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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

safeandsoundta May 10th, 2016

@SassyChez Hello, Cheryl! Welcome to 7 cups! We're glad to have you here. You can find support through group chats & listeners as well as forums like this one. I know how it feels to have ups & downs, despite taking medication! :/ I know this is easier said than done, but try not to get too worked up about the unknown reason for being anxious. My advice to you is distractions that are positive. Good luck on your journey here! :)

edirt May 12th, 2016

hi. we're dirt. that's our name. we use plural pronouns. sorry if that's confusing.

our ocd is really acting up on his now. we can't tell anyone at all about our obsessions because we're so afraid that we'll be committed or something else. we're desperate to talk to someone, but we're moving. we're moving into a new place (anxiety-inducing) without almost any money (anxiety-inducing) and we're working a job that, ultimately, exhausts us far more than the average person (anxiety-induxing).

TranquilSkye30 June 4th, 2016

@edirt Hi there! That sounds like a lot to go through by one's self. I hope you can find the support you need here at 7 Cups! Don't hesitate to reach out and message a listener. :)

Skyscraper83 May 15th, 2016

Hello I'm Sky, i suffer from anxiety and depression. Usually I can't go one day witbout having anxiety. Lastly it has been getting worse but I've been working on trying to control it early.

Jc1985 May 15th, 2016

@Skyscraper83 hey sky! I know the feeling I have been through that as well, this is definitely a good place to be , a lot of people understand and want to help, and recognition is a huge step, it helps you to be able to take steps to help you self feel better!

lovingTortoise3336 May 15th, 2016

Hello, I am Mariah. I'm 20 years old and I have been suffering with anxiety my entire life, I do believe. Sometimes I do get random terrible spouts of being afraid of something bad happening, believing that its doomed to be horrible. I want to join because I would love some support in trying to handle this day by day.

hardworkingPlane5717 May 15th, 2016

@lovingTortoise3336 Hi Mariah, İ think we're experiencing the same thing - the random and unnecessary sprout of paranoia or worrying. Most of the time İ can't prevent myself from predicting that my future will not be good for me because of a certain action that İ did or didn't do. İ'm always thinking that something negative will happen or someone will do bad thing to me or to my loved ones even though there's so much less probability that they will actually happen. But surprisingly, İ am not losing sleep because of those things going on my mind. İ hope you're not losing sleep too or feeling restless because of paranoia.

PinkDahlia22 May 15th, 2016

I suffer from really bad panic attacks and obsessive worrying and i just i i dont know it is really freaking me out because i cant control the attacks or the way i am feeling daily.

hardworkingPlane5717 May 15th, 2016

@JoyIntoDarkness Hi Joy have you tried scheduling a specific time of the day that is only for worrying time? İ feel the same way too and İ tried this method yesterday and İ feel a little bit in control of my mind now.

PinkDahlia22 May 15th, 2016


i dont have any time i worry while doing work etc and i just yeah idk but i will try. sounds like a good idea. thankyou

hardworkingPlane5717 May 15th, 2016

Hi everyone, İ am currently taking steps to control my paranoia. What you guys have tried so far? Currently İ am trying to designate a time of my day for worrying about non-sense things, yes İ know that they are non-sense so İ must stop them from taking over my mind especially during work. But there are still things İ consider realistic even though some of my friends think they're non-sense too and those realistic-for-me thoughts are bothering me from focusing on tasks :(

Kikyo55 May 15th, 2016

Hey there, new to this thread, but a long time sufferer of anxiety. I think it's actually gotten worse with age; mostly social anxiety. I find onlin interactions easiest.

JumpingJade May 15th, 2016

@Kikyo55 I am like that too. I get very anxious in social situations

LetsSmile May 15th, 2016

@JumpingJade , don't worry Jade will help you in all possible way .

Kikyo55 May 16th, 2016

@LetsSmile thanks!

Kikyo55 May 16th, 2016

@JumpingJade I feel ya. I have even told myself to shut up during conversation

LetsSmile May 15th, 2016

@Kikyo55 , PM , will try help you.

KLM3278 May 16th, 2016

@Kikyo55 Me to!! I understand what you mean. It's not easy talking to people or even starting conversations. I was having a hard time leaving my house except for work. I see a counselor. It's been helping me. I hope you can get help to.

Stormy1234 May 15th, 2016

Hi everyone. I have health anxiety. Any minor symptom and I'm convinced it's something unbelievably serious.

Stormy1234 May 15th, 2016

And it hurts. Something always hurts.

fluffymonkey May 16th, 2016

Hi, guys. I'm not actually really new here since I've been wondering in the chatroom section (both in anxiety and lgbtq) quite some time now. However, for the forum section, I'm pretty new.

My name is Fluffymonkey. I'm 24. I have panic disorder and mild depression. I used to have bad attacks back about a year ago. It was so bad that it made me frustated and sad and blaming myself for having this. Now, I feel a bit better about myself. Still stuggle on a day by day attacks and avoiding situations that will give me attacks.

Nice to meet all of you.


werset123456 May 17th, 2016

I just started using this. I was diagnosed with anxiety on March 7th. I also have depression. I'm prone to having panic attacks and anxiety attacks.

TranquilSkye30 June 17th, 2016

@werset123456 Hello! I hope you're finding the support and help you need here at 7 Cups. Feel free to message me if you ever need to talk about your anxiety!

Jb2014 May 17th, 2016

Hello everyone. I'm here because I have just experienced a major trauma (a discovery about my ex husband) and I have become terribly angry and sad. Just trying to figure out how to heal from it and move on.

