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11) Headlining and Sub-Headlining Effective Content Pieces

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

Article titles (headlines), as well as subheadlines, are one of the first things a reader reads.

In this discussion, we will understand effective strategies to write headline titles as well as subheadlines to these titles.

Some general tips include:

  • Avoid long article titles: try to fit the title within 62 characters or limit it to 5-7 words.

  • Consider using “What”, “Why”, “How”, or “When” as these are catchy and add to curiosity.

  • Use Numbers - numbers ensure the availability of organized information, and are generally liked: using Odd Numbers in the title has helped in terms of SEO. Remember to write the number itself (5 instead of five).

  • To add specificity, consider using “the” before the number.

  • Provide an answer to why people should click and read your content: words like “tips”, “strategies”, “facts”, “reasons” all help provide a rationale.

  • Include the word “Guide” where applicable.

  • Consider using emotional adjectives that describe the topic. For example, “essential”, “free” etc.

  • Consider outlining Negative aspects - spin this to meet mental health content goals. For example, The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression.

  • Use common words to ensure people understand and grasp the topic while finding the title simple

  • Consider using a “Things I Wish I Had Known” approach to content if applicable.

How to test your headline as being unique:

Copy and paste your headline with quotation marks into the Google search bar. (e.g. “The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression”) - if the results come back as “no results found”, your headline is unique!

Helpful Resource: Useful Title Capitalization Tool

Note: The bottom line to success in terms of marketing and content is to ensure that your content body reflects the great headline/title. It might be worth considering to write final titles after the content body.

Subheadlines: Effective subheadlines summarize the content body while also linking it to the title.


Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Reply to at least one other student’s response and share your feedback with them

(Edited by @SoulfullyAButterfly: 12/2/2021 to clarify "subheadline" instead of subheading)


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SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 12th, 2021

@blissart I really like your new title, especially the use of the number to represent a list as well as the word "exciting" to help click it too after wanting to relate. However, I highly suggest using the capitalization tool for Titles. Your's would read: The 6 Exciting Ways to Cope With Festival Loneliness

As for subheadings, I did mean "subtitle" but those are great subheadings as well!

Textingpals September 26th, 2021


I loved how you used the number rightly to make the headline attractive.

Great job, Bliss.

WhiteRoses25 November 7th, 2021

I like this one it’s short and gets to the point. I need to work on my skills.

KatherrinneP February 6th, 2021


Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheading for this published article at 7 Cups.

Headline: Why You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed of Asking for Help.

Subheadline: I Will Guide You in This New Chapter.

FinleyTews February 7th, 2021

@KatherrinneP Your headline uses the question word "why" to increase attractiveness and has good capitalization. The subheadline is usually de-capitalized though. Also, I think they should be more linked to the holiday and Covid themes, as those are the main subjects in the article.

RationalMe7 March 8th, 2021


The framing of the headline & sub headline is good. It can be easily read.

Would have been better if you included the COVID angle to it as well. As it's a recent article.

FinleyTews February 7th, 2021

Title: 6 Tips to Chase Away the Holiday Blues

Subheading: Practical ways to enjoy the holiday and stay safe

WendinCaring February 9th, 2021


The title is eye-catching. The "Blues" stayed in my head when I wrote my first title. Sorry that I sorta borrowed your idea.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 13th, 2021

@FinleyTews great use of the number and the words "chase away" to gain interest - the subtitle summarizes the article very well too

Excitingeasting May 26th, 2021


A catchy title with the use of "chase away" phrase

Subtitle could be more empathetic

WendinCaring February 9th, 2021

Title: Survival Tips to Beat Your Holiday Blues
Subtitle: Break the Isolation Spell Inside Out

WendinCaring February 9th, 2021

I can't delete my first post. So I am editing it a bit.

Title: Lonely Holidays Survival Tips
Subtitle: Break the Isolation Spell Inside Out

FinleyTews February 9th, 2021

@WendinCaring Your subheadline sounds quite attractive. Both the titles are on point. It's okay if you also use "holiday blues", it's a common phrase :)

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 13th, 2021

@WendinCaring I really like the subtitle, the title is also great for a general piece but perhaps could use restructuring to include a number? How does "6 Survival Tips for Lonely Holidays" sound to you?

WendinCaring February 14th, 2021


That sounds better.

