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13) Reviewing and Promoting Current Articles

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

Through this activity, we will review current content and get to promote content too.


  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

  2. Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

  3. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

  4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

  5. Offer feedback to one student for their submissions to the above steps.

Please ensure that your submissions to each of the steps of this activity are all contained in one forum post/reply.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

milkoreos August 17th, 2021



Title: How to Boost Your Self-Esteem
Subtitle: The 3 Essential Positive Tips to Increase Self-Esteem

Link: click here

#3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices:
1. The article written passionately, empathically.
2. It is empowering, and the writing provided is concise.
3. The writer is respectful, gently assertive and presents hope at the same time.

My comments on the article regarding expertise, authority and trustworthiness:

1.) Expertise:
The writer began the article using effective hooking techniques to pull the reader in. By asking questions immediately from the first line, they establish direct contact between the reader and themselves. They've provided clear, concise points to help evaluate a course of action for the reader.

2.) Authority:
The writer has included citations and links to sources they have used. These are all credible sources and so the writer's authority is settled.

3.) Trust:
There is a biography of the writer, and they are on a reliable site. They've included empathy in their words to form a connection with the readers, establishing trust.


milkoreos August 17th, 2021

@milkoreos whoops it's large again, here's a smaller version

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021

Awesome graphic Ari 💜 Infographic is indeed huge on social media.
Seeing the size, this would fit FB post, or Twitter post, perhaps?

amomtessa August 19th, 2021

You did an amazing job. You mentioned everything and gave proper comments. The graphic is too good.

amomtessa August 19th, 2021

The article I chose was “How to boost your self-esteem: The 3 essential positive tips to increase self-esteem”.
3 top strengths of the article were:

  1. The article was kind, helpful, empathetic, and informative.
  2. The statements were supported with research and facts.
  3. It gave empathy and hope.
  1. The content was comprehensible and had good formatting.
  2. It was research based.
  1. Citations were included.
  2. A Wikipedia page would help.
  1. The author’s biography and citations were included.
  2. Since it was published on 7cups, it increased the validity of the article.

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021

Beautifully written of E.A.T! Well done 💜

RainyThoughts August 21st, 2021


A very good observation and straight to the point. Your graphic looks simple and clean, it's very nice :)

RainyThoughts August 21st, 2021

Article title: How the Fear of Hurting Others Creates Anxiety

Article link:

- The article is easy to read as the text is simple and easy to understand. The article is also concise and relatable by using a personal story.
- It's sharable and can be easily accessed
- The article is delivering what they promised. They explained how anxiety can be created from the fear of hurting others, and showed an example of how it's damaging to a person's life.


- It is written on 7cups and is aligned with the goals of the website.
- Has good hashtags used, popular words included in the article and the author gave links for more support at the end of the article if the reader needs it.

- Unsure if the person's story that the author decided to include was allowed to be published and did the author used a fake name for the person. I will have to believe that they did alter details to ensure anonymity.
- The author is a psychotherapist, professor, blogger, and author of the popular self-help guides who also own a Ph.D. I am certain they know what they are writing about.

- The person who wrote the article has a very detailed profile and by reading it, you can see that they are credible and trustworthy.


justFarheen September 7th, 2022


You were able to evaluate the article well:) Good Job! I love your graphic too!

Daf8 September 8th, 2022

❤️ @RainyThoughts ❤️

❤️ Hi, amazing person! I really like your review. Your response is very organized, and your opinion is knowledgeable and interesting to read. For improvement, I'd suggest to add a second Trustworthiness comment. However, your review is really thoughtful, and your graphic is really pretty and poetic! Overall, congratulations on your beautiful work! ❤️

twilight000 August 21st, 2021

Article: How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Folks

Strengths: It was concice, it backed all of it's info up with facts and research, and gave the reader hope and shared empathy.

Expertise: The author published on a website where they had an account showing their experience. They also were informative and knew what they were talking about, and backed up info with websites and citations.
Authority: Citations within and they used relative websites.
Trustworthyness: The way that the words were chosen and how the article was written was very personal and felt like they were talking to you. They also included where they got information from. I would trust this article.

ouiCherie August 26th, 2021

Hi @twilight000

Love reading your review and great point there, citations from reliable sources would boost trustworthiness. I would've clicked and read if you linked it hehe.. 💜

twilight000 August 31st, 2021

Thanks! Little bit late but here it is lol

ouiCherie September 1st, 2021

thanks Twilight 💜

Brinaa101 August 24th, 2021


Title: How To Deal With Negative Thoughts: Empowerment Through Self-Compassion

Subtitle: How to get rid of negative thinking and be compassionate with yourself

3 top strengths in terms of Best Practices:

  1. The article is written in a concise form, yet holds a lot of useful content for the reader. The words are easy to understand too, so there is no confusion.

