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How much sleep should I get daily?

291 Answers
Last Updated: 09/03/2022 at 3:03pm
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Top Rated Answers
July 25th, 2019 12:24pm
Scientists and doctors say that you should sleep approximatelly 7 - 8 hours per day, but it can depend also on each individual - everyone needs different amount of sleep. It matters more what quality is your sleep, therefore prepare for sleep well. Don't use computer and don't get triggered just before sleep. Get fresh air into room where you sleep and sleep in complete darkness if possible. It is also important to go to sleep every night at the same time if possible and that this time is at night as people are made to sleep at nights, not at days.
August 16th, 2019 6:38pm
8+ hours is sufficient for most people. But it can also differ from person to person. The recommendation for most is to get at least get 8 hours. Teens can benefit from a little more, as we're still growing. Maybe not height anymore as much, but in width definitely, and in the brain.
September 11th, 2019 2:42pm
Well defiantly not under 5 hours if you are a adult and not under 8 if you are a teen, but sometimes a person needs more because they don't feel very well, even if you aren't sick sometimes an extra 20 minutes can make a difference or maybe just a quick nap. When we are young our bodies are working on a tremendous speed and needs a lot of energy (not energy drinks) so we can save up on sleeping that way. Plus you won't have as deep dark bags under your eyes and will feel probably more refreshed. And it all basically depends on your schedule.
Profile: anonymous9irl
September 25th, 2019 12:59am
It differs from person to person. The standard is usually 8 hours I think. But different people need different amounts of sleep for them to feel properly rested. For example, I have a friend who needs 8-9 hours of sleep to feel energised and awake, whereas I can feel the same but with 5-6 hours sleep. It really depends on the person. But if you are feeling very tired quite often, it’s a possibility you could either be sleeping too much or not enough.. sometimes over sleeping can actually make you tired in itself. So I would say it’s definitely worth experimenting with to find what’s best for you and see for yourself :)
October 5th, 2019 2:53pm
The National Sleep Foundation ( do-we-really-need-0) recommends a range of 7-9 hours for adults ages 26-64, 7-8 hours for those 65 and older. If you find that 7.5 hours isn't enough for you, add 15 more minutes of sleep to your routine until you find the number that works for you. The most convenient nap for most people is the "power nap," which is 15-20 minutes. This nap is long enough for you to get the benefits of a nap without getting groggy because your brain doesn't enter the state of slow wave sleep. If you nap for 20-60 minutes your brain will enter deeper stages of sleep where your brain will slow down, which can help with memorization and learning. The problem with these naps is that when you wake up, it will take you a while to get out of this deeper state and you'll feel groggy for a while. The best time for you nap is 1PM or 1:30PM for early risers, and 2:30PM or 3PM for late risers. Nap for no more than 20 minutes in order to wake up refreshed and not groggy. If you're sleep deprived, sleep for a full 90-minute cycle, just be careful that it doesn't harm your evening sleep. After your nap, you can expose yourself to sunlight and do some exercise to ensure your circadian rhythms are not disturbed. Source:
November 21st, 2019 11:33pm
On average you should get approximately 8-10 hours of sleep a night. This number can change greatly depending on your age though. Younger people should get more sleep as their brains and bodies are still developing while older people generally speaking don't need as much sleep as they do get. It is important to get enough sleep so that you can heal and function properly. If you don't get enough sleep this can be bad for not only you but your work production which normally effects others workloads. Please try to get enough sleep each night.
Profile: GUS22M
February 6th, 2020 8:57pm
While they do say it is not so much about the quantity of sleep more the quality of the sleep, I feel everyone is different and while someone will survive on just a few hours of sleep I need 8+ in order to function. As long as it isn't affecting your life be it too much or not enough it is probably the right amount for you. At least experimenting on the amount of sleep you get can't do much harm! Anyone for a lay-in? Personally I sleep with a fan on all night due to me having terrible tinnitus.
