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How do I tell my boyfriend I'm not happy?

306 Answers
Last Updated: 06/08/2022 at 7:13pm
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Johanna Liasides, MSc, PhDc


I work with youth and young adults to help them improve depressive symptoms and self-esteem as well as effectively address family, relationship and peer conflicts.

Top Rated Answers
April 28th, 2018 3:16pm
Take time to sit down and have a calm conversation about it. One step at a time. Try to get to the root of the problem and come to an understanding about it.
August 23rd, 2018 5:41pm
I think it’s important if not critical when in a relationship to share the way you are feeling. It doesn’t necessarily have to come across as mean, rude or lack of. A round table conversation stating the way you feel and the reasons behind it would be nice. Also try to include a solution for the issue, for example if you are not happy because of x,y,z let’s try to do more of x, y,z at least one or twice a week. Monitor your progress and if there isn’t much then another round table talk would be great. I have personally tried it in the past and it has worked for me.
May 12th, 2021 8:48pm
I think the first thing I'd suggest would be to choose a positive formulation. Not as in a word that's rated positively but a word with the negative feeling you are experiencing that doesn't contain a negation like not or "un-"/"in-". At one hand that makes it easier to realize for your partner and as well it can help you with the next thing I would suggest and that is identifying that sense of unhappiness closer. In what terms do you feel unhappy, is it frustrated, jealous, sad, lonely.. it can be anything even not named here. Once you figured this out you can identify what causes that feeling or those certain thoughts so you can think of ways how he, yourself or you both together can make it better and ask him directly if that would be an option. If you just say hey im unhappy he will be wondering if it is his fault or not and what he is supposed to do about it. It can help if you're that step ahead and can communicate it to him directly for example: I feel sad/lonely because we spend so little time together. Would it be possible to meet at least once a week/ phone every evening? Or: I feel jealous because I know you are still in contact with your ex. Would it be an option for you to stop contacting or reduce the contact? Or maybe if it's something not even directly related to the relationship but more to yourself: I am depressed because I don't get things done lately. Could you help me with my motivation by asking me about my plans each morning and how much I got done each evening? And if you are struggling to identify your concrete feeling or ways to change it you can communicate it to him as well: I have been feeling a sense of sadness lately but I am not even sure why, can you help me figure that out? I would like to make our relationship more adventurous but I'm lacking of ideas how. Do you have ideas/can we brainstorm together? After all do not forget that it is your partner and you know them better than anyone here so you would know best how exactly you should or shouldnt talk to them. I suggest to (even if you feel like it is) don't give him the impression that it is ultimately his fault. Admit that there is something not ok with you/ your feelings at the moment and you are hoping for his support in this because you feel like he would want you to be ok.
April 28th, 2021 6:10am
Sounds like you find it hard to openly talk with your boyfriend. There may be many a number of reasons for your reason. Mostly this's due to the fear of losing your relationship and your boyfriend. But holding back what you wanna say may not benefit any of you as we have no idea of whether he himself is aware that you are unhappy. So i feel like you should open up with him. So that he'll atleast be aware and both of you can figure out a solution together. It will be better if you speak out while spending time alone. Don't hesitate even he'll be happy for you being real with him.
April 21st, 2021 4:42am
hm well, you always need to tell how you feel to your s/o. you and your boyfriend needs to know how each other feels, im sure he'll understand when you say you're not happy and he also should be understanding about it. i think you should try having a conversation with him, while you're having a conversation with him try to bring up how you aren't happy. communication is always important in anywhere, especially in ur relationship. you need to be open about your feelings. of course when you're ready, you should tell him. communication is always the key. i hope everything goes well! < 3
May 31st, 2018 8:04am
Commumication is the communicate!!be complwry honest with him why ure not happy. Be real..say the truth
June 29th, 2016 1:31am
maybe you should try to sit him and talk to him about try to focus on what youre feeling and what he is doing
March 7th, 2021 7:28pm
Your feelings are valid. Be open, calm, and patient. Choose a time that is not interrupting, and where there is calm or quiet. It may help you to ask yourself some deep questions first. Can you pinpoint specific behaviors that add to your unhappiness? Are there specific areas in the relationship you feel could be improved that would affect this? What other feelings are underneath this happiness? For example, are you feeling neglected, controlled, burdened, etc? These questions will help you understand what you need in this pairing, and it's okay to have needs. Try to think of some concrete actions that can be taken by your partner (or yourself) that can, over time, elevate your feelings in this relationship. Maybe an extra hug out of the blue now and then, or eye-contact when you are talking, or whatever you can think of. Try to keep an open-mind when you're thinking of these things. If this unhappiness is causing you misery and interfering with your day-to-day life, it's okay to reconsider this pairing, remember the good times, and think about how you can prioritize yourself :) Remember that we are not beholden to stay in unhappy situations, and there is no real rule book. Best of luck to you!
