning the answer to just your account or an entire focus on your experience.

  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust.

  • Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive.

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try.

(ii) Ensuring Optimized Answers: Although the above requirements and tips help deliver a great answer, further optimization of drafted answers can help ensure their quality.

At 7 Cups, the Content Team uses researched and identified important keywords to guide their research and the writing process to result in optimized content as answers to community questions. In this regard, the basic tips/requirements involved are:

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences.

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic.

What are Keywords?

Generally, keywords can be thought of as terms or phrases that describe a piece of content. Related keywords are supporting keywords that can help further describe or expand on that initial content. For example, for the keyword “anxiety”, related keywords can be “anxiety symptoms” or “anxiety treatments”.

Keywords help with search engine marketing and hence are an important part of SEO strategies. A simple strategy to find keywords is to look for Google Related Searches. These related searches are searches that relate to your term. For instance, a Google Related Search for “anxiety symptoms” is “what is anxiety” - using this insight, you can consider including this phrase alongside a brief category of your content outline to help strengthen the optimization of your content.

For other free tools to help with keyword research, you can visit this external link.


Review this Sample Optimized Answer:

Question: How do paper bags help with panic attacks?

Provided Keywords: asthma attack, heart attacks, asthma, problems, brown paper bag, medical conditions, hyperventilation syndrome, mouth, respiratory alkalosis, common causes, chest pain, benefit, stress, medications

Approved, Optimized Answer:

While panic attacks might mimic the symptoms of heart attacks, they can be caused by several other problems and medical conditions. These include feeling stressed or facing medical conditions such as asthma attacks, hyperventilation syndrome, or even respiratory alkalosis. Although the common causes may differ, common symptoms include chest pain. Deep breathing through the mouth or by using a brown paper bag has its benefits, as it aids in the restoration of the loss of carbon dioxide in the blood during the panic attack.

Notes: The question was general, requiring general research-based knowledge on the process of using paper bags for panic attacks. As the keywords were essentially covered, note that this answer does not have 8-10 sentences, but further supporting information or even a personal anecdote can be added.

The following activity will help you put your attained knowledge to practice. Please write an optimized answer to the following community question, in light of the provided keywords. In addition, you are required to reply to at least one other student’s answer by identifying at least 3 strengths (things done correctly as per discussed guidelines) as well as at least 1 tip for improving the answer.

Note: You are welcome to click the question link and submit your written answer for community publication once done as this is an existing question!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Bonus: Want to put your knowledge to test? Consider joining the Question and Answer (Q&A) Approval Team here and earn cheers for helping approve community answer submissions. You will be using the above knowledge as well as reminders on what makes a good answer. For more information, click here


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

kindLemonade July 16th, 2021


Hello Matej, I can see that you have put in many thoughts and kind wishes into writing this. It was a heartfelt read - relatable, well-constructed and you've also successfully incorporated all the 30 keywords too.

Well done!

"Plant a seed inside yourself and harvest a beautiful tree from others."
I love this sentence, thank you for sharing them. This is a beautiful analogy and I will keep it in mind for reflections heart

KiaraB26 July 22nd, 2021

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Everyone questions themselves sometimes but some people do so more often than others. Issues with self-worth can be caused by many sources which includes parents, parents, peers, family members etc. Even standards set by social media can negatively impact self esteem. Good news is that it is not extremely difficult to overcome this. The first step is to accept that we're all human beings and self-love is extremely beneficial to every one of us. We must try to quiet the inner critic inside us who questions everything and plants the seeds of self-doubt in us. We must always remember that healthy relationships and communication is they key to self confidence. Everyone here is an amazing person and at the end of the day we must remember that we are worth it!

Mel July 25th, 2021

Hey Kiara! I really liked your answer. You made a great point on what can cause self esteem issues, which seems key in this question, you also incorporated a lot of keywords. You also included a good enough amount of sentences. It was also very emphatic. Congratulations!

One thing I'd add is perhaps a direct validation statement along the lines of - it's okay to feel the way that you do. I also personally avoid using 'we must' kind of sentences as it can add a bit of pressure to what we're saying. You did however make a great answer and it was really hard for me to think of things to suggest as tips to improve your answer because it was really good already.

All the love!
Kpopcat2020 April 20th, 2022


Hi, I really liked this! It uses formal/professional language and was empathetic. It also didn't give direct advice, which was good.

Something to work on was along the lines of not using "we must" because it shouldn't be like they HAVE TO do it, you get what I mean?

Good response overall, though!!


KACOSMIC July 22nd, 2021


Not everybody will realize the amazing person that you are and this can made you feel that you are not good enough.