Profile: Paprika7
February 26th, 2020 8:26pm
It depends on you and changes from person to person! Usually, most adults need 7 to 9 hours, however, children and teenagers may need even more. Having 9 hours as a healthy adult is normally recommended by many health organisations and is known as the minimum amount of sleep you would need to function optimally, but sleeping more or slightly less isn't bad either, since like I said it changed from person to person.
Profile: PuffPride7
February 29th, 2020 5:44pm
Eight hours every night is ideal if you're a teen or older (yes, adults too. It's a dangerous myth that adults need less sleep). You can get by on less for a few days or weeks, but it isn't healthy in the long run. Actually, consistently sleeping too little for a long period of time can cause brain damage! Also you will most likely just feel really bad, be tired and cranky all the time, and have hard time focusing an things like school or work, as well as interacting with family and friends. So, eight hours would be the best.
March 13th, 2020 1:16pm
It actually varies from person to person,some like to sleep a lot,some just the regular amount,and some mostly takes naps.But in general from 8-9 h is a normal amount of sleep to function properly for the entire day/life.Not having enough,you soon becoming more anxious,more angry and more sleepy,as you pushing your body to the limit,while it says "Please give sleep,please...",that's extremely unhealthy to sleep less than it's recommended because sleep is just as important as breathing everyday,without much sleep,our brains won't able to process the information correctly and usually productivity during the way will suffer because of not having enough rest.
March 22nd, 2020 5:52am
Sleep is important to your physical and mental health, and getting sufficient amount of sleep is important. Most people agree that you need between seven and nine hours sleep. But a variety of factors such as age, health, amount of activity will impact the right number. IIt is also ok if you feel you need more or less than usual but if your sleep is impacting in other ares of life or if your concerned about your sleep you should speak to your doctor as they can help by giving you medical advice that is specific to your needs.
March 26th, 2020 2:55pm
If memory serves, 7 to 8 hours is what is recommended for an adult. Slightly more 9 to 10 is reccomended for teenagers. But of course everyone is different, I'd try 8 hours and see if you feel well rested the next day. If not then try 9. If you find you feel groggy and sluggish this might also be from too much sleep. So then try getting a little less. Just find the right balance that works for you and try to stick to it. If you do it long enough you might even find yourself waking up a few minutes before your alarm.
Profile: Friendlylistener95
April 8th, 2020 7:08am
This question is individual. It is recommended to sleep 8 hours, but some people might feel fully rested after 6 hours of sleep and some wont feel fully rested until after 10 hours of sleep. The time of falling asleep might affect how rested you feel aswell. Going to bed very late and waking up late can make you tired even though you have had your 8 hours. The sleep realy affects your mood. I would try to go to bed before midnight but cant always fall asleep instantly. Waking up early gives you lots of time for you to do what you want during the day :)
Profile: oliska1002
April 8th, 2020 12:25pm
As a person who wants to study psychology, I can safely say that sleep is crucial. And it has been shown time and time again, from a psychological perspective. If you sleep less than six hours, you are shortchanging the brain of learning restoration time, so you are less productive than usual. Additionally, shorter sleep means a shorter lifespan. Insufficient sleep can increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, depression, and anxiety. To answer the question concisely, I would just listen to the National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults sleep an average of eight hours a night. However, it varies greatly from person to person, but no one should go below six because it can be highly detrimental to your cognition. If you want to know more, you should check out a book by Matthew Walker, PhD "Summary & Discussions of Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams."
April 9th, 2020 10:11pm
8 hours is the daily recommended sleep everyone should get. 9 Hours is the recommended for teenagers. Melatonin is a natural chemical produced by the body that causes tiredness. This is something that can be bought in various mg over the counter and does no harm. Tea can be made from valerian root which is also naturally sleep inducing. Activities you do in your bed should exclusively be sleeping, otherwise your body will train itself not to sleep in that place. If you take a nap it should be 29 minutes long as that is the maximum for optimal restfulness.
