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Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
Number of ratings37 Number of reviews34 Listens toTeens & Over 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceJun 11, 2018 Last activein last week GenderNon-Binary PathStep 213 People helped117 Chats597 Group support chats671 Listener group chats404 Forum posts4,636 Forum upvotes22,250


My name is Heather (my nickname is H), and I head the 7 Cups Community Management Team (
list here). Please drop by my PMs if you have any questions or safety concerns!

Fun fact: I have a bird! His name is Flip:


NOTE: I am unable to take chat requests as I cannot respond in a timely manner. To find a listener click the Browse Listeners. Listeners indicate if they are taking on new chats in their profile. The green dot indicates they are currently online. For urgent needs please join the general queue and the first available listener will connect.

7 Cups is built on collaboration, and a little appreciation goes a long way! It takes just a second to make someone's whole day right now:

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Recent forum posts
Introducing the (new) New Member Guide!
Newbie Hub / by Heather225
Last post
1 day ago
...See more The Member Welcome Pack has served us well over the years, however, it's a bit long and can be difficult for members to ingest. Our Ambassador @Jenna created a fantastic guide that presents an overview of our platform and includes the most commonly requested information (here) []. It's a quick, easy, straightforward and visually friendly read with links to all the appropriate areas. As a community, let's switch to using this as our primary onboarding resource. (Note: the Welcome Pack will remain an active document, and it's linked at the bottom of the new guide.) If you're just joining 7 Cups, I recommend bookmarking this helpful resource, and if everyone can start sharing it around, we can get this in rotation ASAP! Thank you all for collectively caring for our community!
Congratulations to our September Welcome Committee Team Member Milestones!
Newbie Hub / by Heather225
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Since our launch in mid-July, the Welcome Committee has been at the forefront of 7 Cups, warmly greeting new members and making them feel at home from the very beginning of their journey with us! Thanks to them, we have reached 8300+ new members! To recognize their tireless efforts, we've created milestone badges tied to these numbers [].  Please join me in appreciating our second round of lovely greeters! Our Grasshoppers for breaking 100+ welcomes are: @izzyy528 @healingsoul4892 @Arie3 @TiffanyD33 @Ivebutterfly Our Guardian for welcoming over 500 (!!!) members is... @KatePersephone And please congratulate our first debuts for the Gladiator badge awarded by reaching 1000+ members! @Jenna @heathermarie95 @comfortableNight4463 - Thank you so much for taking such good care of our newbie community! Can't wait to see you hit your next milestones!! 🚀
September is Self-Care Awareness Month: Events & Help Wanted!
Community Projects & Events / by Heather225
Last post
15 hours ago
...See more Here at 7 Cups, we believe self-care is essential to maintaining good mental health. This month, we're dedicating ourselves to helping you prioritize your well-being. Why is Self-Care Important? Just like a car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, we need to take care of ourselves to function at our best. Self-care helps us manage stress, improve our mood, and boost our overall well-being. It empowers us to show up for ourselves and those around us in a more positive and balanced way. How We're Celebrating! Throughout September, we'll be featuring a variety of self-care content, covering a range of topics across forum posts and live sessions. Join the Celebration! We want you to be a part of this! Here's how you can get involved: ✨ Join the Community Self-Care Bingo activity called Be Well Bingo [] ✨ Sign up for a Wellness and Accountability group Huddle here []  ✨ Read our self-care guide here [] We want to empower you to join in and lead your own contributions too!  Visit our sheet of proposed ideas. Sign up for any you think you could write about! Or if there’s something that’s close to your heart you’d like to touch upon, feel free to put it down on the signup sheet and take the lead! Please don’t feel constrained by the ideas already listed. This is a community-wide contribution effort. Write it up and publish it - simple as that! Who can do these? Anyone! First time or don’t know where to begin? Reach out to these folks for guidance! @CheeryMango @ASilentObserver @Heather25 @SoulfullyAButterfly Everyone who participates will earn the Wellness Warrior badge! Together, let's make September a month of self-love, recharging, and well-being.
It's Not Your Fault
Site Updates / by Heather225
Last post
4 hours ago
...See more It’s not your fault. What has happened to you is not your fault. The challenges and hardships you’ve endured at the hands of someone else are not a reflection of your character. The harm that’s been done is not a testament to your worth. I can say this because I’ve been there, too. I wrestled with self-loathing for years. I was raised in a toxic abusive environment by parents who were not equipped for the job. They fought relentlessly with the use of emotional warfare with no regard for what I heard and what they subjected me to. I was helpless to do anything to stop the hostility. It was over my head. They used threats I could not hope to understand until I was an adult. Only after gaining distance from them both could I look back on that part of my life and piece together the puzzle I hadn't been able to see when I was stuck in the middle of it. Unfortunately, once I put it together and viewed the full picture, I started blaming myself for all the things that I believed that maybe, just maybe, I could have prevented, if I just said this, or did that. What if I had just been more assertive? What if I had just said no? What if, what if, what ifs ruled my thoughts, clouding my judgment, and instead of being the closest friend I needed to be, to the inner child relying on me, I was making an enemy out of myself. I did quite a bit of soul-searching, but the reality is it took people around me—external voices—who heard my story to give me perspective and show me that I was hurting myself. You were a child. How were you supposed to know?  It hit home. I was a child. Accepting that was hard but in doing so, I took the first step to forgive myself for the pain I put myself through. The sky opened, and a shower of catharsis washed over me. For the first time, I felt this wonderful freeing thing called validation.  