December 26th, 2019 1:07am
Communication is key in a relationship. Sit down with him and calmly express you aren't happy and tell him why. It's important to state how we are feeling with our partner because that is what keeps a relationship moving, and they can also help you feel better or figure out what is bothering you. Tell him what has been going on and how you are feeling. He will listen to you and try to help. Tell him how it has affected you or the impact that it has had on you. He will also appreciate you being honest with him.
August 24th, 2018 6:30am
Overall happiness is important for both parties in a relationship. It seems like you are at a point where you need to decide if this is something that you can and are willing to work on with him, or if this is something that is too far gone and you need to move on. If you are willing to work through it then I think you need to look at the entire relationship. Try not to focus on what he does or doesn't do that does not make you happy but focus on what you both do and what you can work on. Communication is key and hopefully you can establish that so that you two can have a mature conversation where you explain things you wish to change and plans on how to do so. Also, remember to try and think of some of the good things in the relationship and give some positive reinforcement. Even in the hardest times, it is important not to only focus on the bad. You can only suggest change and do what you can to achieve that. It should be an overall positive journey, but if he is not able or willing to put in equal effort then you have to protect your happiness and explore a life without him.
July 30th, 2016 3:48am
You calmly ask your boyfriend can you and him talk privately. Then you fix a dinner and you say honey I love you, but right now I'm not happy. Then you begin to explain why you are not happy.
January 12th, 2019 3:15am
By simply telling him. It can be hard to accept it but communication is a key. You cannot expect him to just know you're unhappy and change something. The more you'll you will hide it yourself, the more you're making yourself endure it and have him be clueless. No one can read minds, if you expect a change in a relationship, you've to make your needs clear. In a relationship its always about compromise and adjusting, if neither of the partners do anything, the relationship won't go any further. I know I have been there and it did not end well for me, I expected my partner to just understand my silence but not only was that an unrealistic expectation from him, it made me even more upset when he didn't meet it. Sometimes we make things difficult than they already are and it serves no good to anyone. I hope it helped.
February 9th, 2017 10:48am
You just tell him. He is your boyfriend after all, and for a reason. You trust him. Tell him the truth and he will understand, if not help you get through this together.
June 14th, 2018 5:40pm
Have you all talked about this before? Ask yourself what exactly you are not happy with. Did something happen to make you unhappy with him?
January 3rd, 2021 2:43pm
Don't try to give signs. Just say it to him when you both are alone. But first of all try to find the reason that why you are not happy yourself then communicate it with him. Giving signs is only going to make the matters worse. You can initiate by saying that you want to talk to him and then just pour your heart out but remember that he is not incharge of your happiness,may be he can ease it a bit but still your happiness is your own responsibility that you need to fulfill for yourself.
July 20th, 2018 4:29am
Honesty is the best thing to go with. This way you will express your feelings and help him understand
July 18th, 2018 9:48pm
That can be difficult to do but the best thing you could do is just be honest. Let him know how you feel on the inside and number one make sure its right for you and that's truly how you feel.
April 25th, 2020 6:49pm
A couple of the most important aspects for a healthy relationship are communication in respect. When you talk to your boyfriend, you can tell him how you feel in a calm way and also acknowledge his perspective as well. It's common for people to get upset when they don't feel listened to, so be sure to paraphrase what he's saying when you're talking to him so he knows you are trying to understand how he feels. At the end, if you both don't come to a conclusion on how you can improve your relationship, know that you did everything you could and that it's okay the relationship didn't work out.
August 27th, 2016 3:36pm
The best thing to do would be keep calm, cool and collected and tell him what you honestly feel, it's best to be honest to people and especially people you love. I've gone through this before and I've confronted him about it and things did get a bit better.
August 3rd, 2019 2:45pm
Tell him that you need to talk to him privately. And let him know how you are feeling, if it’s the relationship itself that you are unhappy with, let him know, or on the flip side, if it’s him that makes you unhappy, let him know. If you tell him in a manner that’s explaining and not blaming that’s a good way to tell him your feelings and thoughts. Good communication is key to be in a relationship that you want to be in. Also if he has concerns let him talk as well. When you talk to him, let him wait till you are completely done telling him how you feel.
July 11th, 2019 10:16am
This is something I have struggled with for a very long time. In the end, the relationship completely fell apart just because there was a lack of communication, I didn’t know how to communicate those feelings to him, because I feared he wouldn’t understand. I think it’s important that you do let your boyfriend know that you’re unhappy, and not just imply it, but communicate it loud and clear. Even if he doesn’t understand or is confused about it, you know that you have expressed yourself and have been open with the way you’re feeling. That is always a key to everything in a relationship- communication.
September 6th, 2018 10:58pm
The best way to tell someone you are not happy, is honestly. Some times we have to put our selves in uncomfortable situations in order to get things off our chest. Things like that are never easy, so we will always feel anxious, nervous, etc because we do not know how the other person is going to relax. Also, your partner deserves to know you are not happy. He may not be aware, and might not know the adjustments he needs to make. Be honest, be calm, and let him know, so you can both be happy in the relationship.
