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Ask me anything! “Forums, rooms, who to go to, what to do if”

Listeningsarinn November 30th, 2020

Hey hey!
welcome to cups!

İ'm so glad you decided to join in as a member it takes a big amount of courage to seek help and open up and as a listener, i appreciate your time and passion being put into making someone else smile...

when i first entered cups i was quiet lost with many things, including:

how to navigate the app and website,

how to find things in forums (it can be like a maze at first)

who/ where to go to with problems (be it glitches, reporting, having a question or wanting info about a project)

Rooms and how to get familiar with them (access to all rooms, guided discussions, sharing circles, mods, guidelines,...)

so ask me anything 7cups related if i know the answer i'll reply in less than 24 hours otherwise i'll tag someone who knows the answer

Listeningsarinn OP January 10th, 2021


hey hey, nope joining multiple communities is completely fine and you can post on all subcomms regardless of if you've joined them❤️

honestLand744 January 12th, 2021

Why can't members talk to each other here? I kind of joined to find other people like me isolated on SSI. Maybe spark online friendships or find an accountability buddy! But this forum seems very....idk neutered? And it seems you only speak to listeners or moderators most of the time. Also the entire site seems to be very young. I might try 18% slack. I feel I'm like in the 10% of people over 25 around here. Any recommendations on what could be a better fit?

RarelyCharlie January 12th, 2021

@honestLand744 Members can't talk to each other here because 7 Cups was originally designed for listeners to provide emotional support. At first it was by telephone. Online chats came later. Members could not contact each other at all. That's why our home page (if you're not a member) still says, "7 Cups connects you to caring listeners for free emotional support".

We feel safety is very important for people who need emotional support, so we mostly don't use real names on 7 Cups, and arranging contact offsite is not allowed. This means 7 Cups is very limited if what you want is friendship. As someone once remarked in the forum, "the hugs aren't real".

I don't know much about the age distribution at 7 Cups. You could be right that it's skewed towards younger people, especially as our lower age limit is 13.

There are many websites that are designed for friendship. Just now I searched the Internet for friendship online and it was easy to find several of them. I haven't tried any myself, so unfortunately I don't have a personal recommendation.


honestLand744 January 18th, 2021

@RarelyCharlie hey everyone 18percent is what i was looking for! By the way bich fuck you for being useless and fuck this whole site for programing people to talk like creepy robots :3

BookWomanOfFahrenheit451 January 13th, 2021


Hello, I am not new but I could not find the answer to this question.

Are you allowed to cross-post on different forums?

For example, if you have a post that is relevant in both depression and addiction subcommunity, can you post in both? Not with the intention to spam or get more replies but to legit reach different communities?


Listeningsarinn OP January 14th, 2021


hey hey! hope you're having a great day!

as for your question, duplicate posts are not allowed on seven cups forums, even if legitimately trying to bring up a topic,but it's great to talk about the topic and bring it up in all related subcomms, this can be done by making different posts in each of those subcomms each focusing more on the specific subcomm's topic

(for example if i'm dealing with ptsd and this is causing me problems in my relationship as well i could share it in trauma support, talking about the issue, flashbacks and my feelings, while also sharing the issue and how this is effecting my relationship in relationship and friendship support)

i tried to be clear in responding tho if there is anything you wanted more explanation on or for any other questions feel free to poke me anytime!

thanks for asking *-*

purpleSpring2870 January 18th, 2021

Hello! So I was wondering if you might know what category DID would fit into?

Listeningsarinn OP January 18th, 2021


hey there! Hope you're having a great day! ^^ You can find it here it's located under trauma support!

RarelyCharlie January 18th, 2021

@purpleSpring2870 It's possible to search the forum for a category here: Find a forum

For example, if you search for DID you can find it in the Trauma Support community.


EnergizingGrace77 January 19th, 2021


First off, thanks for creating a forum to answer questions. I've been trying to print out my certificate, but some of my data doesn't seem to be population. My star rating still shows as 0.0 in the Certifications tab, but my profile blurb shows that I have a 5 star rating so far. I'm not sure what's going on or how to fix it.

Listeningsarinn OP January 19th, 2021


Hey there! İ'm glad you like the idea of this thread as for your question, when i check your profile i see 0 stars (because you don't have any ratings so far, even if you have four written reviews) tho if you think that the members have given a star rating and the reason it's not showing is a tech glitch, you can report it here

honestLand744 January 19th, 2021

How do I delete my account? I looked it up on google and it said "cancel suscriptions" and I dont have any. This crappy website seems to go out of its way to hide that option

Listeningsarinn OP January 19th, 2021

Hey there, seems like you've already found the way based on you profile being removed tho for future reference, if anyone else needs it, i'll still answer this,

sending an email to from the email address you used to create your account would do, Or you can submit a request here

Based on personal experince emailing community is faster

11820Read January 24th, 2021


Hi, some days ago I enrolled to join 7Cups Academy's "CDM" course (should be starting tomorrow, 25 January), but so far I haven't received a confirmation e-mail or any kind of contact from 7Cups (either by e-mail or on site). Is this what supposed to happen?

If yes, how would I start the course? I really have no clue.

(If you don't happen to know about this course, it'd be great if you could please refer me to someone who is responsible for it.)

Thanks in advance!

Listeningsarinn OP January 24th, 2021


hey there! I am not quiet sure about the content development and marketing course but if it's going to be like all other courses of academy You should be recieving an email from the admin leading it ( @soulfullyabutterfly ) with the needed info tommorow (on your starting date) you can reachout to soul in pms if you'd want more info or if you don't recieve an email tomorrow

11820Read January 24th, 2021


Thank you! :-)

Listeningsarinn OP January 24th, 2021



SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

@11820Read Hi there, primary communication is indeed through emails and I do need to send them - you can expect emails for weekly coursework during the weekends - apologies for any confusion, I understand not everyone runs on EST time ❤️

11820Read January 25th, 2021


Hello, I've just checked my inbox again and turns out I did receive your e-mail! I look forward to starting the learning process now! :-)

Robyn27 January 24th, 2021

I need to find a listener who has lost a teenage daughter. Or a group or forum. Any suggestions?