Feeling validated roused this sense of empowerment and ignited a newfound curiosity to find out if I was not as alone as I led myself to believe through my pain-driven isolation. I sought out to hear other stories. I listened to countless cases of similar suffering and as heartbreaking as it was to hear them, it was deeply soothing to realize that I am not alone. Not at all. I just needed to open up and talk. By recognizing that I was a survivor, I could release the unnecessary burden of guilt, shame, and self-hatred. I can’t begin to know what you’re going through, but what I do know is that you are not responsible for the actions others have taken. For whoever needs to hear this: you did only what you knew how to do. You did the best you could with what you had. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people, and there’s nothing you could have done to avoid it. It's okay to acknowledge that and to give yourself grace. You can’t change your past, but as they say, “hindsight is 20/20.” You are accountable for one person: you. Let go of what you think you could have done, and focus on what you can do now, and you’ll find glimmers of hope where there weren’t before. You may even find some of those glimmers right here in our community. It’s not your fault. Don’t be afraid to break the cycle and cut yourself loose because you will not fall. We will be waiting here to catch you. It’s one of the bravest most empowering things you could ever do. - To those who are struggling, I hope reading this brings you comfort, and return to this post whenever you need a reminder to practice self-compassion. 💙
🐶 Self-Care with Pets
Community Challenges / by Heather225
Last post
14 hours ago
...See more Share how your pets help you cope with stress and practice self-care.
⚠️: Personal Boundaries
Community Challenges / by Heather225
Last post
14 hours ago
...See more How do personal boundaries help you practice self-care? Do you need to work on your boundaries?
💻: Professional Development is Self-Care Too
Community Challenges / by Heather225
Last post
13 hours ago
...See more What have you done for professional development? (Examples: You might have taken courses or learned new skills) If you're interested in professional development, you can also explore our 7 Cups Academy. []
📔: 3 Good Things
Community Challenges / by Heather225
Last post
14 hours ago
...See more List 3 good things that happened today!
Feedback & Reviews
She's very nice
She's amazing
Happy to talk to
Extremely helpful and very kind and non judgmental thank you
Took the time to listen and was very kind and thoughtful. Thank you H for being there
H is the beary bestest ever! 🐻💜 Thank you for being you, H!
Heather really nice help me when having really hard time in group chats and good listening when having problems
Heather is the best :)
They are really supportive. They care about the community as a whole.
Heather is an absolute star of 7cups! She has inspired so many and myself and is so supportive and caring of others!! Heather is beautiful and amazing ❤️she is thoughtful and caring towards her peers and no doubt she is a wonderful leader!
She answered my question.
So giving of their time. It was nice to see them today on site. I know they have a lot of duties and obligations, they must do, but still they were able to spend some time with members. What an amazing person.
H is thoughtful and insightful, and able to solve things efficiently.
An amazing person. Cares about others feelings, not too many of those left and admits when things do not go according to plain, not too many of those left either. They are amazing and I am so grateful they are in the position of Community Director here at 7cups. So glad Glen and his team brought Heather (H) on board. We are so lucky and blessed to have them here.
Amazing person. Very kind. So helpful and thoughtful.
Sweet person. Has a calmness about them.
Amazing Person. So down to earth. A great friend. An amazing Community Director. Always there when you need them. Hard working. Has a heart of gold. Knows a lot about 7cups. Has a passion for helping others. They are a leader among leaders. A very humble, but a very wise leader. Always, makes time for others. I hope they stay at 7cups, for a long while.
Good support very individually approach
Very helpful and supportive.
wonderfully helpful
She is an understanding person.
She is pretty and fair.
Heather is AWESOME
Awesome Listener and Great Admin and just one outstanding human being !!! Thanks so much H !!
Thank you for taking the time!
very kind and understanding and patient and attentive
Actually cares about each and every person she interacts with
yeah shes great!
Very good listener! I like her very much! She's attentive and care for you. highly recommended
A warm heart... thank you ❤
Really an A+ Listener!
Nerves of steel. I bow to you
Amazing listener :) Very thoughtful and considerate. Helped me a lot in solving my problems.
best there is !
Badges & Awards
116 total badges
Listening Ear Magnet Sage PenPal Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Ellen Anxiety Depression Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Peter Pan Listener Oath ATL Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Chatroom Mentor Community Mentor Leader Verified Listener Sleeping Well Love Bug Light Chat Tiny Chat Small Chat Chit Chat Big Chat Voice Talker Communicator Speaker Orator Ray of Hope Shining Light Florence Nightingale Loneliness Guide Affirmative Listening Ace Active Listening Schizophrenia ADHD Social Anxiety Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Chat Support 7Cups Guide 12 Steps Community 101 Sparkler Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend NAMI Listener Mod Star Doorkeeper Mediator Mod Mod Siren Mod Squad Bandit Steadfast Soul I Steadfast Soul II Steadfast Soul III Meet & Greet Proudly Proactive I Proudly Proactive II Proudly Proactive III Proudly Proactive IV Proudly Proactive V Reconnection Hero I First Community First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Forum Flag Team Weight Management Forum Admin Wiki Team Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound Fall 2018 Events Feeder Safety Support Hope Training Peer Pro Peer Training 01 Peer Training 02 Peer Training 03 Peer Training 04 Peer Training 05 Peer Training 06 Peer Training 07 Peer Training 08 Peer Training 09 Peer Training 10 Peer Training 11 Peer Training 12 New Mom Support Needs Reply Team Continuing Education Tulip 7th Birthday Party Leadership Trainee Soul Searcher Super Supporter Admin Path Builder 9th Birthday Party 10th Birthday Party 7 Cups Leader IDG Cupsgiving