Also your feelings can be much more strong than somebody else. As human beings we tend to feel like that sometimes maybe for a lack of communication or self-esteem or some another reason.

You can take sometime to think about what do you think that you could do to make this person look at you in the way that you wish.

If it doesn’t work which sometimes can happen let things naturally happen. People come and go , that’s life.

KiaraB26 July 23rd, 2021


Great job on your answer, you were empathetic, professional and the answer is quite direct and easy to understand. But I felt you could incorporate more of the given key words into your answer. 😃

Iamanotheru July 25th, 2021


This is something many of us will relate to, at some point or the other, so many of us have come to a point where it feels like there is a flaw in me, maybe there is something wrong in the way I speak, laugh, talk or behave. So many times, we blame ourselves when someone mistreats us or behaves in a manner that is not liked by us. But it really is not like that, I, you, and each one of us, though we do have flaws, we are perfect in our own ways. Our mind has the tendency to attract negative thoughts strongly and we tend to blame ourselves for stuffs that are not even our responsibility. So, when I feel that I am not good enough for someone, be it my parents, friends or my partner, I remind myself of all my positives. Also, if someone is making me feel that way, that I am not good enough for them, then maybe I should understand that the relationship is not completely free from toxicity. Talking to the person about how you feel and having an open conversation regarding this will be a great idea. The lack of open communication would have led me to doubt myself.

kindLemonade July 28th, 2021


I love how you mentioned the importance of open communication and of reminding ourselves about our positives.

"Though we do have flaws, we are perfect in our own ways". This is so sweet to read, you know!

Your writing came across as empathetic and relatable because you shared from your point of view and gave a personal touch to it. I really enjoyed reading this!

Mel July 25th, 2021
Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

It's for sure reasonable to feel like you're not good enough for someone. We're usually out toughest critics when it comes to our own value, doubting our self-worth and lacking self-esteem. This doesn't mean you're really not enough for them - as this is mostly negative self-talk. It's important to work on your self-confidence in order to have a good relationship with strong communication whether this is with your partner, parent or a family member. A good first step is to gather enough information on what they expect from you and if you're really needing to work on something. We're all human beings after and are allowed to make mistakes, learn from them and be a better person! Good luck!
kindLemonade July 28th, 2021


Very helpful suggestions there, Mel. Communicating your expectations with others is very important in any relationship. I'm very glad you touched on this point in your writing.

Well done!

milkoreos July 30th, 2021

@Mel Hello Mel. My two stars on this is that you've given helpful suggestions and sympathised well! My wish would be that you include a few more keywords. Overall, this is a good answer.

greatfulPassion July 28th, 2021

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

There could be times in each of our lives where we could sense that we are not good enough for someone.

Like we are not up to their level. Like they could do far better than us, and we are not really sure why they’re hanging around.

Many people imagine their self-worth as way low due to which they’re convinced that their partner is somehow lowering themselves by being with them.

The best way to get out of this dilemma is to communicate with that person. By taking this first step, our self-doubts could be resolved and the real reason behind this conflict can be found out.
If still there is any issue then you can get therapy, if you are not comfortable discussing the problem with your parents or family members then you can always opt for professional help.

At the end of the day, we all are human beings and always fall victim to our inner critic. You should always remember what an amazing person you are!

greatfulPassion July 28th, 2021

Approx 13-15 keywords were used.

kindLemonade July 28th, 2021


"At the end of the day, we all are human beings and always fall victim to our inner critic. You should always remember what an amazing person you are! "

Hello Passion. I really love this ending message that you wrote. It's a great summary for the whole writing and it's well concluded.

I enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing.

kindLemonade July 30th, 2021

☑️ I think the writing was of good length. You also used more than half of the keywords provided.

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words. -> checked

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences. -> checked

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic. -> checked

☑️ The words used were friendly, easy to understand yet professional.
  • Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

☑️ I love how you start by inviting the readers to explore the reasons why they feel certain ways before action plan. This is a good approach that makes others feel listened to. You also provided a few different suggestions, not just one absolute method, which aligns with 7cups' guidelines.
  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust. -> checked

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try. -> checked

For future reference, If comfortable, you can add a more personal anecdote to help add meaning to your answer. However, avoid turning the answer to just your account or an entire focus on your experience.

Well done ❤️🐳

milkoreos July 30th, 2021


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

a n s w e r:

The first step to resolving this is accepting and understanding that this is a form of outward critiscm. It does not sprout from you, although, it does ignite your inner critic and blooms self-doubt. Remember that this is normal and occurs more frequently than you think. Your parents, partner or family members might be causing this fluctuation in self-esteem by making you feel as if you aren't good enough. Usually, this occurs because of the changes in their behavior that you notice. It may be that they have verbally said so. It also could be because you're assuming that it is. That's why communication is important too. In any healthy relationship, it is essential to ask and listen to information that will help your understanding of the situation.

