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Ask me anything! “Forums, rooms, who to go to, what to do if”

Listeningsarinn November 30th, 2020

Hey hey!
welcome to cups!

İ'm so glad you decided to join in as a member it takes a big amount of courage to seek help and open up and as a listener, i appreciate your time and passion being put into making someone else smile...

when i first entered cups i was quiet lost with many things, including:

how to navigate the app and website,

how to find things in forums (it can be like a maze at first)

who/ where to go to with problems (be it glitches, reporting, having a question or wanting info about a project)

Rooms and how to get familiar with them (access to all rooms, guided discussions, sharing circles, mods, guidelines,...)

so ask me anything 7cups related if i know the answer i'll reply in less than 24 hours otherwise i'll tag someone who knows the answer

RoseBushes99 December 26th, 2020


Hey there I am a new listener on 7 Cups and so far it has been great and I can already see how amazing and supportive this community is.

I have noticed some listener profiles state they listen to either adults or adults and teens. What dictates whether or not someone is able to / qualified enough to listen to teens as well. I ask this because my profile says "listens to adults" and I was wondering if / how (or what steps I would need to take) to be able to change it so that I am available for teens as well.

Thanks for sharing your possible help, advice, or knowledge! Any & all responses are appreciated!

Take care & happy holidays all!

RarelyCharlie December 26th, 2020

@RoseBushes99 As an adult listener you can get a Teen badge to allow you to listen to teens. See: Apply to be an Adult Teen Listener Here! (Updated)

This information, and a lot of other useful information, is in the mysteriously well hidden Listener Primer.


TheFisherKing January 13th, 2021

@RarelyCharlie The primer is very helpful, Thank you!

aryas2020 December 12th, 2020



I am currently pursuing my certifications to become a listener. I noticed that there is no Borderline specific course. I want to help make one and reach out to someone at 7 cups and encourage them or help them in making a borderline specific course. I have BPD myself so I could help greatly.

I want to know who to contact about this :)

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2020


hey there!
as you mentioned too, we do not have a borderline coruse (in training and certifications section) or a self help guide about BPD, it's awesome to see that you are into bringing one to our community

best people to reach out to about bringing a new course would be H, our lovely community manager @heather225

and the awesome programs coordinator, in charge of content team @soulfullyabutterfly

they can guide you on what steps can be taken

p.s. there are listener support guides (some kind of chat support guide) on BPD If you have a listener account, you can access them by clicking here and here

aryas2020 December 14th, 2020


How would I contact them directly (sorry, I am new to this website)?

The two links that I clicked on says that the content has recently been removed :(

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2020


You can pm them from their profiles

view heather's profile by clicking here

view soul's profile by clicking here

also the error you saw (content has been deleted) is because the links i mentioned in the previous post can be accessed "only from a listener account" as they are posted in listener forums

aryas2020 December 14th, 2020


It's amazing how you were able to get back to me so quickly and with the exact names.

You really know your stuff!

Thank you

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2020


and you are so very welcome ¥~¥ glad if i could help! *sends hugs, coffie and cookies*

InquireWithin December 12th, 2020


I would like to know why some forums can be joined or subscribed to, and others cannot. For example, anyone can post in the Grief & Loss Community but there's no way to "join it" the same way I was able to join the 50+ community. Hmm well in poking around some more, the forum is being referred to as a sub-com, or sub-community-- answered my own question. :) Not much action there lately so here's a new question: I'd like to help jump start it, but where to begin? Message the forum leaders, for starters? I posted my interest but there have been no replies 2 weeks. Any other feedback? TY

RarelyCharlie December 13th, 2020

@InquireWithin The forum as a whole is divided into categories. 50 & Over Community is a category. Grief & Loss Community is a category.

Many of the categories also have a community page built around the forum category, but some of them don't. 50 & Over Community has a community page, but Grief & Loss Community doesn't. I don't really know why this is, but I suspect maybe it relates to the amount of activity in each category. You can only join if there's a community page.

If there's been no reply in two weeks to your expression of interest, then maybe the category isn't active enough.


Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2020


thanks for the reply charlie💙

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2020


hey there!
As charlie mentioned forums in 7cups, are divided into categories, each of these categories can be called subcommunities when they are asigned a community home page

the "joining/subscribing" option you mentioned is avaliable only on subcommunities!