Profile: wonderfulShoulder5046
April 19th, 2020 11:50pm
The short answer is: it depends. 6-8 hours is widely recommended, but some people could need more. If you work a lot during the day, you will need more quality sleep. It is supported that although hours of sleep do matter, the quality of your sleep is even more important. By having a good night routine, peaceful surroundings, and a good bed/pillow, it can help ensure quality sleep. Being happy and healthy also plays a role in how much sleep you need. When you are happy and less stressed, your body will be able to function with less sleep compared to if you are unhealthy and in a constant bad state of mind. Anywhere from 6-10 hours is reasonable, and every person should experiment with what works best for their body.
Profile: chayab
April 24th, 2020 2:34am
Sleep is so so so so important to be able to take care of our selves and when we want to help other people too! A normal amount of sleep really depends on how old you are. As a teen ager, you should be getting about 7 8 9 or even 10 hours. you will see that after you get a good nights sleep, your day will be so much better as opposed to a day you did not get good sleep! Now with no school, our sleep schedules can get super whacked, but do not let them!!! Get good sleep you guys!
Profile: SimonTheHealer
April 24th, 2020 11:51am
You should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily as it is very much beneficial for mind and body. Sleeping less cause problems in mind and body as the body doesn’t get adequate rest. Sleeping is very much important and sleeping on the right time too, we should avoid late time work and try to sleep on time as the person who doesn’t sleep at the right time won’t be able to wake up at the required time and will feel lazy through out the day causing problems to his day to day work and social activities, so one must sleep at least 8hours to feel fresh during morning hours.
Profile: kindPeace2936
April 30th, 2020 1:44pm
I believe this varies greatly depending on your own personal needs. A number of factors are taken in to consideration, for example this would include your age, gender and your daily activities to calculate the appropriate amount of sleep for you as an individual. I try to aim for 8 hours sleep each night however this fluctuates greatly depending on what I have done that day, how my diet has been and what lies ahead for me the following day. If you're concerned about your sleeping pattern or ability to sleep, a GP would be happy to help you out.
April 29th, 2021 7:42am
We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, so you've asked an important question. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep on a regular schedule each night. Make changes to your routine if you can't find enough time to sleep. Getting enough sleep isn’t only about total hours of sleep. It’s also important to get good quality sleep on a regular schedule so you feel rested when you wake up. If you often have trouble sleeping – or if you often still feel tired after sleeping – talk with your doctor. It's important to get enough sleep. Sleep helps keep your mind and body healthy.
Profile: mamtasha22
July 2nd, 2021 1:42pm
Hey there! I hope you are having a nice day. That is an amazing question. How much sleep you should get can depend on your body. Commonly we know 7 to hours a day. But it can depend on your body and its need on how much sleep your body needs to feel rested and function properly. Some people need 4 to 6 hours of sleep some need 7 to 8 and some need 12 hours of sleep to feel rested. I hope the answer helped and you find out how much sleep works for you and helps you feel rested.
June 17th, 2021 10:23pm
most adults need 7 to 9 hours, although some people may need as few as 6 hours or as many as 10 hours of sleep each day. older adults (ages 65 and older) need 7-8 hours of sleep each day. women in the first 3 months of pregnancy often need several more hours of sleep than usual. young adults can get 7 to 9 hours of sleep as recommended by the national sleep foundation — with 6 hours being appropriate. less than 6 hours is not recommended. in conclusion, there is a large amount of diversity in the hours of sleep everyone gets based on the age group.
Profile: Tenakha
June 12th, 2021 12:38pm
Sleep required differs from person to person. 7-8 hours is considered average. If you are having issues sleeping try removing caffeine altogether, or at least try to only drink tea/coffee in the morning. Zero coffee/tea will definitely help you sleep better! I'm speaking from personal experience. Another trick is to avoid using screens at night time, the blue light from monitors, laptops and phones keeps the brain awake. If you avoid looking at bright screens one hour before you intend to go to sleep that will also help a lot. Some people need to play "white noise" to help block out outside noise. You can get a 'sound conditioner' device which sounds a bit like a fan - and that also aids sleep massively! Wish you all the best.
