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😴 Sleep Habits

SoulfullyAButterfly September 9th


Discuss your sleep habits and how you can improve them or a tip for improving sleep quality.

reallyoverallofit September 10th

I try to get 7 hours a night. I have autoimmune issues and lack of sleep really messes my flares up. Sometimes I oversleep on the weekends which really messes my schedule up. Also, I generally can sleep without a pillow over my ears. Idk why.

CaringEzra September 10th


My sleep habits might not be the best! *hides the clock* But I think that putting away electronics before bed can be helpful. Finding reading can be a good way to calm down before bed.

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


i try to sleep at least 8 hrs always and my friend @reliablebunny23 has been giving me tips to sleep better that I’m trying at the moment :) like always go to sleep and wake up at the same time even on weekends, even if u can’t sleep then go in the sleeping position and close ur eyes, no screens an hour before bed etc :)

reliablebunny23 September 10th

@Phoenix1234theythem (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)❤️❤️

Phoenixthepoised September 10th



To get better sleep, I try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. It really helps regulate my sleep cycle. Also, winding down with my favorite book and cutting back on screen time before bed makes all the difference for me!

YourCaringConfidant September 10th

My sleep schedule is all out of wack and it's very inconsistent. Some days I can sleep all day on and off and others my body runs off of very little. If I go to bed too early, then I wake up in the middle of the wee hours of the morning like I am now. Regardless of the time though, I'm up every morning at 5ish to get the kids ready. Sometimes I go back to bed and sometimes I don't. I don't have a specific sleep schedule 😴  so sorta just wait until sleep overtakes my body and I have no control of it. It's not healthy but oh well. Life, lol. 😆 

Admirablerainbow2825 September 10th


I get sleep for a maximum of 8 hours on week days but it may exceed on the weekend. It depends. At night, I try to journal down my thoughts. But most of the days, mostly the weekdays, I come home tired. I guess I can reflect on my day and write down my to-dos for the next day. I can work on how I can improve my productivity for the next day. 

Purrfectkitten September 10th

im in bed by 11:00pm and sometimes earlier because of my meds that I take, I don’t really think I need to improve my sleep habits that much the only thing I need to do I limit screen time before bed

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


I kinda am in need of tips myself lol.

Sleep schedule is currently a freestyle. But we trying to do better.😴

Some reminders for me and tips for everyone else- Try to journal your thoughts before sleeping so they don't take up your mind's-space later,

Try listening to ambient music or rain sounds,

Don't use any electronic devices for at least an hour before your supposed sleep time.

Just close your eyes and center yourself to a peaceful environment. 

LoneWolf91 September 10th

Good sleep hygiene - Don't use phone in your bed. Don't do ANYTHING other than sleeping on it if you can help it!

agentsky1705 September 10th


My sleep schedule tends to mess up during breaks, but I've been trying to take my sleeping meds on time. For me it's important to have darkness, a pillow or stuffie to cuddle and a heavy enough blanket. Because of this, my mom recently ordered me a weighted blanket- it came today and I absolutely love it!! It's so calming, I can reccomend for people who like heavy blankets/clothing as much as I do.

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


My sleeping can be very different. If it's stressful in my life it can happen that I go to bed too late and then at the next day I feel even worse and exhausted than the day before. But it has been worse so I improved it at least a little bit ^^

Aayla September 10th
@SoulfullyAButterfly I can definitely improve a lot, I need to be more constant with getting to bed at the same time every time. One good thing I do is taking some time for something relaxing before bed.
exuberantBlackberry9105 September 11th

@SoulfullyAButterfly My sleep habits are a total mess, honestly speaking. I struggle to go to bed on time and often go to bed between 12:30 to 2:30 am. And I need to wake up quite early too, (6 am if I have school and 8 am if I don't) so it's hard to get enough sleep.

Usually, I can't go to bed early because I procrastinate all day and then feel like I need to do the schoolwork before I go to bed. So I'm trying to work on that and get my work done earlier so that I can sleep, or just forget about the work and to to bed on time. I'm currently aiming for 12 am if I have school the next day and 1 am if I don't.

6-7 hours of sleep a night would be a lot of progress for me if I ever reach there. I don't really want to aim for more than that because I've noticed that if I ever sleep more than that, I always have dreams and I hate them for a variety of reasons.


I go to sleep now at around 5am, and I feel that if I lower the hour I go to sleep at each day then I can have a good sleep schedule, like starting to sleep at 3am then 2am then 12 and so on..


My sleeping habits have not exactly been great lately, but could be worse.

Tips for improving sleep quality would be:

  • Have a sleep schedule that is the same for every day.
  • Turn off electronics at least 1 hour prior to going to bed.
  • Do some meditation to fall asleep.
  • Listen to calming sounds.
  • Practice deep breaths and relax.
  • Reflect on the day that has passed.
  • Don't eat too close to bedtime.



Not great lately but working on establishing more of a routine and winding down earlier.

audienta 1 hour ago


I've struggled to fall asleep and stay asleep my whole life, literally since I've been a baby. Something that has improved my sleep quality a bit is using soft in-ear headphones or earplugs as well as a sleep mask to block out external disturbances.