Self-worth also plays a big role in this. Because of social media these days, children's self-confidence has decreased dramatically. Instead of listening to the voice of reason, we indulge in negative self-talk. We forget that we're only human beings, capable of mistakes and imperfections. If you feel that your self-esteem issues are out of your control, please don't hesitate to look into therapy as an option. You deserve to get help because you deserve to feel like you're good enough. Instead of constantly being torn down by your inner voice.

Practicing constant self-love is the best way to battle negativity from others. The real reason why we often tend to not feel 'good enough' is because we, ourselves, have probably not had a good self-image for our whole life. The good news is, there's no wrong time to begin. You can still do the right thing, and learn to love yourself. You can become a better person—no, an amazing person and achieve great things if you be kinder to yourself. Not only this, but you'll begin to have a good time. Instead of relying on others to validate you, or pull you down, you'd be secure in how you are feeling because you are confident in yourself. At the end of the day, it's your opinion about yourself that matters the most.

kindLemonade July 30th, 2021


Wow, great job! You've used up almost all the suggested keywords!

☑️ I think you covered almost all of the given keywords! Also, you've structured your writing pretty neatly and cohesively, great job!

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words. -> checked

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences. -> checked

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic. -> checked

☑️ I love the way that you make your arguments. It sounds agreeable and easy to understand. The tone that you use sounds professional too.
  • Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

☑️ Personally, I think you have validated the reader well throughout this writing. You constantly reminded them that the feeling of not being good enough is something universal, they are not alone and they can practice self-love.
  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust. -> checked

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try. -> checked

    For future reference, perhaps this point can be good for your prospective articles:

  • When you use research to guide your writing, consider verifying the information or facts through at least 2 reliable sources.

Well done ❤️🐳
twilight000 August 1st, 2021

It's very frustrating when you feel like you aren't good enough for someone. I believe every single person has flaws, but a healthy relationship is one where everyone's flaws are embraced. You are never "not good enough" for someone. It doesn't matter who it is; it could be a friend, family member, parent, sibling, or partner. If a person is making you feel like you aren't good enough, it's quite honestly their problem. They should be able to embrace every part of you, your strengths, weaknesses, etc. There are some great things you can do to combat this, however. First of all, you could attempt clear communication with the person that is making you feel that way. Another thing to do is to boost your self esteem, since your self worth is high and you deserve to know what an amazing person you are.

Good luck :)

kindLemonade August 1st, 2021


Hi, twilight, I think clear communication sure is important and a good way to move forward in handling our expectations and needs.

I like your writing and I think you put yourself in the reader's shoes well by writing "it's very frustrating" to be feeling not good enough for others. I personally would love to read more of your thoughts and ideas.

Well done!

RainyThoughts August 2nd, 2021


Hi, I am just here to finish the activity,
3 Strengths;
- It's short, simple, and to the point, and it is empathetic
- It answered the question and shows how the problem can be approached
- The answer uses professional and appropriate language
Tip for improvement;
- You could have included an example or experience from your life to make your answer add meaning.

In conclusion, it's a very good response

RainyThoughts August 2nd, 2021

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, the best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, a better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, the real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

