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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

Cass96 April 30th, 2016


Cassie here. I'm new to 7 cups and I have anxiety. I really like the site so far. I am struggling with finishing school last year. Moved out of home and now I'm unable to find work. This has increased my anxiety attacks and breakdowns. I also have social anxiety where I really like to be social but don't have conversational skills that I need

TranquilSkye30 May 2nd, 2016

@Cass96 hi! Welcome to 7 cups. I hope you find the support you're looking for here. :) Feel free to message me if you need to chat!

Blurryfacedmisfit May 4th, 2016

@Cass96 Same here i want to talk to people so bad it just wont come out or i just freeze. Then if i do i stutter and mumble were i dont even understand what i say. so i mostly just stay to myself all alone o friends ya somedays are better than others but most of the time its awful.

safeandsoundta May 7th, 2016

@Cass96 Hello! Welcome to the community! I totally understand anxiety and social anxiety getting in the way of your work life and social life. I've had trouble finding jobs, but have persevered to find them in the past and quite recently. You can do it if you have the motivation! Social skills are learned, so that will take time. But you will get there, as have I. In the meantime, feel free to reach out in this community or through listeners whenever you need help! You're going ti be fine. :)

shartjec April 30th, 2016


I'm a girl, 23 years old, living in the Netherlands. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks caused by PTSD and some other disorders.

I hope I can relate to some of you guys.


safeandsoundta May 7th, 2016

@shartjec Hello, welcome to the community! We are glad to have you here :)

Carlyambers13 April 30th, 2016

Hey, I'm new to 7 cups and I suffer from social anxiety and depression. I'm 14 and I'd love to help anyone who wants it:)

safeandsoundta May 7th, 2016

@Carlyambers13 Hello, welcome to 7 cups! This is a positive, supportive community and I hope you enjoy your time here. We are glad to have you here, helping others and making strides in your personal journey.

Puppy1222 May 3rd, 2016

Hi everyone... I'm new to this and I'm pretty nervous about it, but I'm 15 and I've been suffering from depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, bullying, and other health problems for some time now. I'm really hoping this can help in the long run.

huggerofcats May 3rd, 2016


Hi! Hope you find what you need here. Sounds like you're going through a lot.

Blurryfacedmisfit May 3rd, 2016

Hello I'm a 20 year old Girl who has Social anxiety. It sucks I only have 2 friends that I text and rarely see them anymore. I have a job that is demanding. I hate myself that I can't get myself to talk to my co-workers. I've told them about my anxiety But I think they are already used to me not talking so they don't exactly put an effort to talk to me anymore. Just like everyine else at my work. I do think my anxiety had gotten better but then some days it's overwhelming. I joined here in search of not just Help but also friendship with people who also is dealing with the same things I am.

TranquilSkye30 May 3rd, 2016


Hey! I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone. I understand how you feel. We're around the same age, I have very few friends, and my coworkers "tease" me about how quiet because of my anxiety. If you ever need to chat, don't be afraid to reach out to me 😊

fullmoon210 May 3rd, 2016

Hi guys my name is Christian im 19 years old and i suffer from moderate anxiety. Well more panic disorders.

Jc1985 May 3rd, 2016

I'm new to this site and am going trough a great deal of anxiety right now , I've recently had some life events that have caused this and the anxiety in feeling is overwhelming, my friends are supportive, but without actually having anxiety it can be hard to fully understand what somone with is is going through , os anyone else feeling this way as well ? I feel like I can't be happy or even normal right now sad

TropicalPine77 May 4th, 2016

Hi, I'm 26 years old and live in Australia. I have been having anxiety since last october, not long after I had a life changing spiritual experience. After this, everything became conscious and I was made fully aware that the structure of my mind is built in such a way that it turns against me when it feels injustice, or unfair treatment, or any kind of stressful or traumatic situation. Recently I split up with my fiancee due to constant clashing and misunderstandings of what is meant and what is not meant, and 'you did this, and you did that, I didn't do anything'. Ever since that, I am also experiencing some pretty severe depression on top of the anxiety, they both come at me in waves now. Really struggling with everything, just want to balance myself out again and live blissfully again

Jc1985 May 7th, 2016

@TropicalPine77 your situation sounds a lot like mine , I've always had stress and anxiety and though I've come to terms with that and the way my mind works I find that my anxiety comes out worse in times of stress as well , I've recently been through a pretty stressful situation myself so I can completely understand how you feel , and the desire to just feel normal and be happy again , welcome and know that you are not alone !

TropicalPine77 May 9th, 2016

@Jc1985 Thank you! It means a lot to know that I'm not the only one going through rough times :) yeah for sure, the desire to feel normal seems like such an unrealistic dream! The knowledge that I will be ok one day gets me through! Thanks again!

Jc1985 May 11th, 2016

@TropicalPine77 absolutely, it can definitely be difficult at times that's for sure, but it's always nice to have somone to talk to that understands what you're going through , hope you are doing well !

TropicalPine77 May 11th, 2016

@Jc1985 Yes it certainly can! Always gotta come back to centre and realise that happiness and joy are self created, and that we should always strive to be in that balance all the time :) thank you! I will work my best to get myself well balanced and happy again... Will not take no for an answer! haha :) i hope you're doing well too! hope you get through your barriers also!

Jc1985 May 11th, 2016

@TropicalPine77 thank you ! I'm here if you need to talk !

