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56,502 M Confident Walk 4
Taking a break indefinitely
PathStep 976 Compassion hearts13,275 Forum posts458 Forum upvotes634 Current upvotes634 Age GroupAdult Last activeMay, 2024 Member sinceAugust 28, 2020

Writer, noticer, gardener. Working on perfectionism, being fully present, and cultivating inner stillness.  Inspirations include Mevlana Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, Hafiz, William Shakespeare, David Whyte, Mary Oliver, Heilung (aka "Amplified History"), Sarah McLachlan, Beau Taplin, Anon_I_mus, Thích Nhất Hạnh, Florence Scovell Shinn, and others.

“Do not make your expression of happiness conditional or dependent on external circumstances. Doing so, is like waiting for the reflection in the mirror to smile before you do.”
credit: Anon I mus

"The way out is in." credit: Thích Nhất Hạnh, d. 2022

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Lacking ambition or just practical?
50 & Over Community / by InquireWithin
Last post
December 8th, 2020
...See more I don't really have anywhere else to process this dilemma, which is related to approaching 50. Maybe someone has some insight or idea for how I can move forward, even if only just a step. Even a step would be good. I've been working full-time most of my life. I've gotten into a rut--surprise surprise. It's easier to just stay in my lane while watching friends and family zoom by me, professionally or personally, even in this time of Covid. What if you just don't see the purpose of the rat race? What if you see no need to rack up more educational debt just to maybe get a degree in a field you don't really want to be in anymore, for a job that *might* materialize one day? I'm no great shakes in school, just an average student. I paid off my student loans. Why put myself back in that spot? Then I read posts in other forums, from young people age 18 to 28 or so, who are posting worriedly about life and wondering why they haven't figured it all out by now, and I just feel bad for the world they are coming up in. At least I had options when I was their age! I've got nothing to worry about, compared to them. I'm learning that "figuring it all out" never stops... it's just the questions that change form. 'Scuse me while I... I'm only missing the cheese image, but there's plenty of that in the text above. Does anyone have thoughts on ambition vs being practical and sensible?
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