How can I convince myself that my friends don't hate me? I have this irrational fear that they actually hate me.
252 Answers
Last Updated: 11/03/2022 at 1:19am
Perfect therapy for people who need help. I would like to say, I never can imagine it could be possible to heal people like that
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Lisa Groesz, PhD
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Top Rated Answers
You can look at the things that they do for you, however small, like asking you to come out, spending time with you, talking when you are upset. Small things like that show you that your friends do care about you, as they wouldn't do it or they would be reluctant to if they didn't enjoy your company.
If they are "friends" then they sure can not hate you. If you have a fear of this....then ask yourself if they really are your friends....if they give you that right to question them about not liking you. If you are not happy with yourself change what you don't like.
Maybe try ask them
Individually? I think that it may be just a “what if fear†but it can go either way
October 12th, 2019 7:21pm
anxiety is terrible, and i've been there. one thing that has helped me was asking them. one day, my anxiety was really bad, and i texted a friend saying "hey i've been feeling really paranoid lately and my brain is telling me some mean things. silly question, but do you secretly hate me?" they thought the question was ridiculous, but they seriously answered it and said that no, they didn't hate me. i screenshotted that and have kept it in my phone ever since. of course, the paranoia didn't magically go away, but now, i logically ask my brain "is that really true?" and i have the evidence to back it up.
though its hard to believe, this is actually pretty normal.. you probably have been stabbed I the back from someone before and are loosing trust.. and that is so reasonable! I find it so helpful to counteract your thoughts, whether that is in a diary or in your head.. Also if it is really bugging you, tell them! communication is always key, sometimes voicing your concerns can help you feel a lot better and relieve some of that anxiety you are feeling.. remember all the good things you have to help keep your min off all of this !!
February 10th, 2019 3:20am
Finding out where this feeling stems from. Sometimes the problem stems from other problems. Also finding out what things trigger this feeling? Do your friends do things that make you feel like this. Expressing how you feel to your friends is important, it may help them be more aware of their actions and can help convince you that they don't hate you. Sometimes it may be other insecurities that stem from self-esteem, and other relationships in outlives, and treating these and giving ourselves the time and care we need will help in solving problems have with external environments,
First of all, *hugs*! To suspect that your friends or any loved one might actually hate you is not a nice feeling to have at all.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. You love your friends, right? And so it's completely natural that you're worried they might hate you. If you didn't love them, you wouldn't really care what they thought right? They'd just be another stranger on the street.
We all want to feel loved and be secure in the knowledge that those we love, love us in return. It's clear to me that you're a loving, thoughtful person - someone who wasn't wouldn't care if their friends hated them or not. Not only does this mean your friends would be silly to hate you(!), it means that you have so much to give to your friends. So my advice to you, would be to focus on being your amazing self! What a wonderful gift for them. After all, your true self is probably the reason they love you and the reason you're their friend!
Sometimes being yourself is the best way of showing someone how much much you mean to them - because it shows you're comfortable around them, and it shows you trust them. Put your trust in your friends by being yourself, take a leap and have faith that they love you. See how they respond, and you'll find out for yourself what they really think of you. Good luck!
Think about all the fun times you guys had together. And the little things, laughing, having inside jokes, meeting with each other. Those are the moments that you should cherish & hold closely to your heart & mind when you are anxious. Nobody likes being near people they hate, that would be torture. However, if you really think they might hate you, then you could always choose to ask them in a nice way. Honesty is the best policy. If they want to keep this friendship as much as you do, then they will speak out the truth. Besides, if all things does not work out, the whole wide world has an infinity of people you can always make friends with!
August 19th, 2016 7:59am
You could never know for real if your friends hate you or like you. Confronting them is an option but instead try to get rid of the negative thoughts instead. Indulge yourself in more activities, take up more hobbies and make yourself a better person. But most importantly learn to love yourself. Thoughts about others disliking you could arise from negative thought about yourself or feeling like you aren't good enough. Practice self love before you expect anyone else to like you.