Requiremnets for a category to be assigned a home page and become a subcommunity are

1) being active: minimum 30 posts a week, minimum 5 regular users, regular check-ins and welcome threads

2) a leadership team of minimum 3 people (one forum supporter, one forum mentor and a Community mentor/mentor leader)

Click here for More info on launching a subcommunity

aryas2020 December 22nd, 2020


You know the timings for registering as a host for each week. What standard are the timings? Is that central, eastern time, etc?

Also, what does a host do?

Listeningsarinn OP December 22nd, 2020

Hey there! All timings in cups, including the host registration form, are in eastern (EST) time (other than in places like “book me” pages in which website converts all timings to your detected time by tracking your location) As a host, you’d be the leader of a guided discussion/support session, you’d be welcoming everyone entering the room, updating them on what’s going on in the room, asking questions (based on the session script that you’d have as a host) and replying to others’s answers... You can be a committed host (meaning that you are committed to lead the same discussion/session every week at the same time) or go with sessions that can be host once only! like sub community workshops or sharing circles and healthy habits sessions (for which you’d sign up at the start of each week) or pop-up sessions (you don’t need to sign up for these, you can lead them whenever you have an extra 30 minutes) Let me know if you need the link to apply to become a discussion leader or if you wanted more info on any of the specific sessions i mentioned💜

11820Read December 23rd, 2020


Hi, first of all, thank you for creating this thread! I think it's so helpful to have a place where newbies can ask about anything and have a guarantee that someone will answer within 24 hours.

Now on with the question I really want to ask...

Is there any place where we can post about suggestions for this site? If no, could you please recommend where I should create a thread about it?

Thank you in advance and happy holidays!

Listeningsarinn OP December 23rd, 2020


hey hey glad you find it helpful! ^^

as for your question, all quality feedback/suggestion could be shared with @evelynerose (quality focused admin) in this thread(clickme!)

in the mean while, if you are going to share a suggestion on an already existing project/team, sharing suggestions and feedback regarding each specific track (rooms and guided sessions, forums and etc) with the ambassoders/mentor leaders in charge of that specific track, might be a good idea and a faster way...

for that you could go to the project's specific forum:

you can find forums dedicated to each project by clicking here

and check group support subcomm (click me!) for forums dedicated to sharing circles/healthy habits, group mods

let me know if i was unclear while explaining anything so i can clear any confusion, also poke me if there are any other questions to ask *-*

*sending hugs and love* enjoy the holidays!

11820Read December 23rd, 2020


Thanks for the detailed explanation! I'll be checking them soon. :)

11820Read December 23rd, 2020


Hi, it's me again... Sorry to bother, the first link you sent (about the quality) does not seem to be clickable... The others are fine, though.

Thank you in advance.

Listeningsarinn OP December 23rd, 2020


hey again! Try it now (seems like i didn't hyperlink it correctly it's updated now) ^^

p.s. You can tag me as many times as needed and it will be 100% okay!

11820Read December 23rd, 2020


Hi! It works now! Thank you. :)

BTW how did you edit that post? I thought there was no way to edit or delete an existing post.... Just curious.

Listeningsarinn OP December 23rd, 2020


glad that it's fixed and yeah it is not possible unless you're a forum supporter or forum mentor

11820Read December 23rd, 2020


Oh, I see now. Thank you again!

Listeningsarinn OP December 23rd, 2020


you're welcome ^^ *sends hugs, cookies and coffee*

imperfeqtion December 25th, 2020

Thank you so much for setting up this thread! I am quite lost with how to navigate the site as a listener.

The first question I have is how can I refer someone to a 7 cups guidebook? I saw it in the tutorial, but how do I provide someone with a link to it?

Also, how do I remove chats from my chats tab so that they no longer appear?

Thank you!

RarelyCharlie December 25th, 2020

@imperfeqtion I only know how to do these things in the website. The app doesn't work for me.

From the main menu bar, under My Path, choose Self-Help Guides. Don't give a member a link to any guide that's marked Listeners Only, because that link will not work from a member account.

Also ensure, I suggest, that you are not giving the link as a way of solving the member's problem. Our training is clear that active listening is not "Trying to solve the person's problems", and not "Giving solutions or advice" (although some listeners have been known to disagree with the training on this point).

To remove a chat permanently, so that the member cannot message you, go into the chat and block the conversation using the button at the top (marked with a no entry sign, and labelled Block this Connection).

To remove a chat temporarily, so that it automatically re-appears if the member sends you a message, click the little × by the chat in your chat list (labelled Hide this user…).