Robyn27 January 24th, 2021

@Listeningsarinn I need a listener who has experienced the death of a teenage daughter. I am struggling right now even though it was a long time ago. Any suggestions?

Listeningsarinn OP January 24th, 2021


Hey there... i’m so sorry to hear about your loss... i understand how much it should’ve hurt you, there is no deadline into grieving a loss that big... *sends warm hugs*

You can find a list of all adult listeners who have lived experience with grief by clicking here

Or talk about the loss to a community of peers in this forum

Listeningsarinn OP February 3rd, 2021

Just bringing this up for any one who might have questions to add to thread❤️

February 3rd, 2021

Is there an OCD forum or section of a forum?

RarelyCharlie February 4th, 2021

@plumRaspberries7829 Yes: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support

It's hidden inside a mysterious subcommunity called "Support Plus". I have no idea why.

You can search for forums here: Find a Forum


February 5th, 2021


Thank you!

Ramiluz1 February 4th, 2021


How can i access more specific chatrooms? besides the community one and sharing circle. :(

Listeningsarinn OP February 4th, 2021


Hey there! You can click here to find the post about badges required to access more topic based rooms!

The the topic based support rooms are not open 24/7, if you'd like to I can send you the link to schedule of when each room is open(reply to this to let me know if you'd like that

Subbu73 February 22nd, 2021


I have all the doubts mentioned in your topic, "Ask me anything! “Forums, rooms, who to go to, what to do if" I am doing only 1-to-1 chat. I do not know if you reply, where to go and check. I checked the video in Youtube about how to operate 7 cups. Some good basic information was there. I need some more advanced. If some format is availabe in PDF format or videos in the website itself, it would be helpful. I also would like the technical team of this website to add how to operate this site in printed/PDF format and videos for new people. Kindly also mention, where will I get notification, when I get a reply from you.. Thanks and regards,

Listeningsarinn OP February 22nd, 2021


hey there! firstly, welcome to seven cups! i hear you that there is a lack of easy to access resources for newbies on navigating cups, i'm not sure if there is going to be a change and release of more onsite resources from tech team soon but i can offer guidance and a few recourses you might find helpful, feel free to ask any and all more specific questions too heart (all in blue are clickable links)

check the member welcome pack, which includes an introduction of all parts and services you can find on cups and where to find them, feel free to ask me if anything on the doc is unclear

basic understanding of seven cups subcommunities and how to navigate them if you've checked 7cups youtube videos, you might've came accross the video in this post, but if you haven't watch it,i reccomend doing so

also you can find your notifications/alerts by clicking on the yellow bell icon located next to your profile picture on the browser (after opening the notifications/alerts the tag notifications will appear in green)

while you can find them on the app by viewing the second tab from the right (again with a bell icon)

convivialDime4166 February 22nd, 2021

Hi, I’m a new member here, and I was just wondering: what is the “etiquette” of talking to people here? I mostly mean in terms of when talking to a listener, are you supposed to stay with one listener for weeks/months or is it more of a find one when you need to talk, and another the next time, and another a next kind of system? And should you have multiple listener conversations if you want to talk about multiple issues? I apologize if these questions seem strange or trivial, but knowing the expectations/rules/etiquette of a situation makes it a lot easier and less stressful for me to engage in it.

Listeningsarinn OP February 22nd, 2021


hey there! firstly huge welcome to seven cups heart on a second note, your questions are totally okay, not strange, nor trivial, thanks for asking and feel free to ask anything else, if you would like more info or clarification about anything, at any given time *-*

as for your question, when you contact a listener it's up to you and them if this is a one time chat or would you like to reconnect or keep in touch...

to explain this more clearly, you are welcome to have long term listeners, who you can keep in touch with by back and forth messaging, have weekly live chat sessions with or just reconnect and go to occasionally when there is something you wanna talk about

or you can make a general request or choose another listener from browse listeners page everytime, this might be useful if you want to talk to someone at the moment but your long term listener isn't avaliable or if you do not connect to a listener and want to talk to someone else

if you want to have a long term listener, you can go to browse listeners page and use filters to limit the search only to listeners who do provide long term support (most do) or use the general request system and at the end of the chat if you'd like to talk to the listener again, ask them i you could recconect or if you can set a time to talk on a specific day and time

hope this answers your question but if there is anything else you doubt, feel free to reply and askheart

Akshay1115 February 27th, 2021

Are we able to voice chat/call with the listeners, or can we only chat with them through text messaging? If we can voice chat/call, how do we do that?

Listeningsarinn OP February 27th, 2021


hey there! Unfortunately there isn't a chance to do that and all conversations on cups are only text based!

Akshay1115 February 27th, 2021

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.

Kitze February 28th, 2021

Is there a group for people with ADHD? I’d really like to talk to other people with it and how they cope

Listeningsarinn OP March 2nd, 2021


hey there! ^^

firstly sorry for late response, I seem to have missed the notification for your question!

There isn't a chatroom for AD(H)D but there is a forum space, where you can share about this and also read stories of people with similar struggles and get to know them and their coping skills! Find it by clicking here, in support plus subcommunity

caringPeace8936 March 2nd, 2021

@Kitze you can join groups that may help and get feed back

NoMoreLiesJustMe March 2nd, 2021

How do I become a listener?

BipolarNWonderland March 2nd, 2021


You have to sign up for a listener account and then complete the required training