My personal experience is that I used to overthink everything. I used to think that my friends don't like to be around me, and it was mostly because I had past experiences with fake friends. Some of the reasons why I thought so, was sometimes they would try to keep a distance from me, and some times and sometimes their body language and tone seems off, but then I realised, most of the time they have been trying to support me, by pointing out my mistakes, trying to make me less dependent on others, helping me to get over my past trauma, etc. They have been helping a lot and sometimes they do get tired and need some space, that's all, they are human too, I feel that I need some space sometimes too, and they do too.
I smile at them whenever my eyes meet theirs and if they smile at me back I have a positive feeling that they don't at least hate me. But if they don't or give some irritated expression, I try to assume they may be in a bad mood or may be they envy something about me. I never did harm to anyone in my life, not intentionally at least and I'm confident about it. All I try to do is impress myself first, those who actually deserve me will get impressed by their own. And if they don't deserve me I can only show a supportive behavior towards but I can't force them to like me. It depends on their mentality how they're seeing the things
July 12th, 2018 4:30am
On personal experience, all it takes is an understanding that not everyone thinks the same way, not everyone's brain is the same. Take a second to let that sink in, evaluate it.
That's the thing, it's irrational. It sounds like anxiety to me, and your mind is lying to you. If they are your friends they don't hate you, they love tou🙂 talk to them about how you're feeling but remember it's irrational. They're not real feelings. I've had this as well.
Your friends wont hate you :( its most important to be yourself. If you're being yourself and they dont like you they aren't you true 'Friends'.
You can convince yourself that your friends don't hate you by setting your mind to a positive mindset. When you think in a negative manner you will eventually not only think that your friends hate you but more insecurities will build onto your life. If you are in the positive mindset and come to a conclusion that your friends do not hate you, then you will begin to let this irrational fear go. If they do not talk about you, or hurt you in any way but rather share love and compassion with you as a friend, then you should have nothing to worry about, they do not hate you. Don't let your fears take away your happiness in life. Think positive and remain faithful!
You know its irrational. There isn't an easy fix I know of, but I can tell you that you know its irrational. As in, the thought is not true. You will be okay. Do whatever helps relax you, and understand the thought won't destroy you. As I need more words, have some mantra-reading below:
You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay. You will be okay.
You'll be okay, I promise.
June 9th, 2022 8:54pm
Everyone feels like this at some point within their lives, and just know you are not alone. Before you worry, think to yourself these three questions:
1.) Have they specifically told you they feel this way?
2.) Can you remember the last time they laughed at a joke, asked to hang out with you, said hi first, asked how you were, or shown care for you? If so, it is very unlikely that they hate you.
3.) If they really do hate you, why would they spend time with you, and be your friend?
Just know you can always talk to them, and they do care
I actually used to get my more patient friends to challenge my anxious and depressive thoughts. This is something you can learn to do yourself over time, and really helps to deal with them. Until you can do it yourself, it helps to have a friend calmly challenge those thoughts and explain logically why it's wrong.
They can do this verbally, but I liked to write all my anxious thoughts down and then have them write down their challenges. That way, I could read it back when I had those same thoughts again :) It's based on CBT techniques; if you're able to access CBT this can be very helpful. If not, there's a 'little book of CBT' on Amazon which teaches many of the exercises for a fraction of the price of therapy!
August 11th, 2018 1:13pm
what is this hatred based off? because it may be that it is based off of little insecurities that may be getting in the way. you may need to investigate what these insecurities are
I believe this is an issue regarding self-love. I have been through it and I know it is hard. Self love is hard. You can ask yourself: What do you like about yourself? What are your qualities? Your sens of humour, your kindness, your listening skills, your music or movie preferences? Think of the question and write down your qualities. You can also ask yourself: Why would my friends hate me? We go out, we talk a lot. Remember that your are bigger than your fears. I hope this helps! Good luck and remember you are loved! Have a nice day!
August 5th, 2020 3:56pm
If you are feeling like your friends hate you it is important to look at what makes them love you, and what you love about yourself. Hate is a very strong emotion and I know your friends don't hate you, so talk to them about your feelings. Tell them this and if they are your real friends they will understand and support you. Ask them what they love about you. And ask yourself do I deserve to be hated, truth is no one deserves to be hated, you are strong, intelligent, and empowered. This fear does not define you, don't let it define your friendships either.