  2. The author depicts a lot of empathy and uses rhetorical questions that help the reader reflect on their experience.

  3. The author includes quotes that are affirmations used for the reader to boost self-esteem or increase their self-compassion, which is the goal of the article.

Comments on the article regarding expertise, authority and trustworthiness

  1. Expertise: The first line of the article states commonly used phrases people use when dealing with self-esteem issues. Not only does it show empathy, but it also shows the reader that the author understands what the reader is going through, which creates trust. It aligns with 7 cups morals, and they use major key words and hashtags,

  2. Authority: This article does not include outside sources, so this is one way the author can improve their article. However, the article is written by an expert since they are a licensed clinical social worker.

  3. Trust: The profile at the end of the article proves their credientiality, which shows that they are well informed to write a scholarly article on this topic.

ouiCherie August 26th, 2021

I actually clicked and read the article after reading your review. And the pic fit the quote. Well done Bri! 💜

SheAlwaysListens September 1st, 2021


Loved your graphic and your analysis of your chosen article.

alexandra0321 October 4th, 2021

@Brinaa101 Loved your graphic ❤️

emotionalCurrent5586 October 26th, 2021

@Brinaa101 the way you pointed out everything is very polite and encouraging. the work art simply beautiful. awesome! :)

SheAlwaysListens September 1st, 2021


Topic of interest: Phobias (definition, types, most common, rare, coping)

The content article I chose is ‘What is Homophobia? Dealing With Homophobia Within the Family’. It matches my choice of focus area which is phobias.

3 Strengths:

  1. It combines personal experiences (friend’s story) with expert insight to strengthen the piece.
  2. It is empathetic, kind, helpful, empowering and informative.
  3. It is concise

Expertise, authority and trustworthiness (EAT) Review:


  • This article has content which is simple and has a very good format. The structure is not too difficult to understand.
  • The content is supplementary as it links to other content pieces.


  • It lacks citations and the sources of information should have been cited.
  • This article can be shared easily as Facebook and Twitter links are provided at the bottom.


  • The author’s biography could have been added to boost trust as well as citations of external sources.
  • A review section could be added below the article where people can leave their reviews regarding the article.
My graphic:

secrecykhasya September 2nd, 2021

@SheAlwaysListens I love how you explain EAT with simplicity and I love your graphics. Overall it's great ^^

considerateOrange2567 September 7th, 2021


Your graphic looks gorgeous! And I love how you pointed out both strengths and areas for improvement in your article. Great job!! (:

Lannylistens September 3rd, 2021


Title - Understanding the Stages of Grief and Loss

3 Strength in Terms of Best Practices:

1. It's concise and on point.

2. Was empathetic and informative.

3. Offered resources for users who might want to read for more information


1. Content was simple and has good formatting.

2. The mention that the author was a licensed, mental health counselor added to her expertise level.


1. Information is worded and cited correctly.

2. The author and 7 Cups have some brand authority.


1. I would trust what the author wrote because her biography provides me with the knowledge that she is credible.

2. Author has more published articles so I trust her <3


ouiCherie September 16th, 2021


Well said! 💜 I would have clicked if you hyperlink it hehe... All the best Lanny!

considerateOrange2567 September 7th, 2021

Article I chose: How to Stop Negative Thinking by Scott Fantucchio

Strengths: I found that the article was very empathetic, supportive (not stigmatizing of mental health difficulties), and informational as it provides many highly accessible and helpful CBT tips for combating distorted thinking.

- Expertise: The content is very comprehensive, with a lot of examples to make it easier for the reader to understand. Additionally, it is also digestible because the article is written in professional but not overly complex language and also broken down into shorter easy-to-read paragraphs.
- Authority: There’s a lot of backlinking to other 7 Cups content (especially specific guides) in order to provide helpful supplementary material to readers.
- Trustworthiness: This author is definitely trustworthy, as his biography says that he is a licensed mental health counselor (with a credible LMHC degree) and has a lot of years of experience working in mental health (10 years!)


azuladragon34 September 7th, 2021


I love the review and the graphic. Very informative and the EAT review was done well

ouiCherie September 16th, 2021


Great review 🙂 and the graphic summarise it! All the best! 💜

azuladragon34 September 7th, 2021


The article I read was : Five Signs a Relationship is abusive (Five Signs that a Relationship is Abusive | 7 Cups) written by Kathy Wenzel.

Three strengths: I found the article is very informative, simple to read and detailed enough to get the gist of what the author is saying.

Expertise: The author published on a credible website with their titles. The author is very informative and has backed up her information with sources and helplines to contact if the reader is in an abusive relationship or for later use.
Authority: Citations used and websites linked
Trustworthiness: I would definitely trust the article. It felt warm and written for the reader personally.

