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My therapist sucks!

Isthatallthereis July 7th, 2016

Disclaimer, I'm Canadian so I get free therapy but it really sucks!

I'm supposed to be receiving therapy for PTSD for last two years, but for some reason they keep saying they can't treat it until I'm no longer having triggers. Until then I usually get assigned a social worker (which changes every two months). After two years I finally have a therapist but he explicitly told me he has no experience with PTSD.

Today I had a bad migraine and was a mess. But even though I've been followed at same CLSC for two years + because the person I see constantly changes, he zeros in on migraine. Again i have to explain what a migraine is, not a headache, neurological disorder, been treated for it for 7 years, know all the tips, know all the support groups. Try to redirect to emotions a bad migraine can induce, notably: why I'm here. I have trauma and migraine triggers memory of abuse. All I hear from him it's a choice to feel good, choice not to be afraid, choice, choice, choice. I'm crying uncontrollably, trying to express he doesn't get it: since the abuse I'm unable to feel happy, unable to feel hopeful, it's all I can do try and have a tolerable life where I move on without having constant episodes of retreating in uncontrollable fear, that that's why I've been here for two years trying to figure a way out of this. Again choice, choice, choice, here's a headache support group, no follow -up appointment, call me if you feel you have to.

TrineT July 9th, 2016


i really hope you find the support you need. PTSD intereferes with your life in so many ways. I am glad you are reaching out - take credit for that it means you are trying to work on it. I found a few posts here in this Traumatic Experiences category that were helpful as they gave a lot of different resources and coping techniques that you can try.

the techniques doesn't always work and at different times different ones work.

Would you be able to request a different therapist. We are all people and we need to find the ones we can connect with to feel comfortable enough to really open up.

I think it is amazing you were able to open up as much as you were already.

Keep on fighting it, don't give up, you are strong even when you don't feel it.

daisylee July 7th, 2016

I am so sorry this is happening to you. There is no words to describe how frustrating that is. And, your counselor is not validating your feelings, your PTSD, all this abuse that happened. I understand how you could have triggers. Honestly, I have been triggered many times myself, and I feel like the counseling office should be a place where you can express your emotions freely without judgement. I feel deeply for you, the way you were treated is not fair. I am not a counselor, I am just someone on a journey towards healing, just like you. And, even though this might seem like a set back, we all care for you here. You are valued, and you are not alone. Do not give up hope, you are loved.

KristenHR July 9th, 2016


So sorry to hear your situation. Is that similar with PTSD support groups or are those not available there? They can be helpful if available. I'm glad you chose to post. Have you tried the 1-1 chats here as well? There are some good listeners with experience in listening on this topic as well as this forum.

It's difficult when your counselor doesn't know how to help. When I fought PTSD at it's worst, I had tons of triggers, so i can relate to you.