Profile: DianaM373
June 9th, 2021 3:17am
A normal amount of sleep ranges from 7-9 hours a day. However, it all depends on your age and other health factors you might be experiencing. There are a lot of resources to get more accurate information on this online. Overall, make sure to feel rested and to try to monitor time, especially at night. Your body requires rest and needs a break from constantly harvesting and using energy throughout the daytime. To sleep better, you can always try meditation, reading, practicing mindfulness, or just doing some activities to relieve stress. I really hope this helps- stay healthy and safe!
Profile: JustPiscesThings
May 30th, 2021 8:35pm
It varies from person to person! There are some people who function alright with around 7 hours of sleep, and others who require more than 9 hours of sleep to really feel well-rested. It's important to not only consider the length of time that you are sleeping, but also the quality of sleep you're getting. If you are sleeping 8 hours on a nightly basis but still feeling exhausted, it could be that your quality of sleep is poor, and you would be better off shifting your sleep schedule slightly. There are plenty of people who are self-proclaimed "night-owls" or "early birds", but there are also people who do well waking up early and then taking a nap later on. Try to experiment to figure out what works best for you!
May 19th, 2021 12:33pm
The amount of sleep you get should depend on you as a person. Each person needs a varied amount of sleep based on numerous factors ranging from age to the conditions of a person. By looking into the amount of sleep that you need based on your characteristics, you can ensure that you get enough sleep. On average, each person should get around 8 hours of sleep, so aiming towards this would be helpful. With the hectic and busy lives that people run nowadays, it might be difficult to get enough sleep, but I think it is important that you strive towards reaching this.
May 14th, 2021 2:19pm
Atleast 8-7 hours of sleep daily. If can't manage to do it in go then you could try dividing it into 4 hours during the day and 4 hours at night. You could also try taking naps whenever you get time if you couldn't get enough sleep at all. But it's only recommended when you can't find the time at all as the 8-7 hours sleep at night is the ideal way. It keeps you in good health, boosts your immune system, digests your food properly, keeps you in good shape, and helps with your mental health too. I hope you found it Helpful!
Profile: LetsCherishLife
May 12th, 2021 9:21pm
How much exact sleep a person needs to "function" properly can vary from person to person. A healthy adult person undergoes approximately 4-7 sleeping cycles per night with each cycle taking 70-120 minutes. That means there might be a few "rare cases" of people that function perfectly fine with 5 hours sleep a night and other rare, yet healthy ones needing 12 hours, at least every once a while. The average of those is 8,5 hours and that's why experts usually suggest 8-9 hours per night to be on the safe side where it will still be considered healthy if you have a few hours more or less sometimes. Functioning here refers to for example focus and attention span but a lack of sleep can also for example weaken your immune system. We need sleep to recharge our system and to proceed all the information our brain gets during the day, for example by dreaming which mainly happens in the REM (rapid eye movement) phase.
January 28th, 2021 12:32am
Everyone's sleep rhythm is different, but you should aim to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep if you are an adult, and around 9 hours if you are an adolescent. If you are having trouble sleeping enough, try going to bed around the same time each night. Staying active during the day, and avoiding or limiting naps can also help you sleep better. Stress, medical conditions, caffeine, and medications can also affect your ability to sleep. As you probably know, sleep quality affects your overall health, energy level, and mood. But it also affects your memory, heart health, productivity, and exercise performance! Good luck with your sleep!
February 17th, 2021 12:59am
Well, it really differs from an age category to another, like if you are a teen the average is from 8-10 hours at night consecutively, a young adult should get from 7-9 hours and same goes for adult between age 26-64 years. These ranges are confirmed by the National Sleep Foundation and that's what's state in their guidelines as far as I am concerned. As it is believed that this amount of hours of sleep could really help your mind and body to give them some rest, so upon you knowing the average you should sleep daily, you could reflect to yourself how hours you actually get to sleep and try step by step to reach to the suitable amount of sleep you need. Hope that helped a bit.