Listeningsarinn OP December 25th, 2020

Thanks for the reply charlie! And merry Christmas! (If you celebrate it) *~^

imperfeqtion December 25th, 2020


Thank you for the reply, it was super helpful.

Listeningsarinn OP December 25th, 2020

Hey there! Happy to know you find this thread helpful! charlie has already answered the questions you asked, tho feel free to poke me if you needed more explanation on any of those or was curious/needed help with anything else! -happy holidays and merry Christmas if you celebrate it *~*

imperfeqtion December 25th, 2020


Sorry, I didn't realise that they had already answered the question. I tried scrolling through the thread beforehand but couldn't find it. With hiding chats, the chat doesn't actually disappear from the tab. Is there a way to fix it, or is this just a problem with the app?

Listeningsarinn OP December 25th, 2020

Hey again! And by already answered i meant that charlie answered the question a few hours before i saw it, so no problem at all! Also, clicking the little cross button should make it disappear from the tab until a new message comes in from the member, if it’s not working it may be a glitch on the app, you can probably re-try it from the browser to see if it works?? (also you might like to know that the new version of the app is coming in no time and hopefully these glitches will decrease a lot)

11820Read December 26th, 2020

Hi, I happened to find this post:

My questions regarding this are:

1) Is this information still valid?

2) If yes, which Group Support does it mean? (There seems to be more than one chat room called Group Support if I'm not mistaken.)

3) Are there any requirements to join this Group Support?

4) At the bottom of the post (in the hyperlink above), it mentions that "we ask that therapists use the therapist discussion room to lead support discussions for members". Is there really this kind of discussion room? Am I eligible to join?

Thank you in advance and happy holidays!

Listeningsarinn OP December 27th, 2020


Hey there! How are you doing??

as far as i know the information is still valid, tho i personally never have came accross a theraphist in rooms or a teraphist session, i'll ask everyone who might know more about this and let you know if there is any information to add to my reply

As for the question on rooms, yes there are many support rooms in 7cups... to access the 24/7 hour rooms (reffering to community room and support room 24/7) you need 3 badges and to access all other rooms (topic specific rooms and special rooms like the theraphist room) you need a few more badges (all the information on what badges you need is explained in this post)

let me know if i can help with anything else ^^ happy holidays!

eternalPillow3025 December 27th, 2020

Hi there!

I have a question. The person I talked to would like to stay in contact with me, but today, the username was removed from my chat log. How can I find her again?

I have her username, but I don't know where to go from there.

Thank you!

Listeningsarinn OP December 27th, 2020


hey there! İ'm not sure how it was removed from tour chat log tho this happens for one of this reasons

1-if you click the little cross by a chat which will hide it from your chat list until a new message is recieved

2- if the member deletes their account

3- if they block you/ you block them (which seems like isn't the case)

4-if it is more than 10 days after the last chat

if they haven't removed their account you should be able to find them by applying their username to this address:

Or you could go to my path> my impact> and scroll down until you see my members

kindLove9027 December 29th, 2020

Hi I'm a newbie and was just wondering what is the best thing to do if someone stops chatting. This has happened a few times and I've left a message chat saying that I've noticed they've been inactive for some time and if they would like to return to the chat to message me. Is this ok?

Listeningsarinn OP December 31st, 2020

Hey there! First of all welcome to 7cups and happy happy new year! I’m really sorry for late reply! Seems like i’ve missed the notification :( Coming to your question, it might happen for many reasons including a tech problem coming up for them, an emergency in real life or the member feeling like they cannot share and they are not ready but not knowing how to tell this to you... whichever it is, you are very right on how to respond, letting them know that you are online for x minutes from now and that even after that they can message you anytime if they are back and want to talk and you’ll get back as soon as possible! Thanks for dedicating your time into being there for someone else that means a lot *~*

considerateParadise6717 January 6th, 2021


How long should you spend with each person? Sometimes I have about half an hour spare where I could chat but I don't know if it is too little time?

Ines1229 January 9th, 2021


There is nothing wrong in setting boundaries! You can set a specific time and let your member know you will be their listener for the next 30 minutes, at the beginning of your chat, within your greetings!

11820Read January 9th, 2021


Hello, I wonder if members are allowed to join more than one sub-communities? Or is it limited to just one?

In addition, can we still post something (e.g. a reply or a new post) in a sub-community we're not officially a member of?

Thanks in advance.