TropicalPine77 May 13th, 2016

@Jc1985 Thank you! :) and vice versa! can't see how to message you in private though?

Jc1985 May 15th, 2016

@TropicalPine77 haha I don't know ekthe5, I'm new to this app as well , but I followed you, hope you're doing well !

snicoleer May 7th, 2016

Hi Y'all,

I'm 20 years old and I'm from Texas. I'm soon to be in my second year of college and I suffer from severe anxiety and manic depression. I was diagnosed with anxiety in the 2nd grade and later I was diagnosed with MD in high school. It's been hard, some days are better than others but I'm here for support and to be able to share my experiences and grow from them as well as the experiences of others. (:

safeandsoundta May 7th, 2016

@snicoleer Hello there! You sound like such a strong, positive person. I'm glad you're not letting mental health issues get you down. I'm 20 as well, live in TX, and am finishing up my sophomore year of college. I've suffered from anxiety for a long time before receiving a diagnosis about 3-4 years ago. I suffer from depression, so I understand that. Someone in my family has bipolar disorder, so I have a pretty good idea of what you have to deal with. We are all in this together, so I'm glad you've come to this community for support. I look forward to getting to know you better! :)

ThePassionate May 7th, 2016

@safeandsoundta , hey can i have a conversation with you ?

safeandsoundta May 7th, 2016

@ThePassionate Yeah, definitely! :)

SadKitty1 May 7th, 2016

Hello all. I am new to this, and so far am quite enjoying its benefits. I have several mental and behavioral illnesses that have been causing me great stress and anxiety. I have been living on my own for many years now, but I have basically been living by the seat of my pants. I haven't learned true responsibility as an adult because I frankly haven't given myself the time too. My time is filled with being inside of my head. Worrying how I can even attempt to adult given the cards that were dealt to me. I'm here to learn how to function responsibly, and without allowing my illnesses to affect my career/life/relationships.

SeaBreezee May 8th, 2016

Hi :)

My names Cheyanne, and Ive had anxiety for just over a year now, and depression for 4 months. It started when I got into a thing with a guy and he set off my fear for intimacy. It used to only be when he did couply stuff with me but then it spread to the rest of my life. School is a nightmare and going out in public is a horror show but im trying to get better :)

I like netflix, supernatural and Sherlock and my cat.

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@SeaBreezee Hello Cheyanne,

I'm sorry to hear that this guy caused your life to flip upside down into the "nightmare" you experience now. You are not alone, remember that. You have come to the right place for help and support. Although I do not watch either of those shows, I'm a fan of Netflix and cats, too. :)

ramsay May 8th, 2016

Hi, I'm new to 7 cups and really nervous about it. I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety, so maybe I shouldn't really be here and I'm just in the way, but I would really like to try to get support from people who may understand. Usually I talk to my bf but I don't want to stress him out since he tries so hard to understand, so I thought I'd go to the most supportive community I've heard of :)

Jc1985 May 8th, 2016

@ramsay welcome, this is definitely a good place for you , even if you haven't been diagnosed with anxiety sometimes we all go through it and need somone to talk to , I understand that it can be hard to talk to friends sometimes or a boyfriend but we are here for you !

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@ramsay Hey hun,

You are not in the way here. You have come to the right place for support. We care, support you, and understand what you've been through! I wish you the best of luck in your journey. It's great that you have reached out for help; that's a great first step to getting better! :)

LeprechaunsandLollies May 9th, 2016

My name is Kristin, and I have had anxiety for 13 years. I was diagnosed with three anxiety disorders three years ago. I have been in and out of therapy and I am 99% home bound. I have three kids that I take care of, including two pets, so it isn't as hard for me as it used to be when I was on my own, but I still have days where I struggle with random panic attacks. I am here to gain better control of my disorders, and to overcome all of them.

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@LeprechaunsandLollies Hello Kristin,

Welcome to the Anxiety Support Community! We are glad to have you here. Sorry to hear that anxiety disorders have made your life so tough, but you seem like a trooper! I'm glad that you came here to get help for your disorders. That's a really great first step to take. We're here to support you, encourage you, lift you up, and remind you that everything is going to be okay. Stay strong and keep your head up! :)

LeprechaunsandLollies May 9th, 2016


Thank you, I am glad to be here smiley

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@LeprechaunsandLollies You're welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here; I'm sure you'll make great strides in your journey. smileyheart

Naughtypickles May 9th, 2016

Hi my name is karrie

i have had anxiety since my teenage years it has ruined relationships with my friends and family, i just need someone to listen and help me along this path of my own destruction and assure me everything is going to be ok and i can fight this. Or at least learn how to deal with this emotionally and physically ❤❤ #learninghowtoloveyourself

eskie May 9th, 2016

@Naughtypickles You will be fine. Anxiety is something that can be managed :)

safeandsoundta May 10th, 2016

@eskie Hello hun,

I just wanted to let you know you've come to the right community and app/website for support! You can get through this, as others on here (including myself) have!

SassyChez May 10th, 2016

Hi, I'm Cheryl, I'm a 31yo mum of 2 young girls, and I live in Australia. I'm new to 7 Cups, I only heard of it tonight for the first time. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. I've been on medication for 8 years now, but I still have ups and downs.

Tonight I'm not doing so great. I feel incredibly anxious to the point my heart is racing and I feel nauseous, but I'm struggling to pinpoint what exactly has set me off. It's a vicious cycle, because now I feel anxious about not knowing why I feel anxious! Aaargh!