Link to graphic:

I have given feedback to a student

ouiCherie September 16th, 2021


Your review has made me clicked and read the article 🙂 all the best Az! 💜

alexandra0321 October 4th, 2021

Chosen Article:

Top 3 Strengths in Terms of Best Practices: I think this article is highly shareable on social media since cancer impacts so many people's lives. The author considered not only those who are diagnosed with cancer, but also their families, friends, and caregivers. Besides that, it is very clear that the author put themselves in the reader's shoes by asking: "What do I need to learn about the topic?"

Expertise: As stated in the biography, the author spent years studying related topics, like anxiety, cognitive behavioral therapy... He has also written several other articles.

Authority: The article was posted on a well-known site (7Cups), where he is a fairly regular contributor.

Trustworthiness: The article provides links to other resources, particularly, other institutions that focus on cancer.


@AriadneLove Can you give me a more detailed review of my graphic, please? Thanks a lot ❤️

Textingpals October 6th, 2021


Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

Ans: The article I chose is, "How do I know if I'm Depressed or just sad?"

Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices


1. It has catchy sub-headings to grab the attention of the reader.

2. Concise, clear and practical with a little touch of empathy.

3. I love how well written it is, no use of overly fancy words, professional and the best thing is it starts off with a question the author believes the reader has had in their mind for quite some time.

Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

Expertise: The article is easy to read, proper formatting and sub-headings make it explainable and understandable.

However, there is no information provided about the author's educational background which arises a question about the expertise of the article.

Authority: In addition to writing feature articles, the author the creator and co-author of "101 Ways to Conquer Teen Anxiety" and the forthcoming work, "In Case of Anxiety... Anxiety Hacks for a Janky World."

In the end, as well as throughout the article, the author has provided the reader with additional links and helpful resources.

Trustworthiness: The author has quoted many trustworthy sources like Charles Goodstein, MD, a professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine.

It also shares a few true experiences: "the story of Viktor Frankl, a physician and psychiatrist who survived four Nazi concentration and death camps, including the infamous Auschwitz" which not only helps the reader relate but also trust it a little bit more.

Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

amazingNutella24 December 7th, 2021


Pals, hey hey 💜 I love how you've taken the time to elaborate on every point, which makes your work stand out and also very detailed in a good way 💜

29amy December 31st, 2021


This is great, the title and the subheadings are indeed very catchy and it totally was answering the questions that readers have in mind. You are absolutely correct, the author did not include his degree earned, but he did have many other writings in and outside of 7 Cups which supports the authority.

emotionalCurrent5586 October 26th, 2021


  1. Spirituality for Mental Health: A Roman Catholic Perspective.

    Let's Start Believing.

  2. The writer share the steps of how we can start believing in Spirituality.

    The writer also emphasize the strong belief of having a spiritual journey.

    The writer also set examples to the readers of people changes their perspective in spirituality.

  3. The EAT is brief and does not showcase much her AUTHORITATIVENESS and why should the readers trust the article written.


WhiteRoses25 November 7th, 2021

How to Boost your Self-Esteem.

Three things it talks :

1.the importance of boosting low-self esteem.

2.Higher self-esteem is known to improve coping skills towards challenges.

3.Positive vibes only.

GoldenNest2727 November 24th, 2021


I believe you've reviewed this article -

The article writer does provide some great steps for introducing positivity and building up one's self-esteem, which you've hit on, but you forgot to cover the EAT steps.

GoldenNest2727 November 24th, 2021


I like your graphic. It's clean and easy to read. The color scheme is soothing. The only thing I'd add would be a link back to 7 Cups, or a graphic showing the 7 Cups logo; plus your username if you feel comfortable sharing it on social media.

GoldenNest2727 November 24th, 2021

I'm planning to write my article about the stress surrounding going back to the office, since that's what many employers are pushing for. I'll cover how-to limit exposure to the virus while also performing up to standards. I'll also prob discuss making the hybrid model work for the reader (some days in office, some work days at home).

I couldn't find a COVID-19 article to review beyond the loneliness one that was already mentioned above by a previous academy student. So, instead, I'm going to review one about work stress, since I feel it more closely relates to my topic anyway. strengths

1. The author's enthusiasm is clear, which makes me want to continue reading.
2. The article is clearly defined and easy to follow due to the headline(s) and breakdown from thought to thought.
3. The article gives clear actionable steps.

EAT (two per)

1. The author bio clearly shows her education
2. Links aren't all working. for example.

1. Several links to 7 Cups. Linked to Inc.
2. I don't know why she didn't link to some of her own work, though.

1. She's been published through other prestigious avenues and included in bio.
2. Some people trust coaches and some don't.
3. No citations

My graphic will come next.