Uxknownspirit May 17th, 2016

Well hi, I've had anxiety since I was 3, from trauma reasons. I love helping people with their problems but sometimes I forget that I have my own, I have a hard time talking in groups, Internet interacting is much easier because I believe people are much nicer, who knows:

Toonamikid95 May 17th, 2016

Hi my name is leah and its nice to meet you all. I have been dealing with anxiety and depression since i was little. Depression when i was 10 and anxiety when i was 15. So its been quite sometime that ive been dealing with this. I finally, recently decided that it wad time for me to reach out for help with coping with both my depression and anxiety for the simple fact that i want me to get better for me. I hope that by me working with this app that i accomplish my goals of being able to let go and let live. :)

Shylo May 20th, 2016

Hi as you can see the name is Shylo for years past I was digonosed with severe anxiety and ocd but about a month ago I went to another doc because like a few others I stopped because it seemed better But that last month they digonosed me with General anxiety disorder

safeandsoundta May 20th, 2016

@Shylo Hello Shylo,

Welcome to the community! I just wanted to let you know that generalized anxiety disorder is something you can live with. With the right help team and support, you can get through this! :)

Annealed June 1st, 2016

Hi! I'm 38 and I have GAD and panic disorder. I had to move across the country almost two years ago due to family issues and now I'm cut off from the support aside from my nuclear family.

My husband is super supportive. He has bi-polar II which is well controlled. And my 9 year old daughter has anxiety and PTSD secondary to trauma (hence the move).

A lot of my anxiety is centered around work, and any criticism at work can send me into a panic.

I've heard about 7 cups on some of the nicer subreddits. I knit and exercise to manage my mood as much as possible.

iosonoDio June 1st, 2016

Ciao a tutti non capirete un cazzo di quello che scrivo però a volte mi trovo veramente molto incasinato eppure la cosa strana è che è successo nella vita nell'amore nel sesso con gli amici, allora che mi succede ?

GIT1230 June 3rd, 2016

I have had anxiety since 2010. Medication keeps me pretty sane. However I got off of meds in December to have baby number 2. I recently found out I was pregnant and since the anxiety and panic attacks have been out of control. I can't seem to get out of my own head and I eat, sleep, breathe worried about it which causes more panic. Just trying to cope to get myself and unborn child okay.

TranquilSkye30 June 4th, 2016

@nickwch Hello, Nicholas! Welcome to 7 Cups, I'm glad you're here!

YennBoop June 5th, 2016

Hi, I'm Yenni.

I've had anxiety for the past 4 years. I worry A LOT about many things. I know that most of them are just silly things but I'm not able to stop my thoughts... My anxiety is also triggered by social situations.

Nice to meet you all!

Have a lovely day, everyone <3

JadeRainbow June 5th, 2016

@YennBoop Hi Yenni, it's great to meet you and I hope to talk to you at some point in the future.

Welcome to 7 cups and welcome to the Anxiety forums, we're lucky to have somebody like you here.

Best of luck

quietThomas June 12th, 2016

Hi everyone. My name is Tom and I'm not sure if what is bothering me is social anxiety or something else. What I experience is an extreme reluctance to say anything to others. For instance, I'll enter one of the chat support rooms here on 7 Cups because I want to find out how to deal with this issue, but I'm overcome with panic at saying anything. My mind goes blank and I can't think of the question I wanted to ask or the thought I wanted to share. Another inhibiting factor, I think, is that I feel like I'll be interrupting the ongoing conversations that involve people who are trying to come to grips with their own problems and I don't want to interfere with their doing that.

This all probably sounds pretty dumb, but there it is. Has anyone else felt this way about sharing things with others and, if so, how did you deal with it, if you did?


TranquilSkye30 June 13th, 2016

@quietThomas Hi there!

I can relate to what you're going through. I often join the chat ready to talk, but find myself quiet and not wanting to interrupt. The same thing goes for interactions in real life. I plan on something to say, but when the time comes, I can't get it out.

You can always message me for a 1-1 and we can talk more about it!

dearhomebody23 June 12th, 2016

Hi everyone!

I've been a member for only a few days now, and I am still working on becoming acquainted to the community. Within the brief period I've been here, I feel like I've made progress. However, I still feel that my overthinking and worrying is still holding me back. Lately, I am spending too much time thinking about my responsibilities instead of doing them, and end worrying myself into anxiety. I joined this group becuae I wanted to learn how to take control of my thoughts once again, and even share my ideas about how I get trough difficult times that may help others.

energeticsea3008 June 17th, 2016

I'm Ryan, I suffer with anxiety disorder and at the minute, I'm going through a tough time with it. I've accepted it, even though I find it hard to deal with. My biggest challenge is for people to understand what is wrong with me, without judging me or giving me the 'it's just a state of mind/ snap out of it attitude'

TranquilSkye30 June 18th, 2016


Hi, Ryan! Sorry to hear you're having a rough time right now, anxiety is definitely hard to deal with at times. I hope you find the support you are looking for here at 7 Cups!

Guilhem June 17th, 2016


My name is Guilhem and I ve always had this tendancy to anxiety but I would manage it decently except in very stressful times.

Now that I have a fybromialgia, numerous hernias and that I have to stay in bed for months and that I ve had to quit every kind of activity, my anxiety is feeding on my difficulties and is getting stronger.

The form of light bipolarity I ve developed does help either.

Hence, I worry! And all my pathologies feed on anxiety...