When you don't feel good enough for a friend or a loved one, it might be tied to your low self-esteem and self-worth. As humans, we want to be loved and appreciated, and be enough, but it can be hard to see when you only focus and remember all the negative aspects of the situations. You start to self-doubt yourself and your inner critic starts to go off on every signal telling what is wrong when in reality it might just be your thoughts. Thoughts are not the reality and negative self-talk can twist your perception of reality and how others see you.
When I was in middle school, I would convince myself that my friends hated me and are nice because of the circumstance or they wanted to be seen in teachers' eyes as sympathetic students being with a lonely transferred student. Those thoughts in my head only made me distant from my friends and I never opened up about my worries or other insecurities I had.
In order to break out of the cycle, your first step might be to identify common negative thoughts you might have and analyze them, how do they appear? And are they the reality or your twisted negative inner critic?
The second step would be to start building your confidence and self-love. It's one of the hardest steps, and there are a lot of resources out there to help you start building it up. My tip would be to first turn your negative self-talk into neutral self-talk as the jump to positive self-talk might be too high and ambitious or you might feel fake while doing exercises. Neutral self-talk is telling yourself neutral statements about your body or yourself "I am a friend and I am spending time with my friends", "I have a body and it helps me move from one place to another", "I have a face and I can put makeup on it or put a face mask on it."
The third step is to evaluate if your relationships are healthy. There are people who drain your energy and make you feel bad about yourself. In general, if you leave a conversation drained or exhausted most of the time after talking with someone, they are not good for you and you should try to put boundaries with the person or minimize contact. There are other factors to consider, but you can learn about unhealthy relationships or toxic people to be more aware of them and be prepared from online resources, articles, or books. There are good people who will care for you and you deserve to be appreciated and loved. If someone tells you otherwise, they are bad and want you to be in negative space to do their bidding.
The fourth step is to communicate any issues you have with people you trust. Sometimes your suspicions might be correct or not, and you will never find out until you ask. You might consider planning out your questions to be neutral and open-ended to insure a good answer. Be prepared for any answer they might give you and don't expect anything from another person as you cannot predict the future or read people's minds. Unless you are a psychic.
All of those steps are general, and you don't need to do them in this order, maybe certain situations call for an immediate answer and you don't have time to build self-confidence or re-evaluate all of your negative self-talk unless you get an answer. You can practice all of those steps multiple times until you are comfortable or you found a better way to cope from another source and want to try their way, it doesn't matter as long as you feel better.
I hope any of this helps you, and have a wonderful time whenever you are :)

RainyThoughts August 2nd, 2021

Provided Keywords used: 12 times

kindLemonade August 8th, 2021

☑️ I really love how you share your experiences in middle school about struggling with your own inner negative thoughts. Sharing a personal experience and putting yourself out there is not easy. Thus, the readers will be able to see the human behind the texts and can feel much more relatable too. Additionally, I think you put yourself in the reader's shoes and empathized well with them.
  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust. -> checked

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try. -> checked

☑️ The structure of the writing is great, it is easy to follow. You gave out 4 do-able steps in dealing with low self-worth and found ways to include the keywords and to expand your reasonings and tips.

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words. -> checked

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences. -> checked

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic. -> checked

  • Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

Awesome Job! ❤️🐳
Pewley August 5th, 2021

I think there's nothing as good enough. As we all know everyone is different and so does makes every individual unique. Sometimes we feel like we are not good enough for someone but that's not true the thing is it's the situation that makes us not good enough and we have to go through this and that's totally okay cuz whatever we face that makes us stronger and always remember that in hard times those who stays with us are our true friends.

Pewley August 5th, 2021

(Updated) for now: When we feel that we are not good enough we should reach out to parents, partner or even a therapist as because if we doesn't share it will hurt our mental health and we will doubt our self worth. We are human beings and our tendency is always to become a better person for the people we care. We always want to spend good time with the people we love and inorder to have a healthy relationship we always need to communicate with them and tell them what's bothering us so that they can help us in building our self confidence again cuz in the end of the day what matters is our happiness.

kindLemonade August 7th, 2021


Hi there Pewley, I love the suggestion you said about reaching out to others when we are feeling a lack of self worth. It is very important to communicate with others rather than keeping it to ourselves and stay silent. Great suggestion 💜

​​​​​​In my opinion, perhaps it is a better idea to maintain professional manner while writing. For example, try to use 'because' instead of 'cuz'.
Also, we are recommended to not give advice. Therefore through writing, it is suggested to share more than one tip or solution to a problem. Thus, the readers have a few options and can find what works for them. This will also make the readers feel more included and have choices.

Pewley August 7th, 2021

@kindLemonade Thanks for your suggestions I will keep that in mind

WhiteRoses25 October 18th, 2021

Sometimes we don’t feel like we measure up to certain standards and it’s hard at times to not feel burdened. But when talking it out with someone else who is close or who is anonymous can help us see things more clearly. Sometimes we have to let go in order to find what needs to be embraced and then move forward. Those obstacles will not stop us if we can build a strong foundation. This is my belief!

Brinaa101 August 6th, 2021


Sometimes, we feel as if we aren’t good enough for someone. This can possibly stem from pressure from family members, a partner, social media, etc. This can also stem from yourself since human beings tend to base our self-worth on our accomplishments or the things we do or think. We can really crush our self-esteem and engage in negative self-talk or self-doubt. A good way to combat our inner-critic is to use communication, which is a good first step, to your advantage, whether it’s with loved ones, or yourself. They can list the reasons why you’re a good person and help remind you why you’re amazing. Therapy really helps because the therapist explains to you the real reason you are feeling this way and gives you information and the tools you need to feel good enough about yourself. At the end of the day, you should not live your whole life, living for other people, and instead, live for yourself!