Azalea98 February 12th, 2021

Article title: How to overcome feeling somber and secluded

Subheading: Several Covid friendly tips and tricks

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 13th, 2021

@Azalea98 nice take on both the headline and subtitle! As the article is about the holidays perhaps adding that bit into the heading "secluded during the holidays" could help -- I would also like to recommend checking the capitalization of your heading - yours should read "How to Overcome Feeling Somber and Secluded During the Holidays"

FrenchToast April 19th, 2021

@Azalea98 Nice heading! Like Soul said, might be useful to focus on the holiday aspect of the article to embody it in your headline! Thanks for sharing.

Happy900 February 13th, 2021

Headlining and Sub-Headlining

Effective Content Pieces

Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheading for this published article at 7cups

Loss of Freedoms, during COVID Times


Limited travel

Must have a mask on in public

Very limited people interactions

Closed Borders

11820Read February 17th, 2021


Feedback: Straight to the point, so this should save the readers' time. Personally I think they can still be more creative and shortened, but still good.

sophiasanae July 13th, 2021


I love this proposal! For the sub-headlines I would suggest to switch up the wording to make it "Coping with limited human interaction!"

11820Read February 17th, 2021

Article title: 6 Steps to Re-Colour Holiday Blues


Give Thanks

Thanks, Technology!

Brand-New Gatherings

Kindness Begin in YOU

My Favourite Things

I'm Here

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 20th, 2021

@11820Read Great use of incorporating a number as well as using a positive word "recolor" that definitely helps add curiosity too. As for the subheadings, these are great - the lesson was updated to reflect the need for a "subheadline" to summarize the article but these are great too!

11820Read February 20th, 2021


Oh right, sorry I missed reading the subheadline part. Saw it just now. blush

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 20th, 2021

@11820Read no worries

SassyClassyBrunette February 19th, 2021



Dealing with loneliness during the holidays.


6 tips to help guide you through holiday loneliness.

Daf8 September 7th, 2022

❤️ @SassyClassyBrunette ❤️

❤️ Hi, amazing person! Your heading is direct and concise, which can be very catching for the readers, so that's good! For improvement, I'd suggest optimizing the capitalization. However, I like the way you used the number and the word "guide". Congratulations on your great work! ❤️

azureOwl6812 February 20th, 2021



Making the most of these holidays


Staying connected
Safely gathering
Working for good
Exploring new interests and staying busy
Grieving and making peace

CaringBrit February 20th, 2021

title: tips to deal with loneliness during festivities?

Subtitle : Find coping methods to help enjoy the holidays

electricWhisper3694 February 21st, 2021

@CaringBrit I like how you gave a question to the user so that they can think about the article before reading it.

CaringBrit February 22nd, 2021

@electricWhisper3694 thankyou very much :)

KristinHelps March 9th, 2021

@CaringBrit I love that your article title is a question instead of a normal title! I also love that you used the word festitivites, it is unique and eye-catching.

The sub-heading title is nice, I would suggest just using "6 Coping Methods to Help Enjoy the Holdays" or even "Coping Methods to Help Enjoy the Holidays" instead of using the word Find. yes

CaringBrit March 31st, 2021

@KristinHelps thankyou :) and noted

electricWhisper3694 February 21st, 2021

Feeling lonely during the holidays? How to change it

electricWhisper3694 February 21st, 2021


How we can connect in these hard times

Social distancing: Apart but close at heart

Need a distraction? Try some hobbies

February 22nd, 2021


The title sounds inviting. I would just add one word to it

Feeling lonely during the holidays? Here's how to change it.

February 22nd, 2021


Title: What are the 5 heartwarming things you can do to cope with loneliness?

Subheading: Holidays can be a lonely time for some. These 5 simple things can help you connect with others and more importantly, with yourself.

QuietLotus March 4th, 2021


I like your phrasing of the title as a question. It makes me intrigued and want to know more. Heartwarming is also a lovely word to use. Very inviting. Perhaps you could have made them slightly shorter to stay within the word limit. Well done!

followup March 22nd, 2021


Nice inviting title. Good use of the number and using 'the' before the number.

Subtitle could be shorter

QuietLotus March 4th, 2021


Chase Away The Holiday Blues

The 6 Essential Strategies To Combat Loneliness


* Gratitude

* Reaching Out To Others

* Covid-Safe Meet-ups

* Generosity

* Fun Things To Do

* Trips Down Memory Lane