I've felt this way countless times. Some of my friends even spread rumors behind my back and I used to get paranoid that my friends secretly hated me. However, I think as you mature, you come to realize that friends who make you feel unloved or unworthy really shouldn't be considered your friends. I no longer associate myself with my friend group from last year. Instead, I found a few friends that bring me up rather than tear me down. I'm much happier now, and I think you will feel the same way once you find some other people to bond with.
In terms of getting over the irrational fear, don't worry about what your friends might be thinking! When I heard that one of my friends thought I was "boring," I immediately became self-conscious about my personality. Just be confident in yourself. Even if you don't feel confident, act confident and others will be automatically attracted to you.
August 12th, 2018 11:25am
Your friends are chosen family .
They don’t HAVE to be around you or HAVE to tell you they care for you .
May 11th, 2022 1:39am
You can ask then if they hate you. Also you can see how they interact with you. Do they engage in conversation or are they focused on other things. Do they invite you to do things with them or talk with you often. If they do they most likely don't hate you. With irrational fears it can be hard to combat but small steps helpif you feel you donʻt matter to yourself, the people around you who you do matter too, yourself will think it is a lie. So first make sure you know you matter to yourself, and then ask if you matter to others.. Spend more time with them and make connections.
September 12th, 2018 2:06am
You can ask then if they hate you. Also you can see how they interact with you. Do they engage in conversation or are they focused on other things. Do they invite you to do things with them or talk with you often. If they do they most likely don't hate you. With irrational fears it can be hard to combat but small steps help. Spend more time with them and make connections. Convincing yourself can be hard but overtime and with experimenting and observing it can become easier. You can also ask yourself why would they hate me? Is this fear really logical?
First ask yourself why you think this, they hate you what causes that thought? Next is that thought valued in knowing your friends, and if it is you need to get some new friends, but if itʻs not then realize that and keep your friends. Know this who ever it is you think hates you, in all honesty the important thing is that you love you, and you know that, is true. You should matter first to yourself and then others, because in all honesty if you feel you donʻt matter to yourself, the people around you who you do matter too, yourself will think it is a lie. So first make sure you know you matter to yourself, and then ask if you matter to others.
If you can call them friends then I do not think they hate you. But if it is something you have internalized and truly believe that your friends don't like you I think a good idea would be to talk to some of them and tell them how you feel. Do they give you reason to believe that they hate you? Do they exclude you from activities? Or is it just a feeling you have? Talk with them and tell them that you have this irrational fear you can't seem to shake and let them assure you that they care about you and love you, and then believe it when they tell you.
Realizing that your fear is irrational is a great first step. Everyone experiences social anxiety from time to time. When you find yourself succumbing to fears like these, take a mental time out. Then rationalize why you are feeling this way. Figuring out what triggers these feelings is an important part of learning to cope with them. All the self-doubt, anxiety and fear that you are feeling; those around you feel lot the same way. Even if they won’t admit it. Reach out to someone close to you and trustworthy, and let them know how you are feeling.
I’ve found that when I feel like this, I tend to pull away. So what I need to do is chat with my friends and engage regularly. I also sometimes need to go out of my comfort zone and push a bit more for interaction, such as messaging a couple of times or trying to meet up again. Or even talking to them and asking them to contact, or scheduling a time to catch up. I think it’s okay also to push away friends who you don’t get along with as well. But I do find that even though I find it scary to reconnect it’s often alright and people are happy that you did.
Having trust issues can be pretty painful for both parties. I guess this can happen after you got disappointed or hurt by other.
I'd say, first, let's try to be more positive and be more mature. Your friend seems to not care about you. But if you try to look from his/her perspective, he/she probably also has problems. Of course, they probably won't tell you directly what's wrong. But just letting them know that you're there for them is plenty.
Second, instead of waiting for someone that you can give your trust to, try to be that person.
And last but not least, if someone does harm you, just smile. And ask if they're okay. If you can't really contain your anger, wish them for something good. You can still think positively and it's better than cussing.
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