September 8th, 2018 5:20pm
Open communication in a relationship is very very important. Boundaries too, if you’re not happy in the relationship. I think it would be best to discuss those feelings. And see how the both of you feel about it, and maybe what the both of you can do to change that, and or improve! But as one of my favourite sayings “You Can’t Force Love”. If you don’t feel as if it’ll work, or there is no feature. You need to be open and honest, tell them how you feel. I wish you the best of luck, take care and stay safe! ❤️
September 14th, 2018 7:53pm
The first step is being open and honest with yourself. Why are you not happy? Are you recieving the love you need from the relationship? Is there something your boyfriend can do to improve the relationship? What can you do to improve the relationship? Everyone has a different love language and you must share your language with your SO and pay attention to his as well. After evaluating your thoughts and feelings, share them with your boyfriend and find a solution together. Remember it's okay to have these feelings. The goal is to resolve them in a proactive manner.
July 17th, 2019 9:59am
Simply by saying it. Try to open a conversation without trying to accuse him or put any guilt on either of you. Try to have an honest conversations about how you feel and how you would like to work together on this. Don't try to just give subtle hints, they might not catch on and will leave you both frustrated. If you feel talking isn't as easy, try to prepare by talking to some friends or family first. Don't be afraid, if you're in a loving relationship this there should be room for this and only make your relationship stronger. You can do it!
July 7th, 2019 11:37am
It is inevitable that we will experience some unhappiness in relationships, being hurt or disappointed is a natural part of being human. The most loving way to express this is to do so vulnerably. Avoid criticising anything that he does or saying anything about him, as this may cause him to try to defend himself or his behaviour. Instead, always use statements beginning with the word "I" to openly share how YOU feel about an aspect of the relationship. You can never go wrong expressing how you feel, because when our partners tell us genuinely that they are unhappy, we have a natural striving to satisfy them, because we love them.
April 26th, 2019 6:42pm
I think it's important to have an honest conversation with yourself, before you have one with your boyfriend. It maybe valuable to you to have some clarity about the nature of your feelings. If you know you're feeling unhappy, do you know what might be contributing to these feelings? Do you feel that your boyfriend's behaviour or personality is contributing to to your unhappiness? The clearer you can be when you tell your boyfriend about your feelings, the more likely it is that your boyfriend will understand, and try to empathize with you and look for way to help you feel better. Also note that it is entirely possible that your boyfriend has already noticed some signs or symptoms of your unhappiness, and because of that, he may already have made some conclusions of his own for the reason of your unhappiness. So this may complicate the conversation a little bit, if he already has some preconceived notions. So it's important to be a ware of that possibility, before you start the conversation.
May 1st, 2019 6:23am
Be honest and say it nicely. Tell him why you’re not happy and come up with solutions on how to solve your reason why your not happy together. Also ask him if he’s happy. And make sure to address those issues too. Be very trusting and communicate with him. If there’s something you don’t like tell him. If there’s someone you don’t like tell him it will make him trust you more and it will built your relationship. Always trust your partner. If you see that you are losing trust address it right away because it’s very important I’m a relationship
March 10th, 2019 10:42am
Communication is key in any relationship. We need to communicate our thoughts and feelings constantly especially with those we are close with. Bottling up is very unhealthy and may build up and burst out in a quite ugly manner. We tend to look for complex problems to solutions whereas sometimes it's the simplest answer, communicate. This might seems quite hard to do sometimes, but we need to realise that the only way we can allow others to understand us and satisfy our need of being understood is when we let them know how we're feeling, whether its negative or positive or somewhere in between. Our communication deeply affects the course of our relationships and their outcome. While it might seem easier to convey our happiness, negative feelings or unhappiness, uncomfortableness and so on are just as important to share. This allows room for change and growth not only individually but together. Keeping this in mind, it's important that we let them know as softly and kindly as possible without hurting their feelings or being rude, be honest but not arrogant. Remember that they too are just as human and prone to feeling as you are. There's a reason for everyone being a particular way. But either way, that's not an excuse for hurting someone or behaving unacceptably, if this is the case. Let your partner how you feel as gently as you can and put it across that both your happiness is important for you two as people and as well as your relationship together. If amends can be made and you two are willing to work on them, that's wonderful. If not, sometimes we outgrow people and that's okay, it's all an opportunity to learn and grow. It might seem hard and painful but at the end of day, that's the only way we learn and grow.
June 12th, 2019 7:10pm
before you tell him think about what has made you unhappy and prepare yourself how he will react. Meet him face to face so you can see his reactions when you tell him, make sure it is in a place you are comfortable to be open to him. Communication is always a key in a relationship. Once you tell him listen to what he has to say openly. He may be upset about what you've said but you need to keep in mind that you have feelings about how he has made you feel and your feelings deserve to be acknowledged.