LindenTea August 7th, 2021


I absolutely love your answer, the main three things I like about your answer is:
1. Recommends therapy
2. Encourages positive self-talk
3. Instructs on not basing our self esteem on external sources.

Weak Point: not much emphasis and clarity given on how to execute the last point (living for ourselves rather than other people)

Though overall your answer is amazing<3

explore1000 August 9th, 2021


Nice job! ❤️
Great consise-ness! I love how you showed the proper amount of emathy and flexibilty in your answer.
Next time I would try using most "bluring" words to not make it sound like you are giving direct advice.

amomtessa August 10th, 2021

Beautiful answer. Here are the three strengths I found in your answer:
1. Use of professional language.
2. You were empathetic and compassionate.
3. You mentioned therapy and its advantages.

You can use more keywords in your answer.

emotionalCurrent5586 October 18th, 2021

@Brinaa101 The recommendation you were given was awesome and I couldn't agree more of it. The encouragement as well was pointed out and asking for help in therapies also mentioned.

the weak point - encourage the readers more and let them engage more to your answer.


CoffeeAddict07 April 7th, 2022


Three things that I loved about your post was:

1. The writing style: I thought that your was very eye-catching throughout the entire post and all the encouragement filled throughout it was very empathetic and positive!

2. Offer Suggestions Not Advice: We're not allowed to offer advice at 7 cups because we don't know what people are personally going through, but I feel like you worked around that idea because of the many wonderful suggestions that you have in your post. I loved that!

3. You recommend therapy: There are still a lot of communities around the world in which therapy is thought of in a negative manner and I thought that by encouraging others to seek therapy in this post you are portraying it in a positive light which is lovely!

One thing I do think was a weak point would be the last line. For all the other suggestions you gave some good ways on the manner in which to execute them, but for the last one, you didn't. I understand that it was meant to end the post on a positive note, but maybe next time you could clarify how people could live for themselves instead of other people by giving an example.

All in all, I loved reading your post!

kindLemonade August 8th, 2021


Hi Sky, overall, I love how you integrated the provided keywords here. So smooth!

☑️ I think the three steps you mentioned were good tips! The tone you used also was professional and friendly at the same time. I think this would be a great answer in the Q&A section!

  • Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive. -> checked

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try. -> checked

  • Use professional and appropriate language. -> checked

Well done ❤️🐳
SheAlwaysListens August 18th, 2021


Your answer is brilliant! You used professional and appropriate language and you were emphathetic and avoided giving direct advice. To improve you could add a personal anecdote about your own experience. But overall it was a lovely answer.

Damonchandio August 7th, 2021


There are 7 billion people in this world. You think you might be good for someone but they might not think the same. because we find our reflection in other people. we find love and empathy. we find spark when we are looking for someone. and that feeling has to be mutual in order to build a deeper mental and physical connection. You will be good for someone else. you just have to realize that. one day you will find a perfect person who is capable of loving you. so you just gotta sit tight and wait for the right person

Damonchandio August 8th, 2021


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step,human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic,self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship,great things, information, communication, end of the da


There are 7 billion human beings in this world. You think you might be good for someone but they might not think the same. because we find our reflection in other people. we find love and empathy in real life and on social media. we find spark when we are looking for someone our whole life and that feeling has to be mutual in order to build a deeper mental and physical connection. You will be good for someone else.
you just have to realize that. you have to develop self esteem becuase self love is the first step to discover yourself. you will know your self worth. and knowing your self worth will help you be a better person.
one day you will find a perfect partner who is capable of loving you. so you just gotta sit tight and
wait for the right person because no matter how hard life is you will find an amazing person at the end of the day.

kindLemonade August 11th, 2021


Hi there Damonchiandio, very excited to have you join the program. I think overall, your writing is very warm and we can see you're trying to incorporate more keywords. Well done for re-trying and for improving!

As mentioned in PMs, you can check out this free tool: Grammarly
Here is the edited version of your writing with the suggestions from Grammarly:

There are 7 billion human beings in this world. You think you might be good for someone but they might not think the same because we find our reflection in other people. We find love and empathy in real life and on social media. We find a spark when we are looking for someone our whole life, and that feeling has to be mutual to build a deeper mental and physical connection. You will be good for someone else. You just have to realize that. You have to develop self-esteem because self-love is the first step to discover yourself. You will know your self-worth, and knowing your self-worth will help you be a better person. One day you will find a perfect partner who is capable of loving you. So you just gotta sit tight, and wait for the right person because no matter how hard life is you will find an amazing person at the end of the day.

Great Job! ❤️🐳